An unwanted reunion
Y/N wandered through the frozen wasteland carrying a bag full of metal his senses high and his guns cocked.
Y/N: Alright from what uzi told me about disassembly drones is that they cannot wander around during the day so the safest time for me to check on my ship is during the daytime. But I need to make sure I get back before the sun sets and also while the sun's up stay away from the spire because they'll be there for sure. Trip shouldn't be too long just hope Uzi's fine with me heading out.
With Uzi......
Uzi shouted at a worker drone guarding the door. How could Y/N just fuck off without telling her? Does he know how dangerous it is out there? What if he takes too long and the disassembly drones get thier hands on him?
Worker drone:......Yeah? He asked politely to be let out. Maybe he wants fresh air or something I don't know.
Uzi: Let me out of this bunker right now!
Worker drone: Well maybe if you ask nicely-
Uzi: DO IT!
Worker drone: Okay okay! I'll open it geez didn't know your on time of worker drones even have periods?
The drone has the door opened for uzi who runs out and begins her search for Y/N.
Uzi: (I am not letting Y/N die out here urgh that adorable idiot! When I find him I'll make damn sure he NEVER leaves my side again!)
Y/N continued his crusade towards his ship which was now in sight futher into the distance. It had taken him 2 hours to reach his ship and nightfall was only mere hours away so he had to make the refuel quick.
Rushing to his ship he goes inside and enters the engine bay where a large engine layed connected with a medium sized furnace.
Y/N: I haven't got much but something is better then nothing.
Y/N zips open his bag and carries the parts to the furnace putting in a metal bar, some copper, iron and even dismembered parts of dead worker drones.
Y/N looks towards a bar on the side of the engine. It moves by an inch but stayed in the red indicating it still lacking enough fuel.
Y/N: And thus the grind continues. (Sigh) I should get back to the bunker Uzi's probably worried about me.
He heads outside and looks at the setting sun.
Y/N: But I got to get back quickly I can't afford to get lost. If it gets dark I could run into V again. (Shudders) That smile she had when she saw me is the stuff of nightmares.
A snowstorm swept in without warning the blizzard decreased Y/N's vision slowing him down. He wandered off the path and was now stumbling around in the storm and to make an already bad situation worse the sun had set and day had turned into night. Murder drones were probably on the hunt right now and Y/N was wandering about in the open a prime target for any disassembly drone.
Y/N: Oh bollocks this isn't good I can't see a thing I don't even know where I am! I should have just stayed in the ship and wait until day. Me and my stupid judgement calls.
The scream for mercy rung out from a small shelter in the distance. Y/N heard the shout and started running towards the shelter in hopes of helping the unknown person.
Y/N: Hey are you okay over there!? Do you need help!?
????: DADDY!
Y/N raced towards the shelter hoping to god he was fast enough......but unfortunately it turns out he wasn't.
Y/N gasped in horror as he stared at the dead worker drones before him. One of the poor drones had his intestines stuffed into his mouth the wife had her arms and legs ripped off and the child had the seemingly quickest death as her decapitated head lay next to her hand. Y/N leaned on boulder gagging holding his mouth trying not to puke. He had heard of how violent disassembly can be but this was far worse then anything he could have imagined.
????: And YET.....I still feel nothing.
Y/N immediately ducked down hiding behind the rock he peeked over and he saw V giggling like a lunatic and alongside her was another drone that Y/N was all too familer with.
Y/N: (Whispers) N? N's here too!?
N: So V uh... (Chuckles) I heard this planet wide toxic death storm is supposed to be especially inhospitable tonight.
V: Huh? Oh God! Who are you?
V then spreads her wings and flies away.
N: Uh no worries! I'm N! But a-a whole letter is a lot to remember!
She laughs less enthusiastically.
Y/N: Wait is N......bisexual? She has an obsession with me yet she also has a crush on V? N-not that I'm judging there's nothing wrong with that......wait what am I doing? I need to get out of here before N sees me.
Y/N sneaks towards the exit but as he leaves he steps on a broken shard of glass cracking it making a sound which caught N's attention.
Y/N: Crap!
Y/N sprints away as fast as he could.
N: Oh biscuits looks like we missed one! No worrys it's nothing I can't handle.
The blizzard worsened while Y/N bolted across the snow he held his hand over his face barely able to see. His sight could only show and flurry of white and his ears were defeaned by the winds mighty howl.
Y/N: (Groans) go?
His body was shaking from the freezing cold. He must find his way back and fast. If he stays out in the storm for much longer he'll freeze to death.
Then up ahead Y/N could make out the shape of a drone who was walking towards him.
Y/N: there! I could use your help! I'm lost and I need to find my way back to the bunker!
Y/N: Hello? Uzi is
The drones visors glows bright yellow and two wings sprout from her back. Y/N screams and backs away as the figure is revealed to be N who was over the moon to see him.
