A dark past revealed PT 2
Rebecca: They really didn't take the rejection well huh?
Y/N nodded telling the first part of his story to his girlfriends and ravage. Laserbeak perched himself on Y/N's lap getting headpats from Y/N.
Y/N: To put it lightly. Tessa and cyn were devastated.
Ravage: (To uzi) Least now we know the origin of those threes's obsession.
Uzi: I didn't realise your past with N was that deep.
Lizzy: Still doesn't explain why you attacked her though.
Ravage: Or why this cyn drone scares you so much.
Yeva however already knew that answer.
Y/N: I'm....just about to get into that....even though I'd rather just forget about it.
Doll leans on Y/N's shoulder.
Doll: Все в порядке, детка, не торопись. (It's okay babe don't rush it.)
Ravage: Take your time Y/N. Tell us evrey detail.
Y/N:......(Breathes in) Okay but ready yourself because it's about to get really bloody. The next time I saw tess and cyn was on tbe day of the gala....the day that I lost evreything.
Back to the past Y/N was waiting outside the elliot mansion watching a taxi pull up. He smiles in excitement as the cab doors open and out steps 6 teenagers roughly the same age as him.
Y/N: Guys!
Damien: Y/N!
The 6 all rush to Y/N giving him hugs and fist bumps.
These 6 teens are Y/N's college friends who helped with his anxiety and nervous behaviour even defending him from bullies who were jelous of his luxurious lifestyle.
Damien was the boy with white hair and blue eyes-
The girl with blonde hair and blue eyes is alexis-
The girl with red hair in a long ponytail was Y/N's secret crush yoko-
The boy with silver hair was Michael or as he likes to be known better as mirage-
The oldest one with black hair with a white tuff was called jason-
And the last was a lad called bucky or buck for short.
And these were the best freinds Y/N could ever ask for.
Y/N: Glad you could make it!
Mirage: Of course bro you'd think I'd EVER miss a party! Hell nah haha!
Jason: Still suprised that you managed to convince those snobby jackasses to let normal people in.
Y/N: Called in a few favours my dad and James elliot are close.
Bucky: (Smirks) What? Are they banging or something?
The teen all laugh at the joke.
Damien: Haha you better hope they don't hear you say anything like that.
Alexis: It was really nice of you to invite us Y/N we really appreciate it.
Y/N: Meh it's the least I could do for my friends.
Yoko wraps her arm on Y/N's shoulder and leans next to him.
Yoko: Didn't know we were that important to ya shyguy! Aww ya such a softie!
Y/N: (Blushes) T-thanks.
Damien and mirage smirks at one another.
Damien: So obvious.
Mirage: Low key.
Yoko: Why are we still sticking around out here? We got a party to crash!
She walks towards the entrance.
Yoko: (Off-screen) Try to drag me back to the cab if I get drunk okay!?
Y/N turns to the others who were smirking at you.
Y/N: What?
Bucky: Just ask her out already Y/N.
Y/N: (Shocked) Wha?! What do you mean!?
Jason: You have a crush on her it's painfully obvious.
Alexis: Your not really good at hiding your emotions Y/N.
Y/N: But what if she says no?
Damien puts his hand on Y/N's shoulder.
Damien: She won't Y/N I know she won't.Out of all of us who she hangs out with she likes to be around you the most.
Mirage: Also you two were holding hands in the cinema while watching that horror movie two weeks ago.
Y/N: She said that was because she was scared.
Bucky: As she was blushing.
Y/N: Well at least she handled it better then you mirage.
Mirage: What? Me? Naaaah I wasn't scared not for even a second.
Damien: Dude your mom said you couldn't sleep without a nightlight for the next 3 weeks.
Y/N, Alexis and Jason laugh while mirage was embarrassed.
Mirage: Damien my brother in holy christ I thought we'd agree to never speak of that.
Damien: (Smiles) Sorry it "slipped" out of my mouth.
Mirage: Cap.
Bucky: Give it a shot Y/N. Ain't no harm in trying.
Y/N: Yeah.....yeah maybe I will! I need to stop being so nervous all the time.
Damien: That's what I like to hear. Now lets go inside and enjoy ourselves.
The gang walk inside the mansion.
Y/N: (Just pray I don't run into tessa and the others. After what happened last time with the rejection I think it would be best if I gave them a wide birth.)
