A little jealousy in a friendship is Healthy.
By the time Lunch came around, Draco walked into the Silver Sables house and made his way into the kitchen. His heart hammered in his chest as he saw Harry eating with about three other people. The memory still fresh in his memory, he decided he wasn't hungry at all, so he began to walk up to his room but was stopped by a familiar blonde-haired housemaid.
"Hello, Camilla," he said a little halfheartedly with a forced smile. He really didn't want to see anybody right now, not unless it wasn't a somebody, but a particular Golden Retriever puppy named Daisy who was staring at him with her wide black eyes. That's who he wanted to see because even if she didn't understand what he's feeling, she could calm him down with a little lick to the hand.
"Draco, why are you not at lunch?" Camilla asked, tilting her head to the side and she was holding Daisy the puppy in her arms while staring curiously at the boy in front of her. "I made Ham, cheese, and tomato toasties for everyone. They all have arrived. Even the new boy."
"I guess I'm not hungry," Draco said and shook his head slightly, wanting to just throw an invisibility cloak over himself and disappear for a while. Disappear from worrying adults, disappear from Potter's sight, and just disappear from existence for a while. Okay, maybe not existence but he just wanted to go somewhere alone.
"Nonsense, dearie," Camilla said, lifted a single eyebrow and put Daisy down. She went over to him and placed a soft hand on Draco's shoulder. "Horseback Riding makes everyone hungry, come along now. Your friend Julian is here too. You just didn't see him when you arrived."
Draco would have groaned but didn't want to sound rude, so he just let Camilla lead him into the kitchens and tried his best to ignore Potter. But it was hard to just be in the room with Potter as he kept staring at him. Why did the world put Potter everywhere he is? Merlin's Beard!
"Everyone, I'm sure you remember our Draco," Camilla said with a smile and went over to the kitchen sinks when she saw a few plates that needed washing. "And Harry, this is Draco Malfoy." She started filling the kitchen sink up with water, squeezed some dishwasher liquid in and watched the water start to form bubbles.
Harry smirked and looked over at Draco. He was right all along. The Draco Malfoy was at a muggle horse Equestrian Centre. Weren't there Wizard Equestrian centres or was owning a Pegasus illegal in the Wizarding World? "Oh, I know who he is."
Draco flushed in embarrassment as Harry now knows he isn't who he says he was and looked at Potter from the corner of his eye. He saw that Potter was watching him. He grabbed half a ham/cheese/tomato sandwich from the plate and took a few slow bites from it. He could still feel Potter's eyes on him.
Draco saw a muggle girl next to Harry who he knows is named Cecelia turn around to face him with a small smile. She looked like she came from a rich family, her bronze-brown hair always up in some stylish bun and always wore light makeup. And she had two other friends. Gloria and Lillian.
"So, Daniel," Cecelia said in a teasing manner and she fluttered her eyelashes at him. "Are my cheeks cute when I blush?" She knows him from when Draco first started at Alpine Hollows Equestrian centre three years ago. She's been here since she was seven years old, same as her two best friends.
Draco just couldn't believe it. He glared at Potter and stormed out of the room, down the stairs, across the grass and to the cozy room to the side of the reception desk surrounding some oak and pine trees. He still couldn't believe Potter had told the girls and Julian even if the boy didn't say anything about what he had said. It was utterly humiliating.
He entered the cozy room, walked around the brown leather couch, and collapsed on it with a groan. What he didn't realize, was that someone was following him. He twisted his body around and looked up. Rolling his eyes, he leaned his head against a white and brown pillow. "Go away, Cecelia!"
"No," Cecelia said at once and stared at the blonde boy her age. She walked around the couch and sat on the other side of him with a smile like she was hiding something within her smile. She was hiding something though.
"Going to torment me just like Potter did?" Draco asked as he sluggishly sat up and glared down at the multicoloured mat with small black icons of horses around it. It was a nice mat, but it was a little tacky. He could get his father to order in a nice silver or white one with little black horses around the edges of the mat.
"No, I would never do that," Cecelia said seriously with warm eyes and a shake of her head. She scooted an inch closer to him, thinking that he didn't know she was moving but really, he did know. "And what do you mean torment?"
"Well, he told you about what I said to him right?" Draco asked her and his voice shaky as he listened to the crackling fireplace a couple of meters in front of him. He just didn't want people thinking he's weird because of what he said to Potter. This muggle place was his other life, a life he really enjoys without magic around him besides his wand. It's another life without the duties of being a Malfoy and a Pureblood.
"No," Cecelia said, shaking her head a little regretfully. She moved a little closer to him and reached her hand out to grab his, but Draco moved his hand away. She frowned a little. "We all heard you, Draco."
"Who else heard me?" Draco asked bitterly and swiftly sat up to glare at the girl. He didn't mean to snap, it's just that he didn't want his holidays ruined by Harry sodding Potter. And he didn't like how she kept on trying to get close to him and touch him like he was some puppy dog who needed attention.
"Everyone from Silver Sables, Draco," Cecelia said and she stood up, moving closer to the blonde boy with a smile that she hoped will make him nearly faint for her. She reached out her hand to cup Draco's cheek.
Draco moved away from the hand just in time and looked to his side at the fireplace, wondering if he could just Floo away from here. "How about the other houses?" He asked and also wishing he had his wand with him so he could stupefy this girl if she comes too close to him again. She's just getting too touchy.
"Nobody except everyone in the house of the Silver Sables knows of it, Draco," Cecelia said and tried grabbing a hold of Draco's hand. She eventually grabbed his hand and held it firmly in hers, finally smiling at him sweetly.
Draco pulled his hand out of the girl's touch, not liking how touchy she is and wanted someone to get to this cozy room immediately so they can stop her. He wiped the hand that Cecelia touched on the chair's arms. He doesn't believe in the silly word 'cooties' of course but he just doesn't want people touching him like this. Well, he doesn't want girls touching him. Guys are allowed to touch him.
The next thing Draco knew was that Cecelia was leaning towards him for a kiss. He quickly moved back, grabbed a pillow from the couch and placed it in between himself and the girl. "Cecelia, back the hell off!" he spat and moved to the other side of the room, the pillow falling into her hands. "I don't like you like that."
Cecelia frowned and looked down at the wooden floorboards. She just thought that maybe Draco likes her. The whole thing with the new kid named Harry Potter she thought that maybe she had a chance. She was wrong.
Draco sighed when seeing the hurt look on the girl's face. He didn't mean to hurt her; he just wanted his first kiss with a boy and not a girl. "Look, Cecelia," he said in a soft tone as he started carefully moving towards the door. "You're nice-ish and all but I'm just not into girls."
Cecelia stared up at Draco in surprise. She didn't think he would ever like guys. Someone who looks like he could get the attention of a million girls throughout the world was gay. It was nearly impossible. But she couldn't think that. "You mean...?"
