Blood in the bunker
Y/N woke up in of a dark bloody hallway with the sounds of screaming echoing throughout the bunker.
Y/N: What the hell? Where am I and what's going on!?
He saw a flashlight laying next to a locker he quickly picked it up smacking it a few times to make it work. He shone the light ahead of him and jumped. Countless worker drones layed on the floor dismembered and mutilated. Most were so torn apart they were unrecognisable.
Y/N walked down the bloody halls trying not to throw up when looking at the corpses.
Y/N: I gotta find Uzi and the others. They could be in danger!
Oh Y/Nnnnnnnnnnn~
A voice in a singing tone comes from behind Y/N who turns around but no one was there.
Y/N: Hey! Who's that? Are you a worker drone are you hurt?! Do you need help!?
The screaming only worsened Y/N began to shake and reaches for his pistol but felt nothing.
Y/N: W-where's my guns? I swear I had them on me! Think Y/N think where would I put them........maybe Uzi's room yeah I do share it with her so maybe I left them in there!
Y/N goes to take a left he turns the courner and sees J impaling braidon with her tail. She was wearing what looked to be a maid dress unlike her usual office look.
J: Ahhhh it's just like old times right Y/N?
Y/N: AH!
Y/N turns back the way he came and runs towards the classroom but then N comes from the courner up ahead chewing on Emily's head. She too was also wearing a maid dress.
N: Just you me, tess.......and evreyone else.
Y/N's eye widen no she couldn't be here as well! Oh god please tell Y/N she's kidding.
Y/N darts into the classroom locking the door and looks for a place to hide. He spots the teachers table....along with the teachers headless body sitting on top of it and takes cover hiding underneath a small square gap.
Three gentle knocks are heard and the door even though being locked opens but it wasn't N who walks in it was someone else.
????: You'd know I'd find you eventually N/N. Did you really think you could just fly off and leave me? Leave US?
Y/N peaks under the desk and sees a pair of legs walk around the class and then a arm comes into view holding an oil stained knife.
????: This is all your fault Y/N. If you just stayed with us we wouldnt have had to break into the bunker and kill evrey single drone here. It would have been so simple.
Y/N: (Don't come here please don't come here.)
The voice giggles and walks towards the desk.
Y/N: (Oh shit.)
????: Playing hide and seek are we? (Giggles) My favourite. Ready or not......HERE WE COME.
The figure then leaves the class and Y/N breaths a sigh of relief.
Y/N: Oh....oh thank god. Too close way too close.
He waits a few minutes before he gets up from under the desk and peaks through the door checking if the coast was clear. He continued his way towards Uzi's room coming across more bodies and more concerningly V who was busy eating a drone alive. After sneaking past V he darts into the Khan residence and calls out for his freind.
Y/N: Uzi are you in here!? The murder drones are attacking please tell me your okay!
He enters the living room and comes across the body of Uzi's father Khan his body split in half from the waist by a metal door.
Poor Khan killed by the very thing he loved.
His visor flickered showing the word "Why?" And on the walls were a plethora of sentences that were outright demented and obsessed.
We did this for him.
Enemies united by love.
My daughters right isn't he beautiful?
Death to those who take him for us.
Любовь, ради которой убивают. (Love to murder for.)
Y/N: What in the bloody hell is all this?!
First Emily now Khan and all this?
Y/N just can't catch a break.
He went into Uzi's room and looked for her but there was no sign of her.
Y/N: Maybe she.....found a way to escape?
His mind then turned to his guns while there was no luck in finding his rifle he did find his pistol hidden under the bed. Not the best but at least he could now protect himself.
Y/N: Okay now to find thad just pray to god he's okay hang on bro.
Y/N went to khans body taking the keycard to the bunker door for him to escape.
Y/N: Rest in piece Khan rest in piece.
Y/N looks though evrey class, evrey locker and room looking for his best freind. He also tried to find any other survivors if he was going to get out of here he was going to try to save as many worker drones as possible. V and j laughed in the distance then a worker drones suddenly screams and runs towards Y/N.
He seemed young probably the same age as thad and uzi Y/N put his hands on his shoulders trying to help calm him down. He seemed pretty bruised up with open wounds on his arms.
Y/N: Hey are you okay? What happened to you.
The drone was so shook he could barely talk.
Y/N: It's okay buddy breath take deep breaths easy now.
Y/N gave the drone a moment to calm himself down.
Worker drone: (Gasps) Oh god.....I.....I....geez.......(Breaths out) The door for the bunker has been destroyed those killer drones got in but.....but they ain't alone.
Y/N: You mean there's more then three? (Oh god say it ain't so!)
Worker drone: (Nods) There's a human with them and another worker drone I think and...and...drones from our own colony.
Y/N: Traitors!?
Worker drone: Y/N listen you can't trust em man! Doll, her mom, lizzy, Rebecca the purple weirdo and her mom!
Y/N: Wait.....UZI!?
Worker drone: The girls.....they're with em man! they're with-
The drone is silenced by a bullet piercing the back of his head the oil spilling onto Y/N.
Y/N: NO!
????:Finally I found you Y/N you've gotten a lot better at hide and seek since our time in the mansion together.
The drone falls to the floor deactivated.
????: It was fun playing with you again I really missed the fun times we had.
Y/N aims his pistol towards the figure who's only visible features were her white eyes. They weren't the eyes of any drone they seemed too....human.
Y/N: Why did you do that!? What did that drone ever do to you!?
????: Simple he got in my way.
Y/N: Wait your voice sounds.....familer.
????: Awwwww so you DO remember your childhood sweetheart. I knew you wouldn't forget this cute face N/N.