But unaware to him and his friends Tessa watched them from a corner her eyes only really focusing on Y/N.
Even after having the wedding called off tessa still wanted her and Y/N to be together. Her love quickly turned into an obsession one that Cyn,N,J and V have also developed.
Tessa: I still don't understand why you rejected us Y/N. We haven't done anything to be rejected. Why? Is he being forced to say no? Is he being bribed or manipulated? Yes yes that's got to be it hehehehahahaha someone's forcing him to push us way but who? Who is getting in the way of my one true love!?
James: Tessa elliot! What are you doing sulking around the corner speaking to yourself!?
Her father shouted walking up from behind her.
Tessa: I was....just going to say hi to my husband Y/-
James: Absolutely not!
Tessa: What!? Why!? Aren't we-
James: Not anymore the wedding has been called off! Y/N doesn't love you and personally I can't blame the child. You recent behaviour and near damn obsession with him has grown out of control and word about your behaviour has begun to spread tarnishing our reputation!
James: (Gasp).......You ungrateful little-
James smacks his daughter and grabs her arm.
James: Oh I'm not standing for this.
James drags tessa through the library passing V, J and N who eavesdrop on James as he throws Tessa into the basement where Cyn was sitting.
Tessa: You can't keep my love from me!
James: I can and I will! Once this party is over I'll have that she-devil and those three others pets of yours destroyed and I will make you watch as they're torn to pieces. You and those freaks will go nowhere near my partners child!
This makes the drones enraged they now knew who was keeping Y/N from them.
James: (Smiles smugly) A shame too seeing that this will be Y/N's last visit to the manor. A pity you and your toys won't be able to say goodbye.
He slams the basement door shut leaving tessa with Cyn. Tessa screams and smacks the wall cracking parts of it.
Tessa: No no NO! I can't let Y/N go I refuse too! Those bastards they're keeping Y/N from me! If Y/N's dad didn't tell him about the wedding then it would never have been called off!
Cyn: Exactly. It is the parents fault they took our happiness from us. Readying genocidal urges.
Tessa: This isn't fair! Cyn what do we do!? We can't just let Y/N get away from us he's too important to let go!
Cyn: Laughs evily. I have an idea.
Tessa: Then just tell me already.
Cyn: We will have to do something-
Cyn transforms into her eldritch form.
Cyn: Drastic.
Tessa was shocked by cyn's form but listened to her plan.
Cyn: I will free you from this basement and gather up big sister N and the other two.
Tessa: Then what?
Cyn: We will join the gala.....and kill evreyone there except for our sweet Y/N of course.
Tessa: You want me to help you kill my parents?!
Cyn: Correct that shouldn't be too much right? Especially after what they've done to you. Do you want to lose the only man you love in your life?
Tessa looks down and starts laughing and looks back up at cyn her sanity completely broken.
Tessa: No....hehe no I don't they don't get to walk away after what they've done. They must die.....all of them! With them out the way Y/N will be ours all ours!
Cyn: Cheers excitedly. This is going to be so much fun for you and me. Let's get the other three shall we?
Cyn in her monster form uses her claws to smack off the basement door scaring the three drones.
Cyn: Dramatic entrance.
Tessa follows behind as the monster looks at the three drones.
N: C-cyn!?
J: What the hell!?
V: Ooooooh scary hehehe!
Cyn: Hello V, J.....hi N!
Tessa: Hey you three could you help me and cyn with a little something?
N: Uhhhh yeah sure tess what is it?
Cyn: We are going to the gala to find our Y/N and kill evreyone else. We'd be happy if you were to join us.
J: You want us to kill evreyone in the mansion? Your parents included!?
Tessa: Yep. They took away Y/N our husband from us so they all deserve to die. My father, mother Y/N's parents ...evreyone. it will be just us and him.
J: All to.....Ourselves?
N: That's sounds really nice being with Y/N and they were going to scrap us anyway.
V: I'll do it!
V laughs and tears up a book.
V: I'll kill them all I'll do it for our love!
N: But what happens if we say no cyn?
Cyn: Giggles simple big sister N. I will simply erase your memories and make you do it anyway.
N: Oh.....in that case...let's go get our Y/N!
Tessa smiles and takes an old axe from a stand.
J: For our Y/N!
Cyn injects the three drones with the absolute solver program which transforms them into thier disassembly drone forms. All five of the girls laugh maniacally all common sense removed from thier mind as they march towards the dining hall minutes away from a massacre that would soon after spread across the planet.....all in the twisted name of love.