Draco nodded and sighed in relief that she of all people would know. It'd be good though, she's a gossip like that Lavender Brown girl in Gryffindor. So, Cecelia could spread it around to everyone so they will all know what he wants in a relationship. A bloke. "Yes, I'm gay. How could you not tell through the three years you've known me?"
Cecelia shrugged lazily as she now stared over into the crackling fireplace. She just hasn't ever known a gay guy unless they've been keeping it from her. She accepts people from the LGBTQ+ group, of course. Her friend Lilith is gay. "I've never known a gay guy before."
"Well, now you have," Draco said with a small half-smile and decided to disappear from her by exiting the cozy room. He swiftly strolled towards the barn as he wanted to spend some more time with Orion. When he was safe from touchy girls in the barn, he closed himself in Orion's stall, grabbed the brush from in the little Horse Brush holder and started brushing Orion's coat.
"Malfoy," said a soft voice, and Draco rolled his eyes at the all too familiar voice. Harry looked at the horse and then to Malfoy. He couldn't stop his eyes from glancing down at the Slytherin's arse which was curved perfectly in those white jodhpurs. He scowled at himself and looked back at the Slytherin's blonde head which still faced the horse.
Draco hesitated but turned around to glance at the guy with the familiar voice. Potter was leaning on the gate's door, watching him with shining emerald green eyes. He sighed, knowing his cover was blown. "Potter," he said softly but continuing to brush Orion's coat to make it shiny and clean.
"Why did you lie to me?" Harry then asked quietly. "I mean, I know you were joking but why? It's not like you had anything to hide? There's no one in the Wizarding World who knows were here, right? Or no wizard or witch who works or goes here for lessons?"
"I don't want this holiday to be about fights, Harry," Draco said serenely and using Potter's first name for the sake of it. He should anyway. It's not like there's anybody from Hogwarts beside Potter that would spread rumours that they've made some sort of truce. "I want a peaceful holiday full of relaxation and fun."
"I want the same, Malfoy," Harry said and he stared up at the white horse with a frank smile. Draco smiled sweetly at the smile Harry gave his horse. Although, he wished that smile is directed at him. He swiftly turned his head back to look at what he was supposed to be doing which was brushing Orion's coat.
There was a long moment of silence between the two boys as they couldn't decide on what else to say. Harry sighed and decided to end the awkward silence. "Perhaps we could hold our rivalry until school starts?" he suggested with a shrug. "I can't believe I'm about to say this, but we could be...I don't know...friends?"
Draco stared at Harry in disbelief, not believing what's coming out from the Gryffindor's mouth and soft-looking lips. He gave Harry a hard look to see if he was kidding or not. As he saw no negative remark, he nodded and said, "I literally cannot believe that I'm going to say this as well, but I'd love that."
Harry nodded at Draco and scratched the side of his neck, wondering if he should tell Ron and Hermione this when he sees them when he goes back to Hogwarts at the end of the month. Probably not or a lot of questions will be asked by them. Questions which he probably won't be bothered to answer.
"Harry?" Draco then asked alarmingly with a frown. He remembered seeing what happened earlier this morning when he was on his way to see Orion. He stared at the spot he knew the chubby man had hit Harry and there thankfully wasn't a mark.
"Yes, Malfoy?" Harry said and became a little distracted at how Malfoy's perfect lips moved when speaking. Are 13-year-old supposed to feel this way to another person or do the feelings start when he's older? Either way, he's feeling something for the Slytherin and doesn't know how to stop it.
"Please, Harry, call me Draco," Draco implored and watched as Harry nodded at his request. "And are you okay with your family?" He furrowed his eyebrows while staring into beautiful shining emerald eyes. He would hate to know that Harry Potter gets abused at home. Nobody ever deserves the type of treatment. Especially from a family member. It's just so wrong.
"What do you mean?" asked Harry softly and rubbed at his elbow, knowing something is up just by Draco's tone. The blonde is worried about him but there really is nothing to be worried about. Although, he does admire Draco's concern for him.
"Do they treat you alright?" Draco asked as he stared deeply into Harry's eyes, thinking if he looked deep enough into those green eyes, the truth would be revealed. Unfortunately, that wasn't possible unless Harry's under Veritaserum. That would be impossible if he and Harry aren't surrounded by anything magical.
Harry frowned and looked down at the hay inside the bottom of the stall. A question he doesn't want to answer. In fact, any questions that involve his family he doesn't want to answer at all. His life at the Dursley's is fine. "I guess so..."
Draco shook his head sadly, knowing they don't treat him well. He placed the brush on the side of the stall, walked up to Harry and placed his hands over Harry's hands on the door. "I know you don't trust me enough to tell me about your family life, but I am here for you whenever you need me if you do want to talk."
Harry smiled, stared into stormy silver eyes, and tried to ignore the fact that he and Draco are kind of holding hands. "Thank you, Draco," he says gratefully and blinked away the thoughts of the Dursleys. "That's much appreciated. I'd like a friend to chat to when I don't have Ron and Hermione here."
Draco smiled back and squeezed Harry's hands lightly with his. They were so soft like the clouds up in the sky and he clung to them. He noticed how long the Gryffindor's eyelashes were and he adored them. They were pretty and just made his heart flutter in his chest every time Harry blinked. "And I promise, I'll never tell a soul at Hogwarts if you do tell me something."
"Thanks again, Draco," Harry said and felt this kind of... connection between him and Mal- Draco. It's like some kind of vibe... Draco's touch just calmed him down from anything negative that tried to fight its way through him. He really felt like he could tell the blonde anything regarding his life at the Dursleys or anything that happens at Hogwarts.
Draco nodded courtly. He doesn't even know how rivals can become friends in less than a day. Well, he was hoping he was friends with Harry now. "Speaking of friends, why are you at Alpine Hollows and not with them?"
Harry sighed sadly with a frown and tried not to remember what happened at the Dursleys. He just didn't want to tell Draco about the bad parts from the Dursleys. "It was either this, a trip alone to Hawaii or New York with no money."
"Oh, Harry," Draco said with a gentle tone and wanted to hug and comfort this boy in front of him. All he could do is rub Harry's hands as a comforting gesture. "I'm so sorry you have to go through that all alone. I wish I could help such as letting you stay at my manor for the rest of the holidays but I'm afraid my father won't allow it." He rubbed soft and small circles in Harry's hand with his thumb without consciously knowing.
Harry sadly nodded, turned his hands over and squeezed the Slytherin's hands back. He sighed in the Slytherin's comforting touch. "I know, Draco." He then stared up at the magnificent white horse in front of him with a sad smile. "May I come in?"
"Sure," Draco said softly, removing his hands from Harry's as he pulled up the latch and let Harry inside the stall. "Harry, meet Orion. "He immediately missed the feeling of Harry's warm hands on his own but masked it.
