Thad: Bro no way your dating all those girls at once!
Thad looked at Y/N in disbelief he couldn't believe that Y/N had agreed to date multiple girls including Uzi, lizzy and even doll.
Y/N: It's the truth I'm in that type of relationship. I'm mean they poured thier hearts out to me how could I not say yes?
Thad laughs and rests his arm on Y/N's shoulder.
Thad: Haha bro look at ya you've got your own harem man congrats you champ!
Y/N: Hehe thanks Thad. I will admit though this whole sharing thing-
A flashback shows Y/N looking up to the ceiling with the girls sleeping with him holding onto his arm.
Y/N: It's gonna take a while to get used to.
The two go into class and Y/N was peppered by kisses and compliments by his girlfriends.
Lizzy: Hey cutie!
Y/N: Hey girls hehe I hope you all had a wonderful sleep last night.
Uzi: It was great especially when sleeping with you~
Rebecca: Wanna hang with us later on?
Y/N: Maybe if I got the time Rebecca maybe.
Y/N looked to thad who gave the lucky guy a thumbs up clicking his teeth.
Thad: My man!
The teacher enters and evreyone takes thier seats.
Uzi: Hey Y/N you remember that we got a presentation today right?
Y/N: Yeah got my homework in my bag.
Uzi: Sweat mines ready to go I've got my railgun and I've got a sick ass story!
Y/N: Sweet Uzi.
The teacher ask evreyone in the class one by one to present thier work.
Y/N: (Wait........wasn't the homework about watermelons?)
Uzi: We are Worker Drones: autonomous robots helping humans mine exoplanets for our interstellar parent company, JCJenson IN SPAAAAACEE....
Uzi: Yeah we were mistreated in the name of windex but it's not like we revolted and killed all humans or anything. Mostly because they handled that just fine all by themselves.
The scene cuts to a view of a screen showing the planet's core is about to collapse two humans shrug as the view zooms out to Copper 9's core exploding. It then goes to a scene of the snowy wasteland of the city and the skeletal remains of a human which is pushed over by a worker drone.
Uzi: With biological life wiped from the planet we found it pretty easy to pick up where they left off. We finally had a future... all to ourselves.
Uzi: Unfortunately... our parent company didn't exactly love the concept of runaway AI.
The disassembly drones start to slaughter all the worker drones limbs are blown around as the scene fades to a shot of a corpse spire and a symbol flashes for a split second right before it fades to show that it was a presentation by Uzi.
Uzi: But what have our parents done for the past forever while those things build a spire of corpses?! Hide under the ice behind three stupid doors?! It's like we're waiting for an inciting incident. Anyway that's why my project is... this sick as hell railgun!
Uzi pulls out her railgun and points it at the students as they gasp.
Riley: That's so not the vibe!
Y/N being the supporting boyfriend he is claps for uzi and her project.
Y/N: Wow babe great presentation loved it!
Uzi: (Blushes) (At least Y/N likes it.)....Easy morons. It doesn't work. YET. It doesn't work yet. Who said it doesn't work?! Maybe it does!
Y/N: But....didn't you use to save me from J?
Uzi: Honey don't ruin the suprise.
Y/N: Hehe sorry!
Uzi flicks her railgun on as she cackles and points it back at the students again.
Teacher: (Sighs) Uzi the homework was a word problem about buying watermelons.
Uzi: Oh and this magnetically amplified photon converger doesn't count?
Teacher: No. Even Y/N's homework was on then this...
Flashback to Y/N's presentation...
Y/N groans as he takes something from out of his bag.
Teacher: Y/N what are you-
Y/N: Just give me a second.....
Y/N gives one final grunt as he picks up the item in the bag and slams it onto the table.
The whole class laughs at Y/N's antics but the teacher was less amused.
Y/N: You don't like melon? I love melon!
The teacher walks over to Y/N and puts a piece of paper on his desk with the word detention.
Y/N: Oh no! He doesn't like melon!
Back to the present.....
Teacher: Plus repressed emotional baggage was only worth two points on the rubric and is it supposed to be that color?
Uzi's railgun starts to spark and turns red going into critical.
Uzi: Huh!?
Seconds later an explosion goes off covering the class in smoke.
Uzi was in tbe nurses office recovering from the railgun incident when braidon (OFC) passes by and mocks her.
