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Okay so I know I've been going a lot of firebender readers but I have 2 reasons for that 1) This chapter was inspired by a musical that needs fire and 2) im a firebender fuck off! Anyway, this is a few years after the world is saved, and yeah.
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Dear (Y/N),
I can't believe I finally get to write to you. It has been years since we've last spoken. When we were in the fire nation. I remember it like it was yesterday. You gave us shelter when we needed it and protected us from the soldiers. You even helped us keep Appa a secret. I can not tell you how happy I am to be able to communicate once more!
Yours truly,
My Dear Friend Sokka,
Sokka! It's been years! How have you been! I know saving the world must be a proud feather in your cap for you. May I add your message hawk is so cute but I digress. I remember that time well seeing as I know have a scar on my side from a soldier encounter. I hope you can come to visit me soon. I miss you and the rest of the gAang.
Your friend,
Dear (Y/N),
I remember when you got that scar. I still truly blame myself. If I hadn't been dramatic the soldier wouldn't have seen me causing you to fight for me. We were lucky we got him to stay quiet. However, I hope the scar healed well. Maybe when we visit my sister can heal it for you! She is a water bender after all! Speaking of visiting I'll steal Appa from Aang and come visit you first before the rest of the gAang! (Also I love that it caught on!) I miss you so much. We should go dancing when I visit. You still need to show me the good old traditional fire nation dances since I showed you the southern water tribes dances!
From your great friend,
Dearest Sokka,
I can't believe you're already gone. It was the greatest and funniest weekend ever! One of my favorite parts was when you crashed into the water trying to bend it. It was hilarious! Although I must say when we were dancing to the music playing off in the distance under the stars was extremely calming and beautiful. It made me... realize something deep within me however I wonder how you react or respond to the things I realized. I hope you did enjoy your stay, however! Next time bring everyone else and we can beat them in everything!
Your truest friend,
My Truest Friend (Y/N),
What did you realize and why do you want to know how I'd react or respond? I'll always be by your side
The great friend,
My Dearest, Sokka
I realized...that I love you Sokka
My Dearest, (Y/N)
(Y/N), I love you too. I've loved you for years! You were my reason to keep fighting and to keep being myself. My reason to grow as a person and my reason to keep going and living. I'll always love you (Y/N). I'll never stop loving you.
Your Dearest,
My Love, Sokka
Sokka, That was the most beautiful thing I've ever read. I'll always love You. When the sun rises on February 30th, when apples grow on peach trees when I can count all the stars in the sky that's when I'll stop loving you. I send you all my love for now until eternity
Forever and always,
My truest love, (Y/N)
That trip was a blast. It's a shame we live so far apart and I can only visit. One day I hope we can live together and truly show our love and affection for each other physically. Perhaps even more possibly even starting a family together. However, I must ask why didnt you let Katara heal your scar when she went over? She was more than willing too.
Until next time,
The love of my life, Sokka
Starting a family with you? I shall be honest I've pondered about that once or twice. However, let's take things slow. I don't want to rush into things too quickly. Regarding your sister healing my scar I denied for a simple reason, it's a fond memory of mine. When I saved your life and was able to make sure you stayed alive to save the world. The scar, although ugly to the eye, holds meaning and a story. I do not want it to be simply healed away. Besides, it makes me look badass too!
Sincerely yours,
Dear (Y/N),
Im sorry
Im such an idiot for believing him. For believing the lies. The 'I love yous.' The 'I'll always be by your sides.' The 'My dearest my loves my sweets.'
I lit my palm ablaze and burned the letters he sent to me. The letters he gave back. They engulfed in flames and I watched the paper crumble and turn to black ash
I watched the Ink keep the flames going. I watched the words, the love, the memories, the time, the patience, the care and attention burn away. I wasted so much on him only for him to run to an old flame from an island he visited long before me. Suki her name was.
The ring on his finger.
Was the thing to break me. They were married and his only words to me were in the last letter I burned
"Im sorry"
Everything is connected
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