In the dining hall Y/N, his freinds, his parents and all the guests of honor were celebrating oblivious to the coming horror. F/N, M/N Louisa and James elliot were on the main stage laughing relishing the 10 year anniversary of thier companies cooperation. Y/N was with his friends while those like Damien and alexis we're happy to partake in the events mirage and yoko were bored stiff. The party was too swave and posh for thier liking they wanted to drink and get pissed out thier heads.
Mirage: Uhhhh bro this parties a drag man. These people are way too stuck up!
Yoko: It's depressing are these really your old man's friends?
Y/N: Yep.
Jason: God that's tragic.
Bucky: Whatever makes him money I guess.
Mirage: There ain't no beer neither I mean how do you go to a party run by literal billionaires and don't have the budget to buy beer? Some of the good stuff!?
Damien: Posh people don't drink beer they have more of the exclusive stuff like wine.
Yoko: (Gags) Wine tastes awful!
Y/N: Tell me about it.
Alexis: Let's try to make the most out of it. Today is a very special day for your family Y/N!
Y/N: And I'm happy I get to spend it with all of you!
Bucky: (Mockingly) Aww you making me blush.
Y/N: Hey yoko after my dad makes his little speech there's going to be a dance and I was wondering-
He looks at his other friends who nod and give him a thumbs up.
Yoko: Wondering?
Y/N: (Blushes) If you'd....like to....be my dance partner.
Yoko: (Smirks) Ohhh so it's like a date huuuh?
Y/N: W-well no...unless you want it to be....
Yoko rolls her eyes and gives him a peck on the cheek.
Yoko: Sounds great buddy. You wanna bang in the bathroom afterwards big boy?
Alexis: Yoko!
Mirage: Ayo!?
Bucky: Chill lady!
Y/N freezes eyes wide causing Jason to sigh.
Jason: Now you've done it he's frozen up again.
Alexis gently slaps Y/N waking him from his state.
Y/N: Uh w-w-what did you just-
Yoko: (Laughs) I'm just busting your balls Y/N. I look forward to the dance handsome.
Yoko walks away with a swing in her hips.
Damien: What a remarkable women eh Y/N?
Y/N: (Flustered) She is indeed.
Jason: Your a lucky man Y/N.
Mirage: Damn straight.
Y/N: Could you guys give me a moment? Drank too much and I need to empty the tank if you know what i mean.
Alexis: Yeah just don't take too long the speech starts in five minutes.
Y/N struts out heading towards the toilets. Yoko watches him leave smiling to herself holding a rose.
Yoko: And here I thought I'd be the one to approach him. (Giggles).
A sigh of relief sings from Y/N's mouth he had just finished washing his hands after using the bathroom to ease himself.
Y/N: Ah that's better thought my bladder was gonna burst.
Smiling his goes back the way he came but blocking a door leading into the hallway was cyn in her normal drone form.
Cyn: Hello Y/N. Waves hand.
Y/N: Oh hey cyn. (Laughs nervously) Didn't expect to run into you.
Cyn: What a lucky coincidence I'm happy to see you again even after breaking my heart. Frowns sadly.
Y/N: I know cyn i-i am sorry.
Cyn: It's fine smiles sweetfully I could never be mad at you.
Y/N: Oh that's good.
He breathed a sigh of relief it seems cyn took the rejection much better then tessa or V did.
Cyn: I was wondering though if you are attending the gala today with your parents.
Y/N: Uhhh yeah we are Mr Elliott is making a speech and so is my dad. After that there's a large dance that's gonna take place.
Cyn: Sounds exciting.
Y/N: It is I've even bought my friends with me too. Its gonna be great.
Cyn: I wonder if tessa will be there too? Smiles maliciously.
Cyn: Nothing my sweet do go and enjoy the gala.
Y/N:Oooookay? Will do.
Y/N slowly walks past cyn freaked out.
Cyn merely smiles as he leaves before using the solver to sneakily infect evrey single worker drone servant in the mansion.
Cyn: Get ready for the main event my dear. A special suprise just for you. Giggles I'm so evil.
James: To all guests who have joined me tonight I welcome you all to the celebration of the 10 year anniversary of Jcjenson and the L/N corporations partnership.
