The First Day: Great or bad?
Draco woke up bright and early, got dressed in a grey turtleneck sweater with white jodhpurs, and headed down to the kitchens for breakfast. He was so excited as it is the first actual day of actual lessons. What will he get to do today? Obstacle jumping? Trail riding? Who he didn't expect to see up this early was, of course, Harry Potter? The boy who lived was dressed in jeans that looked too big for him as well as the black hoodie he wore. But damn, Harry looked so damn cute in an oversized hoodie!
"Morning," Draco said with a smile as he walked to the kitchen island and leaned casually on it. He stared at the sleepy boy in front of him who sat on one of the green high stools and wondered what it would be like to just stare into those emerald green eyes every day, kiss those pretty welcoming lips, touch the soft cheeks and run his hands through the messy black hair. Merlin, why was he thinking of this? He understands he's crushing on the guy though.
"Morning," Harry replied back with a yawn. Draco was removed, once again, out of his thoughts by the sound of Harry's voice.
Draco watched the little yawn come out of Harry's mouth and he chuckled out of amusement. He thought it was quite adorable, like seeing a puppy yawn from a good nap. Just like Daisy, but with jet black hair and a face he really could complement all day.
"What?" Harry asked sleepily, noticing the Slytherin just staring at him and had chuckled at him for some reason that he really doesn't know. Did he do or say something funny? All he said was morning.
"Nothing, nothing... so did you get enough sleep?" Draco then asked and finally looked away from Harry at the fridge. He was feeling quite hungry. The slight blackness that he saw under the Gryffindor's eyes told him that Harry didn't sleep a wink. He grew worried for the boy, wondering if these relatives of Harry's do more than just underfeed and be rude to him.
"Yeah," Harry said, yawning again and actually hated himself for lying to Draco. It actually hurt a little. Although, he didn't need to worry as Draco didn't believe him at all. "I always wake up this early. It's when my Aunt wakes me up to start making breakfast."
Draco frowned and nodded sadly. He didn't understand why someone so sweet and innocent has to go home to such an awful family. He really did wish he could help Harry out, even if he had to hide Harry in his room at the Manor just so he doesn't go back to the muggles, which the Gryffindor called his relatives. He didn't know if he should indulge a bit further into the conversation but decided to let it be. "Had breakfast yet?"
Harry shook his head tiredly. He got enough sleep as he went to bed at around nine and woke at six am. It's just sometimes it takes him until 12 in the morning to finish off his chores and that was exactly what happened the day before he came to Alpine Hollows.
"Harry, you should go back to bed for a while to catch up on sleep," Draco tells him seriously and furrows his eyebrows. He doesn't want Harry distracted during the day. "I don't want you nodding off while riding a horse and falling off of it."
"It's fine, Draco," Harry says, giving the Slytherin an assuring smile. He didn't want him to worry though it is nice knowing Draco cares. "I can manage."
"Did you want me to make you some breakfast?" Draco then asked, yet he was unsure how Harry would be able to stay on his feet all day and he found himself getting distracted by the dimples he just noticed on Harry's face. He has noticed them before as Harry's face is just a beautiful map. He wouldn't mind making breakfast for Harry. But he wondered what it'd be like to make him breakfast in bed. All he can make is porridge or cereal though.
"I don't want you to..." Harry said hesitantly and he stared at a tiny ant running across the table. Aunt Petunia would freak out if she saw even an ant the size of a dirt fleck in her house or on the kitchen table and benchtops.
"It's no trouble at all, Harry," Draco said with a small smile and thought about what to make for breakfast. "It's the least I can do for you." Especially for how I've treated you these past years, he thought with a slight frown.
"Oh, alright," Harry finally agreed after a moment which ended in his stomach rumbling at the thought of food. "What is there to have?" He was curious about what this place has to offer for breakfast meals. He hoped they had the necessary items like bread, jam, porridge, and some sort of cereal.
"Porridge, Weetabix, Muesli, Toast with Jam," Draco listed the breakfast meals that are easy to make. To be honest with himself, Draco loves a good bowl of porridge or even muesli with warm milk and yoghurt. They are his favourite breakfasts for a long day, especially for the first day of the lessons.
"Porridge please," Harry said automatically, wanting a nice hot bowl of oatmeal to warm his insides up. It will be a little chilly once he steps foot outside the house so he wants to be a little prepared. He then began to wonder how well Draco can cook. Well, make an easy bowl of porridge. He just knows Pure-bloods like him who grow up in such rich families have house-elves who make their food. So when did Draco learn?
Draco nodded and smiled, "Honey?" he suggested the runny sweet substance to pour onto porridge to the Gryffindor. He knew that sounded like he was calling Harry 'honey', but he didn't mind. Harry was quite the sweetheart, Draco had to admit. Even if he and Harry had just become friends yesterday, which he found highly impossible, but it happened anyway and felt glad that it did. He would never admit this to anyone but he cannot wait to learn more about Harry on a personal level.
Harry quickly looked up at Draco, feeling the heat rise up his neck to his face and with it came a blush. "W-What?" he stuttered, nearly falling off his chair from what he thought he heard. Draco just blinked at him. "I-, I mean... What?"
Draco chuckled sweetly, pondering if Harry thought he meant something else. But Merlin, if he did though... "Do you want honey in your porridge, Harry?" He studied Harry's look, knowing he was deep in thought about something.
"Oh, yes please," Harry replied with a quick nod and a sheepish smile, afraid the blush on his cheeks was coloured as red as a tomato. Draco sighed at that smile, it was undeniably pretty, and he wanted nothing more than to just see that smile every day. Just any smile from Harry, he just wanted to dreamily look at. He caught himself staring, blinked, and looked away.
"Is that all you want, Harry?" he asked while wondering what else Harry would want in his porridge. Blueberries? Grapes? Alpine Hollows does have a little orchid behind the reception area. He knew of what Harry's favourite sweet was, treacle tart. He knew the boy would go for second helpings if he could.
"No thanks, honey is all right," Harry responded kindly and folded his arms over the benchtop. He watched Draco smile with those gorgeous bow-shaped lips of his that look as though they must be worshipped with the kisses of angels. He wished he was one of those angels. The Slytherin walked over to the grey cupboards and grabbed two white ceramic bowls from the top shelf, and Harry was watching his every move and making note of where stuff was in the kitchen. He mostly just watched Draco though, and the way he moves so elegantly around the kitchen.
