💧My Love💧
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This was a request by the lovely AllisonTart so I hope you like it! Cause I am sure as hell do. So im adding some things from their request to make it make more sense since Firelord HATES waterbenders so...yee!!
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~Your POV~
5 years ago BA [Before Aang]
11 Years Old
"Go I have to Yue? What if...What if he's scary?" I asked looking up at my 5 minutes older sister. Her hair was snowy white while mine was silky (H/C). I looked into her Worried and upset blue eyes. "I'm sorry (N/N) but you have to. To protect all of us. It was agreed by the Firelord and our father." Tears filled my eyes as Yue hugged me tightly.
I was being forced to be engaged to the Firelord's Son so ensure peace between the Northern Water Tribe and the Fire Nation. Along with my hand in marriage, the fire lord demands half of the Water benders work for him in many of his factories along with a written agreement of n double-cross from both of the powerful men.
I was set to meet the Prince in a few months since today was the day it was being decided. I didn't want to be engaged nor did I ever think it would be to ANYONE in the Fire Nation "It's your duty, My dear sister. He wouldn't take me since of my weak stature and not being able to Water bend. I promise you I'll be right next to you each and every step of the way." "Promise?" "I swear on the Moon Spirit" I smiled and hugged my sister tighter than before.
~Time Skip~
"It's time to meet the prince (N/N)" Father said with fake enthusiasm drenched in his tone. He didn't like this any more than I did. I simply nodded as we walked through the Firelord's palace. We had to go there for safety precautions but not for us...for them.
'Stuck up...colonizing pussy ass bastards'
We walked into the Throne room and my father knelt down. He looked up at me and I sighed before doing the same. "Welcome Chief Arnook. I hope the travel was luxurious" "Yes it was, thank you for your hospitality" The Firelord stood up and started walking towards me. I flinched when he stood in front of me which seemed to make him smirk with pride.
"Remind me of your name again young one?" I looked at my dad and he nodded sadly. I looked the Firelord in his intimidating eyes and cleared my throat. "I am Princess (Y/N) Daughter of Chief Arnook of the Northern Watertribe...bride to be of the Prince of the Fire Nation" The sadistic grin that dawned on his lips showed fucked up this man was
"Good, Pleasure to meet you Princess (Y/N). I believe it's time for the newly engaged to meet one another don't you agree Chief Arnook!" "Yes your majesty" He snapped his fingers and the door opened seeing two kids there. One, The male, being around my age with short black hair and beautiful amber eyes covered in head to toe in Red. The other is younger and a female with slightly longer black hair however her eyes held mischief and lack of Empathy drenched in red as well.
A shiver went down my spine as I looked at the girl so I looked back at the boy. I didn't say anything knowing it wasn't my place to say anything. The two kids walked to their father's sides and the girl stepped forward to look at me. She rolled her eyes however looked to the Firelord with a smile. "She's Pretty. Might do Zu-Zu some good" "Azula!" The boy's father nudged him slightly while the girl, whose name is apparently Azula, smirked.
I bowed to him and gulped scared that he was gonna harm me. "It's an honor He stepped closer before lifting my head up with his hand. "Who might you be?" "I-I am Princess (Y/N) of the Northern Water Tribe" "So you're my bride to be?" I nodded and tried to maintain eye contact. His eyes flickered from soft and safe to intense and angry. He hummed before his hand left my chin. "I am Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation." I nodded once again before straightening up realizing I've been bowing FAR too long.
"If I am not mistaken the Northern Water Tribe has a tradition for the women who are engaged?" "Yes, Your Majesty" I replied to the young Prince. A scoff was heard from Azula and a hum of approval from the Firelord. "I suppose you have it then?" He questioned and that's when my father walked up handing the necklace to the young Prince.
"Why does it have the Water Tribe Insignia? Shouldn't it have the Fire Nation Insignia?" Asuka questioned with venom laced in her words. I shot a look at her before smiling kindly. "It's a tradition to have the water tribe insignia however if you look at the back the Fire Nation Insignia is there as well. My father made sure to carve in both" The frustration was clear in my voice but I think inflating the Firelord's dictatorial ego let it slide.
"Turn around I'll put it on" I nodded and turned around moving my (H/L) hair out the way. I felt him fumble a few times before it stayed on. I turned around and left the carving...it was the Water Insignia? I looked at him questionably but he wasn't paying me the time of day.
'Did he not notice? Or did he just not care? Is he actually a good person?'
