Ask the cast!
We find ourselves inside of an empty white void where there was no sign of life no noise was heard not even a decibel you could hear a pin drop.
And then a portal opens up from above and from the heavens drops down the man responsible for creating this story of yandere drones, edgy counterparts and multiple transformer references.
It was none other then the man himself!
Theswankyseal: Yeah it's a bit shitty but hey i tried. (To the readers) Wooo hot damn over 100K views I was not expecting this book to do this good. Of course the book wouldn't have done this well if it weren't for all you beautiful lads and ladies so to evreyone who stuck with this story up to the points I gotta say to the bottom of my heart thank you ya absolute legends!
So to celebrate this achievement I've decided to make a little Q and A staring your favourite characters from the story.
And as the story progresses they'll be even more members joining us so definitely be looking forward to that!
So without futher ado-
The author clicks his fingers opening a large portal.
Theswankyseal: Let's bring in the cast shall we?
And so he did one by one they all came falling in the author made sure not to leave anyone out.
He checked to see if he got evreyone and thankfully he did.
And of course the main star himself Y/N.
Theswankyseal: I think that's evreyone I hope. I have a tendency to be very forgetful.
Thad: WOAH!?
Cyn: Pained yelp.
Tessa: Crikey!
Khan: What just happened?!
J: Better question where are we!?
Lizzy: Rebecca get off me your crushing my back!
Rebecca: Sorry.
Doll: Чертов ад.
Yeva: Как мы здесь оказались? это был не решатель, не так ли? (How did we end up here? that wasn't the solver was it?)
V: N is that you on my leg?
N: (Groans) My head is full of jellybeans.
Cyn: Sounds delicious.
N: Not really.
Ravage: Y/N are you alright?
Y/N: A bit bruised on my backside but I'm good. But where exactly are we?
Uzi: And how did we even get here?
Theswankyseal: It was me!
They all look at the author who was hovering above them.
Theswankyseal: I dropped ya all here.
Y/N: Why though?!
Thad: Yeah man not cool.
J: Buddy I don't know who you think you are but you better send us back right now!
Uzi: Yeah me and Y/N were in the middle of a makeout session!
N: You were!?
Y/N turns away embarrassed.
Tessa: Why did you kiss a worker drone without my permission honey?
Y/N: She uhhh kinda just approached me and we made out.
The girls were very jealous while uzi was sticking her tongue out.
Ravage: You still haven't answered as to why you bought us here.
Theswankyseal: Ah right yeah that. So recently the story you all star in has reached over 100 thousand views.
Thad: Woah really?
N: (Eyes sparkle) Am I famous?
Theswankyseal: In a way yes.
Lizzy: No way I'm totally the main star.
Theswankyseal: Nope no your not.
Lizzy: Huh!?
Rebecca: So who is?
Theswankyseal: Why your shy little boyfriend of course!
Y/N: What!? Me!?
Y/N looks at the camera and then to his girlfriends who all give him a suggestive look.
Doll: Это даже лучше. (That's even better)
V: Awwww my hubby's a superstar!
J: Wanna be a pornstar next?
Khan: What did she just say?!
Theswankyseal: Woah okay your thirsty wish dot com terminator you need to chill.
N: Yeah j let's keep this family friendly there could be kids watching.
Tessa: Won't stop me~
Cyn: Giggles seductively.
Theswankyseal: So I've decided to celebrate this special occurrence by having you all answer a few questions from our Chad readers. Some are for Y/N others are for the rest of you and some are even for me.
J: But tell me why should we do what you say?
Theswankyseal: (Triggered) Bitch I created you I can pull a thanos and snap yo ass out of existence.
J: And I could stab you with my tail!
Theswankyseal: Fat chance seeing that I've disabled your weapons and nullified your solvers.
Tessa: WHAT!?
Uzi: Really!?
Cyn: Dramatic gasp.
They try to use thier weapons/solvers but were unable to.
V: No way he's actually!?
Yeva: Я не верю этому! (I don't believe it!)
Ravage: He's speaking the truth. Mine and laserbeaks weapons systems are offline I can't reactivate them!
Y/N: And my guns are gone!
Khan: My wife's wrench!
Thad: My hat....wait why'd you take my hat though?
Theswankyseal: It's a crime against fashion.
Thad: Ouch man have some chill.
Cyn: This is the big stupid. Angry pout.
Tessa: Come on mate give me my sword back.
Theswankyseal: Only after we're done with the questions.
J gets mad and runs her mouth at the person who can erase her from existence.
J: Do you know what your doing?! I'm with Jcjenson and I'll let you know I can have your life ruined and-
Evreyone goes silent when the author shouts at J shutting her up.
Theswankyseal: You gonna keep talking shit love?
Theswankyseal: Yeah that's right don't run one with me cause I'll crash out.......where were we again?
N: Uhhhhh asking us questions?
Theswankyseal: Right yeah we were until someone ran thier mouth.
The author conjures a set of sofas for them to sit on and an armchair for himself.
Theswankyseal: Let's all take a seat and get this shindig started.
They all sit down with Y/N sitting with uzi and N much to the jealousy of the others. The author sat on his armchair pulling the lever resting his legs.
Theswankyseal: Oh that's good that. Now who's question should we answer first?
The author whips out his phone and scrolls through the comments.
Theswankyseal: Oh lord have mercy there a lot so let's see........ah yeah that one's good. The first question is from benjaXD20. Y/N if you could make three wishes what would they be?
Y/N: Three wishes huh? That's a good question ummmm the first would be to revive my parents. The second would be to.....hmmmm.....wish to see my friends again and the last one would be to wish for a restraining order.
