The broken heart still beats.
Inside the spire of bodies N wakes up and flies down being called by uzi.
Uzi: N I found something in here!
What she was referring to was a hat with skull and crossbones on it. She looks in a mirror and a symbol flashes on her eye breaking the glass.
V: That's weird and concerning.
V says as she was still chained to the floor.
Uzi: Bite me! This is probably you weirdo's fault!
V: I've never seen that symbol before. Wanna do an autopsy to find out?
N: What'd you find?
Uzi: Did you know that was a pilot hat?
N: I was the pilot? That's awesome! I crashed and.......ruined everything... spaceship pilot origin story.
V hisses then calms herself by blowing bubbles out of a bubble blower.
N:....Speaking of piloting to Earth we sure "murder all humans except Y/N" is uh morality?
Uzi: The humans sent you without a communication relay and reformatted most of your memories to soup. Covering their tracks means their past negotiating. Not like they tried negotiating with my mom...
V tries to attack uzi but was stopped by her chains.
V: Or you missed the negotiations! The humans programmed us to solve a problem. Where's proof of your backstory? The one where your kind's so conveniently innocent? Heheh
N keeps the two away not wanting a fight.
N: J was getting orders from someone. If not the company through that relay then uh who and how?
Uzi: (Pouts) Quit complicating my murder plan.
Laserbeak flies in from a gap in the spire and lands next to uzi.
Uzi: Laserbeak?
V: Who's the chicken?
N: Laserbeaks a disassembly that Y/N and uzi fixed. What's he doing here?
Laserbeak plays a recorded message from Y/N.
Y/N: N? Uzi? Could you come to the front of the bunker? We've got a situation over here.
Uzi and N looked confused before looking at eachother.
Back at the colony two worker drones were looking at the hole in the roof made by N when she attacked the bunker.
Worker drone: Yeah just fix her up because whoops pretty big security risk in hindsight. Uh you got this uh Ladderbot 5000.
His real name was actually Frank not Ladderbot 5000.
Frank: Ugh...Please just leave the lights o-
On que the light suddenly shut off.
Frank sighs and wips his flashlight out and tries to think of a way to the damaged roof when he hears a clattering sound. He looks around when he notices something that looks like flesh. He goes to investigate only for a spider like heart to reveal itself. His flashlight gets shot out of his hand as something turns the colors of the room yellow and red before Frank screams and is killed off-screen by.....something.
We then find Khan sitting with the teacher in his office.
Teacher: Mr Doorman your daughter and the human have been uh...absent.
Khan: Yes on that "kill all humans" kick like when I was younger. Grounded herself and all that. The humans probably with her doing what most usual kids do like make out and all.
Teacher: Speaking on Uzi's behavior-
Khan: Of course of course precocious popular supernatural understanding of doors. Takes after her old man.
A flashback shows uzi sitting on a blushing Y/N's lap.
Teacher: Uzi please sit normal not on Y/N's lap.
Uzi: Bite me!
Another shows Uzi had took control of braidon with her hacking skills.
Teacher: Uzi (Sighs) give Braden back his sentience.
Uzi/Braden: Bite me-her! I started it and also I'm dumb.
Y/N laughed through all of it even when his head got set on fire.
And one final flashback shows Y/N getting pulled by Uzi and lizzy.
Teacher: Uzi you have to let Y/N partner up with someone you can't force him to work with you.
Uzi: I'm not forcing him he wanted to work with me.
Lizzy: No he didn't. You freak him out.
Uzi: But mostly bite me!
Y/N: (Why me?)
We then return to khan and the teacher.
Teacher: Yeah she has trouble fitting in. We think there might be something damaged with her programming. How is she at home?
Khan: Uh...Sorry? I mean she's a little herself but damaged? I... maybe haven't spent much time...
Teacher: Mmm m-hm...
A worker drones walks in.
Worker: Mr Doorman sir? There's been an...incident.
Uzi and N are seen walking back to the colony.
Uzi: Oh I'm sweaty! Who programmed that?!
N: You good Uzi?
Uzi: I'm good! Better than good! I AM GOD!
Uzi and N spot Y/N with thad and ravage. laserbeak flies over ahead and lands on Y/N's shoulder.
Y/N: Hey you two!
Uzi: Hiiii Y/N~
N: Hello (Waves)
Thad: Zi. M,n,m.
Ravage: We were wondering when you'd arrive.
Uzi: So why have you told us to come here Y/N? I banished myself remember.
Y/N: I know but this is really REALLY important I promise. So remember what was left of J after I destroyed her?
Uzi: Yeah nothing but scrap why?
Thad: Her body's went missing boom! Gone without a trace.
Uzi: It has!?
Ravage: And recently worker drones within the colony have begun to vanish the only clues are patches of oil left behind at the scene indicating an act of murder.