"What a beautiful name," Harry said pleasantly as he admired the gorgeous white horse in front of him. He really was lovestruck when he saw Draco on Orion earlier today. He suddenly wanted to see Draco back on Orion. "Hello, Orion."
"I love the name too; the constellation of Orion is a warrior," Draco said and remembered choosing his own horse for the first time back when he just turned 11. It was entirely amazing, looking at all the horses in the stables at a racehorse company. He recalled the exact moment that he made eye contact with Orion, and he knew she was the horse for him. Since he got her, he has a feeling that she knows he isn't like other muggles. He believes that she knows he's a wizard or at least someone magical.
Harry looked at Draco with a gleam of hope in his eyes. "Can I please pat her?" he asked as he feels quite excited that he's around horses when he's never patted one before so this could be that chance to.
Draco nodded as he saw the need in Harry's eyes. It was like a shine of light in those green orbs. "Of course, since you asked nicely," he said and gave a little smirk and the half-irony he showed. He wasn't being sarcastic though. It really seemed like Po- Harry hasn't seen or been near a horse before.
Harry chuckled as he stroked Orion's soft coat. So, this is what a horse feels like. As he moved his hand to the right a little, Draco's hand touched his own. They both looked at each other's hands and hesitated for a moment. "Sorry," they both said to each other as light red tinges to their cheeks formed. They pulled their hands back and continued petting Orion in awkward silence.
"Soo," Draco said with a prolonged 'o', looking at Harry from the corner of his eye. He noticed that even when in the dullest of places, the black-haired boy always looked so...beautiful and handsome. "Have you ever ridden a horse before, Harry?"
Harry started patting the white horse from the neck and down. "No, I've always wanted to though," he said with a shake of his head. "It's why I came here. It was actually a surprise to me." He looked around the horse's neck and spotted a little black dot under Orion's white mane. "Why I was allowed to come to this posh place? I have no idea. My Aunt always wanted Dudley, my cousin, to come here. She even booked it for him, but I was lucky to have the option to come here. I didn't want to go to New York or Hawaii alone, or even to stay home while the Dursleys go to their country club. It gets so lonely trapped in their home, doing the chores and everything. I wanted an escape, and so I came here"
"I'm glad you're here, Harry," Draco said and smiled truly when seeing Orion and Harry get along well and because Harry found the hidden spot on Orion. Nobody has ever seen the spot but him. It hurt to know that this amazing young man gets treated so poorly at home. He has always wondered what it was like to be friends with Harry Potter. The Golden Boy. The boy-who-lived. And he just hoped, that if this were what he had hoped, he'd get a new friend. And perhaps later on, even more.
"I'm pleased too, Draco," Harry said gently, moving a little closer to the horse and Draco. Being with Draco... he didn't know. He just felt like he was in some other world. It's like he had walked through the door to Narnia and found Draco, the ice prince who offers his Turkish Delight. He would follow him through Narnia if it's the last thing he does. He wondered what Draco looks like wearing a crown. "She's beautiful."
"Yeah," Draco said and admired the beauty of the guy standing next to him, completely ignoring his own horse. She didn't seem to mind that he was staring at Harry though. He'll see her tomorrow. "She sure is."
Harry stared up into glistening silver eyes and smiled at the blonde who he noticed was staring at him. He bit his lip and subconsciously moved closer to the blonde Slytherin. The closer he got to Draco the more nervous but giddy he felt. The sound of his voice saying "He sure is" startles him a little but he couldn't help but think that is true.
Draco stopped himself from leaning in closer to Harry's face by moving his head back and shaking it. He shouldn't be feeling this right now. He then got an idea and asked, "Do you want to ride her, Harry? I can take you out to the ring, hold her bridal rope while you just sit on her back and hold on tightly."
"Sure, I'd love a lesson with you before the actual lessons start tomorrow," Harry said with a nod and agreed to the suggestion. He doesn't even know how to ride. He has only seen it been done on Television like the Horse shows and races in London. It has been a dream of his to know what it is like to have a horse and go horseback riding but he just never thought that Dream will become a reality. It seems that it did.
Draco smiled and nodded. He was actually a little glad he knew something that Harry didn't and even better, it was muggle related. He got to teach Harry how to ride a horse. "Great!" he said and put Orion's brush away on the holder. "I'll just gather the tacking equipment and she'll be ready for you."
"Wonderful," Harry said softly while stroking the white stallion's neck and down her back until Draco came back. "Hello there, Orion." He began to talk to her even though he knew she wouldn't understand him. He looked behind him at the stable door and around to see if Draco was anywhere in sight. Draco wasn't so Harry looked back at Orion. "You know... your owner is a very handsome guy."
Orion neighed and nodded her head at Harry like she agrees with him. Harry smiles and strokes her nose up and down. "Do you know if he's... gay? I mean, I would never judge him, but I would like to know. I just figured out I'm bisexual over the holidays when I went out with my Auntie to go shopping."
Orion dug her hoof into the hay beneath her and snorted. She nodded her head and pushed her nose to Harry's hand. Finally telling Harry by a gesture that her owner is gay. "Oh," said Harry as he then knew Draco was available to guys. He got too caught up in the conversation that he didn't register Draco standing by the stable door with his tacking equipment in his arms. "But is he single...?
"Yes, Harry, I'm single," Draco said gently and stared at Harry, admiring his handsomeness even if Harry caught him staring. He felt the blood rush to his cheeks and placed the saddle pad, saddle, bridal and bridal rope on the door of the stable. "For tomorrow's lesson, have you figured out what horse you'll be choosing to ride?" He opened the stable door, grabbed the saddle pad, and closed the door behind him. "There's a few you can choose from." He walks towards his horse and placed the white and black checkered saddle pad on Orion's back, wondering what other conversation Harry had with Orion.
"No, but I don't mind what horse I'll get," Harry said and shook his head, watching Draco put on the saddle and strap it on tightly. It was intriguing to watch. It looked too easy but in reality, he knew it would be hard and would take a lot of practice to do until he gets it right. He mostly watched Draco. "They're all beautiful."
"Indeed, they are, Harry," Draco said while feeling his heart flutter in his chest as Harry stared at him whilst saying "beautiful." He pulled on the bridle and lead rope over Orion's head, tightened the straps and lead her out of the stable with Harry walking beside him. He couldn't help but glance at Harry every once in a while as they walked around the barn to a clearing by some trees.
He saw a few people from the Orange Oldenburg's in the ring so he couldn't use that with Harry. He halted Orion by the lead rope and faced Harry with a smile. He placed the black riding helmet over Harry's head, feeling the softness of the Gryffindor's black hair as he clipped on the helmet and tightened it.
Harry stared into warm silver eyes, feeling like he was getting so lost in them. His heart skipped a beat and he inhaled sharply as he felt Draco touch his hair when clipping on the helmet, and then his neck with those delicate fingers. The touch felt like home. Like a real home to him and not some fake home like the Dursley's. And the Slytherin's touch was a lingering feeling which he held on to.