Draco grabbed two spoons from the drawer below, placed the bowls down on the bench and walked over to the fridge. He grabbed the milk and placed it beside the bowls. He opened the pantry and grabbed the container of dried porridge oats. While tipping some porridge from the container into the two bowls, he caught Harry staring at him and gave him a smile.
He saw that familiar attractive shade of red tinge on Harry's cheeks and smiled sweetly down at the milk he was pouring into two bowls. He placed the bowls in the microwave and set them on for two minutes. As he heard the familiar hum of the machine, he turned back to Harry. "Ready for your first official riding lesson for this week?" he asked, propping his elbows on the kitchen bench while resting his chin in his hands, and looked at Harry.
Harry nodded, and the sleepiness transformed into excitement. He gets to choose a horse to ride and he cannot wait. "Yes, definitely!" he beamed at the thought of actually riding a horse today. He would like one for his own but he doesn't have the money for it. "I can't wait to ride one of the horses."
Draco smiled at Harry's excitement. It was the most incredible thing to see, the way Harry's green eyes light up when he's excited. "Well, if you get down their earlier enough, you can choose whichever horse you want to ride," he says with his own excitement. "Except for the horses who have owners though."
"How would I be able to tell if a horse has an owner or not?" Harry asked the Slytherin curiously, his eyes travelling from Draco to the microwave. How does this guy know how to use the microwave? He was sure Draco hasn't seen a microwave in his life. It's amazing what he's learning about the Slytherin.
"Good question," Draco said with a nod of approval and smiling at the oblivious boy. Didn't he see the name tags on each stable door? "Remember the colour of Orion's name sign on the stable door?" Harry nodded. "Well, there are light blue and orange name signs. The light blue name signs are the horses with owners and the orange name signs are the horses owned by this Equestrian centre."
"Oh, okay," Harry said whilst distinctively remembering the different coloured name tags on the stable doors of every horse in the barn. But he just thought that the colours were the sex of the horse. It was a very smart system.
"Yeah," said Draco. "And-"
Draco walked over to the microwave and opened it just before the last beep. He hates the beeps; they are so loud and could easily wake everyone up. He grabbed the two bowls quickly and placed one besides Harry and his own beside Harry. He grabbed the two spoons, walked over to the kettle, and grabbed the honey. He headed back towards Harry, opened the lid of the honey, and started swirling some honey in both bowls.
"Thanks, Draco," Harry said appreciatively with a smile, grabbing the other spoon and swirling it around his bowl of porridge. He was grateful to Draco for making him breakfast. Wait... Draco Malfoy making breakfast? That's still something that's very new to him and he wondered if he had woken up into some kind of ultimate universe.
Draco nodded; that smile Harry was giving him melted his insides into goo as that charming smile was just so attractive. "No worries, Harry," he waved his spoon airily and then checked his complexion in the curve of the spoon. He had to make sure he didn't have any hairs out of place. "You sure you don't want anything else in your porridge though?"
"No thank you, I'm good," Harry responded rather quickly, scooping out some porridge onto his spoon and blew on it to cool down the porridge a bit. He just didn't want Draco to provide him any more. He can take care of himself but he will need help looking around the places he hasn't been before.
Draco watched Harry's mouth, how his soft-looking pretty lips pressed forward and blew onto the spoon. He smiled and began eating his own porridge.
"So, Draco?" Harry just wanted to find out a little more about this Draco he never knew was buried deep inside Malfoy from school. "How long have you been learning at Alpine Hollows for?"
Draco wondered why Harry was asking questions all of a sudden, but he really didn't mind. He'd like to tell Harry about himself, even if it was private like at home with his mother and father. "Before we came to Hogwarts," he eventually said, watching Harry eat his porridge with doe-eyes. "So, since I was eleven."
Harry nodded. That was cool to know. "And why did you choose to become a rider?" he asks just to deepen the conversation. The more he asks the more he will know. "What motivated you?"
"Mother, father and I went on a holiday to Australia as a gift," Draco said, swirling his spoon around in his hot porridge while he visited his memories once again. "We ended up going to the Melbourne Cup, which is a horse race, and I just...I don't know. Something inside me snapped and I just wanted a horse for my own."
"That's so cool!" Harry said with an amused grin. He looked like he wanted to ask Draco something important as he trailed his eyes down to his porridge but then up again to meet silver. He bit his lip when staring deep into the shimmering silver irises. "So," he said with a prolonged 'o'. "You haven't given me many details on this guy you're interested in at Hogwarts."
Draco smiled and checked Harry out, looking him up and down with a smirk. He hoped by doing so, Harry would know who he meant. But of course, he didn't want to just come out and say he likes him. It would just be too nerve-wracking. "What do you want to know about him?"
Harry shrugged and felt the blood rush to his cheeks from the way Draco was looking at him. "Hair colour, eye colour, personality traits, what he likes, et cetera," he listed what he wanted to know. Something deep inside him wasn't actually looking forward to hearing who the Slytherin likes though. But he wanted to know.
"Hmm..." Draco thought about that and what he could tell Harry. But honestly, it would be a too easy guess. Green eyes, jet black hair, loved Quidditch, has two best friends plus him. "I'm afraid it'd be a too easy guess, Harry," he says and starts eating a spoonful of porridge with a warm smile.
Harry laughed at the Slytherin, knowing he'll probably use a few Slytherin tactics to get him to guess this very lucky person. "It's not Zabini, is it?" he asked just to make sure. He does admit Zabini is a good looking bloke, but the guy hardly talks to anyone besides Slytherins.
Draco sneered in disgust and shook his head. Hell no. "No, he's just a good friend," he answered truthfully. How. How could he like Blaise? Yes, he has got good looks, but Blaise is more like a brother to him.
"Is it Nott?" Harry asked. He could have laughed when seeing that familiar sneer. Out of ten, he would rank Theodore as a 5. "Theodore Nott?"
"Merlin's Beard, Harry!" Draco said in disbelief. Why would Harry think he would like someone like him? It's no to the way. "No way in the world would I like someone like him in that kind of way. He's a good friend and only will be a friend. Nothing else."