N: Do you think J's-
Y/N: Back? I hope not but it could be a possibility.
Ravage: A worst case scenario and we want you here as back up in case we're attacked by whatever is causing the dissaperances.
Thad: I even found your railgun. Here.
Thad gives uzi her gun back.
Uzi: (Smiles) We can return a little and someone needs to protect Y/N.
Ravage: I have already volunteered as his guardian.
Uzi: Not you ME!
Ravage: Envious are we?
Uzi give the drone a death glare until Y/N buts in.
Y/N: Uuuuhuhuuuu we should head inside now.
N: Yeah great idea.
Uzi: Yeah....sure.
Back inside the colony a worker drone finds a hologram of Frank (Ladderbot 5000).
Worker drone: Oh Ladderbot 5000? We looked everywhere for you!
The hologram screams in pain then returns to normal.
Frank: Hi Tim. Care to join me?
Tim: Join you standing eerily still over there in suspiciously low resolution?
He walks towards the hologram and is yanked up into the ceiling and killed. A hologram of tim then appears next to Frank.
Tim?: Flawless character acting me.
Frank?: Improv game for more practice?
Tim?: Hahaha! We are a monster!
After being let inside once uzi was dome having a little go at the guard for her self-exile the squad wander around the bunker until coming across a crime scene peeking the courner watching the investigation.
Ravage: This seems recent.
Y/N: Like it happened some time today.
Worker drone: Yeah where's Khan? Because this looks ahaha ugh non ideal.
Worker drone: Parent teacher Conference. Something about his daughter being more important than building a door in this hallway. Ugh kind of cringe.
Worker drone: Ew. Oh give me a minute...Ah yep okay almost threw up.
Uzi was behind them listening in on their conversation.
N: You good?
Uzi: I'm good stop asking!
Y/N looks at uzi concerned.
Y/N: Are you sure uzi?
Uzi: Yes.....I'm fine.
She motions for evreyone to follow her and they sneak away from the scene.
Worker drone: Any forensic things over there? Do we have fingerprints?
But she doesnt receive a response. She looks at her colleagues who all turn out to be holograms and disappear. Her surroundings disappear and she looks up terrified and is also killed off-screen before the scene changes back to khan and the teacher.
Khan: I mean you don't think it's my parenting do you? I left her for dead once! It sounds like she's bored in your class and the other kids suck minus the human! Call her "damaged" again and I will install a DOOR ON YOUR FACE!
Lizzy Doll and Yeva are in the back listening to the mad khan.
Lizzy: Was he always this mad when criticised?
Yeva: Да, в значительной степени. Не знаю, как Нори с ним справился. (Yep pretty much. Don't know how Nori dealt with him.)
They hear a knock on the door and see a clone of lizzy motioning to be let in.
Lizzy: That girl is......gorgeous! I'm gonna let her in!
Doll looked unimpressed while yeva was seething in rage.
Y/N and the gang were now in the room where they fought V and J. Y/N felt a shiver and unease this room reminded him of the room he saw Cyn in his nightmare.
Uzi: You that often?
N: Haha no. I'm very concerned, but also pretty frightened a little bit.
Ravage noticed Y/N's nervous expression.
Ravage: You seem on edge Y/N. Is evreything alright?
Y/N: It's f-fine it's just....this place reminds me of a nightmare I had.
Ravage: A nightmare?
Y/N: It's probably nothing ravage just my nerves getting to me.
Thad: Hey Uzi! What's this thing?
Thad points to a symbol on the wall evreyone was confused by the symbol all for expect Y/N.......
Ohhhh he knew that symbol all too well.
He had seen it many years ago.
He had seen its frightening power in action.
Y/N: The absolute......s-s-solver.
Evreyone looked at him but grew worried when they saw he was shaking uncontrollably and his eyes were wide with fear.
Seeing the symbol brought back old memories......horrible memories.
The sight of tessa gutting her parents with a smile-
The sight of Cyn cutting apart and devouring other humans-
The memories of V, J and N chasing after him covered in blood-
The sight of the three killing his parents, tearing them apart in front of his very eyes.
Uzi: Y/N?
Y/N snaps out of his trauma and slowly starts to back up.
Uzi: How do you know what this thing is?
Her eye glitches showing her purple solver.
Thad: Dude are you okay?
Y/N: We need to get out of here.
Uzi: No Y/N we still need-
Evreyone was taken back by his outburst.
Y/N: I recognise it and I remember someone who used it and it wasn't J! We could be dealing with something FAR worse! We need to leave before she-
Y/N stops when him and everyone else see a human hand appear from the darkness and grab Y/N.
Y/N: What the-
Looking up N aims her cannon and fires a rocket lighting up where the hand was coming from and caught a glimpse-
Of that.
Ravage: that?
The hand that latched on to Y/N suddenly yanks him and pulls him up.
