The promening
Y/N stood with Doll, lizzy and Rebecca looking very uncomfortable. The three girls were checking him out in a white suit with a black tie with matching white trousers and black sneakers.
Lizzy: Oh my gosh Y/N you look so fabulous!
Rebecca: Not to mention handsome.
Doll: Ты отлично выглядишь, Y/N (You look great Y/N)
Y/N: T-thanks girls but please....stop touching me on the ass.
Lizzy: Sorry can't help it.
Y/N: (And I thought V was bad).
Yeva then struts in wearing a beautiful silver dress with black heels Y/N would be lying if he said she wasn't beautiful.
Yeva: О, Y/N, я готов к большой ночи. Как я выгляжу? (Oh Y/N I'm ready for the big night. How do i look?)
Y/N: (Blushes) look....beautiful.
Yeva: Оууу, спасибо. Ты сам выглядишь красивым. (Awww thank you. You look handsome yourself.)
Yeva kisses Y/N much to the jelousy of the others.
Y/N: (Blushes) I'll admit though I am a bit nervous for the prom I'm not really great events.
Lizzy: Relax babe it will be fine. Besides this could help with that confidence you need soo much.
Rebecca: We'll be there for you don't worry. We'll make sure we keep any other girl out of your personal space.
Doll: Это мы обещаем. (That we will promise.
Y/N gulps and takes a deep breath.
Y/N: Okay.....yeah your right I need to do this. I can't be a shy introvert forever i need to start getting myself out there.
Lizzy: That's the spirit!
The five of them leave Yeva's house and walk down the hall. Drones passing by both male and female look at Y/N in awe and jealousy as he walks towards Uzi's house with the most popular girls in the bunker under his arms red as a tomato.
Rebecca: Ohhhh looks like they're jealous.
Lizzy: As they should be.
Y/N: Hey Lizzy? Why are you having Uzi tag along? I thought you despise her.
Lizzy: I do but Khan kinda asked said he'd owe me one if I helped. Figured having the leader of the bunker in your pocket would be of good use.
Y/N:.....Good point.
As they walked down the halls they run into Damien and Knockout. Damien was sporting a suit much like Y/N but his was a blue and cream color. Knockout still had his gear on figured he looked perfect as is although he did iron and wash the clothes just to make sure he looked his best.
Y/N: Hey you two.
Damien: Hello Y/N nice clothes your wearing.
Y/N: Thanks.
Knockout: Anyone gonna compliment my apperance?
Y/N: Oh uhh yeah you look great too Knockout.
Knockout: Thank you.
Damien: Where are you guys heading?
Y/N: Uzi's place she's sticking with us for the prom.
Damien: Ah I'm looking forward to the event. Me, Knockout, alexis, yoko and Mirage have already agreed to attend. Jason and bucky on the other hand....
Doll: Дай угадаю..... мы им не нравимся? (Let me guess.....they don't like us?)
Damien: (Nods head) They're hate for drones runs deep. Alexis is trying evreything to convince them to come but she can't promise anything.
Rebecca: At least she's trying.
They arrive outside the Khan residence and walk towards the door.
Y/N: I just hope Uzi likes my suit. I-i wouldn't to make her feel-
Damien: Woah!
Knockout: She sounds angry.
Y/N: What's going on in there?
The camera switches to inside the room where Uzi was shouting at her dad for hiding her many notes of Cyn and the solver.
Khan: Personal space for a very alarming coping mechanisms isn't covered under support... structure!
He said as he read from an instruction book that is swiped away by Uzi.
Uzi: I'm sorry for being vulnerable for five seconds okay? You were never there for me. Y/N has supported more then you ever have! If you wanna help now stay distant.
Khan was hurt by his daughters word.
Uzi: Now I'm going to go to Y/N and-
She almost trips over a frozen human skeleton.
Uzi: Whaaaaat is this?