The crowd all clap and cheer James who is standing next to his old freind F/N. Y/N and his freinds also cheer but in the hall leading to the dining room Tessa, cyn in her eldritch form, V, N and J in thier disassembly forms walk towards the door getting ready for thier grand entrance while the infected worker drones seal off and close all entrances in the mansion.
James: This is truly a glorious occasion a decade of these two companies working with one another to achieve great milestones! I am joined by the founding member of his corporation who is also a close friend of mine. Ladies and gentlemen please give a round of applause for F/N L/N the current chairman of the L/N corporation!
F/N takes the microphone and the crowd claps including his son and wife.
Y/N: Yeah dad alright!
M/N: You got this honey!
F/N: Hehehe thank you all for coming to this one in a lifetime event. My company has come a long way in such a short time. It felt like only days ago when JustGOoil and tuer autos was getting on its feet. I have many people to thank for helping me get to this point. I thank the investors, the media mogels and fellow oil barons. To my accountant and to my good freind and his wife here James and louisa Elliott. But the ones I owe the most to is my beautiful wife and my amazing son. Without them being there for me even in the companies darkest days I wouldn't be the man that I am today and I love the both of them with all my heart.
Members of the crowd aww during the touching speech. Y/N tears up in joy and his mother hides her blush behind a fan.
F/N: Now let us celebrate this milestone of corporate history let us toast to another 10 years of cooperation between Jcjenson and L/N industries. Let us party like thiers no tomorrow let's us dance until we drop dead!
The crowd all cheer in unison.
Mirage: Yeah that's what I'm talking about!
Bucky: Your dad has a way with words.
Alexis: The dance is about to begin!
On que music plays and Y/N shyfully offers his hand to yoko.
Damien: (Bout time Y/N)
Y/N: (Blushes) May I have this dance?
Yoko smiles softly and reaches for Y/N's hand.
Tessa: Before we begin i would like to make a speech of my own.
The door swings open and tessa and cyn make thier grand appearance followed by V, N and J.
James: Tessa elliot!?
Y/N: Oh bollocks.
Jason: Ain't they the girls you rejected?
Y/N: (Nods).
Damien: This isn't gonna end well.
Alexis: Wait does she have an axe!?
Bucky: And look at the drones next to her!
Y/N gasps seeing the three drones new look but was scared by tessa who was holding an axe looking at him.
Tessa: Hi my dear husband did you miss me?
Yoko: Husband!?
Y/N: Tess I said it was off it was arranged it wasn't right.
Cyn: It felt right to us.
F/N: Oh no...
James enraged gets off the stage and screams at his daughter and was followed by his wife.
James: What are you doing out of the basement!?
Louisa: You have some nerve defying your punishment little lady!
Tessa: Punishment this, punishment that I really don't give a shit how many times you punish me anymore!
James: Such vulgar language!
Jason: A family argument in public? Shit didn't know we'd also get live drama as entertainment.
Mirage: Is anyone else feeling on edge?
Damien: So I'm not the only one.
Tessa: For so many years I've endured your cruel mistreatment. All those times you locked me in the basement, shackled me to my bed, starved me even hitting me......
The crowd gasp and F/N looks at James in disgust.
M/N: They what!?
Yoko: They beat her!?
Alexis: Y/N did you know about this?
Y/N: I didn't....I really didn't.
Guest: How horrible!
Guest: That's the way they treat thier own blood!?
F/N: James! Is this true!?
James was now sweating nervously in fear of his reputation being tarnished.
James: No no heavens no! Of course-
Tessa: Your such a horrible lair father almost as bad as being a decent parent. Then again you and mom are both as horrible. But even after being so god awful to me I endured it but.....then....I met my soul mate....we met our soul mate....Y/N L/N.
She looks at Y/N who was now hiding behind Jason and bucky.
Tessa: He was so nice and sweet and loving....he was evreything you two weren't. My light in a world of darkness the one person that made me feel loved.....wanted. we were ment to wed and become husband and bride. Me, Cyn, J, V and N.....we were meant to live together as one big happy family. But then......then you father had to open your big fucking mouth and tell his dad that he could call it off! You manipulated him into pushing us away! LOVERS MENT TO BE RUINED BECAUSE OF YOU AND HIM! AND THEN YOU TRY TO SAY TO ME THAT PEOPLE THINK MY LOVE WILL RUIN YOUR SORRY REPUTATION! IF THAT'S WHAT ALSO DRIVES Y/N AWAY THEN EVREYONE HERE IN THIS ROOM IS ALSO GUILTY ALL OF YOU!!!