Y/N: That nickname nobodies called me that except tess-
That was when Y/N clocked on and his words went silent. The pupils in his eyes shrunk and his whole body felt like it could collapse on itself.
????: I knew that nickname would ring a bell.
The girl opens her arms gesturing Y/N to come closer for a hug but Y/N started taking steps back.
Standing in front of him was the very first girl who developed a sick obsession over him. One of the two admirers who caused all of his grief in the name of thier sick and twisted belief of love.
The daughter of the deceased James and louisa Elliott the girl who killed both her and Y/N's family to hold his hand as her rightful husband-
Y/N pulls the trigger setting the gun to lethal spraying the lead at tessa.
Tessa: Hmph rude.
Tessa brings out a sword deflecting the bullets not budging from her spot.
Tessa: So many years apart and the first thing you do when you see me is try to kill me? Looks like I'm gonna have to teach you a little lesson!
Seeing that she could just deflect his shots Y/N spins around and hauls ass. Tessa doesn't seemed bothered though and simply walks after Y/N.
Y/N races through the bunker heading towards the bunker entrance. He came across J,V and N who were busy killing off all of the bunkers residence. He expected them to give chase but instead they just smiled and allowed him to run. Tessa followed suite and waved to the murder who smile and fly down to her and follow her lead. Y/N's lungs were begging for air but he didn't slow down he wasn't stopping until he was out and away from the bunker.
Thad: Y/N dude come over here!
Y/N stopped in his tracks when he hears that all too familer voice. It was thad he was alive and by the sounds of it hiding in the basement.
Thad: Uhhhhh yeah its me your brother from another mother. I need your help though they tore my leg up I need a medic.
Y/N: Okay don't worry I'll be right there!
Without a moments hesitation Y/N detours into the lower basement floors of the bunker to help his bud. Unlike the upper floors the basement did not have a single body laying about. This was great Y/N thought they haven't come down here yet which means they haven't found thad so he's bound to be alive!
Y/N: Thad dude where are you? It's me Y/N!
Thad: Over here in this suspiciously dark room.
Y/N followed his voice and entered a pitch black room and in the middle of the empty area was Thad looking down.
Y/N: Oh god save the king thad your alive. Do you know how glad I am to see you? Bro we need to get out of here it's not safe.
Y/N: Thad?
Y/N: You okay.....bro?
Y/N approached his freind reaching his hand towards him seeing if he was okay.
And then his head falls off his shoulders.
Giggle giggle.
Thads body get slowly dropped and a figure is revealed behind him and Y/N's body is overcome by fear.......
Get pranked.....cute idiot.
Y/N: C-c-c-cyn....Ah....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Y/N drops his gun and makes a run for it. From the vents robotic claws and tenticles reach out to him. He jumps and ducks around and over them running as fast as his leg would allow back to the stairs leading him out the basement but to his dismay he finds tessa,V, J and N blocking the way but not just that there was six other drones with her who were hidden by shadows.
Y/N takes a left into another hallway which seemed to go on infinitely with no doors or exits out of it. All the while the claws still tried to grab him and Tessa and the drones were now chasing him through the hallway.
He screamed and hoped for a miracle he was on tbe verge of collapse when his prayers seemed to be answered. A open staircase was at the end of the hall leading back up to the bunker entrance.
This was it all he had to do was make it up those stairs, swipe the keycard, open the door and he was out homefree!
A sharp and unbearable pain then shot from his legs. Two symbols one red and one purple appeared on his knees and spun around slicing his legs clean off.
The floor turns red with Y/N's blood which came seeping out of his wounds. Y/N cried in sheer agony holding the stumps where his legs used to be trying to slow the blood loss. His pursuers were quick to surrond him laughing in unison looking down at Y/N.
Y/N covered his ears as the laughter grew louder tears fell like a river from his eyes mixing with the crimson liquid on the floor.
But then the laughing suddenly........stopped?
Weeping Y/N looked back up and tessa along with evreyone else had vanished and then he heard the clicking of heels slowly approaching from the hall behind him.
He turned around and saw cyn slowly walk towards him with a innocent smile and then halfway towards Y/N she stopped.
Cyn: Bad Y/N no more running....
A yellow symbol appeared behind Cyn and her body transforms into a gruesome copy of tessa's.
Y/N: (Whimpering)..............
Y/N screamed and jolted up from the bed sweat beading down from his forehead his breathing rigid. He looked all around and realised he was sitting inside of Uzi's bed in her bedroom. He pulls up the covers and looks at his lower half and his legs were there still attached to his body.
A dream.
It was just a horrible nightmare.
Y/N breathed in and lowered himself back down his head rested on the pillow.
Y/N: Oh sweet lord satan on a cross that was.......fuck.
He takes a minute to regain his composure and allow his heart to settle before sitting back up and shuffling to the end of the bed. He then notices a letter layed out on Uzi's side of the bed labeled with his name.
Y/N: Huh?
He opens the letter and to his suprise it was written by uzi.
Meet me in your shuttle at midnight I need to tell you something.
P.S bite me.
Y/N: She REALLY loves to say that. But I wonder what she wants to talk about.
Y/N grabs his guns which were both layed out by the bed.
Y/N: Good thing she wants to see me at the shuttle I got a project I need to finish.
Y/N mind quickly panned back to the nightmare but he quickly dismissed it and walked off camera to get changed.
But was it really just his mind playing tricks on him?
Or is it a warning of things to come?
Meanwhile in an unknown location.
Cyn: Giggle giggle playing with Y/N's head I'm so naughty.............
Hehe got you again :)
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