Draco then patted the top of the riding helmet, making sure it was on perfectly and tightened the straps under Harry's chin. "Need a lift up?" he asked the Gryffindor and took a step back. He didn't have much strength, but he will help Harry up if he can.
Harry bit his lip and tried doing it by himself by putting one leg in the stirrup and tried hauling himself up. God, it was harder than it looks. Draco made it look so easy earlier. When Harry tried two more times, Draco grabbed Harry's waist as Harry was halfway up and pushed him over with as much strength he could.
"I did it, sort of," Harry said with a trembling smile full of excitement. He was seated on the saddle and he was looking down at Draco. He just couldn't believe it. He was on a horse! On the back of a horse and feeling like a cowboy. He knew not to move as he didn't want to accidentally make her gallop and risk him falling off and hurting something.
Draco nodded proudly and clapped slowly. "Harry Potter has climbed on top of a horse," he said, smirking at Harry rolling his eyes. "Next comes the tricky part, riding it." He stood a few meters back from the horse with the lead rope in his hand just in case Orion decides to go for a ride herself.
"Okay, so, how do I get her to move?" Harry asked and bit down on his lip in concentration. This was a 450-kilogram horse that could buck him off at any minute. He didn't exactly want that. He wanted a nice stressful and fun little ride.
"You whistle or nudge her in the sides with your feet," Draco said boldly with a smile, liking how passionate Harry is in learning. He had to admit that he found it adorable when Harry kept biting his bottom lip in concentration. He saw it all the time at Hogwarts. When Harry concentrated on casting a spell correctly, or even when trying his best in brewing potions, he'd always do the cute bite-lip thing.
"Whistle?" Harry asked and stared at the Slytherin in confusion. He knew about whistling to a horse but what if he does it wrong or something? What if there's a type of whistling and he does it and Orion starts galloping around the field? Now he was just jumping to conclusions.
Draco nodded and whistled at Orion. It sounded like a bird's call to Harry. Orion's ears moved to the side and she started walking around him slowly, her tail swishing side to side as she walked.
Harry watched Draco's mouth form an 'o' as he started whistling. He wondered how soft those lips are to the touch and... he shook his head, wondering why he thought about snogging Draco of all people. He held onto the reins tightly as Orion began to move. It was an odd sensation to him. It was like he was sliding from side to side on Orion but knew he was safe on her. He trusted Draco, and that was something he's never once thought of him doing in his life.
Draco beamed as Harry was getting the hang of riding Orion. Harry looked absolutely wonderful on a horse, even if it was his own. Then an image came into his mind. He and Harry were riding on the back of Orion on a nice sandy beach during the summer, giving each other little kisses and hugs here and there. He smiled and forgot what he was doing until he felt a rope start to tangle around him like he was trapped in a spider web.
He spun himself out of the rope, stood his ground and turned around slowly as Orion began trotting in circles around him. "You're doing great, Harry! Shoulders back, eyes ahead," he said proudly. "When you want to go left, pull left gently on the reins. If wanting to go right, pull right with the reins."
Harry laughed as he got used to riding and guiding a horse. It was an incredible feeling, almost like he was flying. The wind in his hair and face. It was extremely refreshing. "This is incredible!" he said loudly and smiled brightly.
Draco could have melted from that smile Harry gave as it could have been brighter than the sun itself. He watched Harry's ass move on his saddle and merlin, he was liking it a lot. He shook his head and stopped looking at it. "Wait until you start galloping on a horse, now that's amazing."
"I can't wait!" Harry said eagerly at the thought of Draco teaching him everything he needs to know about horses and how to ride them and tuck them up. "You'll have to show me sometime. Oh, and show me the horses too. I would like to see the ones available for me to ride."
Draco had to tell himself that that wasn't a date, even if he wished it to be one. Darn thoughts making him think things that he shouldn't. "Of course," he said sweetly. "I would love to, Harry. There are actually a few racehorses there too that you can choose."
"Great, it's a date then!" Harry said as he couldn't wait until that day to happen. He looked down into Draco's shimmering soft silver eyes, feeling his cheeks warm up with a blush but hid it with a smile. He knew exactly what he said but he chose to say it anyway. At least it gives Draco a hint to who he wants. An obvious one at that.
Draco felt the blood rush to his cheeks and with it came a faint blush. He wished that the whole date was true as he glanced up into warm emerald green eyes. He walked over to the Gryffindor and his horse. "Anyway, I believe it's nearly time to head in for dinner," he told him. "What do you think?"
"Yes, I'm famished!" Harry said and reached a hand down to pat his stomach. He looked down at the ground, noticing it's a fair distance to the ground and took both feet out of the stirrups. "Um... Can I get a little help down please?"
Draco smiled and grabbed onto Harry's waist with his hands and helped slide him down Orion. But as Harry was back on his feet Draco knew they were only inches apart if he leaned in, but he didn't. He didn't know if Harry felt the same way that he does, but he didn't want to risk losing their friendship. "Let's go!" he said in a whisper, taking off Harry's helmet.
As they took Orion back to her stable and put back the riding gear, Draco escorted Harry to the dining room which was behind the reception building. It was a large room, smaller than the Great Hall at Hogwarts and held three wooden dining tables with a white tablecloth on it and the tables were about three meters in length. Two of the tabled were for the students and the other for the riding instructors, housemaids and gardeners. The chairs were wooden vintage ones where you can push them in and out from under the table.
"Feels like Hogwarts, doesn't it?" Draco whispered to Harry. He saw the surprised look on Harry's face and smiled warmly. Even the Gryffindor's facial expression made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
"Yeah," Harry said in awe as he studied the dining room. It reminded him a little of Hogwarts, but it just didn't have Ron and Hermione there. And there was no magic at all. That didn't matter though. All that mattered is having Draco here with him and trying his best to have the best holiday he can. "Where shall we sit?"
"Anywhere you want, Harry," Draco said with a shrug. He really didn't care where they sat, as long as he was with Harry. Even if they sat at the front where the food was, he didn't exactly care. Although, it meant he and Harry can get their food first. "Let's just sit over here." He led Harry over to the closest table and sat down on the end.
Harry joined Draco at the table and sat down beside him. He looked around the room at the many students he saw with him this morning at the little tour. There are that Cecelia girl and her two best friends, a few guys and girls from Orange Oldenburg's, Brown Blaise's and the Purple Percherons. "So, where's the food?"
"Soon Dumbledore will come around and magically make it appear, Harry," Draco said, smirking with sarcasm. He saw the curious look on Harry's face and shook his head in disbelief. Couldn't Harry hear the sarcasm in his voice? "We get it ourselves. Don't you see the 'all you can eat' Buffet?"