Khan: Prom dress! Child small! Something that Y/N would think would look good on you.
Uzi: Ehhh!?
Khan: And seeing that your no longer hanging with those murder drones anymore thank goodness I got Y/N and some schoolmates for you to go with tonight!
Uzi: Huh?
The door opens revealing Y/N, lizzy, Yeva, damien, knockout and doll.
Y/N: Hi uzi!
Lizzy: Sup freak. Prepare to be popular.
Khan: I'm chaperoning!
Inside the pod in the spire V and N had recovered from thier interrogation and were getting dressed. The two of them were not giving up so easily regardless of what ravage said they were taking Y/N back and this time its no more Mrs nice N. N put on a black maid dress and V had a red dress that fits perfectly sticking onto her thighs.
N: Look at us we're dapper buddies.
V: Alright N you remember the plan?
N: Yeah!
V: Dress up all stylish, break in and find a way into the bunker, arrive dramatically, kill evreyone present and take Y/N back with us and keep him for ourselves!
N: And Cyn and tessa right?
V: Urgh yeah them too but mostly us. We've tried to play nice with Y/N you were kind or at least acting kind we told him to stay with us but he didn't listen so now we gotta put our foot down. Y/N is OURS whether he likes it or not!
N: Let's do this but V?.....does this dress make me look fat?
V gives N an unamused stare.
Uzi is led back to dolls house and had her dress in her hands.
Uzi: So thanks for having me but now that my dad thinks I'm here I'm actually gonna-
Yeva closes the door stopping uzi from going.
Lizzy: You're hilarious. She's hilarious. You should get ready! You're gonna look so cute in a brave way!
Rebecca: Yeah totally.
Uzi: I don't know.....
Y/N: Please Uzi.
Y/N held her hand.
Y/N: I'm sure it will look great on you. Tell you what if you do this I'll give you the.......f-first dance?
Uzi found the offer too tempting and ever so begrudgingly walked over to yeva.
Uzi: Where's the bathroom?
Yeva: по коридору налево. (Down the hall to the left.)
Uzi enters the bathroom and gets changed.
Doll: Ты действительно хочешь, чтобы она пришла, не так ли? (You really want her to come don't you?)
Y/N: Yep it could help her as much as it could help me.
Outside the bunker V and N look for anyways inside and spot an open vent and smile.
Uzi finishes putting on her dress and looks in the mirror seeing if it fits. A purple solver symbol glitches in her eye.
Uzi: Easy robo-satan not this mirror.
She takes her hand off her eye and the solver causes the mirror to crack.
Uzi: Aw crap.
Y/N and the others waited patiently outside for Uzi. Y/N straightened his tie when the bathroom door opens. Y/N stares in awe at the beautiful drone before him. The dress fitted and matched her perfectly from the gloves all the way down to the boots.
Y/N: Wow......uzi.
Uzi: I know I know I look stupid.
Y/N: Stupid? You look....stunning! That dress is beautiful on you uzi!
Uzi face lit up with purple Blushes appearing on the side of her visor.
Uzi: T-thanks Y/N that suit fits you too.
Lizzy: Okay girls, Y/N ready to rule the prom?
Rebecca: Yeah!
Yeva: Пойдем. (Let us go.)
Uzi: I'm still a bit nervous about all this.
Y/N: So am I. The last time I went to a party the entire room was uhhhh.... slaughtered. Even though I-i'm just as nervous as you I'm still giving it a go hoping it might help my nerves in the long run.
Uzi: Will there with me?
Y/N:.......(Smiles) I will uzi.
He wraps his hand around hers.
Y/N: All the way.
The room that held the prom was filled with the sound of cheers and laughter. The music was chosen by mirage and many of the drones were dancing to the beat mirage included.
Thad breakdances clicking his fingers at Alexis trying to impress her which works as she blushes casuing Thad to fistbump the air.
Damien, yoko and Knockout were talking to other worker drones drinks in hand engaging in friendly conversation.