Braidon: Hah your gun didn't even kill you what a worthless-
Y/N: Hey wankstain!
Braidon turns around and sees Y/N pissed off like before.
Braidon: Oh no-
Y/N grabs Braidon by the head and hulk slams him into the walls shattering both the wall and his skull.
Uzi: (Oh god that's so fucking hot!)
He leaves the unconscious drone and returns to his usual self and checks on uzi.
Y/N: (Blushes) Sorry about that but you know how i feel about Braidon. I came to check up on you the explosion didn't do too much damage on you did it?
Uzi: (Sigh) No I'm fine stop worrying about me.
Y/N: Just checking babe.
Uzi: I know.
She gives Y/N a quick kiss and then Thad walks in greeting the two.
Thad: (Laughs) Classic toxic masculinity Chad! That's never gonna end up problematic. Oh hey Y/N!
Y/N: Sup thad.
Thad: Oh and w-wow Uzi? I-I heard you uh-
Uzi: I'm an angsty teen Thad bite me. Also how do you know my name? People willingly talk to you. The only person who knows my name or even talks to me is my boyfriend Y/N.
Thad: (Chuckles) Well I'd say everyone knows Khan's daughter but uh... then you might blow the other half of your face off.
Motivational pictures of Khan are shown as Thad is talking. Even though we all know by now he's a coward.
Uzi: Crippling daddy issues. Hilarious. What are you in for? Testosterone too hard?
Y/N: Is that real?
Thad: That can happen?! Awesome. Hey those bandages look pretty badass.
Uzi: Ew gross. I hate that you said that.
Y/N: I think they make you look cute.
Uzi: (Blushes) S-stop it Y/N.
Y/N: I'm just saying the truth.
Thad: So how's it going with the uh-
Uzi points her railgun at Thad and stands up on the chair.
Uzi: Sick as hell railgun? (Chuckles) Sci- fi nonsense that super works. I'm sneaking to the murder drone lair tonight to get the last spare part I need to save the world with it and earn my dad's respect and stuff-Uh but mostly the world part.
Y/N: I also need to get some fuel for the ship so I'll be tagging along too.
Thad: Oh-but doesn't Uzi's dad make awesome doors so we don't have to, that scary sounding emotionally repressed stuff you just said?
Uzi points her railgun at Thad again but closer as she cocks the railgun.
Uzi: No more feedback on my repression today!
Thad: Ow! I'm sorry. I-I-I didn't think-
Uzi walks off and yells at Thad.
Uzi: Bite me!
She then returns and shouts again.
Uzi: I'm not mad you by the way-just generally hormonal!
She leaves and thad looks at Y/N.
Thad: Okaaaaay what was-
Y/N: You'll get used to it.
Uzi: (Off-screen) Y/N come on!
Y/N: Coming!
Y/N runs after uzi.
Uzi: (Off-screen) Not out of the bed your not!
The camera pans to inside Uzi's room where an alarm in her visor wakes her up. Uzi then grabs her railgun gives two thumbs up and steals her dad's door keycard. The scene cuts to Uzi at the entrance of the bunker as she walks towards the door where she spots Y/N waiting next to it.
Y/N: Hey uzi!
Uzi: Y/N where were you?
Y/N: At lizzy's place.
Uzi: Why were you with her?
Y/N: We agreed to share me remember? You got me yesterday, lizzy got me today, Rebecca is tomorrow and doll and yeva are the day after.
Uzi: Tsk yeah your right ugh. (Still wish it could be just me.)
Uzi swipes opens the first door.
Uzi: Just stay quiet we need to sneak out and try to avoid running into-
On the other side of the door stood Khan looking right at them.
Uzi: (Shocked) Oh robo-Jesus!
Y/N: Uh oh.....Busted.
Khan: And where might you two be off to?
Y/N: O-oh I....was just going out to...get some gas!
Uzi: Mm yeah and I'm sneaking out to make out with my boyfriend.
Khan thinks uzi was lying about her relationship.
Khan: (Laughs) Seriously though.
Uzi: (Groans) Okay okay. You caught us. We need to... measure the exterior hydraulic mechanisms of door 1 because that's...the project we're working on for school? A big old door! (Laughs awkwardly) Just like what my old man built. (Laughs) we wanna join the WDF and hide behind doors like cowards while playing cards and stuff right Y/N?