Harry looked around the room again and finally saw three tables in a row with all sorts of food on it. It really was an all you can eat buffet. He wonders what the Dursleys are all eating for dinner. Probably some kind of little expensive meal in a restaurant. "Am I dreaming or is this kind of like Hogwarts?"
"I think you're dreaming, Harry," Draco said softly with a charming smile on his face. "I wouldn't think Draco Malfoy would befriend Harry Potter after not accepting his hand in friendship since the first year." Even the memory of it hurt, but now that he was Harry's friend - well, hoping he was friends with Harry.
Harry groaned silently at the memory so nobody could hear him except Draco. He didn't want to embarrass himself on not even the first day. "C'mon Draco, that was two years ago. Besides, you deserved it as you insulted the Hufflepuff house when they're actually not bad and you insulted my friends."
Draco clasped his hands together on the table and gave Harry an apologetic smile. "Look, I'm sorry for that," he said in a slight regretful tone and a downturned mouth. "I wasn't myself, just acting on how my father wants me to. I've learnt my lesson, and again, I'm really sorry. If I could go back and change the way we met, then I would happily do it." He really would, it wasn't a joke. He would even travel back in time to when he first met Harry in Madam Malkin's robe shop and ask for his friendship right there, and perhaps even compliment him.
Harry nodded and placed a slow hand on Draco's upper arm. "Thank you for the apology, but you should also be apologizing to Hagrid, Ron, Hermione and anyone else you've insulted," he told him earnestly. "And don't act how your father wants you to. Be yourself, Draco. You will find that by being yourself you'll gain more friends just like how you've gained my friendship."
"You're welcome, Harry," Draco said instantly with a shy smile. "I will apologize to those three in my own time when I can. I can't do it with the Slytherins otherwise they'll start throwing hexes at me for how I betrayed them." That's just it, he hates betraying the Slytherin house. But if it's for this young man beside him, he'd do it anyway as this boy deserved the whole world.
"Hey, I and all the Gryffindor's will gang up on you if you'd like," Harry said shamelessly with assurance but made it a promise for the future. He will protect Draco since he has found out who Draco really is like underneath all that hair gel, sneers, and Slytherin robes. "We can throw those hexes back at the Slytherins for you."
"You're sweet, but I don't like when people fight my own battles," Draco said with a gentle smile, patting Harry's hand gently. He really didn't like when people fought his battles, it made him feel weak. Yes, he had Crabbe and Goyle as what people call 'Bodyguards', but they aren't really. They're good friends, no matter how much food they eat. But sometimes, they can be a bit too evil for his own taste.
Harry smiled at the compliment and felt his cheeks warm up a bit. He licked his lips and forgot how hungry he was. He hasn't eaten since breakfast and that's a normal thing for him. "So, when can we get the food?"
Draco stared down at Harry's lips and licked his own lips, wanting more than anything to feel them kiss his own. He shook his head to get the impossible thought out of his mind. "Anytime you want, Harry. This isn't Hogwarts where you have to wait for the food to appear. You can just go up there and get anything you want."
Harry gave Draco a side smile. It all looked so expensive though. The buffet, and the tables, and the whole equestrian centre. How was the Dursley's able to afford this place for Dudley? "Can we go up then?" he asked, eager to get some food in his stomach.
"Sure, we can," Draco said with a nod as he stood up from his seat. He watched as Harry stared over at one of the tables, noticing he was staring at Dave's younger brother, Julian Patterson. A boy with sandy blonde hair styled in an undercut with blue eyes. Draco felt an emotion that he hadn't sensed in a while. Jealousy.
He knew Julian was kind of a good-looking bloke, but he wasn't into him. Not as much as he knew he was into Harry, which he only admitted today. He didn't even know if Julian liked guys. He swallowed down the pain of jealousy and tapped Harry on the shoulder to get his attention. "Harry, are you coming?" he asked, wanting emerald green eyes to stare back at him and not Julian.
Harry finally looked back up at Draco with a smile. "Of course, Draco," he said but wanted to know who that bloke was he laid his eyes on a minute ago. Who was he and why, if he is a student, is he at the riding teacher and instructor's tables?
Draco held out his hand for Harry with a smirk, "Shall we?" He couldn't believe he was doing this. It made him feel like some kind of prince in one of those muggle fairy tales he has heard of where they help the princess up. But no, Harry would be the prince. He'd be Draco's prince, and Draco would be his prince. But of course, that was what Draco wanted. To be Harry's and only Harry's.
Harry chuckled and grabbed onto Draco's hand gently, and Draco pulled him up from where he sat and smiled into silver eyes. He secretly wanted the same, to be with Draco. He blinked and gave the Slytherin's hand a little squeeze, wanting to let go so it doesn't cause a discussion in the dining room. But the thing is he didn't want to let go.
Draco eventually let go of Harry's hand, even if he didn't want too, and started walking towards the food tables. He tried not to think about Julian's effect on Harry and how the Gryffindor just stared dreamily at him. Oh, Merlin. He just wanted to vomit. Even at the thought of Harry ogling Patterson, or even dating him. There it was. The feeling came back again. Why was it so strong?
Harry caught up to Draco in a jog and went over to the food tables. He saw a range of different foods including spaghetti, lasagna, meatloaf. There were heaps of varieties of food. But he stopped as chocolate brown eyes stared into his green eyes.
"Hello, you must be Harry," Julian said with a kind-hearted smile towards the new boy. Apparently, he goes to the same school as Draco Malfoy as he heard from his older brother. "I'm Julian Patterson."
Draco was piling some vegetables on his plate and heard a familiar voice. He looked behind him and saw Julian talking to Harry. He sighed and placed a couple of roasted potatoes, a piece of steak and carrots on his plate while listening to their conversation.
"Yes, I'm Harry Potter," Harry says and nods at the other boy civilly. He returns a smile, looks up at Draco who had an eyebrow raised at him like he's questioning what he's doing. He just gives Draco a shrug and then he looks back at Julian. "It's really great meeting you, Julian."
"It's a pleasure meeting you, Harry," Julian said politely and held out his hand for a friendly little handshake with the new boy. "Can I ask where you come from? The other students come from around London and the bottom of the United Kingdom." He noticed the awkward look on the boy's face and smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, I like knowing about people."
Draco felt like growling at the boy and taking Harry far away from him. He knew that sounded very overprotective, but when you really like someone you don't want to lose them and that's what he doesn't want to happen. He had just gained Harry's friendship and will do anything to keep it.
Harry took Julian's hand and shook it firmly. Julian's hands were nice, but they weren't like Draco's who felt like home. "I'm from Little Winging. It's a small town near the city and a part of a country town."
"Oh," Julian said blankly and he ended the handshake with Harry. But he likes both the country and the city so there is nothing to complain about.