Uzi: Y/N!
Thad: No!
Ravage: LET GO OF HIM!
Ravage fires bolts at the arm along with laserbeak who shoot nanite bullets to melt through the metal. N cuts Y/N free by using a ninja star!
Uzi: I want a freaking ninja star!
Uzi, Thad and N get thrown into a wall and ravage and laserbeak get slammed into the ground. Y/N shoots his pistol which is knocked from his hand and he's then dragged away by the monster.
Ravage growls and gets back on his feet.
Ravage: Stick with me I still have his scent we haven't lost him yet!
N: Hold on Y/N we're coming!
The four run after the monster.
Y/N was being dragged into a large vent above the hallway and is forced to look at what appears to be a eldritch monster that had J's head attached to it with a pair of cyclops eyes that looked happy to see Y/N.
????: Oh what a wonderful day happy expression. It is so good to finally see you again Y/N.
Y/N: Y-your not J you have the absolute solver and there's only o-one drone I know who had a form like yours.
????: blushes happily so you do still remember me Y/N? I knew that nightmare would jog your noggin.
Y/N: The nightmare......Oh no........i-its really is you.
The solvers upper body glitches and changes apperance. Y/N's worst fears are confirmed as he reunites with a very obsessed drone.
Cyn: Hi Y/N~ blows kiss. Tessa is going to love seeing you again.
Ravage leads the others down the corridor Y/N's scent growing stronger with each step. They come across what appears to be a hologram version of Y/N standing below the vent where Y/N was being kept.
Y/N?: Yes and hello. It's me Y/N. Um can I get a location?...I heard dentist's office! I'm Y/N at the dentist office. Come over here for your... teeth! Also I want to break up with you.
Uzi: Predictably terrible work J not even close to the real Y/N. Why do you look so-
N: Great! You look great J!
Thad: Ayo what did you do to my guy Y/N?
Ravage: Answer if you value your life!
Y/N?: No no wait guys it's really me! Looks away shyfully is that a......freaking ninja star?
N throws the ninja star and uzi kicks it up freeing the real Y/N from the vents and from Cyn/Absolute solvers grasp.
Uzi: Y/N thank god.
Uzi goes to Y/N who is picked up by Cyn/solver who had reverted back into her eldritch J form.
N: Get off him!
Ravage: Thad go to the other drones and call for help!
Thad: Alright then!
Thad runs past the monster who still has Y/N in her arms.
Cyn/solver: We're busy then anyway so whatever. So lame.
Uzi: What's with the voice J?
Y/N: That's not J uzi it's C-
A claw silences Y/N.
Cyn/solver: Hush Hush now sweetie no spoilers. J's not here we are trying to repair that host as per our directive.
Uzi: So you ARE a program?
Cyn/solver: More like you are our cute puppets. It hurts our feelings you don't remember us.
Cyn/the solver makes a hologram of Uzi's mom nori with a baby uzi in her arms.
Uzi: N...? What's with the mom hologram...?
But N along with ravage and laserbeak had vanished.
Cyn/Solver: Easier to assimilate than explain.
Uzi: Not happening.
Cyn/solver: Fair but poor choice. Now we will have to do something shocking.
The monster brings down a clone of Khan.
Uzi: Woah! Hey!
Cyn/solver: Goodbye dad.
She then tears the clone in half and feasts upon it.
Uzi: What...?
Cyn/solver goes in to kill Uzi but it gets struck by a missile fired by N.
Cyn/solver: Pained cry.
N: Uzi shoot! Or give it to me!
N fires again but the attack is deflected by the monster.
Cyn/Solver: Claw swipe.
It then charges at the two.
Cyn/solver: Snarl.
N: Uzi! You good?!
Uzi: ...No.....we gotta save Y/N!
N then grabs the railgun and smiles evily before revealing itself to be a hologram.
Cyn/Solver: Pranked idiot. You big stupid.
It then throws Uzi to the side knocking the railgun out of her hands and smashing it before it grabs her.
Cyn/solver: Lucky for you, it's snack time. Time to go into my mouth now. Look away now my dear Y/N. I know you can be squeamish.
Before she could feast on Uzi, N the real N saws off its appendages and laserbeak melts two of its claws with his bullets as Uzi's railgun turned red ready to explode.
Cyn/Solver: Ow and please don't and also I was using those.
Ravage jumps on the monster and bites through the claws holding Y/N and grabs him by the scruff of the shirt and jumps off with him in his mouth.
N grabs Uzi and they make their escape as the railgun self-destructs. Ravage protects Y/N as a living shield and N shields uzi with her wings. Cyn or the solvers monster form however was completely vaporised J's head and all.
Uzi: What was...? Which parts of that were real...?
The spider heart then jumps into view and tried to sneak up on uzi.
Cyn/solver: Sneaky sneaky. Sneaking away. Get snuck upon.