Harry smiled sweetly and brought his hand up to caress Draco's cheek. His soft cheek. God, he could stay like this for hours just to caress Draco's cheek like this. "Is it, me?" he asked with a wink at the blonde.
Draco nearly spat out his porridge back into the bowl in surprise. YES, he thought while feeling his cheeks burn with a raw blush. He didn't know what to do or say. He didn't want to shake his head, but he didn't want to admit it either. He gazed at Harry and just said, "Let's head off to tack up our horses. I'll tack up Orion while you go find a horse for yourself."
"Okay," Harry replied with a quick nod. Though, he found it a little suspicious that Draco just changed the subject so quickly. Oh, it was probably nothing and that the Slytherin just wants to go see his horse again.
Draco knew for a fact that Harry was wondering why he changed the subject instantly after the question was asked. But yet again, he truly didn't mind at all if Harry knew he liked him. It was good if he knew.
By the time they finished eating breakfast, they headed down to the stables. Draco led Harry to the saddle room to gather his own riding gear and some for Harry which are owned by the company. After gathering all the tacking up equipment, they headed over to the horse stable stalls.
Harry wandered around the stables, looking at every horse he came across. He couldn't decide between a black Frisian or a Chestnut Hanoverian. "I can't decide between Dusk or Garnet."
Draco smiled and compared the two horses but really, they both were beautiful horses. He looked at the black-coated horse named Dusk and looked at Harry's messy black hair. He knew Harry would look...beautiful on Dusk. But, what about Garnet? "Dusk does match your hair colour," he said with a smirk.
Harry snorts at the Slytherins' choice of words and shoved Draco playfully, "Dracoooo, that's not funny!"
"Well, you're laughing so it's got to be funny, Harry," Draco just loved these little 'play fights' he and Harry got themselves into. He'd much rather them than actual fighting at school. Which was a shame, he really didn't want to go back to Hogwarts and have to pick fights again. It just wasn't him. It was the Malfoy in him, but it just wasn't the Draco.
Harry rolled his eyes at the Slytherin. "Maybe a little bit hilarious," he admits with a slow nod. He looked up at the Frisian, smiling at her, "She is a beautiful horse though."
Draco gazed at Harry and smiled, "She sure is." He sure is, he thought, wishing to just have the permission to run his hands through that mop of messy hair at any time of the day. "So, who do you pick so we can tack her up?"
"Well, I'll choose Dusk today and then tomorrow I'll pick Garnet," Harry says and raised his hand up to the horse's nose to stroke it gently. The little hairs on Dusks' nose were soft though Harry wondered how soft Draco's hair is.
"Excellent idea!" Draco said breathlessly. He couldn't wait to see Harry on a horse and see how much he's learnt just from yesterday, which he knew wouldn't be a lot, but he'd be proud. "Get a feel of both horses and see which you like best. Let's get her ready."
Harry nodded and watched Draco started to tack Dusk up. He also helped with the saddle pad in tightening it, as well as the bridals. After that was done, Harry walked Dusk out of her stable stall and watched Draco saddle Orion up. The whitish blonde haired Slytherin and his horse looked inseparable, like two best friends.
Draco knew Harry was staring at him, and he liked it. No, he loved it and smiled with a light blush on his face. When he finished saddling Orion up, he walked out of the stall and came face-to-face with Harry. "Shall we go then?"
Harry nodded but hesitated, thinking about where they'll have to go. He doesn't even know where half the places are located. "Where exactly are we going?"
"To the field where most of the riding lessons take place," Draco informed him and pointed a finger to the exit of the barn. "It's just behind the barn." He honestly couldn't wait to get started on the lessons.
Orion neighed happily as she was really liking the idea of the early morning riding lessons again.
"Alright, and how long until the lesson starts because I need a drink?" Harry asked quickly while smiling at the neighing white horse. He wanted his business to be finished quickly so he can get back here in time.
Draco sighed, questioning why Harry never got a drink before they left after breakfast. "You have about fifteen minutes so you better go now, and you can just tie Dusk up to any pole or fence if you need to go inside to get water."
Harry nodded and walked out of the barn with Dusk by his side.
Draco watched him go with a little frown. He'd been wanting to show Harry some pointers before the lesson starts like how to haul yourself over the horse properly, how to get the horse to take sharp turns, et cetera. He walked Orion to the field behind the barn and mounted him.
Orion snorted as she saw the frown on her owner's face. She didn't know why her owner was sad but hoped it wasn't because of the other boy because he seemed really nice.
The field was a nice 14-meter by 14-meter square length with a white painted fence along the borderline and a few large pine trees around the sides. There were a couple of obstacles, but he knew they weren't going to start obstacle jumping until at least next week, even though he could jump a number of obstacles on Orion.
He sighed and looked over in the distance at a large tree clearing. He remembered going for a trail ride up there and remembered how dispersed out the trees were from it. It was magnificent, he remembered feeling so free. A sudden movement from behind him startled him. He turned around and gasped in amazement.
"What?" Harry asked curiously, he was sitting on Dusk and got her to stop beside Draco. He was unsure why Draco was looking at him like that. "Do I have something on my face?" It's like he was the most astonishing thing in the world to look at. He tried so much to hide the blush on his face by looking down. He knew it was no use hiding it.
Orion's ears flicked back at having another horse's presence near her. She didn't mind being near other horses, she just has one goal for protecting her owner and that's what she'll do at all costs.
Yes, a beautiful smile, thought Draco. "Wh- No, you don't. S-Sorry, I- You stunned me, that's all," Draco said rather quickly, his eyes kept glancing from Harry's face to Orion's mane, to Dusks' head and Harry's green eyes. He cursed himself for the stuttering. He looked at the beauty before him. Beauty and the black beast. Black beauty. Either one, He just can't stop looking at Harry in awe at how attractive he looks on that horse.
Orion felt the unfamiliar emotion radiating off her rider's body and snorted with curiosity.
Harry smiled at Draco. "There's nothing to apologise for, Draco, and I'm sorry for startling you."
