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Katara apparently is a very......Divided character for the fanbase. She's either a fabulous bae and a well-rounded person or a whiney baby who doesn't have any character development...im not saying my opinion cause i dont wanna die XD
Anyway You are a Female so yes Female x Female Deal with it
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~Your POV~
"There you go Darlin'! Promise you'll be more careful okay?" The Firebender gave me a goofy grin as they rubbed the back of their neck. "No promises (Y/N)! You know me! Reckless...and constantly being...ya know" I sighed and nodded "I know Ace they dont understand some Firebenders are actually good people and dont want this war" They sighed and nodded before getting up and helping me up. "Maybe one day they'll learn but thanks again (Y/N)! For healing my wound!" I rolled my eyes "Cause if i didn't you'd die from infection and blood loss!"
The black-haired Firebender smirked. "They attacked me! But i got them back!" I looked at them and raised an eyebrow "I burned their clothes off and they cried as they ran home cause people we're laughing at them." I laughed softly and shook my head "How and Why are we friends?" They shrugged and laughed "Cause im awesome!" I smacked the back of their head as we walked out of my house.
"What's that?" "What's what Ace?" Ace pointed up into the sky. I looked up and saw something flying down. "That's...A flying Bison" Ace furrowed their eyebrows before gasping. "It's the Avatar!!" My eyes widened "Your right-" "let's go see!" They gripped on my hand and dragged me behind them as they ran towards the landing Bison.
We got there and saw The Two Water tribe members the Avatar traveled with and the Blind Earthbender that joined them. Ace was about to run up on them but i held them back. "Remember...Firebender? Fire benders equal bad guy to them so just relax." They huffed but nodded. I looked over and smiled as we walked up to the bison and crew "Hello Avatar Aang" He jumped and fell off the bison in surprise. Sokka, the only non-bender in the crew pulled out his boomerang while the water bender, Katara, was bending the water from a container she had on her hip. The Earthbender whom I believe was named Toph just stared at me with her milky white eyes.
"Hello?" I questioned 'do they see me as a threat?' "Oh...sorry" Sokka was the first to apologize as he put down his boomerang. "You scared us." I laughed softly "It's okay. We saw your Bison landing and came over to greet you all." The Avatar popped up and cocked his head "We?" I moved out of the way and Ace smiled and jumped up. "Hey!" Aang jumped and looked at her "Very energetic" "sorry! It's just I've always wanted to meet the Avatar and-" they were cut off when water splashed them in the face pushing them back and to the ground. "HEY!"
I instinctively got in form and drew the water from the grass under me to use as an attack. "What was that for?" "She's a Firebender!" I growled and attacked her pushing her into the tree. "Their pronouns are They Them and They aren't hurting anyone!" "H-Hey now its-" Aang was Cut off by a wave of fire going towards me. "LOOK OUT-" I hit it with water and sighed crossing my arms. "Sorry Ace." Ace jumped up and hugged me. "It's okay. Like you said 'Firebender equals bad guy to them.'"
I sighed "how dare you use my words against me" i laughed softly and they walked over to Katara. "You okay?" She brushed their hand away and stood up. "Attacking me was uncalled for" "You attacked my friend. It's called defense Water Bender Katara." I turned on my heel and started talking with the other three ignoring the glare i felt behind my head.
~Katara's POV~
I huffed and crossed my arms as i glared at the Waterbender who attacked me. 'How can a water bender be friends with a fire ender?! Does she know what they've done to people like us?!' I groaned. 'I can't believe-' "hey Katara!" I looked over at Toph "Yeah? You coming or are you gonna stay here with no food?" I squeaked and ran over "sorry i was zoning out!" "Looked like it!" I looked at the fire bender when she spoked and huffed.
"Wait we never got your names. You know ours" Toph spoke out to the Waterbender. "Oh right sorry, I forgot. I'm (Y/N)! One of the few waterbenders here in our sweet little town. And this is Ace. They're the only firebender here. We mostly have Earthbenders here not a lot of most of the other benders are Earth." Aang nodded before smiling. "How big is your town?" "It's around average! But everyone knows everyone! And are really kind! So you'll feel right at home!" Ace responded but (Y/N) looked at her with sadness in Her eyes.
I cocked my head as I looked at looked closer I noticed she had beautiful (E/C) eyes. Reminded me of my mom's gentle look in her eyes when she was around. Her (H/L) (H/C) hair looked silky smooth and kinda...floated and bounced with her. 'How could she be friends with a fire bender?' (Y/N) smiled when we come out to see houses and shops come into view. "And here we are! Our town of Duōqíng. I'll show you places where you can get food or water and an Inn for you to sleep tonight"
"Thank you so much (Y/N)" Aang thanked as he grinned at her. "Hey, it's nothing. It's the least we can do. I mean your fighting against a literal war caused by the Fire Nation's horrible leader." "Yeah!! Besides! Having the Avatar here is an honor!" Ace followed up as she jumped up and down. I scoffed and she looked at me cocking her head. "Is something wrong Katara?" I rolled my eyes. "No" "Yeah there is" Toph responded crossing her arms. "What's your problem Katara?" "What's my problem?? My problem is there is a firebender right in front of us and none of you are trying to attack her or get some form of Intel from her! Do you not remember who the enemy is?! News flash it's her!"