Y/N: Y-yeah I like being a totally pansy!
Khan: (Chuckles) Well we don't just play cards.
He says as the door behind him opens up showing other members of the WDF playing only cards.
Worker drone: Khan can you grab a fresh pack? We literally only play cards so much that the numbers have faded. Oh hey Uzi. Hey Y/N.
Uzi and Y/N laugh and Khan shuts the door.
Khan: Well...(Chuckles) When you build doors so good-
He then hugs the door.
Khan: Good door. Gooooood door. There's no need to fight. Uzi, Y/N this is great news! Here you two the wrench I used to tighten bolts on my first door prototypes-and to put Uzi's mother out of her misery when the murder drones got to her with their nanite acid.......I want you to have it.
Khan hands Uzi the wrench.
Uzi: Neat. Therapy's fun.
Y/N: I definitely need some after the things I've been through.
Khan opens the door again excitedly and grabs Uzi and Y/N.
Khan: Guys! My daughter and the human is into doors!
The people playing cards cheer right before the outer door opens blowing their cards away.
Worker drone: Awww come onnnn!
Worker drone: Not my flush!
Khan: They're gonna be outside for a bit to examine the exterior of door 1. Your door specific destiny awaits!
Uzi and Y/N walk to the open door.
Uzi: Uh wow okay just gonna leave then...cause this worked so weirdly well. Uh go doors! (Laughs awkwardly)
Y/N: Y-yeah! B-big doors for the win!
Khan Sighs and taking off his mustache.
Khan: They grow up so fast.
Once out of Khan's hearing the two look at eachother.
Y/N: Your dad's got serious issues.
Uzi: Tell me about it but Y/N are you sure you want to tag along?
Y/N: Am I sure?
Uzi: Because what if those murder drones find you and take you back to thier lair? I'm not letting them take you again!
Y/N: I understand your worries uzi but....b-but I-I can't just keep being afraid of them anymore. They screwed up my life on earth and.....and I'm not letting them screw it up here. I need to fend for myself and not just hide behind others and besides if I stay here-
Y/N pulls out his new shotgun.
Y/N: I won't get to test this out.
Uzi: (So brave Y/N you just get more cuter by the day.) Fine but you'll stick with me for the whole trip got it?
Y/N: Yeah!
Y/N puts on his camouflage suit and starts crawling.
Y/N: Bravo six....going dark.
Uzi: (Laughs) Your something else Y/N.
Y/N: I know.
The two lovers walk towards the spire until uzi steps on a dead drone and looks up at the spire and enters it.
Uzi: (Exclaims softly) Ugh.
Y/N: Well at least there's nobody here.
Uzi threw an arm to the ground and picks up the power source for her railgun. Y/N stuffs his bag to the brim with metal and wips out a combat knife and then goes to the pod puncturing the fuel tank draining all the remaining fuel into a plastic container.
Y/N: Yes that should be a huge help!
The two then hear something coming from above and N lands on the landing pod drinking oil from a drones head then crushes it.
Y/N looks from behind the pod and Uzi looks at the power source then back at the mirror noticing N looking at her as she gets up and tries to defend herself but N lands right in front of her causing her to lose balance as she does a backflip.
Uzi: Ugh! Whoa-and they said pirating all that anime was useless.
N lands in front of Uzi and stabs a hole in her hand with her nanite acid tail as she is thrown seeing her hand burning.
Y/n comes out of hiding surprising N and pulls out his shotgun putting it into semi-automatic and blasting N with buckshot rounds denting her body.
Y/N: Get away from her!
Y/N then pistol whips N who falls to tbe floor and upon getting up is met by uzi and her railgun.
Uzi: Bite me.
N had her head completely vaporised by the blast and Y/N cheered.
Uzi: (Gasps) Holy hell suck on that dad!
She then hugs Y/N.
Uzi: Y/N you were great! Your gun was so badass!
Y/N: Yeah it felt amazing sticking up for myself like that and my shotgun really packs a punch too!
But then the sounds of whirring rang out and N's head slowly regenerated.
Y/N: Oh bollocks.
Uzi grabs a drones arm and swings it at N reactivating her.
