💧Northern & Southern💧
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Okay! Sokka i love ya a lot! So this one's for you buddy.
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~Sokka's POV~
"Aang Come on and get up!!" I whined as I tried to wake up the avatar. "Sokka shush" "But the schedule needs us to be awake now and Kitara-" Water was splashed in my face and I stumbled backward. "HEY!" "Sokka shut up and let us sleep! We are exhausted and didn't go to sleep until late training!" I flinched from the horrible look on my sister's face before sighing. "Fine! 3 hours of rest but then we gotta split!"
They both groaned and flipped away from me going back to sleep. I rolled my eyes at the two benders. "Ugh" I walked off mostly to get food and or wood since I was hungry I heard splashing of water up ahead. I pulled out my boomerang and walked slower. 'It is a fire nation soldier? Maybe a deer i can kill and eat? Maybe a fish?' I moved some bushes and saw a...' a girl? Not what i was expecting'
She had (H/L) (H/C) hair and looked around 5'6" based on the trees around her. She had dull (E/C) eyes and had soft-looking (S/T) skin. She was on her knees by the river and had her hands in it. 'Oh, she was splashing the water around.' I moved the bush back but it caused a branch to hit another loudly. I heard her gasp and more water splashing. "Who's there?" I stepped out of the bushes and was bombarded with icicles. I screamed and tried to dodge them. One caught my jacket and I was pinned down.
She was staring at me intensely like she was calculating or analyzing the situation. "Um...hey" "Name" she states coldly but her voice was like honey. It caused my face to heat up. "Are you deaf i asked for your name" I flinched but shook my head "N-No im not! My-" I cleared my throat and smiled. "I'm Sokka" "Are you a bender?" "No, im normal" She looked at my clothing and nodded "Southern Water Tribe Correct?" My eyes widened 'How-' the icicles melted it and it went back to the river. 'So she's a bender great'
"How did you realize i was from the Southern Water Tribe?" "I would have seen you if a boy such as yourself was in the Northern Water Tribe" I narrowed my eyes at her. "You've been to the Northern Water Tribe?" "Yep! I used to live there actually" She answered as she took off her earth kingdom colored jacket. It was similar to Kiara's outfit but with more fur and deeper blues
"Woah...why did you leave?" She tapped on her neck. there was a necklace on her like Kiara or Yui "An arrange Marriage that I had no say in so I left. I took some food and water and warm clothes and ran been running ever since." I nodded and looked at her. "How long have you been running?" "Well, im 15 now so....around 5 years" I looked at her with wide eyes "What?!" "Yep! Messed up, right? Now enough about me what about you Sokka from the Southern Water Tribe? Why are you so far from home?"
"I'm with the Avatar!" Her eyes widened "The avatar? Aang the Avatar last Airbender in the WORLD??" I nodded and she beamed. "May i meet him?" "If you can tell me your name sweetness" She rolled her eyes at my comment but smiled anyway. "Names (Y/N) Hot stuff" My face went pink when she said that. "Now! Take me to the Avatar! I have to meet him and thank him!" "For what?" "Saving My home." She smiled and took my hand. "Lead the way Southern!" I smirked and picked her up. She was lighter than i had anticipated. "Of course Northern" (Y/N)'s eyes widened and her face went pink before she splashed some of the water from the river into my face. "Bastard" She laughed out
~Time Skip & Your POV~
Ever since I met Sokka I was riding with the Avatar. I was teaching him different water Bending technics that Kitara, Sokka's sister, didn't know so I was teaching them both which i wasn't against in any way. We were currently trying to find Aang an Earth Bending teacher which was apparently harder than we thought. We stopped Appa for the night and were chilling under the stars. Aang and Kitara were off doing who knows what so it was just Sokka Appa Momo and I.
I was washing his horns and teeth since he deserved some attention and care too damn it! "Hey (Y/N)!" I looked over and saw Sokka who was fixing his Wolf Tail, or whatever he called it. "Yeah, Sokka? I'm kinda busy" I wiped down the water from his horns and smiled. "I was wondering if you wanted to walk around with me?" "Cause your scared of the dark Sokka?" I teased causing him to growl at me. "NO!! I just...dont want you to be alone"
"I'm not alone I got Momo and Appa! They're cool isn't that right Appa!" I said rubbing his arrow and he groaned in agreement. "See?" "Fine, i just...wanna walk and talk with you okay! I" his face went pink and I laughed. "Fine, Fine be there in a minute fine ass" His red face got three times darker and he walked away grumbling to himself. I laughed and finished his horns. "I'll be back for your teeth okay Appa?" He nodded an laid down with Momo going on top of his head. I laughed and walked over, seeing Sokka chilling on a rock.
"Ready Sokka?" He nodded with a smile and got up. "Why did you wanna walk with me anyway?" "What can't do an...activity with you?" I laughed "Is this your form of a date?" His face flushed up and he shrugged "maybe maybe not you have no proof either way" i laughed and nodded "Okay Southern" he shook his head and took my hand in his. My eyes widened slightly but i allowed it.
He took us to this pretty lake the moon was in a waxing crescent and it reflected in the water gorgeously. "Woah this place is wonderful!" I looked at the water and smiled. It then started to rise and take a shape of a heart right in front of the moon making it reflect the light. My eyes widened and i looked at Sokka who was red in the face. "Sokka?" "(Y/N)" I-I love you. Your so much fun to be around and your humor is amazing. You're really strong and are an amazing fighter and honorable strategist. And your absolutely gorgeous....so...will you be my girlfriend?"
I stared at him in shock. I think i might have paused to long because his face fell. I bended some water to splash his face and smiled brightly. "Of course I will ya idiot!" I hugged him tightly and he hugged back. I pulled away and he kissed me. I kissed him back and a splash was heard. I didn't care and held his face in my hands. I was so happy it wasn't even funny
Everything is Connected
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