Chapter Twenty-Two
"Coming." Ella called out to whoever was knocking at the door with such force that she heard it all the way in her room.
Ella had been thinking her conversation with Anu,that morning; after much thought and pondering,she decided to give it a try. Like Anu said,it's better to love and lost than to have not loved at all.
Checking her reflection in the mirror once more, she decided that the white sleeveless,high neck sequined crop top,the hem stopped above her belly button,and below her belly button,the waist of the matching plain white skirt started with the hem,stopping at her knees. On her feet are the ash coloured jimmy choo strap wedge Cassie bought for her,when they went shopping.
Ella released her hair from the bun she put it in,so that it fell down to her shoulders in bouncy ringlets,framing the sides of her face. She smiled at the smoky eye make up she did,which looked really perfect for a first timer,all thanks to the sensible makers of Google.
Putting on her jimmy choo,cat eyes,sunglasses, she picked her small wool purse,which held her phone and a tube of nude lipstick,she went to answer the door.
"Hi." Ella breathed at the sight of the person,she was hoping to see tonight,standing in front of her door looking so hot in white flannel shirt,dark green jeans and white jimmy choo sneakers.
His hair was combed to one side of his head,since it had grown longer than it was before. He was also wearing a sun glasses,which hid his beautiful eyes from view.
"Hello,Ella." William couldn't stop his eyes from roaming all over her.
Damn. How can anyone look so hot and beautiful all at once? He thought.
He really ached to pull her into his arms and kiss her senseless,until she was writhing against him and under him,while he...
"Why are you here William?" Ella peered behind him as if searching for someone else. "How do you know that I stay here?"
"I am your neighbour."
She gave him a surprised look. "Really? Cassie and Ansela are really good with this."
William chuckled. "I totally agree. As much as I want to call them and shout at them,I won't. It's better to let them suffer thinking about if we are tearing at each others throat or getting along,don't you think so?"
"You are right." Ella stepped forward, closing the door behind her in the process. "Actually,I was going to wait for you on the beach."
Hope lit his insides. "Really?"
Ella smirked inwardly. Seems like Anu was right after all. "Yes. To watch the sunset just like we promised each other,remember?"
"Yes. Let's go."
Ella locked her door. They both started walking towards the beach,each of them lost in their own thoughts. Ella decided that she would ask William for a walk on the beach,while William thought about how to tell Ella about the plans he made for them.
They turned to each other at the same time. One minute they were silent,the next they were laughing.
"This is awkward as always." Ella spoke up when they got to the edge of the stilts.
William got down before her and did a surprising thing by grabbing her waist. He hoisted her off the stilts,so that she was airborne for only a minute before he put her down in front of him.
Their gaze locked. The sunset and people on the beach didn't exist anymore. In fact,it seemed as if they were shipped to another world,where only they exist.
Under his hot gaze,Ella moved closer to him until their chests were touching. William's fingers burned her sides where it lay on her exposed midriff. A soft gasp escaped her lips when he pulled her closer to him.
Her arms went around his neck just as their lips touched. The kiss this time was not just a mouth to mouth one. No. This was the type of kiss where their tongues battled for dominance. Their tongues danced around each other as if mating.
A groan escaped William's lips when she tilted her head to the side to deepen the kiss. His hands strayed up her back to the back of her hair. William buried his fingers in it rich curliness and was surprised to find it really soft and silky.
"Geez get a room please." Someone,clearly a female voice,shouted amongst the crowd.
They broke apart,each gasping for air and wondering what in the universe name just happened.
Laughter rang out from the direction from where the voice came from.
Ella ran a shaky hand over her skirt,smoothing a nonexistent crease.
"Come." William grabbed her arm,then started towards the northern side of the beach.
"W-where are we going to Liam? The dinner is that way." She jerked her thumb over her shoulder at where people were still visible on the beach.
"Trust me Raffy." He stopped and turned to face her. "You trust me don't you?"
Ella bit her lower lip;her eyes spoke volumes of how she felt. She was grateful that it was already getting darker,so William could not read the look in her eyes.
"Yes." She lied.
"You don't." He stated with a sigh. "It's fine if you want to go back."
Ella gazed at the people at the far distance,then William. She made her decision.
"No. Let's go." She slipped her hand into his. "I know you won't hurt me."
William searches her face for any sign of fear,when he found none,he resumed their walk down the beach.
Twenty minutes later,Ella found herself standing in front of the reception building. She frowned at William,but didn't say anything when they went in.
She had pictured many things like dinner in one of those restaurant she saw this morning and even a dinner by the beach or something,not a trip to the reception building. She hid her disappointment by smiling at the receptionist sitting behind the counter.
" Bonjour, nous avons fait des réservations pour une excursion pour la plage et un dîner privé pour deux dans le bateau, où est-ce?" (Hi,we made a reservation for excursion and dinner for two on the boat. Where is it?)
The brunette receptionist typed on her key board,searching for something. Ella saw a smile light up the lady's tired face.
" Êtes-vous, monsieur Mckade?"
"Oui. "
" D'accord, descendez à la plage, vous verriez un bateau qui vous attend. Profitez de votre temps avec votre petite amie." (Okay,go down to the beach,you will see a boat waiting for you there. Enjoy your time with your girlfriend.)
" Je vous remercie."
Ella watched the exchange in awe. The way William spoke French,made French language so melodious,that she never wanted him to stop talking.
That of course was a wishful thinking,because after he got what he wanted from the receptionist, he took her hand and led her out of the building;he made a beeline for the beach.
"I don't know that you speak French."
William smiled at her,his steps didn't falter. "I speak two languages fluently, French and English. I speak a bit of German, but I understand it completely."
"How did you learn French? From what I know,you stay mostly in Camps bay."
"I stayed in Paris for five years Ella,that should tell you something."
"You are full of surprises." She remarked.
"As you are,Raffy." He squeezed her fingers gently,before letting go.
Ella's palm suddenly felt cold without the warmth of his. She rubbed her arms with her palms to keep from reaching out for him.
After what seemed like forever,they arrived at the beach. A boat,no this was definitely not a boat. Cabin cruiser describes it perfectly.
The white cruiser stood on the shore,with lights spilling from the deck. A man clad in blue uniform waved at them from the top of the deck.
Ella's mouth curled into a perfect 'o' at the sight of the ship. Her eyes met William's sparking eyes. It was then she realised that he had removed his glasses. She removed hers too.
"Are we going on that?"
"Yes. Come on Snow white,your chariot awaits." He tried to dub the British accent but flunked it.
Ella found herself laughing at his ridiculous tone. "It's not snow white who rode the carriage,it's Cinderella."
"I don't do fairy tales. But come on princess,we don't have all night." He stretched his hand out to her.
Ella slipped her hand into his. A loud squeal spilled from her lips when he surprised her,again,by scooping her into his arms. Her hands went around to circle his neck as if it was the most natural thing in the world.
"You're so macho,Liam." She placed her head on his chest as he went up the stairs,bouncing her with each step he took.
"Only for you, Ella." William muttered. "Only for you."
A bubbly feeling filled her belly at his words. Only her. How sweet of him. This side of William was really surprising. And to think that that Psychotic twin told her to stay away from William.
As if.
Which reminds her. She must tell William about his friends who suddenly showed up on the Island and their threat.
"Liam,I want to..." Her voice trialed off when they got to the upper deck and he placed her on her feet.
A table with two chairs,sat on the upper deck. On the table is a candle in a large tall cup,a bucket of ice with a bottles of wine in it. Flowers were scattered on the floor of the deck. It looked so romantic and beautiful.
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