Thoughts worked my mind before the Firelord called my name. "You shall stay with the Prince and..."Get to know" to know one another. "Of course Your Highness" Prince Zuko turned on his heel to leave and I followed with Azula following behind while my father stayed with the Firelord. 'Spirits be better okay'
4 Year Ago BA [Before Aang]
12 years old
The next summer I was forced to stay at the Firelord's palace to bond closer to Zuko since we were to be wed at 14, two tears from now. We were outside by the pond they had in the garden. I was feeding the Turtle ducks while he just stared at me. I didn't know what to do so I just let him. "You don't talk much do you?" I flinched when he spoke but looked at him. "W-Well I don't want to say anything wrong to your Prince Zuko" He raised an eyebrow and cocked his head slightly to the left. "How so?"
"Like...misspeak or say something....you don't like" He nodded before looking on the pond. "When My sister or Father aren't around you can call me Zuko for one. For two don't worry you won't say anything wrong. Besides, I barely know anything about you. When he first met it was all about me so why not say something about you?" I looked at him in pure shock. Was he serious or was he messing with me? Well... let's see
"Well...I'm a better than average Waterbender however I don't do it much in front of others. I train alone with my father." Zuko nodded with a curious look. "Can you show me?" I blushed a soft pink. "Really?" "Yeah! I've never seen a waterbender actually...Bend!" I giggled softly before looking at the pond. I raised up the water to flow around the two of us with the fish and turtle ducks safely on or in the water. Zuko looked at the water as if it was his first time seeing water in his life.
"This is incredible! I bet you could be better if you trained more!" I smiled at him the weight on my shoulders finally leaving. He was trustworthy in my eyes. "I hope so" "I know so!" I put the water back in the pond before splashing a little in his face. He spat it back and wiped his face before looking at me in shock. I tried to stifle a laugh but it came out. "Oh, I'll show you to not laugh!" I screamed playfully and got up running with the Future Firelord chasing after me.
3 years Ago BA [Before Aang]
13 Years Old
Zuko and I have been engaged for two years and we were to be wed when we both turned 14 however an incident happened which shook the peace of the Nothern Water Tribe and the Fire Nation and the deals that were made expect for my Engagement. Prince Zuko was Banished from the Fire Nation and stripped of his honor until he could bring home the Avatar a task that was virtually impossible.
The only person who left with him was General Iroh his uncle. I heard this rather quickly back home since news spread faster than the Airbenders once flew. My mother and Sister cried since the fate of our people and our home rested on the marriage and with my Husband to be being banished who knows what could happen. I pray to the Spirits nothing goes wrong and that...Zuko is safe and didn't get hurt. He better stay safe or ill kill him when I see him.
"Are you okay Sis?" I looked over my shoulder and saw Yue wit a concerned look on her face. She was the only person who knew I was actually enjoying my engagement and couldn't wait to get married to Zuko so she could tell I was beyond worried. "What if he...doesn't get to come home? He isn't welcomed here and it wouldn't be safe for him either-even if he was. I'm worried and scared for him Yue" She walked over and held my hands in hers. "It'll be okay. I promise"
0 Years Ago DA [During Aang]
16 Years Old
The Avatar...was found. An Airbender named Aang. How he survived over a hundred years without ever being found was incredible! Apparently, he was already helping people here and there trying to bring peace!! I couldn't wait! He was the only one who could stop the Fire Nation and in my soul could feel it he was our savior! My questions however remain unsolved....why did he vanish? What happened? Why did he let this happen for a hundred years? How did he escape the Air Nomad Extinction?
So many questions yet not enough time to ask them and no one that could answer them except for the Avatar himself. I sighed happily as my hand went to my necklace. I traced over both of the insignia's with my fingers as my other hand played with the water under me. My mind raced with multiple things. The Avatar, The Fire Lord, The Fire Nation, My people but mostly Zuko. Was he still okay? Did he even notice that you missed him? Does he know about the Avatar since he is most likely out at Sea?
"Please be okay...I can't bear knowing you are and or have been hurt out there." I looked out my bedroom window and shot out a snowball making it go poof in the middle of the sky with a heart on it. I had actually fallen for the Banished Prince from the Fire Nation. He isn't like the other fire lords or benders. He's gentle and calm. He's very trustworthy and truthful. Everything about him I love. He couldn't ever be like them.
~Time skip [Ba Sing Sei Yeah I know a long one]~
~Zuko's POV~
Ba Sing Sei the farthest thing from home and even farther from (Y/N). She's never left my mind even after my banishment. She was the one thing keeping me sane with the conflict in my head and my life. Everything...crashed and burned from my rank to myself Physically Emotionally Mentally and Spiritually. My fingers grazed over my eye and I sighed.
'Will she even like me after...this?! Does she even remember me? Is she happy that she isn't engaged to me anymore thanks to my banishment? Did she even love me or was it cause she had to? Maybe she hasn't even noticed my absence? No cause the Fire nation ships go to pick her up and bring her 2 months before summer actually starts and summer is almost here so she should be there right? Or did my banishment stop that? What if she's worried about me since she actually does like me? What are the odds of that? 1 out of a 1000000000000000? I mean im not the affectionate type? Am I? What even am I to her?'
