💙I'm Sorry💙
Damn it's been a while. I'm sorry everyone My Personal Laptop is MIA and my school chromebook blocked Wattpad so I couldn't update. HOWEVER I did update on Archive Of Our Own [AO3]. I write ship content overthere so if you want books like that go over there. The username is the same as it is here! Anyway Let's start this off!!
~Zuko's POV~
I needee to find the Avatar. I needed to...restore my honour. I needed to help the fire nation. I needed to come home. I needed to bring them back to father. But....I've been stalling on doing that last thing.
I found her...The Avatar...(Y/N)
She was strong and already was a master Air and water bender. I found her...weeks maybe months ago. I found her frozen in some ice. That's where she was hiding for a hundred years. Buried alive in ice near the southern water tribe. I took her in planning on taking her back home immediately but...Uncle Iroh voted against it.
"We should help her. When she awakes she might be scared. Who knows what she saw last before freezing alive. Please Prince Zuko..." I was reluctant but agreed seeing the pleading look in my uncle's eyes. When we found her we also found a sky bison. I thought they were driven Into extinction but the Avatar...(Y/N) had one named Appa.
When she woke up I saw her eyes...they were a gorgeous and bright (E/C). She claimed to be 16 years old and came from the Eastern Air Temple. How she got from the southeast side of the Earth kingdom to here was a mystery to the both of us. When she spoke my heart melted since she seemed so ignorant to the world and what shes missed. When she smiled I felt like crying since it was...real. it wasnt weighed down by...the world around her.
My crew took her in and ignoring our orders from my father, ignoring the fact that she was the only one that can stop us, ignoring the guilt that would eat at us since we were the reason her kind were gone...extinct...we cared for her. We protected her....I protected her.
I cared for her.
I Kept her Hidden from the truth and the world...
I loved her.
She loved me.
Until today....
"Zuko! Zuko what's going on??? Why am I chained down??"
I couldn' look at her. I couldn't speak or even think about her. I had my back turned to her as she was chained down. She had her hands covered and cuffed behind her so she couldnt fire bend. Her feet were moved from the ground and elevated up so she couldnt move the water under us.
"Zuko....Please...Zu I-"
"Silence. Gag her. She can use her breath against us."
My crew understood what was happening but still was hesitant...hell I was hesitant to give the order. I had to. My father...his general. They figured out the Avatar was alive. I dont know how but...this means I had to give her to him.
"Wait- No! DON'T GAG ME PLEASE!" From the other side of the ship We could hear Appa struggling and trying to free itself to save (Y/N). A whine was heard and a loud thud followed by silence. "Appa!!!"
"I said GAG HER!"
My soilders that were in charge of guarding her followed the order and gagged her with metal. She was learning earth bending through the places we took her. She never never understood why the rest of us had hid and changed our clothes when she wanted to get off the ship. She found someone named Haru and learned by watching him when he thought he was alone.
We all had told her that...if she spoke to the others they'd freak out and be scared since everyone thought she was dead. They'd think they were seeing a spirit and she understood. She couldnt bend metal...its impossible so...metal gag.
She struggled against her restraints. I could hear it and her whimpers. I bit my lip before turning to her and looking her in her beautiful (E/C) eyes. They were scared and pleading me to give them a reason for this.
I cleared my throat and bit back my urge to cry. "You're being taken straight to Firelord Ozai Avatar (Y/N) where you will most likely be killed with his bare hands." Her eyes widened and she started hyperventalating. She looked to the soilders and they weren't looking at her. They couldn't. They didnt want the last image of her in their memory to be scared...they wanted to keep the happy and peace bringing girl they've grown to love...that the Prince has grown to adore.
"You can't bend your way out of this (Y-)....Avatar"
(Y/N)'s muffled pleas fell on deaf ears as I turned around and left leaving her alone with the soilders. Iroh was outside the door and I walked past him...however he followed.