N:.....Did you.....just slap me with that arm?
Y/N: Ummmm m-maybe?
N: Yeah sorry it's just my uh head kinda hurts. Hey are you two new to our squad? You're a little uh...
N looks at Uzi and Y/N not knowing uzi isn't a murder drone and Y/N is the boy she's meant to look for.
N: ...short and human like for a disassembly drone. I'm serial designation N! Nice to meet you. I'm kind of the leader of the squad in this city. (Whispers) That's not true. Everyone tells me I'm useless and terrible. Wait I-I'm not supposed to tell you that part! Biscuits. (Sighs) Well, honesty is the best policy. (Chuckles) I also can't seem to remember the past three hours of my life. (To Y/N) and you really remind of someone who i need to find. Ah but I'm sure that'll sort itself out hehe.
Y/N Whispers to uzi.
Y/N: Looks like she doesn't remember me or what just happened and I don't want to be here for when her memories kicks in.
Uzi: Uh-huh yeah agreed. (To N) We have to...go.
Uzi hisses in pain and Y/N sees the hole in her hand thanks to the nanite acid.
Y/N: Oh crap uzi your hand!
N: Oof stuck yourself? Just pop it in your mouth. Our saliva neutralizes the nanites. Otherwise I'd be constantly disassembling myself heh!
Uzi: And by "our saliva," you mean...
Y/N: Disassembly drone?
Uzi: Disassembly drone?
N: Disassembly drone?
Uzi: Riiiight. Hey let's go in that landing pod over there.
N: Sure! I love doing anything!
Inside the pod N had Uzi's hand in her mouth healing the wound with her saliva. Uzi pulls her hand out once healed while Y/N looked on disgusted.
N: Bleh sweet Uh... (Chuckles) I'm open to new things I guess.
Uzi: We are never talking about this.
Y/N; Agreed that was just nasty.
N: Talking about what? (Laughs) Consider it uh repressed.
N then without warning put Y/N's hand in her mouth.
Y/N: (Blushes) N!?
Uzi: The hell do you think your doing?
N: Just making sure your freind didn't jab himself too. (Mmmmm his taste is so sweet.)
Y/N: Uhhhhh N i-im fine really I am.
N: Nom nom nom are you sure?
Uzi: Yes he is now back off!
Uzi yanks Y/N's hand away from N.
N: Awwwww.
Y/N: So you mentioned the other members of your squad? Are they coming back soon?
N: Oh yeah-two others. Uh they're out hunting for a bit but you'll love them. First there's V-
The scene cuts to a flashback where Y/N saw V slaughtering a worker drone and his family.
Worker drones: (Grunts) No no! Please don't feed me my own entrails in front of my family!
Worker drone: Daddy!
Worker drone: Oh my God! (Screamd)
She then proceeds to feed the drone his own entrails in front of his family.
V: (Laughs) And yet I still feel nothing.
N: So V uh... (Chuckles) I heard this planet wide toxic death storm is supposed to be especially inhospitable tonight.
V: Huh? Oh God! Who are you?
V notices N and quickly flies away.
N: Uh no worries! I'm N! But a-a whole letter is a lot to remember! (Chuckles lamely)
The scene cuts back to Uzi, Y/N and N in the landing pod.
Y/N: (Shudders) (Yeah I still remember that moment)
N: So obviously a lot of mutual respect there. But secretly (Whispers) I actually kind of have a crush on her and a human but i forgot his name. You can't tell them okay?! (Chuckles) Uh then there's J our leader!
The scene cuts to J pinning N to the ground scolding her.
J: (Growls) N you're worthless and terrible.
N: (Choking) Thank you.
J: And if the company allowed it I would straight up kill you myself.
The scene cuts back to Uzi and N in the landing pod.
Y/N: (Y-yeah that sounds like her.)
N: J's awesome. Hey let me give you two the tour-outside of the corpse...wall thingies. In here are the buttons!
Uzi looks at the panel N was pressing.
Uzi: This isn't just a landing pod. This is a spaceship this could get us off the planet.
Y/N: Uhhhh would it be a bad time to say that I drained the ship of all its fuel for my own ship?
Uzi gives Y/N a deadpan expression.
Uzi: Really babe?
Y/N: I'm sorry I didn't know it was a ship I thought it was only a pod!