Draco shook his head, not wanting Harry to apologise at all. After all, Harry looks like a prince riding a horse to save a princess. And Draco hoped that he was the princess. Well, maybe not the princess but the prince. He wanted to be Harry's prince. He doesn't understand why he's been wanting it now instead of last year back in school. "Harry, I-"
"Hiya, Harry!" came a happy voice and the sound of a set of hooves coming towards the two. It was Julian trotting his brown thoroughbred horse up to the two.
Orion neighed at the familiar horse from behind her and took a step to the left.
Draco rolled his eyes at Julian and frowned at the floor beside him. Of course, Julian must show up at this time, he thought with annoyance, staring blankly at the ground to the left of Orion. He feels the overwhelming hatred for his fellow rider surface. He never hated the bloke before because he's actually a nice decent guy but now he does.
"Hello, Julian," Harry said courteously with a smile. He looked down at the brown horse that the sandy-haired boy was riding on. "Who might this be?"
Julian walked his horse up next to Harry. "This is Cinnamon," he introduces his horse to Harry and pets Cinnamon's head from the start of his mane and down his soft neck. "Are you excited about your first lessons? I know I was truly excited when I first started riding at age six."
"Absolutely!" Harry said, beaming. He's seen people riding horses on TV when he was younger and always wondered what it would be like. Now he can finally understand the feeling. "I can't wait to learn a thing or two." He looked down at the Chestnut horse, "And hello, Cinnamon."
Cinnamon neighed and dug his right front hoof into the brown dirt to gesture he said hello back. Orion's ears twitched like she was trying to swat a fly away, an annoying fly that is.
"That's great and I'm sure you will, Harry," Julian said with encouragement, but then he noticed an odd expression coming from Draco. He knew Draco was never sad when coming to Alpine Hollows, he's always so happy and full of excitement and humour. "Draco? Are you all right?"
Draco looked up at Julian, gave him a forced smile and nodded. "Yes, I'm fine," he tells him and hopes he sounds truthful. No, I'm not fine, thank you very much. Please, just sod of so I can... He started feeling bad from what he thought. Would he really tell Julian to go away so he can be alone with Harry? Wasn't that selfish? He didn't want to sound selfish. Yes, he'd like some alone time with Harry but what good will it do if Harry doesn't make other friends? He wants the best for Harry and damn the thought of Harry and Julian becoming good friends, or worse, more.
Orion shook her head at Draco, sensing the sadness and guilt from the boy.
Julian just nodded. He couldn't tell if Draco was lying or not as he'd always have a mask on over his emotions at times.
"Ah, it appears we have some early birds." Harry, Draco and Julian turned their heads around to see Dave walking his Chestnut horse (Carrots) up to them.
"Morning, Dave," the three chorused together. Draco thought that it was good to be early, even if he was 50 minutes early. It just meant more time with Orion so he could go for a small trail ride or practise jumping over the obstacles.
Dave smiled and walked Carrots around his three students until he was in front of them. Carrots greeted the other three horses with a happy neigh. Dave looked directly at Harry, "So, Harry, how are you liking Alpine Hollows so far?"
"It's great!" Harry said veraciously with an excited smile. "Really brilliant! I love this place." Everyone is surprisingly really nice. Well, he hasn't met at least half of the people here at this place but he'd like to.
"That's wonderful to hear," Dave said merrily, getting a quick glance at the boy he knows so well by the name of Draco. A frown. That's what he could see on the boy's lips while staring at Harry. He wondered what was going through that young man's mind. Why is he frowning when at Pine Hollows he has never seen him frown once.
Draco looked up at his riding instructor and put on his Malfoy Mask to hide his emotions and quickly smiled. He cursed himself for letting a worrisome adult see him in this state.
In a couple of minutes time, Cecelia and hew two friends Gloria, with blonde hair and blue eyes and Annabelle, black hair with brown eyes rode their horses into the field. Cecelia's horse was a liver chestnut colour, Gloria's was a rose grey colour and Annabelle's was a mouse grey colour. A couple of people from the Purple Percheron's, Orange Oldenburg's and Brown Blaises made their way into the ring as well. By the time everyone in their age group had gotten there, the riding lessons began.
"So, everyone, this is Harry Potter," Dave introduced Harry to everyone and he smiled over at the boy.
"Hello, Harry," everyone said with their own smiled directed at him.
Orion, Carrots, Cinnamon, Gloria's horse 'Mist', Annabelle's horse 'Pebbles' and Cecelia's Horse 'Electra' all neighed in greeting to the new young rider.
"Hello," Harry said shyly with a flush to his cheeks. It felt like Hogwarts all over again but instead of magic and everyone knowing who he was, it's just about horses, muggles and Draco.
Draco chuckled to himself at how adorable Harry was when he was all shy and innocent. He didn't think a Gryffindor would ever be shy, they're just so brave and courageous. So, what was up with Harry?
"Have you had any riding lessons before, Harry?" Dave asked the young man.
Harry shrugged and looked at Draco, "A few special lessons." He could thank Draco again for the quick riding lessons he had been given yesterday but he wants to thank him differently. How though? He doesn't exactly have the money to buy him something.
Draco felt his cheeks redden when looking back at Harry. A few special lessons together is a yes. And, I quite enjoyed them, he thought with a smile, remember feeling how soft Harry's hair was when he clipped the riding helmet on and how bright the Gryffindor's eyes were in the sunlight.
"Lovely," Dave said to Harry and then noticed Draco staring at Harry. He could have laughed. Damn teenage boys and their developing crushes. "So, you know how to tack up your horse, get your horse to move, how to trot, canter, et cetera?"
Harry nodded. Draco taught him the basics of a few of the things Dave mentioned. "Still getting used to saddling horses up but I'll learn it sometime, and I know how to move a horse, yes. Trotting and cantering, however, I'm still learning."
"Okay, that will do for the meantime," Dave said with a quick nod and then looked around at all his students. "Okay, everyone you all will be doing laps of the field. Except you, Harry. I'll be needing to see how much you do know."
Harry nodded and everyone else, except Draco, began walking their horse around the field.
"Good luck, Harry," Draco said with a smile and a quick wink. Harry's face reddened from the wink and he pushed a strand of his hair away from his eyes. Draco nudged Orion on the side with his feet and started trotting laps around the field, smiling at how attractively red the Gryffindor's cheeks had become.