"Prince Zuko?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked over my shoulder seeing Uncle who looked confused and concerned. "Yeah?" "Are you alright? You have been staring into space for a few minutes. The tea is overfilling onto the table" I jumped almost dropping the teapot before starting to clean up cursing too and at myself in my head. Iroh smirked slightly to himself. "Its that Water Tribe Princess isn't it? You still love her?" "Oh, course I do-I MEAN WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!?"
Uncle laughed putting his hand on my shoulder. "Prince Zuko I can tell when a young man is thinking about a girl. Especially when they are overthinking about her. It's gonna be okay Prince Zuko. I promise you this." I sighed and looked at him "how are you so sure?" He patted his stomach with a wink and grin. "I can feel it in my gut!" I rolled my eyes before looking at the door hearing the chime of bells. "Welcome to the Jasmine Dragon How-"
I cut myself off when I saw the same guy who saw Uncle Iroh fire bend holding the door open. Jet I think his name was? He had his chronic grin on his face but who was he holding the door open for? Finally, someone else walked in and he closed the door and I swear on the spirits my jaw dropped. The same glowing (S/T) skin with gorgeous (H/L) (H/C) hair framing wide and curious (E/C) with soft slightly parted lips that I've been thinking about for years was right in front of me. My breath stuck in my throat as they sat down. I couldn't move but my eyes watched them closely.
That couldn't have been (Y/N) it can be. Why is she here of all places? HOW is she here of all places? It couldn't be it didn't make sense. Uncle walked over to get their orders and I overheard their conversation. "I'll have whatever the gorgeous lady wants" He complimented with a clicked of his tongue. Her cheeks darkened slightly but she rolled her eyes with a kind smile on her lips.
"I'll have the Famous Jasmine Tea please" She looked up at Uncle and her eyes narrowed on him. "Do I know you, sir?" He tapped his chin before shaking his head. "Nope I don't believe so if remember a pretty young face such as yours" she laughed and my heart skipped a beat. Only when she finally took off her green jacket and I saw the necklace around her neck that I knew exactly who it was. That was My Love. My stability. My Future Wife. My...My (Y/N)!
Uncle walked to the back to make the tea and I watched them zoning out the other customers and focusing purely on them. "So what's a gorgeous Water Lily doing here?" He flirted making my teeth grind together. How dare he flirt with her?! "Well, I was hoping to find the Avatar here. I heard rumors that he went through here." "Why are you looking for the Avatar?" "I need to...ask them some questions about...someone I miss dearly" She touched her necklace and looked down slightly. My eyes watered slightly.
'She misses me! She loves me! Really???'
"Who is this someone and what do they mean to you?" Jet presses with a raised eyebrow. "I'm not telling you that first thing Mr. Jet but the other thing is complicated. I love them dearly but I don't think they like me back. They never gave off 'I love you romantically' vibes more of a 'Your a very cool friend that makes me laugh' vibes...does that make sense?" Jet nodded and leaned forward to get closer to her. "Well if you ask me who they are they missed out on a very beautiful gal and I'll be more than glad to fill in that spot of someone you love dearly" he winked and she giggled with a blush plaguing her cheeks.
I growled and all I saw was red. No no no! THIS! is where I draw the line! I stormed over not noticing that Uncle Iroh was getting customers out of the store so it as only us two, Jet and (Y/N). I lifted the black-haired county non-bender brat and slammed him into the wall. "HEY! GET OFF OF ME! WHAT THE HELL?!!?" I growled again "How dare you-!" Water was drenched onto me and I stumbled back looking at (Y/N). She was scares but obviously ready to fight if needed. "H-Hey! Put him d-down! We didn't do a-anything wrong! You need-" She cut herself off when I wiped the water out of my left eye covering my scar with my hand.
"No...You...You're here?" She straightened her posture and walked to me. Jet ran off with Iroh waving him out with a smile. (Y/N) walked to me and put her hand on my left cheek her thumb gliding over my scar. Her face was pained as tears started flowing down her cheeks. "Who did this to you?" "It doesn't matter...I have you with me. That's all that's ever mattered to me." She put her other hand on my shoulder and I put my hands on her hips and she connected our lips almost desperately as if Id disappear again if she let go.
I'm never going to let her go again ever.
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I actually wrote this in one day! Very proud of myself but also very fuckin annoyed. I hate my mom's boyfriend sometimes. He acts like he fuckin controls me or that he is my dad. Gods shut the fuck up 😒🙄
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verything Is Connected
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