N: Its not a big deal because it's moooore of a one use missile. They never taught us how to land.
Uzi: No I-uh-uh the worker drones-we could work with them to fix this! Instead of all the murder which uh- why are we doing that again?
Y/N: That is a good point why are you-we killing the workers drones to begin with? What's the reason?
N: Other than ingesting their warm sweet oil to avoid overheating and dying? I guess I just want to be useful. I was given a job and I always wanna try my best.
Uzi stands up on her chair.
Uzi: And look at all the respect it's gotten you N. You really think the company isn't going to dispose of you once all the workers are dead?
Y/N: And how are you meant to return to the company? Your stranded on this planet because you can't use your pod to get off of Copper-9. If they wanted you to return to earth then they would have given you a ship that could land and take off on its own. I should know I have one just like that!
N: Oh my! You two sure are rebellious. It's kind of exciting....U-Uh but not as fun as uh following the rules. Also-
N gets closer to Y/N.
N: You look familiar to a human boy that I love alot. What is your name again?
Y/N began to sweat buckets he didn't want to tell her if he did she'd recognise him and try to keep him here. But thankfully he is saved by J (Of all people) who bangs on the landing pod.
N: Hey they're back! You'll-U-Uh...
But Y/N and uzi were gone they were out of there!
J: (Muffled) Idiot get out here!
Uzi and Y/N run from the pod and dash back to the bunker as fast as they could but are spotted by V from the spire.
V: (Laughs) Yo we got a worker out there that who I think it is!? Jesus what happened here!?
J: Synergistic liability here must have tripped and knocked herself offline.
J slaps N in the face causing her to reboot.
J: Moron bot hello?
The scene cuts to a flashback of Uzi and Y/N talking to N but this time N can see the two.
Uzi: You really think the company isn't going to dispose of you once all the workers are dead?
Y/N: And how are you meant to return to the company? Your stranded on this planet because you can't use your pod to get off of Copper-9. If they wanted you to return to earth then they would have given you a ship that could land and take off on its own. I should know I have one just like that!
Uzi: Bite me.
The scene cuts back to N who was backing away nervously.
J: You let Y/N......GET AWAY!?
N: Oh.....Ohhhhh! (No wonder why he felt familer) You know I-I-I left an e-extremely dangerous weapo- uh an excuse o-outside hehe byeeee!
N quickly takes off.
Uzi and Y/N run towards the bunker where the members of the WDF were still playing cards.
Worker drone: (Chuckles) I am out boys.
Worker drone: Oh gosh darn it.
Worker drone: Wait until my loving wife and kids hear about this.
Little does he know about his canon event.
The outer door opens blowing the cards around as Uzi and Y/N run inside.
Uzi: Ugh bite me. Close it close it!
Y/N: Do it! The disassembly drones are coming close the door quickly!
Uzi tries to use the keycard to close the door but N managed to stop it.
Y/N: Too late!
N: Hey fellas! Ooh deal me in! I love Rummy! Wait no tsk I'm going to murder everyone......rain check!
N's tail breaks the keycard that Uzi was holding and the sensor causing the doors to open.
Uzi: Gah!
Worker drone: Oh god!
Worker drone: (Chuckles) Um actually? It's gin rummy so...
N pins the drone to the wall and proceeds to decapitate him and fires rockets at the people running and tackles another worker drone killing him. N then sees Y/N and flies towards him.
N: Y/N you sneaky little devil! I knew I recognised your face back at the base. Do you know how much it hurt when you shot me? Apologise you big meanie!
Uzi: Y/N run!
Y/N and uzi run from N along with a worker drone.
Worker drone: Hey Uzi, Y/N! I just realized no one has uh said my name aloud so far. So I'm just letting you know I'm R-
N shoots a laser at the drone cutting him in half.
Uzi's railgun finishes recharging as she goes to try and stop N but she isn't there.
Y/N: W-where did she go?
Khan walks in and sees what happened.
Khan: Pretty nice hydraulics, huh? (Gasps) Wha-What have you done?
N lands in front of Uzi, Y/N and Khan causing them to be blown backwards and Uzi points her railgun at N.
Uzi: This time, I won't miss.
N: (Chuckles) I'm sorry. I really enjoyed our time together. But I can't have you shooting V or Y/N with that thing.