Harry watched Draco go with a smile, and Orion's whitetail was swooshing around in the light breeze. He still can't believe he's here and with Draco Malfoy, the knows muggle hater. But the Slytherin doesn't seem to mind that he's surrounded by muggles. He's actually got a few muggle friends.
Dave smiled when seeing Harry watching one of his students. Well, preferably the one who has a thing for him. He hopped off his own horse and tied him to the white fence by the lead rope. He walked over to Harry and checked everything was on properly. "I'm conjecturing you had a little help with the tacking up of Dusk?"
Harry nodded his head. "Yes, Draco helped me," he tells him, not wanting to lie on his first day. Though, he does kind of feel he is being treated like a child just because he knows nothing about riding a horse.
"Ah, he's a very nice boy," Dave said with a quick glance over at the blonde who's happily trotting around the arena with such grace that he always wonders if the boy is related to the Royal Family. But back to Harry, he knows Draco and Harry haven't seen eye-to-eye in the past. He is glad that changed and believes the new form of friendship bloomed once the boys saw each other here at Alpine Hollows. He then hesitates and looks back up at the dark-haired boy. "I can't help but ask if you guys are now friends?"
"Yeah, we made a truce," said Harry, looking down at the bridal strap he's holding. But then his smile turned into a frown, knowing the friendship would have to be forgotten about when going back to school. He spoke of what he was thinking. "That is, until school starts again."
Dusk leaned her head down and sniffed around the dirt. He sneezed and gave a snort of curiosity at what his rider said.
"Why until school starts? Why not be friends forever?" Dave asked curiously, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. It just doesn't make sense to him. These two boys look as if they're meant to be good friends, or even more just by seeing how much they flatter, smile, and sneakily glance at each other.
"At school, we both have our own...groups...that we hang with," Harry said blankly, trying to make things up as he goes. "And one group doesn't like the other." He can't just say oh yeah, Slytherin's and Gryffindor's, which are the houses of Hogwarts school for Witchcraft and Wizardry, hate each other's guts.
"How strange," Dave said intriguingly though he knew about the certain groups in High School. There are the popular kids, the jocks, Nerds, Geeks, and the gays even have their own group. He was apart of the gay/popular group, though he didn't like how prejudices the popular people and jocks were of others.
Harry just nodded, knowing how strange the wizarding world can be. He thought that flying cars were impossible, but when he came to Hogwarts, he found out it is possible. So is alive food, odd but incredible creatures, unicorns, and so much more.
Draco watched curiously from the other side of the field at Harry and Dave. He sat on the saddle with a straight back, head held high and posh with elegance. He wondered what Dave was talking to Harry about. He would have laughed at the thought of Dave telling Harry to keep away from his younger brother and to stay friends. But well, a guy can dream.
Orion noticed Draco staring at the new boy with a magical trace and snorted at him. She locked eyes with the black horse, that she knew was named Dusk and they both knew their riders had something interesting going on between them both.
"Take your right hand and touch your left toe, Harry," Dave suddenly said and Harry rose an eyebrow curiously but did as he was told. "And as you do, you're going to stretch your right leg forward...stretch down." Harry stretched his right leg forward and down. "Good. Now, I want you to pose." Harry sat back up on the saddle and gave Dave a confused look. "Lean forward on Dusk, Harry," Dave said with a soft chuckle. Harry leaned a bit forward on Dusk. "Good, Harry. A little bit forward." Harry leaned a bit further.
"Good," Dave said with a nod of approval and grabbed Dusk's lead rope. "Now, I'm going to stand still and hold onto the lead rope while you walk Dusk around me. Can you do that?"
Harry nodded and nudged Dusk lightly on the sides with his feet. Dusk began to move forward with a snort and trot around Dave. Harry smiled and held onto the reins tightly.
"Good, and shoulders back, Harry," Dave orders the quick learner. Harry pushed his shoulders back. "Good. Now, do you know how you slightly bump up and down on Dusk?" Harry nodded but caught himself staring at Draco, who was also staring right back at him with a smile. He noticed how straight Draco was on Orion, as well as elegant and graceful.
Dave shook his head with a smile when catching Harry in an act of staring. "I want you to bob yourself up and down, Harry," he tells him again in a clear voice. Harry nodded again and started bobbing himself up and down on the saddle. "Good. Now, can you trot and canter?" Harry gave Dusk a little nudge in her stomach with the sides of his feet in the stirrup.
Dusk began to trot around Dave, swishing her tail in the slow breeze of the morning day.
"Nice going, now into a canter," Dave said. Harry gave a little squeeze to Dusk's stomach with his feet and felt her began to canter. It was an amazing feeling, like riding a broom but with less control and less speed.
"Good, I think you're ready to start doing laps around the field," Dave informs him with a proud smile. Harry pulled slightly on the reins to make Dusk slowly go back into a trot, then a walk and a stop. Dave walked up to Dusk and unattached the lead rope from the attachment ring from under the horse's jaw. "Harry?"
"Yes, Dave?" Harry says while distractedly running his hands through Dusk's black long mane that feels a little like petting a cat. Mrs Figg has a lot of cats, and sometimes he sees her walking Snowy, her white ragdoll cat around the neighbourhood.
"I know you've met my younger brother, Julian," Dave said, placing the lead rope on the white fence a meter away from him. He turned back to Harry and gave Dusk a little stroke down her neck from her jaw.
"Yes, he's a great guy," Harry said with a smile and looks over at Julian walking side by side with a brown-haired guy from Orange Oldenburg's. He doesn't know much about the dude and who is friends with him but he would like to. Maybe he'll get some new friends beside Draco from Julian.
"Yeah, well, I saw the way you were staring at him last night and I couldn't help but wonder like him," Dave says and looks him in the eye, waiting for that spark of interest he usually sees in girls and boys when talking about who they love. But he saw no such thing. All he wishes is good luck to Draco in g. earning Harry's heart. Though, he knows that won't be a problem as he has seen the way the two boys look at each other when the other's looking away.
Harry chuckled awkwardly and shrugged. "I don't know if I should be saying this in front of you but yeah, he's sweet and attractive in some way," he admits it easily like he's declared such a thing before. "But I haven't gotten to know him fully yet which I want to do." But Julian doesn't give him butterflies every time he notices him, not like how Draco does. The same goes for when Julian smiles. He doesn't feel his heart start hammering against his chest like how Draco can make him feel. it's all just because of the Slytherin.