M/N runs to her terrified son and his friends.
M/N: Alright evreyone I think we need to leave!
Damien: Yeah good idea let's go!
Tessa: I can take many things but having you take away the only man I've ever loved.......hehe NO. That is something I cannot forgive and for that you must pay.....ALL OF YOU MUST PAY.
James finally snaps and raises his hand to slap tessa.
The room turns silent and the situation takes a dark turn. Tessa showing no emotion runs towards her father and swings the axe in her hand. The old rusty blade makes contact with James elliots throat tearing it open. Blood colors the yellow silk carpet red as James held his now missing throat choking on his blood. Y/N's eyes widen and his heart shot into his throat witnessing tessa killing her own father. He could never fathom that the heartbreak would make her snap to such a degree.
Tessa: Girls.....its time for the grand finale.
Cyn: Finally-
Cyn transforms into her eldritch form.
Cyn: Time to eat.
V: You watching babe?! This is all for you!
Seconds later screams ring out and all hell breaks loose.
N, V and J lunge at the crowd and begin a spree of slaughter using thier new claws and nanite tails to cut down and melt any human they layed thier hands on. Cyn used her claws to grab some of the guests and started to tear them apart eating them alive slowly relishing the pain she was inflicting. Meanwhile tessa bought down her axe and slashed her father's stomach and started to tear out his insides with a sickening smile.
Y/N and his friends were horrified his father ran over towards his son as a dead body was flung in his direction.
Alexis: Oh my god....she's killing-
F/N: (To M/N) Sweetheart grab the kids and follow me we're getting out of here!
As they ran to the closed door louisa looked at her daughter with fear not disgrace or despair only fear afraid of what her daughter has become.
J: Come here you bitch!
J and N grabs louisa by the arms and push her to the wall as V licks her bloody claws.
V: You like breaking us drones huh?
N: Now it's our turn to break you!
V swipes her claws left and right cutting louisa tearing out her organs starting with her lungs and then her cold heart. The two other drones bit into her shoulders biting off her arms eating them whole.
M/N couldn't bare to look as the carnage continued. F/N tried to open the door but someone unseen force most likely the absolute solver had sealed the door shut locking evreyone in.
Bucky: They've trapped us in here with them!
Jason steps back winds up his foot and kicks the door off its hinges.
Yoko: Don't need to tell me twice!
Cyn turns towards Y/N who was running from the fray a smile crept onto her face before she sent a message to all worker drones.
Cyn: Get him.
M/N held her sons hand tight refusing to let go her parental instincts taking over. Whatever happens she will not let any harm come to her son. She would rather die then let the drones take him.
F/N: Stay with me evreyone we need to get to my ship it could be our only way to escape that monster!
Y/N: Those people.....so many dead...oh god is this all my fault?
Damien: No way Y/N! Your not the one currently slaughtering any person you see!
Alexis: Your not to blame Y/N get it out your head!
Bucky: Let's just focus on getting out of here alive!
Mirage: Easy said then done! Look up ahead!
Two worker drone block one of two paths thier visors yellows and claws and wings sprouting from thier backs.
Jason: Aw shit she's infecting evrey drone in the mansion!
Jason decides to take action and from his jacket pulls out a pistol from his pocket.
Jason: The rest of you take the second corridor I'll hold em off and regroup with you once I'm done!
Mirage: Jason when did you get a-
The group spilts from Jason going down a separate corner. Jason glares at the drones who slowly approach and loads a mag into the pistol.
Jason: I wonder which is stronger? A drone or a 9mm bullet?
Let's find out!
Gunshots ring out as Y/N and the rest of the group make a mad dash through the mansion. Some guest manage to flee the dining room only to be mowed down by N who was now roaming the halls looking for Y/N. They tried to find a way out but all exits were blocked off.
Alexis: Mr L/N we still haven't found a way out i think we're trapped!
F/N: Like fucking 'ell we are. We just gotta find the entrance and bust down the door.
Y/N: D-dad I'm scared!
F/N: I know kid we all are but we'll survive I promise you that!
Yoko: But we can't just leave Jason!
F/N: We heard what he said have some faith in your friend I know he'll make it!
M/N: Just hold on tight sweetie mommy's got you!