At the very back of the room was Jason and Bucky who were hiding in a dark corner keeping a distance from the drone wishing for the event to be over.
Bladewolf, ravage and laserbeak weren't not present they were busy scouting the city checking for any sign of cyn so unfortunately they were absent.
Y/N, Uzi and the other 4 make thier entrance looking around at the vibrant party.
Y/N: Woah they really went all out.
Uzi: Your telling me.
Mirage: Hey Y/N glad you could make it!
Mirage goes over to his friend.
Mirage: I will give worker drones credit they know how to party! See you got your girls too I think everyone's here now!
Rebecca: Hope we aren't late for the party!
Mirage: Late? It's only just getting started!
Uzi smiles and leads Y/N over to the dancefloor.
Uzi: You'd promise I'd get the first dance remember?
Y/N: That I did.....(To Yeva) You don't mind if we uhhhh-
Yeva: Мы можем дождаться своей очереди. (We can wait our turn.)
Lizzy: Don't hog him for too long.
Uzi: No promises!
Uzi and Y/N start to dance with one another spinning around holding eachother. Yoko watches the two in envy and sadness and couldn't stand anymore and gets up and heads to the door.
Alexis: Hey yoko where are you going? The party just started.
Alexis looked at her friend confused this wasn't how she would usually act at a party. She was always the one who would get blacked out drunk.
Yoko: I ain't feeling well alexis think I just wanna go to bed.
Alexis: But you were fine minutes ago. Yoko are you sure you-
Yoko: I'm fine!
Yoko storms out while Damien watched.
Damien: What was that about?
He looks over to the dark corner where Jason and Bucky were sulking about. Sighing he puts his drink down and approaches the two.
Damien: You know when alexis said join the party she didn't mean camp out in the dark corner of the party.
Jason: Get bent.
Bucky: Ditto.
Damien: Look you two I know you hate drones and for a good reason I understand that but you two need to realise that not all drones are murderous psychopaths like Cyn.
Bucky: But what makes you not think this is all just a trick? That they not waiting for us to let our guard down so they can take us out? Worker drones hate humans remember?
Jason: They're heartless machines built to serve and built to kill there's nothing else to it.
Damien: Heartless you say? Okay then explain why they chose to help Y/N? Why did they let him live among them like one of thier own? Why have they helped him become more courageous and social?
Jason: Bullshit.
Damien: Look at Y/N Jason.
They look at Y/N who's dancing with his girlfriends twirling them around taking turns with one another smiling.
Damien: The last time we saw Y/N was when he was a nervous, frightened boy with self-doubt and anxiety too afraid to even throw a punch. Look at him now he's more confident, brave and overall an energetic soul who's not afraid to protect those he loves or enjoy moments with them. Tell me you two was it us who helped Y/N become who he is now? Or was it the drones?
Bucky and Jason were silent.
Damien:....... I'll let you two ponder on that for a bit.
Damien leaves the two and walks back to his table.
Mirage spins around on tbe dancefloor breaking it down and slides back accidentally bumping into someone behind.
????: Ow!
Mirage: Oh crap!
Mirage turns round and offers his hand to the drone.
Mirage: I am so sorry I did not know you were jamming behind me.
Mirage got suprised when he saw it was a drone with no dance partner with glasses on her visor. She slowly accepted his hand and got pulled up.
????: No it's my fault i shouldn't have been waiting here anyway.
Mirage: Wait you were just chilling on the dance floor?
????: My partner said he would dance with me but he's.....dancing with somebody else.
The drone looked hurt and Mirage did not like that.
Mirage: Nah that's just wrong. How about i be your dance partner instead?
????: Really? You would? For me? I don't think I'm a good dancer.
Mirage: That's a ton of crap. Everyone's a good dancer you just gotta find the right beat and then the body takes care of the rest. Come on I'll teach ya a few moves!