Y/N: N!?
N: Y/N! N/N I'VE FOUND YOU! I've really really missed you oh I'm so happy you remember me. Oh happy days do you know how long we've been looking for you? At first I thought we'd never see you again because we were sent here but here you are! How are you? What's life been like for you in the past few years? Have you been working out? You look great!
Y/N: N.....d-don't come any closer.
He aims his rifle at N.
Y/N: Just s-stay back!
N: Huh? Why are you being so hostile Y/N I'm your girlfriend remember? I just wanna take you back to the others.
Y/N: No! Never again not after what you did back on earth! Out of the question!
N: Oh........shame.......I'm not giving you a choice.
Y/N pulls the trigger magdumping N with a barrage of bullets. N swiftly flys to the side dodging the gunfire and zooms towards Y/N pinning him down knocking the gun out his hand.
N: Night night hunnybunny.
N karate chops Y/N knocking him out.
N: (Sighs) I really didn't want to hurt you Y/N but you were being stubborn.
She picks him up bridal style and flies up.
N: Let's return to the others we can finally be one big happy family. (Giggles sweetly)
A ringing noise pained Y/N who groaned and opens his eyes. His vision was blurry at first but he could make out the shape of a large pod with four extended legs laying on the floor.
Slowly his sight returned and to his dismay found himself tied up his back leaning on the pod.
Y/N: Oh,no,no,no.
Memories returned to Y/N.....horrifying memories that he wish he could forget. The sounds of people screaming defeaned him and the sight of his parents corpses left tears in his eyes.
N: Wakey wakey sleepyhead!
N dropped from the ceiling vampire style and happily skipped over to Y/N a seemingly innocent smile donned her face.
N: How's your head? I hope I didn't hit you too hard but that's what you get for pointing a gun towards me.
Y/N: (Shivers) W-where are we?
N: We're inside the mountain of corpses! It's where we sleep during the day it's my home it's......OUR home now.
Y/N: Please N.....just let me go I'll do anything.
N: Sorry Y/N but that's not going to happen. We've spent sooooo long searching for you and now that we've finally got you we're not letting you step one foot out of this place.
Y/N: Wait......we!?
Two other drones swoop in through a hole in the roof and land in front of Y/N. His heart drops upon seeing V and J who were practically drooling by the mouth with lust in thier visor.
V: Well well well look who we have here~
J: Wow N for one you've actually done something useful.
N: (Flustered) Oh! W-well gee thanks!
J: But don't get used to the compliments. Now for our little Y/N here-
Y/N sat there shaking in fear tears dampened his face. He was now being held hostage by the three drones who all have a sick obsession over him and could do anything they like to him no matter how painful or kinky it may be.
J: You've got alooooot of making up to do after you went on your little sabbatical Y/N.
V: Yeah and I've got a few specific things in mind like....oh I don't know having him knock us up with his warm seed.
All three of the drones are turned on by such a thought while it only scared Y/N.
Y/N: No please I'm too young to be a father I'm not ready!
N: But we are!
J: (Giggles) One step at a time Y/N we've got all the time in the world.
J kneels down to Y/N licking the tears off his face.
J: Now heres what's gonna happen you are staying here with us 24/7. While we go out hunting one of us will quickly pop by to check up on you.
She then starts to rub her hand on Y/N's croutch earning a whimper.
J: And if we come back to find that you've escaped then we'll simply hunt you down and drag you back here. Then we will give you a little.......punishment for your reckless behavior and we'll keep punishing you until you start to behave. Am I clear......Baby?
Y/N: (Cries)..........Please.....
V: Awwww don't cry sweetie we're here for you and we are the only things you need.
J kisses Y/N on the neck.
J: (Moans) Oh I've missed your taste it's turning me on!.........But that can wait right now we need to get back to hunting.......V stay here and keep Y/N company.
V: Ohhhhhh it will be my "Pleasure" Hahaha~
Y/N: (Oh god......its just like it was back on earth! The nightmare it's happening all over again!)
N: We'll be back okay? Behave now bye bye!
N and J take off leaving the sadistic and love-hungry V alone with Y/N.
V: Looks like we're finally alone.....bout time.
She rubs her thighs and crawls over to Y/N.
Y/N: V-V?! What are you doing!? S-stay away.
V: I bet you must have been so lonely being stuck in space for so long all by yourself so do you know what I think you need?......A hug.
Y/N: No i-i I'm fine honestly you don't need to do that I beg of you.
V puts her hand on Y/N's mouth silencing him.
V: Shhhhhh it's okay you don't need to lie to me hun now come here baby it's been way too long since we've hugged but don't worry......I'LL BE GENTLE.
Y/N had no time to react as V pounced on him straddling him by the waist. The camera pans away as V begins the makeout session violating Y/N's mouth with her tongue and taking off his shirt feeling his chest.
Y/N: ( me.)
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