Jason threw the deactivated drones corpse at the drone's partner pinning him to the ground before loading him with lead putting two bullets in his visor. Jason held his bloody face holding the scar he received from the drone's claw barely missing his eye.
Jason: Argh shit I can deal with this later gotta regroup with the others.
Jason runs down the hall and comes across a guest with two broken legs bleeding by the chest.
Guest: Young man.....please help me!
Jason: Damn hold on!
But as Jason ran to him J dropped down and crushes his head spilling brain matter onto the floor.
J: One human down a few hundred more to go.
Jason: You bastard!
Jason gets tackled by J and is pinned to the wall but using his martial arts he ducks a swing from her claws and karate kicks J into a cabinet making it crash down on her pinning her under the broken glass and wood giving Jason enough time to make a run for it.
F/N led his group through the library and towards the exit. Finding the door closed and guarded by a infected drone F/N takes a sword from the wall and charges at the drone.
F/N: En guard you wanker!
F/N fights the drone who starts to push him into a corner.
Bucky: We gotta help him we can't just let him die!
M/N: Leave it to me!
Y/N: MOM!?
M/N screams and brings out her most powerful weapon....her trusty frying pan!
And with one swing the drone is knocked to the floor a visible dent on top of its head. F/N quickly recovers and slices the drone in two with the sword.
M/N: I still got it!
F/N: And that is why I fell in love with you.
Mirage: (Shudders) Remind me not to get on her bad side.
Yoko: (Wide-eyed) Uhuh.
Y/N: That's my mom for ya.
Damien: Come on the exits just up ahead!
The reach the locked front door and ready to kick it down when a bullet fires from the hallway ahead but misses.
F/N: Oh now what!?
Another drone drops from tbe ceiling and laughs but is shot from behind by Jason and drops dead with its head blown clean off.
Alexis: Your alive!
Jason: Was there any doubt?
Bucky: Your face look it's wounded!
Jason: And it can wait let's get this door kicked off!
Jason, Y/N, bucky, yoko, Damien and F/N kick the door which they struggle to kick down.
F/N: Urgh Jesus christ they know how to make a good door I'll give em that!
Jason: Just a little more manpower!
With one combined kick the door falls down.
Yoko: Down she goes!
Mirage: Yes baby sweet freedom!
F/N: Follow me into the taxi we are leaving!
They then quickly run down the steps leading towards the vehicle. But halfway down M/N stops dead in her tracks.
M/N: F-F/N?
F/N: What is it sweethe-
Y/N and his father turns round and thier heart stops.
M/N dropped her frying pain looking at the two with wide eyes a stream of blood poured from her mouth.
And plunged into her stomach impaling her was a nanite acid tail belonging to N.
F/N: NO!
N: Sorry but this is where you die!
She yanks her tail pulling M/N back and grabbing her by the throat. V comes from behind her and laughs.
V: Wow Y/N you managed to escape! Too bad it's still night time though!
Ready to say bye bye to mommy?
Jason: You sick sons of bitches!
F/N: Let my wife go-
Y/N: No I'm not leaving you mom!
M/N: You have to....its already too late for me......GAH!
V plunges her claw into M/N's chest. Y/N tries to run to his mothers aid but Damien and bucky pull him back towards the taxi cab.
Damien: You heard her Y/N she wants us to leave!
Bucky: We need to go now Y/N!
M/N: F/N.......
F/N looks at his wife the life in her eyes slowly fading.
M/N: Go.....protect our child....make sure he lives on.....please......
F/N sheds a tear and nods.
F/N: I will M/N I promise.
He then bolts towards the cab getting evreyone inside and starts the car.
M/N: Thank you.
Y/N: (Muffled) No mom!
She looks at her son who tries to open the door but was being held back by yoko.
M/N: I love you......my little boy.
Those were M/N's last words before V rips her in half before N tore her head off.
The taxi drove off leaving the two drones to smirk before looking back at tessa who also had the same smile.
Inside the cab Y/N cried with yoko trying her best to calm him.
He had just watch his mother one of the most important figures in any child's life die in front of him. Torn in half by the drones he once saw as friends.
It would be a sight that would haunt him for the rest of his life.
Y/N: (Sobs) She's gone mom is gone! What did she do to deserve that? Whyyyy?!
Yoko: Shhhh I know it's gonna be okay it's gonna be okay!