Draco sneered. Oh? Is that all Julian can say to Harry? Honestly, even I could do better than that, he thought as he finished piling his plate up with food. He grabbed a knife and a fork and turned around, smiling at Harry. "Have you gotten any food yet, Harry?"
Harry looked up at Draco and shook his head. He hasn't really thought about food since he walked in. What's up with that? Was it because of Draco and Julien taking away his appetite all because of their presence? Was that even possible? "No, sorry, but I will do."
"It's fine, Harry," Draco says and gestured with a dismissed hand wave that it was okay. Even if it wasn't as it is all because of Julian. Damn Julien. Why does he have to be the nicest kid around? "I'll be at the table waiting for you. You know which one." He didn't even see if Harry gave him a nod or said anything as he just turned and walked back to the table with a frown.
He knew he was overreacting about this jealousy inside him but couldn't understand why he was so jealous. Was it because Harry met someone new? Surely, he can't be jealous just because Harry made a new friend, right? No, he can't. He didn't understand this feeling at all. Well, he was and felt the same jealous feeling about Weasley and Granger becoming friends with Harry. After all, he really did want to become friends with Harry at first sight.
Draco placed his plate on the table and sat down, staring up at Harry and Julien. Harry was still talking to Julian at the food table but was slowly placing food on his plate. Draco eyed Harry and Julian with suspicion as he kept eating his potatoes. He sighed in relief as Harry came back to join him, but what he noticed that was worrisome was the amount of food on Harry's plate. There wasn't even a large piece of shepherd's pie, it was more like a little toddler's sized piece. And there wasn't anything else on the plate, just the small slice of shepherd's pie. "Harry, is that all you're going to eat?"
"Yeah, why?" Harry asked, placing his plate on the table as he sat down next to Draco. He's noticed everyone's plates are filled with food like they could eat all of what is on their plates. Seeing the concerned look on Draco's face, he just smiled reassuringly at him. He didn't want Draco to worry about anything related to his home life.
Draco frowned at Harry's meal and thought of giving Harry some of his food. "It's just...that's a very small size of shepherd's pie," he said and furrowed his eyebrows as he looked from the food on Harry's plate and then to Harry. "Is there anything you're not telling me about your relative's?" He hoped not for the worst to come from Harry's mouth.
Harry shrugged as he didn't really care about his portion size or the Dursleys. It's just his life right now. "The Dursley's don't feed me big meals," he told the Slytherin and began to cut pieces of his lasagna up with his fork. "I only get Dudley's left over's he didn't eat and it's mainly vegetables and one or two pieces of meat if I'm lucky. While the Dursleys are all in the loungeroom watching Television I just sneak inside the kitchen and search for fruits to suit my needs. I don't know how long I can keep that up for though."
"Oh, Harry," Draco said sadly, placing his hand over Harry's arm for reassurance. "I'm so sorry you get treated like that. You know I'm here for you, right? So is your Weasley and muggle-born friends when we get back to Hogwarts." How could these muggles do something like this?! How could they treat such a kind and innocent boy like trash?!
"Thank you for your concern, Draco," Harry said softly, giving Draco a thankful smile. "I know very well that I can talk to you about... things. I just don't like talking about it as it's not really a necessary discussion to have. Besides, I only see them during the Summer Holidays. I have a whole seven months at Hogwarts to usually look forward to as Hogwarts is my home. It's the only place where people seem to care for me and not just because I'm 'The Chosen One'."
Draco just nodded at everything Harry had told him, really thinking deeply about his new friend's life outside of Hogwarts. It seems Harry isn't happy at his relative's house. If Harry doesn't want to talk more about his home life, then he won't ask the type of questions. "Now, I want to see more food on that plate, Harry Potter."
Harry frowned and looked back down at his meal. "How much, exactly?" He asked tiredly as he stabbed his fork in his shepherd's pie continuously. Ron and Hermione keep buggering him about how much he eats as well when he's at Hogwarts, but it has only been getting worse this year.
"Much more than a tiny piece of shepherd's pie to be precise," Draco said in a near stern tone of voice, eyeing Harry and his food with worry. If this is the portion sizes that Harry's been eating, then he should be almost underweight. He made a mental note to make sure to feed Harry as much as he can all day until he's full.
"Alright," Harry said, smiling. He then thought of a marvellous idea. "I'll get some more food. Or I could..." He then stabbed one of Draco's roast potatoes with his fork and stole it from the Slytherin's plate with a mischievous grin. It's his roast potato now.
"Heeey! Draco said with a prolonged 'e' as he batted Harry's hand away with the back of his hand. "That's my food you little bugger!"
"Not anymore," Harry said as he stole a roast pumpkin as well and took a bite from it. He grinned at the Slytherin and waved his fork around in the air in front of Draco's face. "It's mine now." The potato dropped onto his plate and he sighed. Spotting a carrot stick on Draco's plate, he says, "Oh, what's this?" He steals the carrot from Draco. "It's mine now."
Draco just smiled and shook his head, really liking how he was getting to know this Harry Potter instead of the Chosen One. "Sure, Harry," he says while sneakily stealing a piece of shepherd's pie from Harry as Harry's staring into his own eyes. "Sharing is caring, right?" He pops the piece of shepherd's pie into his mouth as Harry's watching. "Anyway, I tend to have a big breakfast anyway."
Harry's mouth parts a little as he realizes what Draco has just done, and that gleam of mischief in those silver eyes gave him butterflies. He looked up at Draco's slicked back neat hair and smiled. "You know, I think your hair would look better without gel," he said as he reached his hand up and started running his hand slowly through the neatly styled blonde hair.
Draco felt his heart flutter in his chest as Harry started touching his hair. He closed his eyes, smiled, and liked the feeling even if he would never let anybody touch his neat hair. He doesn't let Pansy touch his hair even if she keeps trying. "Perhaps you're right," he said as he opened his eyes back up and stared at the attractive bloke beside him.
"I know I'm right," Harry said haughtily, giving Draco a wink as he picked up his fork and began eating his food as well as the other foods he stole from Draco's plate. He can go up for second helpings anyway if he really needs to.
Draco felt the blood rush to his cheeks from that wink Harry gave him, so he looked down at his food and smiled. He stabbed his fork into a carrot stick and bit of a chunk while watching Harry from the corner of his eye. The damn Gryffindor and his flirty gestures. How come the bloke doesn't have a boyfriend already? Or a girlfriend.
Harry looked up from his shepherd's pie and saw a familiar pink tinge to Draco's cheeks. Before he knew what he was consciously doing, he raised his hand up to Draco's cheek and rubbed it, feeling how warm and soft Draco's cheek is.
Draco inhaled a sharp breath and dropped his fork on his plate, hearing a loud 'clank', but knew the noise in the dining hall was too loud for everyone to be able to hear it. But the finger rubbing his cheeks just made his cheeks warmer. "Harry, I-," he stuttered and turned his head to look at the Gryffindor.