"No worries, Harry," Dave smiled at him softly. He looks over at his students. "We're both guys and it's okay to like guys." Then he hesitated and felt curious about who Harry sees in Julian. "But, does he remind you a little of someone else?"
Harry bit his lip and looked over at Draco who was trotting Orion elegantly like he has been doing so for many years. Though he knows Draco only started at age 11 before attending Hogwarts. "How do you mean, Dave?" He looked back at the riding instructor slowly.
"Like, does his appearance remind you of someone else you may know of with blonde hair and blueish eyes?" Dave asks him while trying to list out the similar appearances to his brother and Draco Malfoy. Though, Draco has these silver-grey eyes that he has never seen before in anyone else's eye colour. It's quite a rare eye colour.
"Maybe," Harry said and felt a blush rise from his neck to his face. He honestly didn't care if Dave or anyone noticed his blush. It's normal anyway. But when Draco sees his blushing cheeks, he feels a little awkward but he wouldn't be afraid to show it to the Slytherin.
Dave nodded and smiled at the red tinge to Harry's cheeks. "Stick to the guy you really like, Harry." He just wants Harry to understand how important it is to choose the right guy. "I'm not being overprotective of my little brother if you're wondering," he added clearly. "I just know what kind of guys he likes and what he gets up to... and I just want to let you know that I'm always here if you want to talk to me about anything. And I mean anything at all, as I am with all the other boys in this Equestrian centre."
"Thanks, Dave," Harry said, grateful for the not-so-awkward talk. He was glad Julian had such a wonderful older brother and wished that he himself had a brother. Although, he was a little curious about what Dave said about what Julian gets up to.
"Not a problem, Harry," Dave said with a bow and a smirk to his lips. It made Harry laugh, and that's all Dave wanted to see. He then straightens back up and taps Dusk's neck gently. "Now, off you go."
Harry nodded, nudged Dusk in the side gently and made her walk off. He nudged her again in the side and trotted up beside Draco. He wondered how good he really had done since he is very new to riding.
"Great job, Harry!" Draco said with a proud smile and trotted over to him on Orion. He's been watching the whole time and he feels so gallant. After all, Harry learnt from the best. "You did so well! High five!"
Harry chuckled and gave Draco a high five. "Thank you!" he says genuinely and just felt like hugging him tightly. "But, it's all thanks to you mostly as you helped me beforehand. So err... thank you."
Draco smiled sweetly, a blush forming on his cheeks from the gratitude as he stared into clear sparkling emerald green eyes. So very beautiful and bright, he was thinking to himself. Like emeralds shining in the sunlight. "It's no problem, Harry. Just doing what a good friend would do." Just doing what a really good friend would do... and perhaps, your future more-than-best-friend.
Orion and Dusk knew they should keep quiet while their riders were having quite a... deep moment. Harry stared back into glistening silver eyes until they were interrupted.
"You did amazing, Harry!" came Julian's bubbly voice, and he was beaming at Harry. He and Cinnamon trotted up to Harry and walked by his side.
Orion snorted disapprovingly at Cinnamon and his rider, wanting them to go away. Cinnamon snorted back at Orion, disliking the rude snort.
"Thanks, Julian," Harry turned his head to the side to look at the sandy blonde-haired boy. He recalled what Dave talked to him about minutes ago. He looked from Julian to Draco, studying them hard and knew by a fact which guy he liked more. He looked at Julian and smiled.
Draco cleared his throat, wishing he were the one getting more attention than Julian. "So, Harry... What were you and Dave talking about, other than how to trot, canter and pose?" he asked the Gryffindor, wanting Harry's attention back but wanting to know what Harry and Dave were actually talking about.
Harry shrugged as he didn't know what to tell them. He can't just tell them. "Erm...about two guys," he said as he gently nudged Dusk with his feet in her sides and trotted away with a blush to his face.
Draco sighed and looked down at Orion's white mane. What was that all about? What two guys? Unless... Draco's eye's never left Orion's white mane as he wondered if these two guys Harry meant were himself and Julian.
"He's mine!" Julian whispered to Draco viciously.
Orion's ears flicked back, feeling like something bad could happen. She kept her main focus on the riders and what they were saying.
Draco swiftly turned his head to glare at Julian. "What do you mean, he's yours?" he asked bitterly, his stare lacking warmth. Draco could not even believe what he just heard. What the sodding hell did he mean when he said, 'he's yours?'
The sodding hell do you think you are, you git? Draco thought to himself, wondering how Julian would react to those words. You don't see me saying that around you, do you? No. And not even when I'm around others or even Harry. So, how dare you say that. My father will certainly be hearing about this! I swear, you'll be gone from this place with just a blink of an eye! Hmph!
"Oh, I'm sure you know what I mean Draco," Julian said simply and smirked when looking ahead of them at Harry riding alongside Gloria, Cecelia, and Lillian.
Okay, who the hell do you think you are? Draco thought with a continuous glare at the boy. I could blast you off your horse with a Stupefy and I wouldn't even apologise because of how bratty you are! He was really starting to get pissed with this boy. "He's not yours, Julian!" He snapped silently, giving him a sour expression. "He chooses who he wants, not you!"
Julian just shrugged at Draco's anger towards him, and how right he is. Of course, he knows Harry chooses who he wants. He isn't dumb. "Yes, but we both know who he'll choose," he finished the conversation there and gave Draco something to think about.
Draco's face softened and he frowned, knowing who Harry would rather choose. Someone much kinder, not a Slytherin and someone who's eye colour aren't dull and boring like his own. He looked down at Orion's neck and gently ran his hands through Orion's white mane sadly.
Julian hated seeing Draco like this, looking so hurt, but he knew he was only doing this for the best. He nudged Cinnamon in the side and trotted off after Harry, leaving a sad-looking Draco behind.
Draco looked up over at Harry and Julian, the frown still on his face. Julian was right, who would like someone like himself? Someone who's bullied him for two years, someone who disrespects people because of their blood even though he was trying his best to let those thoughts fly off into the garbage pit of his brain, and someone who's kindhearted and charming. He could just go on forever, probably even write a whole foot-long essay about Harry's possible love interests. Hell, he'd even think that the Weaselette was the best option for Harry.