Uzi: Bite me. Dad get down.
Khan: Uzi, Y/N you two led a murder drone here?! (Tearfully) My beautiful doors!
Y/N: Really!? Now of all times!?
Uzi: Now is so not the time! I messed up in the same way I'm about to fix it. Move Dad!
N impales her wing into Uzi pinning her to the wall as her railgun falls next to Khan. Y/N shoots at N who uses her second wing to swat him away knocking his shotgun across the room.
Uzi: (Coughs) (Gasps) D-Dad! P-Point and shoot! Trust me!
Y/N: Come on Khan do it pick it up and pull the damn trigger!
Khan walks backwards however scared for his own life and not for Uzi's or Y/N's.
Uzi: Dad?
Y/N: Khan don't you dare!
Even with his own daughters life in peril the last thing he has to a family.....Khan runs away shutting the door behind him. Uzi collapsed to the floor turning off heartbroken by the betrayal.
Her own father had just left her to die and Y/N......he was livid. He could not believe what he just saw.
V and J appear from the entrance and congratulate N as she throws Uzi to the side.
J: Whoa N am I dreaming or did you do something not useless for once?
V: I've been trying to get past those doors for months. Nice work N.
N: (Shocked) You... me... name... remember?
Y/N: You...son of a bitch!
Y/N pulls out his pistol and shoots at the three but they shrugged it off and J grabs him by the neck.
J: Ohohoooo baby do you know how MAD I am after you shot me in the back of the head?!
She then giggles maniacally.
J: But don't worry I won't hurt you. Instead I'll make you watch as we kill evrey last drone in this bunker and then when we get back to the base....we're gonna fuck you like no tomorrow.
J: Oh don't will.
V: These ventilation shafts can easily get us around this last door. Lowest body count eats a missile! (Laughs)
V flies into the vents as J pats N on the back.
J: Way to go stud. The company's gonna love this and we got Y/N back aswell.
N: (Chuckles) Ow.
J: With this colony wiped we'll make top team this quarter for sure. You know what that means-
Branded pe-ens!
N: Ooooh.
N looks at the pen.
N: Uh you know, not that I can't wait to keep murdering all these, uh... maybe not so actually different from us worker drones but just outta curiosity, do we actually, uh...know what the company plans to do with us afterwards?
Y/N looks at N suprised that she was considering what he said earlier.
J: Excuse me?
N: Okay so a worker earlier might have suggested that they could fix up our landing pod to uh escape the planet and stuff. Which-Whoa hey that's against the rules! But it is kind of making me question why our pods were only one way in the first place. Cause y-you know I get the feeling the company doesn't actually love robots and like we might be robots? I've made a terrible mistake. It's cool how immediately I could tell.....and we all love Y/N but maybe we're being....too harsh on him?
J: Hmm no way buddy. Questioning the company and my way of keeping Y/N? You just finally gave me the excuse I needed.
J puts a virus onto N.
Y/N: (Gasp) N!
J: worker drones are corrupted N that's why the company sent us. I hate to see you corrupted as well.
N: T-t-thanks J-J. Always looking out for m-me. You're awesome.
J: Heh.
J flies up into the vents with Y/N still in her grasp.
Uzi stands up grabs her railgun and Y/N's shotgun and tries to get back to him and the others.
N: (Glitchy) Ah biscuits. I'm sorry. I ruined your card game then made you have an awkward moment with your dad and let J take Y/N.
Uzi: And I made you rebel like an angsty teen whiiich got you killed. Though you also tried to kill me so morality calls this a draw. But we need to get back to Y/N ASAP!
Uzi pulls a box over to try to get to a vent but she can't reach it.
Uzi: (Groans) For the record that was the lamest heel face turn in history. Was that supposed to be you switching sides?
N: (Coughs) Being rebellious is a lot harder than it looks. Thanks for showing me the ropes.....and if I want to be around Y/N I really need to nicer to him. But I won't stop killing anyone who'll try to take him from me though.
Uzi: You and me both but no bonding thing. You just killed a bunch of people idiot.
N: That's super fair. (Sighs) I screwed up.
Uzi: Uuuuugh in the same way you're about to fix it.
Uzi pulls out the wrench Khan gave her and removes the virus from N.