I felt someone grip my wrist and looked up in slight fear seeing the Firebender in question gripping my hand. Her other hand lit. My wrist started burning and it took everything in me to not scream in pure pain "Look, i get it im a firebender im the bad guy i get it im the enemy to you cause of what they've done to the southern water tribes waterbenders but please respect my fucking pronouns Southern Water tribe Waterbender Katara" She threw my hand to the side and stormed off the fire from her hand growing before she launched a fireball at a tree burning it to a crisp as she walked away.
I looked at my wrists and there was a burn mark in the shape of her hand. My eyes were watering and the others were looking at me with worry. I looked up seeing (Y/N) shaking her head and clicking her tongue as she looked at me. "Look what you've done." "ME?!!?" (Y/N) carefully took my hand and examed the burn. "They were holding back...surprised. Last time someone purposely misgendered them they almost burned their whole arm off of course that was....almost 5 months ago. You've ruined their record." "I RUINED-" "Follow me ill heal you. Aang, Sokka, and Toph, I apologize for Ace's outburst. They've been bottling up so much for the past few months. Please make yourself at home. Follow me Katara"
She turned on her heel and started walking. I followed them after looking at the others. I caught up and was walking by her side. "Look I get Ace is a firebender and was born in the Fire Nation but They've never hurt someone without reason. They hate the war and actually saved my life and the town from a few raids. So please be respectful towards them and not acting like a child having a tantrum when they see someone with a toy they wanted." I looked at her with wide eyes. I was behind offended. "If you knew what the firebenders and fire nation took from me you wouldn't say that-" "They most likely either took your mother away or killed her. Your father is most likely out trying to fight the war and the fire nation took all the waterbenders from the southern water tribe years ago"
I paused and looked at her. "How-" "dont ask questions now come in" She opened the door and let me in first. I walked in and looked around as i carefully held my wrist. It was a cute little house with Northern and Southern Water tribe portraits and things on the walls. "Woah-" "sit down here" I did as she asked and sat down. She sat in front of me and took my wrists "What are you doing?" "Healing you." "Healing-" "Yes I know-how. I taught myself years ago" she took my hand and dipped her other hand in a bowl of water She put her wet hand on my burn and i flinched slightly. 'She must have healed someone earlier...the water is still kinda warm'
"And...there all healed" I looked at my hand and smiled seeing the burn was completely gone. "Thank you" She nodded before grabbing my chin. I gasped and widened my eyes at her. "For a girl with such a pretty face you have a horrid personality at least went it comes to Fire Benders." I blushed at her first about my looks but still growled at her jab at me. "Look, i just dont like them! They did so much to everyone." She sighed and nodded before letting go if my face "Im aware but they didn't do anything to you. They already have to deal with hate here in their own home so having the member of the Avatar Gang do the same thing made them lose it"
I sighed and nodded. "I apologize." "Don't apologize to my darling" i blushed again and looked down. "How did you know...why i hated Fire benders?" "It was easy to tell. Based on how you and what i was told." I pouted and she chuckled. "You're pretty cute Katara. Anyway, let's get you to the others okay?" I nodded and we left her house. We walked to the inn where the others were and i tried to get her to stay longer but she needed to find Ace. When she left I felt...empty. "Awwwwww My sister's in love!!" "SHUT IT SOKKA!"
~Time Skip Your POV~
I groaned and popped my neck as I walked out of my house. It's been a few days since the gAang popped up. I've been treating them like honored Guest and Katara even apologized to Ace who brushed it off easily. I actually was gonna go visit the gAang at the Inn. I got there and they were packing up with Appa. "Hey, guys, what's up?" I asked softly with a smile. Katara looked over and her cheeks went pink. "Um...we need to split. We gonna get Aang out of here before the Fire nation tracks him down here and hurts everyone like Ace or...you"
I smiled softly and nudged her slightly. "Look at you. Your learning." "What am i learning?" "To care about others instead of yourself and the gAang." Sokka smiled and jumped up "YES! It's CATCHING ON!!" Katara rolled her eyes before smiling brightly at me. "I guess so" I smiled "Katara may i give something to you? As a parting gift of sorts?" "Of course" I took her hand and pulled her to me and kissed her lips softly. I was about to pull away but she held on kissing me back. I blushed a deep red when she pulled away. "I'll remember that gift forever" I was at a slight loss for words and just nodded.
Toph Sokka and Aang laughed at me and I whipped the three with water. "Sh-Shut it" I smiled at Katara and kissed her forehead "Please...come visit me when this whole war is over maybe then I can give you....a...proper gift" I winked at her and she blushed "Of course." She hopped on Appa and waved goodbye before zipping off. "She's still got a lot to learn"
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Okay...i dont like this but i needed to post something this was made at like 2 in the morning after watching too many horror movies and video games....im tired I am slep byyye
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Everything Is Connected
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