Kelsey: Thank you! By the way my names Kelsey.
Mirage: Mirage cool, clean, slick off the tounge!
Mirage takes kelsey and helps her dance along with him.
The beat goes on for another 10 minutes until lizzy walks on stage and uses a microphone.
Lizzy: Alright losers we've all had fun now listen up it's time to announce the prom king and Queen and I think we all know who the king is~
A stage light shines on a shy Y/N while many of the girls and even some boy drones giggle seductively. Although one mean glare from yeva shuts them all up.
Lizzy: The lucky girl who's going to be prom queen iiiiiiiiiis!
The fun is shattered when V and N break through the vents above landing in the middle of the dance floor.
V: US!!
Worker drone: MURDER DRONES!
Worker drone: WE'RE GONNA DIE!!
Y/N: V!? N!?
Jason: Those son's of a-
Bucky: Y/N get back!
Knockout screams and hides under a table. Alexis takes cover and is held by thad who's uses himself as a metal shield. Mirage pushes kelsey behind him and uses a gauntlet attached to his hand to turn his arm into an energy cannon.
Mirage: There's always someone who kills the vibe.
Y/N: What are you two doing here?!
V: Isn't it obvious?
N: We're here for you silly!
Damien: A shame you two will be leaving empty handed!
Y/N: Why can't you two just accept that I don't love you!?
V: We don't care what you say Y/N we're not giving you a choice anymore!
Mirage: Y'all never gave him a chance to begin with.
N: Because we're making it for him. Y/N honey......Come with us..right now.
A image of his dead mother Y/N appeared in his head but he shook it off, swallowed his fear and looked at jason who grabbed one of his pistols and then looked the two murder drones dead in the eye.
Y/N: No.
V: What?
Y/N: I will like you.
Jason tosses Y/N his pistol who catches it and fires two shots towards the two who jumps in different directions. Y/N, Uzi, Damien doll and Yeva went for V and Bucky, Jason and Mirage went for N.
Jason: I've been waiting a long time for this!
N uses her claws to strike bucky but it's deflected by his metal arm and he returns the gesture with a hard smack across the face distorting her vison. She blind fires a missile and Jason uses his sharpshooter skills and shoots the missile mid air the blast sending both parties back. Mirage runs towards N just as she activates her chainsaw hands.
Kelsey: Mirage!
Mirage: Hah watch this!
Mirage presses a button on his gauntlet and out appears four digital clones of himself. The first clone ducks a swing and kicks N in the stomach a second jumps up from behind kicking her in the back of the head. N spins around hitting a clone which vanishes just as bucky and Jason joins in on the tag team. Bucky grabs one of the arms and crushes it and Jason shoots N in the stomach rapidly and mirage fires his blaster blowing off one of her wings before bucky winds up his arm and delivers a haymaker sending N flying through the door skidding onto the hall floor
Mirage; That.....that felt good.
Jason: Got that right.
Bucky: Murder drone scum.
Khan watched N fly past too afraid to help and backs away.
Damien weaves a slash from V countering it with a kick. Two sharp blades stick out from his suit and he deflects two more strikes before rolling to the side letting yeva and doll use thier solvers to create a swarm of knifes sending them flying towards V who tries to fly left but Uzi and Y/N kick her back and two knifes impale her leg.
V enraged fires rockets at yeva and doll yeva conjures up a shield blocking the attack. V jumps through the smoke towards them but Y/N yanks her back by the tail and Uzi slams her foot into her face. V grabs Uzi with her tail knocking her to the ground as V aims her tail at her face. The tail is then shot off by Y/N who with the help of Damien punches her across the room sending her crashing into the stage. Y/N picks uzi up and puts her back on her feet while holding her by the waist.
Uzi: Stop saving me all the time will you?
Y/N: No promises.
V speeds towards the two in a blind fury.
Y/N: O-okay your turn.