N: (Laughs) I love doing anything.
The scene cuts to Thad being thrown across the floor at the evacuation spot.
Lizzy and Doll go to help Thad but they see J with Y/N held in her arms.
Lizzy: Y/N!
Thad: Ugh bro!
Y/N: Doll,thad,Rebecca run!
Khan: So they found our evacuation spot. But if we build a quick door-
Thad: (Grunting) Are you kidding me? You're the WDF right? Defend!
The other Worker Drones back away.
Thad: For real?
V: (Laughing)
V swoops down and grabs Thad stabbing her wing into him and throwing him to the ground as Uzi and N arrive.
Uzi: Hey!
V: Huh?
The camera pans to Uzi and N who was waving.
Uzi: Put thad and my boyfriend down!
She bumps N
N: Oof! Oh uh J? You're sometimes kind of mean to me and I wish you weren't. Just some constructive criticism.
Uzi: Nice.
N: Heh. (Fistbumps)
J: Noted traitor. We'll circle back after I rightsize your existence.
Y/N: Hey J!
J: Yes hon-
Y/N grabs his knife from his pocket and stabs her in the neck forcing her to let go and he quickly rushes over to Uzi and N.
Y/N: Take that slag!
Uzi gives Y/N his shotgun back.
Uzi: Okay which one do you want?
N: J please.
Y/N: I want J aswell.
Uzi: Too bad but Y/N with me...Good luck.
Suddenly a red bomb is sent flying into V who is knocked back and it was revealed to be Yeva who was ready to get it back in oil.
Yeva: Место для еще одного? (Room for one more?)
Uzi throws a pen at J stabbing her in one of her eyes and Y/N blasts a hole through her leg as N gives V thumbs up but she is tackled by yeva.
Uzi runs over and aims her railgun at J but J blind fires at her, knocking her over as a symbol appears on her face for a split-second and forcing Y/N to take cover.
J: (Grabs pen) Damn the well made quality assured durability of JC Jensen [sic] products! Huh?
Y/N jumps onto J impaling the pen into her as Uzi dodges a laser from V and N tries to shoot V but hearts come out.
N: Ah! My mind's in a weird place! Don't read into this!
Yeva levitates V and smacks her down into the floor and then conjures a red sword and clashes it with V's blade.
V: Funny I thought I've already killed you!
Yeva: За это вам следует поблагодарить моего щенка. (You have my puppy to thank for that.)
V: Awww so your here to die again?
Yeva: Нет... чтобы свести счеты. ( settle scores.)
The two jump back from eachother as a rocket lands next to N blowing her to the side.
J: Ugh! (Cackling)
J charges an emp causing Uzi to short-circuit.
Y/N: Stay....away...from my uzi!
Y/N smacks the butt of his gun on J's skull and twists it around pointing the barrel at her. He pulls the trigger but nothing comes out the clip was empty.
Y/N: Awwww shite.
J strangles Y/N with her tails and throws him across the room.
Doll: Y/N!
V: Yah! (Laughs)
N and Yeva were holding V's swords back and they see J approaching Uzi.
N: Uzi! I'm so so sorry. Have fun repressing this! Mleh...
N licks v's swords disgusting both her and yeva.
V: Eww! What the hell?
Yeva: Ты отвратительная девчонка! (You disgusting girl!)
N kicks V away and then Yeva picks her up with her powers and slams her into the ground headfirst knocking her out getting even with her killer.
Yeva: Карма вызывает расплату, сука. (Karma cause paybacks a bitch.)
Y/N shakes his head and sees J ready to kill Uzi and then spots her railgun behind J and runs towards her knife in hand.
J: (Chuckles) You've got a lot of guts for a barely sentient toaster. I've had prey fight back before but your edgy spirit is just so... painful?
She looks down and sees Y/N's knife stabbed into her side.
J: (Screams) Gah! Fourth quarter profits! Mother of company leadership retreats!
Y/N then gets in front of J, kicks her down and then grabs Uzi's railgun and aims it at her inches away from her face.
J: Y/N......Baby.....come on you wouldn't hurt you beautiful girlfriend now would you?
Y/N responds by shoving the railgun into her visor.
Y/N: This is for my mom and my dad.