Harry drew his finger back swiftly and blushed. "I'm sorry, that..."
"It's okay, Harry," Draco said sweetly and gave Harry a small smile even if his cheeks felt like they were on fire. He picked up his fork and continued eating while stealing glances at Harry. He just couldn't believe what happened. Harry's finger felt so soft on his skin and he actually felt like purring from the contact.
Harry bit his lip and continued eating his own food in silence. Darn it! Why does his body have to react in weird ways whenever he's with Draco or if Draco compliments him? It's so confusing. He doesn't mind the blushing and red cheeks he gets because of Draco, it's just the way his body subconsciously moves towards Draco. It's like he's got two souls and one's trying to get closer to the blonde Slytherin.
"So, I've seen you watching Julian for a while and can't help but wonder..." Draco trailed off the sentence curiously, hoping for a different answer than what he was thinking of. Please say no, please say no...
"You're wondering if...?" Harry asked with furrowed brows in confusion as he didn't know what Draco meant. Well, he was too unaware to figure it out himself. He was a little too focused on his dinner as he hasn't had a decent dinner in quite a long time without him having to investigate the fridge during the night for food.
Draco smiled knowingly and knew how oblivious the Gryffindor could be. It's adorable actually. "If you like him?" he continued what he was going to say previously. He just had to know. What if Harry likes Julien and becomes good friends with him? Where would that leave Draco? Alone.
Harry chuckled and stared deeply into Draco's pretty silver eyes. They were just so mesmerizing, and they held a sparkle in every blink the Slytherin does. "I don't know," he said with a shrug. "He's cute, funny, sweet, smart. I mean, if I get to know him a little more, I'm sure he'll surprise me."
Draco tried to suppress a frown, but all he felt was jealousy and hurt. "Right..." he said through his teeth. Oh, how he wishes Harry meant those words to him, or even about him. He pondered how it would feel being in Julian's shoes for a while, having compliments given to him by such a handsome Gryffindor. The only decent looking Gryffindor actually.
"What do you think about him?" Harry then asked him as he popped a piece of the mashed potato from the shepherd's pie into his mouth. He has noticed Draco acting a little strange whenever Julian's name comes into a conversation. Maybe the Slytherin's into the muggle guy. But one thing he knows about Purebloods from the sacred families is that they don't like working with muggles or having a relationship with them. Draco seems to be doing well with being around muggles so that's something.
Draco blinked as he was pulled out of his thoughts by the sudden question. "He's nice, I guess," he said and looked over at the riding teachers' tables to see Julian. He nearly growls as he sees Julian staring at Harry, but he calms himself down. "But I'm into someone else. A different guy." He made sure to state what gender he likes to Harry, just to let him know he only likes guys.
Harry nodded and distracted himself by looking up at Julian. He smiled at the muggle boy who he found looking at him, and he gave him a little wave. When Julian waves back at him, Harry looks beside him at Draco. "Going to tell me who it is that you like?"
Draco shook his head sadly as he caught Harry staring up at Julian. He wished he were the one being stared at and not sodding Julian Patterson. "No, I have a feeling he doesn't like me the same way that I like him."
Harry frowned as he looked at Draco gloomily. He closed his hand around Draco's hand and felt how warm it was even though the Slytherin was a bit pale. But handsomely pale. "Whoever he is, I hope you get him," he told him and squeezed Draco's hand in his. "If he's not into you then it's his loss. You're an incredible guy, Draco. Even though I just got to know this side of you today."
Draco smiled back sadly. Harry's hand on his own was so soft and warm, he just wanted to know what it was like holding it every second, minute, and hour of the day. "Thanks, Harry. You're really sweet."
"So, I've been told," Harry said with a soft smile and he reached up to ruffle Draco's soft whitish blonde hair. He heard Draco's chuckle and watched as the Slytherin's silver eyes closed. It was the prettiest sight he's ever laid his eyes on. Such a pointy jawline which not many people would probably like, but he loves them. The high cheekbones are even better because they look so damn kissable if he even had the chance to kiss them.
Did not care how messy his hair would become because having this boy touch his hair felt heavenly. It was like a nice massage, but a massage from someone you really, really like. He's been massaged on the head by professionals and that's nothing compared to what Harry's doing to him. "Keep going," he nearly purrs.
"So, can I hear more about this guy you're into?" Harry asked, eager for a response but also smiling a little at the Slytherin begging him to continue the hair ruffle he was giving Draco. Merlin, this is new to him.
Draco opened his eyes swiftly and stared into warm emerald green eyes that were looking right back at him. "Um, what do you want to know?" he then asked, trying to come up with a fake person to say. He could say Blaise but what if Harry spreads the rumour when they get back to Hogwarts? No, he shouldn't believe that Harry will do that. He cannot believe he would even think of Harry doing such a rude thing.
"Like what he looks like," Harry said with a light shrug and wondered who Draco Malfoy could like. Who would be the apple to Draco's eye? Would they be rich, in the house of Slytherin, a Pureblood? "What colour eyes he has, what he likes doing, his hair colour. You know, just things about him.
"Um..." Draco mumbled, trying to hold down the panicked tone. He looked down at his dinner plate to try and ignore the subject as he just didn't want to say anything that could make the Gryffindor know who he actually likes. Since that boy is currently sitting next to him with a beautiful attractive smile plastered on his face. He can't just say the guy he likes has emerald green hair, messy black hair, and has a lightning bolt scar on his forehead, can he?
Harry laughed softly at the Slytherin who is obviously very nervous. Has he ever seen Draco so nervous? He doesn't think so. "Are you going to tell me who you're into or not?" he asked the blonde who is drumming his fingers on the table. God, Draco really is nervous.
Draco shook his head and stopped his fingers from drumming on the table as he knew how annoying it can get. He trailed his eyes down to Harry's lips, which looked so welcoming and soft. He just wanted to lean in and...
"Hello again, Harry," Julian said rather happily and sat down beside him with a smile. It got a little boring up with his older brother. They were mainly talking about boring politics instead of the usual news about who won the previous dressage and horse racing competitions.
Draco rolled his eyes and continued eating his food. He really didn't want this Patterson boy stealing his Harry. Wait, when has Harry became his Harry? No matter, he wants to be Harry's and only Harry's. He doesn't mind who Harry befriends here but as long as he stays Harry's main friend then that is all that matters most.
"Hiya, Julian," Harry said with his own smile and dug his fork back into his Shepherd's pie which he has nearly finished. He's eaten all the vegetables he stole from Draco which was quite fun and needs to eat the rest of his dinner, so Draco doesn't worry about him.
"Say, I was wondering if you'd like to come for a trail ride with me tomorrow?" Julian asked him, meaning something different than just a trail ride with two friends. "Can you come alone? I want to spend some quality time with you so I can get to know you better."