Tessa: Aw come on why would you need a restraining order?
Y/N: For obvious reasons.
Cyn: Oh Y/N you will never get away from us.
Y/N: Now I need two restraining orders.
Theswankyseal: The next question is another one from Benja and its for you girls. How would you all react if Y/N escaped copper-9 after finding out what you did?
Rebecca: (Oh shit.)
Y/N: Wait what did they-
Lizzy hugs Y/N holding his ears.
Lizzy: Nothing babe he's just talking about all the love we give you.
Uzi: Yeah that's right!
N: (To benja) Isn't it?
Ravage looks at them suspiciously.
Theswankyseal: Yeah....sure it is. Uzi this next question is for you by godd404 and it reads what is it you like about Y/N the most?
Uzi: What I like most about him is his personality in general. He's a very sweet and caring guy who's gone through hell. Before I met him I thought all humans were total pieces of shit. But after he saved me from V when we first met I really began to grow close to him. He was one of the only friends I ever had and he makes me feel wanted. That's why I fell in love with him.
Y/N: Uzi.....
Uzi holds his hands and kisses his cheek.
Uzi:.......He also makes sick as hell guns like I do!
Theswankyseal: Okay a respectable answer. The next question is for tessa and I'm already guessing what type of answer I'm going to get..... from 0001yos tessa how did you feel when Y/N rejected you?
N: Oh boy.
Tessa: Heartbroken obviously! He was the only person who treated me like a human being he made me feel special! And when he told me he didn't love me.....(Sobs) It broke my heart. If my parents and his parents didn't ruin it we would have been married and had a beautiful family!
She turns to Y/N.
Tessa: But this time.....this time they're not in my way I'm gonna make sure he doesn't leave me again we're gonna be a loving couple whether he likes it or not!
Y/N grows frightened but yeva steps in front of him.
Yeva: Ты не ступишь ни ногой рядом с ним! (Your not stepping one foot near him!)
Tessa: Oh yeah wanna bet!?
Theswankyseal: Alright pack it in tessa.
Tessa kisses her teeth and sits back down.
Theswankyseal: Thank you. Our next question is from Skronic28 Y/N who is the best cuddle buddy? Come on don't be shy no one will know.....cap.
Y/N blushes while the girls all smile innocently at him.
Lizzy: Come on Y/N who's hugs do you love the most?
J: You heard him don't be shy.
Y/N: Who's hugs do I love the most?
N crosses her fingers.
Y/N: I don't really know how to answer that. Well to start Uzi's hugs are usually quick given her behaviour but they are sweet.
Uzi: It's not a behaviour thing Y/N I'm just busy most of the time so I can't waste much time.
N: But you spend most of your time watching-
Uzi: Bite me!
Y/N: V and J's hugs are-
He looks at the two murder drones who are rubbing thier thighs.
Y/N: (Gulps) I don't think you can call them hugs. N is gentle and likes to be held a lot. Lizzy's and Rebecca's are devious.
Rebecca: How are they Y/N?
Y/N: The last time you kissed me you kissed my neck where I'm ticklish.
Lizzy: (Smiles) But you enjoyed it.
Y/N: Doll's are also short but sweet sometimes she also gives me a kiss. Tessa would usually wrap herself around me and kick her legs up. Cyn would never hug just nuzzle her head into my chest and yeva has this motherly hug but.....but if I have to choose who's the best hugger then it is......
Evreyone waits in anticipation for Y/N's answer.
Uzi: THAD!?
Theswankyseal: Ooooo i wasn't expecting that!
Khan: Talk about a suprise.
N: Huh!?
J: You gotta he kidding me!
Thad: Hell yeah!
Y/N: Sorry girls i know a romantic hug is great and all but getting a hug from your bro just hits differently. If I need any motivation when I'm down a hug from thad always does the trick.
Thad: Damn facts.
The two fistbump.
Theswankyseal: (Smiles) Ah the classic tale of bro's before hoes simply beautiful.
Yeva: Это чертовски чушь. (This is fucking bullshit)
Tessa: Agreed.
Theswankyseal: Hold up though Y/N we ain't done yet. From senior reader GB0213 out of all the girls in this room which one would you BANG?!
Khan: Bang?
Theswankyseal: It's basically a human term for who would you fuck in the room!
Y/N felt a shiver run through his spine as all the girls surrond him giggling and licking thier lips.
Uzi: Mmmmm please say its me baby~
V: Come on Y/N you know I've got the biggest thighs and i know you love that.
Tessa: But I've got the biggest buns~
Doll: Скажи мне, что любишь меня, дорогая~ (Tell me you love me honey~)
Y/N: Uhhhhh g-girls? Your getting too close for comfort.
J: Awwww but we wanna get closer~
Lizzy: Let me see that rod again!
Y/N shivers and jumps off the couch running off and the girls give chase.
Ravage:.........what the hell just happened?
Theswankyseal: No idea. Seeing that those guys are gonna be occupied for a while let's find ourselves one nore question and- OH this one's for me! By thatoneguy257 if I could go out with any of the murder drone girls on a date who would it be and why? Oh that's easy I'd pick Khan of course. Khan equals best girl nuff said i need not explain I have no regrets judge me as much as you want.
Thad: Bruh!?
Cyn: Chasing chasing breeding protocols online.
Ravage: This is going to be a long day.
Join Swanky and the gang next time where we they will be joined by Nori and Alice. Leave below your questions and dares for Y/N and Co because next time on the Q and A we will be dabbling in some good old-
Theswankyseal: So Khan you uhhh wanna bang?
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