"Prince Zuko, please rethink your actions. You love (Y/N) and we all know it. Please just...ignore your father's orders for your own sake. That's your love-"
"Iroh!.....Just Stop...Please...I beg you" My voice cracked in my pleas as my eyes watered up and tears slipped past my eyes cascading down my cheeks. My uncle looked at me and his eyes fell. He's never seem this type of reaction from me and I've never given this reaction to him. I walked into my bedroom and crashed onto the floor as soon as the door closed. I cried into my hands
I looked up onto the bed and my chest tightened as memories flooded my mind. The times were we cuddled and kissed. The times were I vented to her and cried into her arms. The times were we'd accidently burn it when I taught her things I knew about Fire bending. The intimate sessions we'd have...everything filled my mind.
More tears hit the ground.
We got to the castle. My families insignia plastered everywhere. The people saw The Avatar and immediately made their judgement. They immediately knew everything about her without even saying hi. They didnt see (Y/N) like I do...they only saw the person that would stop their help of the world.
She was lifted up into the air unable to bend her way out. She tried but when she saw the people of the fire nation...flashes of memories went through her head. They weren't her memories...but the memories of the air nomads that have died.
We got to the entrance and the soilders were shocked to see the banished prince return so boldly.
"I have found the avatar...Take me to my father Now"
They didnt hesitate and took us to my father's throne room. He was on his throne and the level of shock on his face, if it wasnt for the...moment and the reason why I'm here, I'd be smug about it. I kneeled by instinct and looked up at him.
"My son....You've done the impossible...the Avatar that many has rumored to be alive due to sightings in the Earth kingdom is true. Bring her to me"
The soilders hesitated before the firelord narrowed his eyes at them making them move. (Y/N) looked defeated as she was knocked onto the ground so she'd bow to the Firelord.
"Look at her...pathetic. you've avoided me for a 100 years and you're nothing more than a child?" He stood up and walked closer to the Avatar. He picked her up and ripped the metal gag off her. My eyes widened in fear mirroring hers. I could smell smoke and before my mind could catch up her screams filled the air. I shot up to my feet as she screamed. Her arm was engulfed in flames and then she was dropped to the side like she was nothing.
I ran to her in desperation and bended the fire away. She was crying as sobs filled the air. My father walked behind me. "What are you doing?" My breath hitched in my throat but I ignored him. I held her close and she looked at me...her eyes...her once bright eyes were dull.
Her eyes went bright white for a moment before she snapped out of it. She hated that feeling of unlimited power...she always stopped it. "You tricked me" My heart shattered in my chest but she was picked up once again from my hands. "You've regained your honour My son. Welcome back home." And like that Father was gone with my love in his hands. She didnt fight back...not once.
Days past and I wasnt allowed to know anything about (Y/N). I hardly slept and I tried to find her but to no avail. My father praised me everyday and my sister was slowly starting to respect me since I brought the avatar to the Fire Lord's knees. I missed her. I betrayed her. Im....I'm selfish.
Lightning struck and I jumped up from my bed. "What-?" Lighting struck again and screams wereheard. I ran out and towards the noise. It was coming from the throne room. I skidded to a halt when I saw (Y/N) with air warped around her like a ball protecting her with fire shooting at the ball from all Angles. I furrowed my brows when the fire warped around her with the air.
One of the soilders from the crew yelled but she show back the fire to late to everyone in the room burning them and knocking them back. Myself included. Her eyes were bright red and she was littered in scars....with a scar over her eye mirroring mine. My heart shattered when I saw her and she wasnt done.
She looked at my father and the ball around her went from air to fire. "You....All Lied. To Yourselves. To Me. To Your People." She turned to me and like that she was in front of me. She picked me up by the shirt and hesitated. "Im... sorry (Y/N)..."
She pressed her lips against mine and before I could return it she put me back down. "You betrayed me Zuko...I still love you...foolish of me." And like that she was gone leaving everyone struck in silence and the word of the Avatar's arrival spreading like wildfire...and leaving me alone.
Im sorry (Y/N)...
Okay this kinda sucked but I'm trying to get back into the groove of writing on wattpad and on a tablet. It kinda sucks ass. ^^' Anyway I hope you liked it anyway!
Everything Is Connected
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