Y/N pushes Uzi out the way tanking the full brunt of the charge. V opens her mouth and goes for a bite but two red hands grab her and smack her onto the ground. Doll looks at V who squirmed in her grasp when V's arm gets loose. She aims her weapon at doll and opens fires but Yeva saves her daughter transporting her and doll to safety. V then fires a rocket at uzi but holding her hand Y/N spins her around, they both grab Y/N's gun and pose as they both pulled the trigger sending a bullet flying through V's visor taking her out.
Y/N: Bite me.
Uzi: Bite me.
They blush at one another before they hear applause. Evreyone who had hid were now out of hiding cheering for the two.
Bucky: This has been one hell of a prom.
Mirage: Was fun kicking some ass again though.
Jason: Amen brother felt good to be back in action.
Lizzy: And that is why your my king Y/N.
Rebecca: Our Knight in shining armour.
The drones chant Y/N's name causing him to rub his head shyfully.
Damien: And the shy Y/N has returned.
Jason: Guess your bravery and courage really shines during battle at the heat of the moment.
Y/N: Yeah....I guess.
Kelsey: Mirage are you okay?
Kelsey rushes over to mirage who laughs.
Mirage: I'm good we've been through worser things then this. You didn't take any damage yourself?
Kelsey: No I'm okay.
Mirage: That's alright then.
Alexis hugs thad who hugs her back but after that she's kisses him.
Alexis: Thank for protecting me.
Thad gets embarrassed by the kiss but also loved it.
Bucky: Don't wanna ruin the celebration but what do we do with them?
He points to V and N who was slowly crawling towards them.
N: Love me Y/N......please....
Doll: Я говорю, мы убьем их... (I say we kill them-)
Yeva stops her daughter who looks at her.
Yeva: (Nods head).......Будь лучше этой куклы. (Be better than that doll.)
Doll looks at V and then her mother and deactivates her solver.
Y/N: You did the right thing Doll.
Doll smiles happy that Y/N was proud of her.
N fires one last rocket that speeds towards the group. No one could react in time but then a purple solver stops the missle in its tracks and deactivates it. Evreyone looks at uzi and sees her using her solver for the first time. Yeva gasps seeing an image of her old friend in Uzi.
Y/N: Uzi you have the solver?
Damien: I don't believe it.
Doll: Она такая же, как я! (She's the same as me!)
Uzi drops the missle and looks at yeva.
Yeva: Узи-швейцар, ты действительно такой же, как твоя мать. (Uzi doorman you really are just like your mother.)
Damien and Jason restrain N and Bucky drags V's body on the ground.
N: (Cries) Y/N give me another chance please.
Y/N: No I gave you one more shot......a-and you lied to me I really thought you had changed but I guess I was wrong. I'm never trusting you again N. Bucky Jason, damien throw them out the bunker.
Jason: Shouldn't we just tear thier heart out? It's much more simple.
Y/N: No......
He looks at N in tears.
Y/N: death's too good for them....g-goodbye N.
N screams and cries as she is dragged out of the bunker along with V as Y/N and the others watched.
Knockout peaks his head from the table and slowly stands up.
Knockout: Is it safe to come out yet?
Evreyone looks at him annoyed.
Knockout: What?
Somewhere outside of the bunker a lone worker drone is seen looking for something and finds a pair of glasses in the snow and picks them up.
Worker drone: Oh that's where I left my excuse to be outside right now.
As he puts on the glasses a pod crash lands in front of him followed by a second. The drone had no time to react as he is cut down by a sword welded by none other then the family killer herself Tessa elliot.
Tessa: Righty-o. Work to do eh J?
The newly remade J flies down next to tessa.
Tessa: I hope your ready Y/N cause your lovely wife is here!
As she giggled hiding in a building nearby observing the scene laserbeak, ravage and bladewolf watch the two and then look at one another.
Ravage: We need to warn Y/N and the others immediately.
Bladewolf: Agreed.
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