"Oh, cheer up, Draco!" Cecelia said in a light voice as she cantered up to Draco on Electra, her amber coloured horse.
Draco slightly jumped as he was pulled out of his memories by a familiar muggle girl. He hoped Orion didn't feel his fear or he knew she'd start to get jumpy. "Go away, Cecelia," He said soberly. "Please."
"No, I dislike the way you frown like that," Cecelia said with her own frown and her head shook only slightly. She's never once seen him sad. "It's just so... sad." She winced and tilted her head to the side, "You look...heartbroken."
Draco shook his head and sighed. Heartbroken, heh. He'd rather jump off the Astronomy Tower than be heartbroken or even rejected by Harry again. It'd just hurt too much. He remembered Pansy and Blaise comforting him in the Slytherin common room right after the feast. It was all just too much for him then. He remembered the silent tears he shed after seeing Harry and the other Gryffindor first years walk off towards the Gryffindor common room, wherever that was. He was just so lucky to have Blaise and Pansy as childhood friends, otherwise, he wouldn't have even known how he would have dealt with the rejection.
"There's plenty of guy fish in the sea, Draco," Cecelia reminds him softly, seeing how deep in thought the boy was. "You'll find him someday."
Draco couldn't even picture himself with another male, except one particular guy with the prettiest green eyes and fluffy black hair that he wishes to run his hands through. "I don't know," he tells her with a slow shrug. "Between me and Harry, I feel this...." He trailed off, knowing he went too far when talking to this girl.
"You feel...?" Cecelia asked curiously, wanting to know what he feels. "Explain further."
Orion listened carefully to what her rider was saying, especially if it's about a particular guy.
Draco ignored the voice telling him to not tell her anything else about his crush on Harry otherwise she'll get all squealy and excited to know more, which he hated. "When I look deep into his eyes, all I see is... beauty and longing. His emerald green eyes shine gorgeously in the sunlight and..." Cecelia giggled. Draco finally looked up at Cecelia. "What?" he asked distractedly as he thought about emerald green eyes.
"Nothing..." Cecelia said as she shook her head. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. "It just sounds like you' love."
Draco let a small smile come upon his face, wondering if he was indeed in love with Harry Potter. "Does it really?" he asks gently, knowing that love is very important in a person's life. It's just as important as friendship and family. Harry does give him quite interesting feelings like butterflies in his stomach and how his heart beats faster against his chest. It was all so confusing to feel but it felt so natural.
Orion nodded her head; she was happy her rider was finally coming to his senses about his feelings for a boy.
"Yes, Draco, it does," Cecelia said gravely, looking down at Orion and giving her a knowing smile. She felt giddy that Orion was agreeing with her. She looked back at Draco, "I'm not too good with advice for guys as I am with girls but spend more time with Harry, open up to him about your life away from school and away from here."
"Thanks, Cecelia," Draco said blankly and gave the girl a big friendly smile, thanking her for the advice which he'll surely use in the future. He hoped the advice would work, otherwise, he'll be doing nothing but trying to get a guy to notice him more.
"You're welcome," Cecelia trotted off on her horse to her gal pals a few meters ahead.
Draco sighed and made his way back to Dave as he knew lessons were coming to an end for the morning. But he really just didn't want to see Julian and Harry together as it made him feel slightly sick. He didn't know what kind of sick he was feeling but didn't like it either way. He just needed an escape, to get away from the sight. What better way to do that was to muck out Orion's stables, or even hang out in the hayloft on the second story of the barn.
"Hello, Draco," said Dave, and he noticed the sad look on the boy's face. What's up with that? "Why the gloomy look?" he asked with concern.
Draco shrugged and hopped off Orion. He didn't want Dave to worry about him, he disliked how adults can be so concerned about his safety and well-being. Oh, I don't know... your little brother stealing Harry from me, he thought sadly but put on his Malfoy Mask. That's why.
"Draco..." Dave said sadly, wanting to know what's wrong with this blonde. "What's up? Is it something at home that's bothering you?"
Draco shook his head, "No, nothing at home." Why would anything at home bother him? He knows he may not have a perfect life... Well, he knew there's no such thing as a perfect life. There just wasn't. It was either good or bad.
"Then what is it?" Dave asked inquisitively with a frown.
Draco looked around the field, seeing Harry and Julian on the other side of the field. He kept the frown on his lips and looked back at Dave. "I-think-Harry-may-be-falling-for-your-brother-and-it-hurts-because-I-know-it's-true-and-I-really-like-Harry-too," he said with a shaky but quick voice.
Dave sighed slowly at Draco and walked up to him, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry you feel that way, Draco," he felt sorry for this young man. He knows exactly what rejection and heartbreak feel like. "Do you want me to talk to Julian?"
Draco shook his head. He was laughing sadly on the inside as he knew that Dave would be a Hufflepuff if he was a wizard. "I'll let them do whatever," he shrugs and looks down at Orion's fury ears flicking back. "It will hurt but as long as I know Harry's happy, that is all that matters."
Dave furrowed his eyebrows. He just couldn't believe it. This just broke his heart. Draco loves Harry and will do anything to keep him ecstatic, including letting him date someone else even if it hurt him. "Oh, Draco, that is so beautiful and poignant at the same time."
Draco gave Dave a fake smile, trying to tell him that it was okay. It was fine though, he was fine. "I'm fine about it, Dave," he had to assure him that everything was fine. "Thanks for your worry." Now please, just let me leave so I can go put Orion away and be miserable alone.
"I'm always here for you Draco and I am glad you told me this," Dave reminds him that he's not alone and can talk about things with him. "It's terrible to keep things bottled up inside you, especially if it starts getting worse. If you want to talk you know I'm always here."
Draco nodded sadly; he knew the man would help him in any situation, but he just wouldn't want to waste his time. "I know, thanks," he sounded a little numb. Thank you for your assistance, but please, I can't see them together, he thought. I need to go, like now!
"Can I give you a hug?" Dave then asked carefully. He just knows the young male needs it. "Lord knows you need it."