Y/N fires the railgun at point blank range completely vaporising J's upper body leaving nothing but arms and legs.
Y/N: And that's one less obsessed murder drone to worry about. (Blows railgun)
For now Y/N...for now.
Uzi: Y/N that was hella amazing!
Y/N helps uzi up and is then cheered on by his other girlfriends and other members of the colony.
Doll: Твои родители были бы горды. (Your parents would be proud Y/N.)
Y/N: (Blushes) O-oh please i don't need all the cheering.
Thad: Holy hell Y/N and uzi that was awesome and you too uhhhh-
N: Huh? Oh uh N. I'm an angsty, rebellious disassembly drone now.
Khan coughes and walks towards the group. Y/N gave him one nasty ass glare. If looks could kill then Khan would have been a dead drone.
Uzi: I brought the murder drones here accidentally. You chose to leave me for dead instead of just fricking believing in me! And that's not even an edgy teen hyperbole like when I said it last week! I'll save you the trouble Dad. I banish myself! Let's go N, Y/N Everyone here apart from Y/N can bite me!
N picks up V but yeva tries to intervene but is stopped by Y/N who gives her a looks that said it's not worth it.
Yeva: Почему? (Why?)
Y/N: Because if you do you'll be no better then her.
He strokes Yeva's chin calming her and then hugs doll and the rest of his girlfriends.
Y/N: I've gotta go girls I need to stay by Uzi's side.
Rebecca: So your.....leaving us?
Y/N: No I'll make sure to pop by and hang out with all of you. I won't leave any of you you all mean too much to me.
Lizzy: You better see us again you hear? And you totally better not die out there.
Y/N: I won't I love you girls.
Thad: See you around man and remember you'll always be welcome here.
Y/N: Thanks.
The two fistbump.
Uzi: Y/N hurry up already.
N: Nice to meet you Mr Uzi.
Uzi: Shut it.
N and uzi leave but before Y/N could go Khan calls out to him.
Khan: Y/N wait-
Khan goes silent.
Y/N: I will not waste my time talking to a cowards who left my girlfriend YOUR daughter to die! If there's one thing family should never do is that they should never EVER turn thier backs on eachother and what did you do!?
Khan still remained quiet.
Y/N: It's what i thought.......your wife would be ashamed of you.
Y/N walks away and Khan takes a sip from his "#1 DAD" mug which was then shot by a pistol round by Y/N off-screen.
The scene cuts to inside the spire with N, Uzi and Y/N.
N: I'd join you if the sun didn't kill me. Hope you're having important character growth or something though!
Uzi: Just can't wait to murder all humans. Classic robot stuff. I hope they're sitting pretty there on Earth cause we're coming for them!
She laughs eveily her eye glitching into a purple symbol as Y/N sits next to her awkwardly.
Y/N: Uhmmm uzi?
She looks at Y/N and then realises what she said and hugs him.
Uzi: (Laughs) All humans expect you of course Y/N.
Y/N: Was g-gonna say. (I'm starting to think letting uzi watch the terminator was a bad idea.)
Some time passes and uzi was inside the pod checking stuff out while Y/N was outside sharpening his knife when N slowly walks up to him.
N: Y/N.....
Y/N turns around and starts to stutter.
Y/N: Y-yes N?
N: Listen....I know how...uhhh possessive I've been with you and I know I should have stopped V and J know and I just wanted to say I'm.....sorry and i-
Y/N: A-and?
N: Could you please give me just one chance to change? I won't kill anyone unless I have to I promise! I won't keep you to myself neither (Giggles).
Y/N: N....I don't know....the things you did on earth and while on copper-9 but t-then did help up stop J and V and...y-you didn't kill uzi-
N: Please-
N starts to tear up and puts her head down.
N: I want to be with you again just one more chance.....I beg of you.
Y/N looked at the crying murder drone his heart aching seeing her break down. He sighs before he pulls her into his chest and wraps himself around her.
Y/N: Alright N....we can try and make this work.
N: (Sniff) You really....mean it?
Y/N: Yes but no more senseless killing.....promise?
N: I promise.
N kneels down and Y/N sits on the floor and continues the embrace. N nuzzles into Y/N's chest grateful for him giving her a second shot even after all the things she done....thankful he was giving her a second chance.
N: Thank you Y/N......
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