The starter of friend ship
It's going to be so weird walking in there all by my self should I go in maybe not yes no welp I'm going in :what would you like I would like number ,seven ok (sits down) here is your food (looks up ) whoa what are you doing here.
Diana,well I wanted to see if it was actually you from yesterday,well it is me now drink your drink and leave please don't tell anyone about this got it , got it iris but I am definitely coming back later,gosh what ever just don't tell anyone,I won't (starts walking home)(when she gets there) hey mom I'm. Back from school I'm going up stairs
Gosh why was she so mean I mean I get why but she could of said it nicer or at least not kick me out what ever I'm going to read a book till diner [half an hour later] Diana dinners ready,ok mom I'm coming (downstairs) what's for dinner oh it's chicken(when done eating) I'm going to my room
(I'm room) I think I should start my homework(when finished)I'm going to bed now.
(Next day) (beep beep beep slam) Ugg why it's too early(minute later gets dressed and leave for school) I can not wait till I get a car so I can wake up later cuz I hate walking to school oh and I should try and talk to iris let's hope she does not yell This time(walks in class room) hey iris I wanted to talk to you about something,ok let's go out side. What did you want to talk to me about Diana,well I wanted to ask if you wanted to be my friend and come over my house later today,I mean I guess but this does not mean you can go to the coffee shop any but I'm still coming sometimes, did you know that your annoying,how rude(ding dong ding ding) oh shoot we gotta get to class(got in class and sat down)(i am so excited for later I'm super surprised that I asked her now to get through the day, [one hour later ] (ding dong ding ding) finally lunch hey iris want to grab a milk and head to the roof,sure but your buying,fine (gets milk and starts walking) hey iris why do you have a part time job in the first place,well it's because I'm saving money for an apartment of my own,hmm I guess that is a good reason (opens door to the roof) the breeze feels good up here right iris, yeah it does can I ask you a question,sure what is it,why do you like me so much,well I mean your vary mysterious so it makes me curious to know more about you,well that's kinda weird almost like a stalker but not idiotic,hey watch what your saying,hehe your so funny I think ima laugh like a billion times this year because of you well I guess we should head back before the bell rings let's see who gets there first.
See what happens in next part
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