Draco bit down on his lip hard, not wanting to feel like a third wheel or even lose someone he really likes. It was time for an escape. Or for Draco's matter, a grand exit. "Harry, I don't feel too well," he said blankly as he started getting up from his seat. "I'm...going back to the house to get an early night."
Harry turned his head back to Draco, looking at him with his eyebrows drawing in together. He began to worry if it was something Draco ate that made him sick. "Oh, did you want me to come with? I can make you some chicken soup. I'm sure Camilla if she trusts me enough, will let me use the utensils and pots in the kitchen."
"I'm fine, Harry," Draco lied, letting the jealousy run through him but he tried to push it down with a fake smile. But he admired Harry thinking of making food for him. Could Harry even cook? "And no thank you. I just need some sleep." He turned to leave, head poshly held high, not looking back as his heart was thumping in his chest. He made his way down towards the four houses and kept his hand close to his wand just in case.
Harry shook his head in disbelief at Draco's leaving figure and looked back at Julian with an apologetic frown. "I'm sorry, do you mind? I don't want him going back there alone. Who knows what lurks in these bushes during the night."
"Not at all, Harry," Julian said truthfully, shaking his head at the question. He doesn't want a fellow student going outside in the dark alone. "It's better if he has someone to accompany him on the way back to your house than alone in the dark."
"Alright, I'll see you," Harry said quickly and hoped to god there wasn't anything in the dark that could injure the blonde Slytherin. Well, except for wolves as he knew they roamed every forest throughout the country. But he didn't want to think about that.
"You better go now as he already exited out the door," Julian said and looked towards the door where whiteish blonde hair had disappeared from his sight. If anything does happen at least Draco knows how to scream.
Harry nodded, got up from the chair and walked towards the doors leading out into the dark to find Draco. He could easily see Draco in the darkness as his whiteish blonde hair was glowing in the moonlight. He smiled and jogged after Draco.
Draco was startled as he heard footsteps running up behind him. He whipped out his wand, swiftly turned around and pointed it at the person's face. Emerald green eyes shined with a hint of fear but the fear vanished in a second. It was Harry. Draco sighed in relief as it was only Harry, so he slipped his wand back in his jodhpurs and gave the Gryffindor an apologetic smile. "I am so sorry, Harry."
"It's okay, Draco," Harry said with a crooked smile, now knowing not to sneak up on Draco as he knows the Slytherin brought his wand with him to dinner. Does he always travel alone during the dark with only a wand? At least it is a form of protection. "You really shouldn't be out here alone though."
Draco didn't think Harry would leave Julian to accompany him. Unless, he thought with a frown, that Harry just didn't want to get lost out in the dark on his first day. That sounded like a good excuse though as it was Harry's first day. "It's nice out here. Cool, dark, and breezy... Besides, as you know I have my wand."
"But what about...wolves?" Harry asked and forced himself to sound calm. He warily looked around at their surroundings for eyes that could be watching them in the dark bushes. He thankfully saw nothing. If he did, he would have grabbed Draco by the hand and bolted for the Silver Sables house.
Draco laughed in amusement, loving how the Gryffindor could just crack him up that easily. But the Gryffindor does have a point. He knows some defensive spells though he also knows damn well that he's underage and cannot use magic unless he wants to get punished by the ministry. "Wolves? Seriously Harry?"
Harry shrugged because he didn't know what else was out there in the dark. Bears don't live in the United Kingdom and thank the lord for that. "Awoo!" he called out and hoped nothing will call back. "Anyway, are you okay? You said you weren't feeling that well."
"Yeah," Draco said and sighed a little. "I'm fine." Lies, lies, and more lies. He hated lying to Harry, but he couldn't just say 'Hey Harry, please go out with me because you deserve much better than Julian' or something on the lines like that. That would just... break the friendship he has with Harry.
"Okay," Harry said in disbelief and shook his head. He reached a hand up and pressed the back of his hand to Draco's forehead to feel his temperature. The Slytherin wasn't burning up or was too cold. "If you need to talk to me about anything you know you can, right?"
Draco nodded slightly with a small frown. "I know," he says and brings Harry's hands down so he can link arms with the Gryffindor. He's always wanted to link arms with him. "Thank you, Harry." He wanted to change the topic. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my holidays with you, you know?"
"I can't wait for that too, Draco," Harry said and then a shimmer of silver caught his eye. But it wasn't from Draco's eyes. It was on the Slytherin's ring finger. He stared at the ring on Draco's right hand curiously. "Are you engaged?" he couldn't help but ask and hoped to god that wasn't true. He's too bloody young!
Draco's frown grew into a sweet smile and he laughed wholeheartedly at that hilarious thought. He brought his hand up to inspect his ring and began softly poking it, and thought by doing so, a secret message could be revealed. "No, Harry. Don't you think I'm a little too young to be engaged?"
"I guess," Harry said with a slight redness to his face and with it came a noticeable blush. Traitorous blush appearing whenever he says something silly or gets complimented by Draco. "Sorry, I was just curious."
"There is really no need to apologize, Harry," Draco said softly while taking off his family heirloom ring. "You're quite adorable, Harry" he whispered quietly so only he could hear. Harry is truly very adorable.
"What was that?" Harry asked curiously, looking up at Draco with awe and wondered if he heard wrong. Did Draco just compliment him? And not just compliment him but say he's adorable? This cannot be happening. No. He believed he was only hearing things.
"Nothing," Draco said with a slight red tinge forming on his cheeks as he put his ring back on. He hoped Harry didn't hear what he mumbled, but even so, he wouldn't mind. Not at all. It just means Harry will sort of find out about the secret crush he has on him. But then it wouldn't be a secret at all.
They walked up the balcony stairs and inside the white front doors to the Silver Sables house. Following the long hallways through the old Victorian mansion, they walked up the white wooden stairs and to their rooms. Harry looked at the door to a room which he will be staying in and sighed. He's seen the inside and it is quite big. It's nothing compared to the room he sleeps in at the Dursleys. "I'll see you tomorrow, Draco."
Draco smiled and bit his lip, staring at Harry's mouth. "Yes, I will definitely see you tomorrow and have sweet dreams," he said and as Harry opened the door to the bedroom, walked into it and disappeared into the dark room, Draco breathed in the fresh smell of Pine and apples. Pine. Apples Draco's favourite smells. He loves pine trees, especially on a misty morning. And he loves his apples.
The last thing Draco saw were glimmering eyes staring at him as Harry closed his bedroom door. Draco walked down the hallway a few steps until he came to the door to his bedroom. He decided to have a quick shower and jump into bed all nice and snuggly with his silky dark green pyjamas on. He closed his eyes as he lay in bed and tried not to think about emerald green eyes but found it impossible. Eventually, he fell into a deep sleep thinking of Harry.
Quote: A little jealousy in a relationship is Healthy. It's always nice to know someones afraid to lose you.
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