Yoko held him tight Jason smacked his hand in the window cracking it. F/N drove the taxi silently shedding tears for his deceased wife.
Mirage: Can't believe this is happening how did it all come to this?
Jason: Those robot bastards! They're gonna pay for this!
Bucky: Where do we go now? How will we be able to hide from those things?
Damien gets a news update on his phone and his blood goes cold.
Damien: Guys your not gonna believe this but the infection its....its spreading to evrey drone around the globe!
Bucky: What!?
F/N: You got to be fucking kidding me.
Alexis: Are you serious?
Damien: Just got an emergency broadcast evrey country is being overrun thousands are already dead! That monster......she killing evrey human on the planet!
Mirage: So nowhere is safe!?
F/N: Not exactly. There is a way to escape we have to leave the planet.
Yoko: What!?
F/N: I have my shuttle parked at the airspace 10 minutes from here. We can use it to fly off the planet away from these monsters. The only issue is that it can accommodate only two people but the rest of you can use the cargo ship that the worker drones use.
Jason: Won't they be locked?
F/N: No Jcjenson didn't want to grant thier drones the privilege of ships with a locking system all you need to do is open the hatch and get in. I know of a planet used by Jcjenson for mining copper-9. We can head there and warn the other humans of whats going on.
Alexis: Just pray we actually get off the planet.
She look at the distraught Y/N who cried into yoko's chest.
Inside the hanger where the ships were stored F/N and the others barged into the control room finding evreyone inside to be dead.
Bucky: We're too late.
F/N runs over to the controls and unlocks the hangar door to each stored shuttle.
F/N: Alright that should have opened the door now we can make our escape. Each hangar has the ship launching in a different direction so that means we'll have to split up.
Y/N: But we may....never see eachother again.
Damien: We will eventually. When we've escaped the planet and given it some time I'll send out a distress beacon for you all to find. If you don't show up in time you'll be considered dead.
Mirage: So we're gonna fly it solo for a hot minute?
Jason: Got no choice.
Bucky: Then I wish all of you luck.
Yoko grabs Y/N and kneels her head towards his.
Yoko: You better not die on me you hear? I'll kick your ass if you do.
Y/N: I won't I promise we'll see eachother again no matter how long we have to wait.
F/N: We have to go before the drones figure out somethings up come on!
Yoko kisses Y/N before turning away.
Yoko: Goodbye.
The friends all split up going thier separate ways while Y/N and his father ran towards the hangar that housed thier shuttle.
F/N: Just a little futher now son and we're scott free.
Y/N finds the hangar and runs towards the ship his father following close behind.
Y/N: There it is!
F/N: Thank god its okay now let's bounce before- AHHHHHHHH!
Tessa and cyn telport behind F/N with tbe solvers power and tessa shoves her axe through his back piercing through his chest.
Tessa: There you are Y/N I gotta admit your really good at hide and seek but looks like we win!
V, N and J climb into the hangar via the open door.
Cyn: Evil laugh muhahahahaha today is a great day. It would be even better if we had you.
J: It's been fun chasing you Y/N baby but it's now time to come back to the mansion and live with your wife's.
F/N: Y/N......go...get in the ship leave without me!
Cyn stabs F/N in the stomach with her claw.
Cyn: Annoyed expression please shut up.
N: Come on Y/N it's okay we know your afraid but we're here for you.
V: And we are all that you need.
F/N: Go Y/N.....
Y/N: Dad.....
Tears swelled in Y/N's eyes as his father shouted at him. With a heavy heart he listens to his father and shuts the shuttle door and prepares for take off.
Tessa: NO!
F/N: Haha......that's my boy.
Hearing enough tessa decapitates F/N.
Tessa: Stop that ship from taking off don't let him get away!
The drones fire thier weapons at the ship cyn even uses her long claws to try and grab the shuttle but using its engine thrusters the shuttle boosts off burning off cyn's claws and blasting V, N and J off the ship. Tessa ran to the end of the hangar as the ship carrying Y/N flew off into outer space.
The white shuttle escaped earth's orbit and continued flying into the great unknown. Inside the cockpit sitting on the floor Y/N layed down and cried relentlessly grieving the loss of his family and possibly his freinds.
He had lost evreything and was now on his own in outer space with no one to comfort him.
Alone in the dark as his ship flies off slowly becoming a small white speck in the dark vacuum of space.
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