The heart is then pinned by laserbeaks claws and the bird pecks the heart rapidly.
Cyn/solver: Ow. Ow,Ow,Ow,Ow,Ow.
The heart then caves in forming a small black hole that slowly floats away.
Uzi: Y/N!
Uzi runs over to the traumatised Y/N who was being checked on by ravage.
Ravage: Y/N are you okay? Did that thing inflict any damage to you? Are you in need of medical assistance?......Y/N!
Uzi: Say something Y/N come on your worrying me.
But nothing he was silent tears streaming in his eyes as he suffered from an extreme anxiety attack. N also worried for Y/N approaches with her hand reaching to him.
N: Y/N....are you....okay?
But this triggers a flashback for our broken protagonist who instead of seeing a kind N offering her hand he instead saw her in her disassembly form covered in blood. Screams echoed around him as the bunker turns into a bloodstained mansion.
And in N's left arm was the decapitated head of his mother....M/N L/N.
N: It's okay Y/N......I'M HERE NOW.
N: What?
Y/N gets up and swings his right arm and smacks the killer drone to the floor making her drop his mother's head.
But what evreyone else saw was a frightened Y/N suddenly spring up and smack N hard in the face who had done nothing but try to comfort him.
N held the right side of her face tearing up.
N: (Cries) Y/N...why.....why did you-
Y/N: Stay away from me you monster STAY AWAY!
He then runs from N and past khan and his group who just turned the corner.
Khan: Y/N!?
Ravage: Y/N WAIT!
Ravage and laserbeak pursue the distraught boy N tries to help Uzi up but she pushed her away.
Uzi: What.....are you things?
Heartbroken by Uzi's distraught and Y/N sudden outburst N flies up to the roof just as khan and his team arrive.
Khan: Uzi? W-what are you doing-
Uzi runs into her father's arm and embraces him. Shocked at first khan eventually melts into it calming his daughter. His team looks around and khan looks up glaring at N in the roof above.
Doll is sitting by herself in the classroom looking at a photo. A robotic cockroach crawls up her arm as she looks back towards the door and remembers what happened earlier when Lizzy saw a copy of herself behind the door.
Lizzy: Gorgeous right?! I'm gonna let her in.
She gets up to let her copy in... Only for Doll and yeva to use thier powers to break the door before Lizzy could reach it.
Lizzy: Jesus sorry industrial strength ghost or whatever. Settle.
Lizzy takes her seat as her copy disappears.
Back to the present the roach on Dolls arm explodes and she licks some of the oil and looks at a photo of V remembering something her mother said.
Yeva: Забудь о ее кукле, иди дальше. Мы должны быть лучше ее, а не опускаться до ее уровня.....это меня чему-то научило. (Forget about her doll move on. We must be better then her not stoop to her's something Y/N has taught me.)
Her mothers words remained in doll's head as she pondered her options.
Back at the spire V was with N who was crying feeling the side of the face that Y/N had slapped.
V: (Sighs) I hate your personality normally but this is somehow worse. What am I being punished for?
V’s expression softens and she looks down revealing her chain was broken. She then hides it before looking back at N and then turns away again with her arms crossed.
Inside Uzi's room uzi was on her bed staring at the roof which was now covered in papers with theories and pictures of the absolute solver. Her mind also wandered to Y/N who she hasn't seen or heard from since he ran away.
Uzi: What have you gone through baby? Y/N I don't know where you are right now but be safe.....please.
Ravage and laserbeak followed Y/N back to his shuttle ravages concern grew the longer it took to catch Y/N.
The two drones enter the ship and search for Y/N.
Ravage: Y/N where are you? It's ravage please tell me where you are your worrying me!
Ravage approaches Y/N's bedroom and hears sobbing and heavy breathing coming from inside.
Ravage: Y/N?
Ravage slowly pulls the door open and steps inside. His heart drops when he sees Y/N on his bed shaking his breathing out of control and tears covering his face.
Ravage: Y/N.......
Ravage jumps on the bed and slowly crawls to Y/N who was having a panic attack. It broke ravage seeing him this way so distraught so afraid it reminded him of himself when was trapped in the old facility.
Ravage couldn't find any words that could calm Y/N whatever that thing was that they encountered has shattered his mental state completely giving him a serve case of trauma.
So to pay homage to his long deceased brother bladewolf ravage takes a hint out of his book-
And lays his head onto Y/N's chest comforting him.
Something bladewolf always did to ravage when felt afraid.
Slowly Y/N raised his left hand and placed it on top of ravage's head holding him close to his chest allowing him to hear his heart beating rapidly. Laserbeak lies next to his right arm and nuzzle his head into his palm.
The two drones did not leave Y/N's side that night....not even for a moment.
Because if Y/N had to suffer-
At least he won't have to suffer-
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