Draco nodded and let Dave embrace him in a soft hug. He eventually hugged back while staring over at Harry with a frown. He let out a breath he didn't even think he had; it was a relief. Does hugging people make me feel better in some way? Surely not, hugs are just for greeting someone. Right? "I'm going to muck out Orion's stables to get my mind off of things."
"Okay, Draco," Dave said with a nod, ending the hug and smiling down at Draco. "Happy thinking."
Draco gave a fake smile and walked off with Orion back to the stables. He was glad he was free. Free to go be alone and think about things over and over again. Think about...Harry. It's all he really had on his mind. Hell, he's always had Harry on his mind since the day he met him back in the first year.
Harry watched Draco and Orion leave from the other side of the field as he and Julian were still walking laps on their horses. He knew something was up with the Slytherin as he was never looking this sad and dull in Hogwarts. He was only half-listening to what Julian was saying as he worried for Draco and wondered where he was going.
"Harry?" asked Julian loudly, noticing how distracted Harry was. He thought that clicking his fingers in front of Harry's face wouldn't get Harry to focus on him. "Are you listening?"
Harry turned his head to look at an inquisitive Julian. "Mm?" he said. He just realised what Julian had said. "Oh, yeah, sorry. I was just... lost in my train of thoughts."
"It's no problem," Julian said with a quick smile. He pondered what Harry was thinking about and if it is relevant to riding. "It's good to be deep in thought."
"Yeah, I guess so," Harry said and looked over towards the barn where younger children around ten were walking their horses towards the bush at the back of the barn. He worried for the Slytherin, wherever he was heading off to. What was Draco woeful about? He had no idea, but he was bound to find out.
"Say, do you want to go on a trail ride with me?" Julian then asked. He was thinking about showing Harry some of the horse riding trails before lunchtime.
Harry shrugged. He really didn't know if he should go with Julian or not, but he really did want to know if Draco was all right. "I don't know, do I?" he asks and when he looks back at Julian he smirks.
Julian chuckled at the boy. "It's up to you, Harry," he tells him, looking to his side at the boy with a fond smile. "It's up to you whether you want it to be something else, too. It could be a date or just a trail ride."
"A date?" Harry asked, still confused a bit. Well, more like oblivious. He knows what a date is, of course. He's just a little surprised at this offer.
Julian rolled his eyes at the oblivious boy. "Yes, a date," he said slowly just so Harry can understand what he's saying. "You know when two people go out together because they like each other?" It was a simple explanation that he hoped Harry knew of. If not... has he been living under a rock or something?
Dusk snorted in dispute with the horse next to him and its rider.
"Oh, right," Harry replied hesitantly, really contemplating about the offer he was given. A date. It could be his first date ever. But does he want to? He's nearly 13 anyway and would probably be the youngest in Hogwarts to have had a first date. Just two more weeks until his birthday.
"As I said before, it's up to you," Julian reminds him casually. He leaned over and poked Harry on his arm as he was too far to be able to elbow him. "Unless, of course, you have your eyes on someone else."
Harry smiled and stroked Dusk's mane, thinking about a certain Slytherin from Hogwarts with gorgeously perfect blonde hairstyles back and these extraordinary beautiful silver eyes. It's like he's looking at a pure angel from the heavens above.
Julian gave Harry a knowing smile and poked him in the arm again. "I see the smile, Harry. Who is it?" he asks curiously.
"Nobody special," Harry responded quickly, still smiling as he pictured silver irises and whitish blonde hair. He doesn't mind if everyone finds out about his crush at Alpine Hollows. But if found out at Hogwarts, that would be scary. "There's just a guy who you remind me of at school."
"Mm-hmm," Julian said, not believing this person who likes Harry isn't special. "Like I believe that. This 'Nobody Special' person sounds quite special if a guy like you likes him. So, tell me more." He was interested in the theory if he is right about Harry liking who he thinks he likes.
Harry shrugged, knowing even by telling the muggle of the boy's eye and hair colour that it'd be such an easy guess. "It would be too easy a guess if I told you, Julian." He then hesitated and looked down at his hands which were gripping the bridal. "That is if I even like him."
"What do you mean?" Julian furrowed his eyebrows, confused with what Harry's telling him. Shouldn't someone know if they like someone? Apparently, it all happens in the heart and the stomach. He has felt butterflies is in his stomach at times, and his heart hammering loudly in his chest.
"I don't know, I just..." Harry trailed off. He shook his head from zoning out, "I just found out about the guy more." Julian looked more confused, and Harry shrugged a little with a smile. "What I mean is that I have found the guy he is, not the guy I thought he was. It's like I smashed down one of his mental walls and I see this new, amazing guy I never thought existed and I really like this guy."
Julian sighed in awe. He enjoys hearing these kinds of stories. It's something he and his older brother have in common. "That's so... beautiful!"
Harry flushed, knowing the boy named Draco Malfoy is a very beautiful sight to see. He hoped Draco knew how damn gorgeous he was. "Yeah, he is..." he paused and felt his cheeks burn with a darker shade of red at what he said. "I-, uh, I mean-"
"You don't need to stop, Harry," Julian said with a laugh. Now, this was getting humorous. "Just let it all out." He waited for Harry to say something but he never did. "So... this guy you supposedly you want to make him jealous of you?"
Harry shook his head. Why would he make the guy he'd interested in jealous? That's just rude. "I don't want to make him feel hurt because of me," he tells the muggle boy carefully. "I detest hurting people."
Julian just smiled at Harry. "It's lovely that you don't want to hurt him, Harry," he said, thinking how kind Harry was and how lucky whoever this guy Harry likes is. "You must really like this guy."
Harry smiled down at Dusk's mane, and he reached forward and stroked her soft mane, "Yeah, I really do."
Julian nodded, but he was still going to complete his little mission. "Alright," he says, noticing how Harry looked quite deep in thought yet again. He smiles at the thought of Harry thinking about this guy he likes. "Anyway, still want that trail ride?"
"Yes," Harry replied with a nod, looking at the other boy with an excited smile. "Just... not a date, and let's make it a quick ride as a storm is coming in."
"Not a date it is then," Julian replied happily and then looked up at the sky as they trotted towards the exit of the field. He was confused as he didn't see any storm clouds, not even in the far distance. It was just a pretty clear day and about 15 degrees Celsius. So, what was Harry talking about?
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