Chapter Twenty-One
Uptown Philly, 10:15pm.
Ansela scooped Ana out of the bubbles bath,Cassie was currently bathing Bell in. She was rewarded with a loud squeal from Ana.
" Mettez-moi en bas, tante Annie" Three year old Ana squeaked while twisting around to get out of Ansela's hold. (Put me down,Aunt Annie).
Cassie glared up at Ana and Ansela. " Arrête de crier Ana. Annie l'a mise ou elle n'arrêtait pas de ressembler comme ça." She snapped at them.(stop squeaking Ana. Annie put her down or she won't stop squeaking like that).
Ana's squeak intensified when Ansela refused to put her down,making Cassie scowl at her son who was currently playing with bubbles trying to escape her hand.
" Jeez, cette grossesse vous a fait si chaud trempé. Ok, Ana arrête de crier ou pas de bonbons pour toi." Ansela threatened Ana.(Jeez, this pregnancy got you so hot tempered. Okay,Ana stop squeaking or no sweets for you).
The girl stopped squealing immediately,Her Hazel coloured eyes going wide at the threat.
" Désolé, je veux des bonbons." Ana muttered. " (sorry,I want sweets).
"tu l'as eu,babe." Ansela walked out of the bathroom with a quiet Ana in her arms. (You got it,babe.)
Bell slapped Cassie's hands away when she tried to wash his hair. " Ne me lave pas la mère des cheveux, ou je crierai." He glared at her. (Don't wash my hair mom, or I will scream).
Cassie gritted her teeth together to stop herself from swearing. " Ferme Bell, ou je te serrais stupide. Et parle en anglais!" (Shut up Bell,or I will smack you silly. And speak in English!)
Bell thrust out his lower lip. " Papa, maman y est à nouveau." He screamed so loud that, Cassie had to stick her fingers in her ear to prevent going deaf. (Dad,mum is at it again)
She splashed water on him. " Parle en anglais ou je voudrais ..." (Speak in English or I would).
" Cassie, laisse tomber." Kaden appeared in the door way. (Cassie,let it go).
"Fine," she huffed. "But you are going to bath him instead. I'm out of here." She rinsed her hand before storming out of the bathroom.
When she entered the room,Ana was already dressed and asleep on the large king sized bed.
Cassie flopped down on the bed with a sigh. She was really worried about Ella,who did not bother to call about if she was already in Baa Atoll. What if Ella had been kidnapped by the Maldivians and shipped off to Antarctica? Or what if she had drowned in the large water on her way there?
Ansela told her that she already spoke with William and that he was already there, but that was like yesterday morning.
"What is it Cassie?" Ansela joined Cassie on the bed.
"I am really worried about Ella. I have not spoken to her, for two days now. I am not even sure if she's fine or not."
"Then call her."
"What if I call her and she decides that she wants to come home once she has seen William?"
"That's true?" Ansela opened her phone and quickly opened her twitter account. "Is she on any social media network?"
Cassie bit her fingers." Hmm,I opened a twitter and Instagram account for her on her new phone before she left, why?"
Ansela rolled her eyes. "I want to check is she posted anything,duh. What's her name anyway?"
"Ellabella. For both account."
"Ellabella? That's funny." Ansela chuckled. After much fiddling with her phone,she got what she was looking for.
"Well,we can say for certain that she is in Maldives already. See this."
Cassie peered at the phone,a picture of the sunsetting over the beach was posted with several heads in the picture. The caption below it read 'Reethi beach sunset is lit.'
"You are right. But how are we sure that we have seen each other?" She handed the phone back to Ansela.
"This would tell you what you need to know." Ansela gave her the phone again.
This time it was William's Twitter account,but what really got her smiling is the fact that he posted the same picture like Ella did,and their captions were also the same.
"Now you have your Answer. Stop worrying." Ansela got up and stretched. "I have to retire early,I have a class to teach pianoforte to tomorrow. Bonne Nuit."
"Bonne Nuit." (Good night).
Even though Ansela told her not to worry Cassie was still a bit worried. When William and Ella got back from their trip, what if they start fighting again?
Reethi Beach,Baa Atoll, Maldives. 02:14pm.
The sun was high up in the sky by the time they all returned to the beach. Thankfully,they had no more activity to do until evening. Which is why William decided to sit with the tour guides under the bamboo made umbrella. The loungers were made with wood,but oddly it was comfortable.
Lea lay on a similar one beside him. She was wearing a dark sun glasses and dressed in a two piece bikini,showing off her perfect white body. William didn't mind the view at all,not when his mind was elsewhere.
He had not seen Ella ever since that morning when he kissed her. He was a little bit worried that he had crossed the line again, so she was avoiding him.
But then when he thought of it again,she kissed him back,so there was no way that she would be avoiding him.
William caught the conversation going on around him; he didn't bother instead,he listened. The tours guides were talking about a man named Sathish who demanded that they return back to the beach because his wife was pregnant, while the wife pretended to be tired just to get pampered.
Laughter spilled all around him.
"Do you want coconut cocktail?" Lea turned to him,with a glass filled with white-ish drink in her out stretched hand.
"Oui." William caught himself. "I meant yes. Sorry."
" Je parle français aussi." The words rolled off her tongue in perfect waves. (I speak French too.)
William flashed her a surprised smile. "I thought you were Mexican?"
"I speak Spanish, Portuguese, French and Swahili." She sipped her cocktail with the pink straw poking out of the cup."My parents are really rich. I am the last born and I am a bit rebellious,so I didn't stay in one place. I travel a whole lot and I stay in one place for a year or two before travelling again,so I kind of learned to speak some languages. What about you?"
"I only speak two languages. English and French." He folded both of his hands behind his head while gazing out at shining beach water. "I want to ask you something if you don't mind?"
"Go on."
"Privately,where there are no audience."
Lea smiled at him. "Go on and use French,most people here are either German,Africans or Indians. They can't speak French."
"Okay." He took a deep breath.
" Il s'agit d'Ella, n'est-ce pas?" (This is about Ella isn't it?)
"Oui. How did you know?" William's gaze came to settle on her. (Yes).
Lea shrugged. " Tu l'aimes aussi bien?" She ignored his question.(you like her too,right?"
William nodded. " Oui. Mais je ne veux pas qu'elle le sache encore. Je veux dire, je ne veux pas l'effrayer, parce que la dernière fois que nous nous sommes embrassés, nous avons fini par se quereller, c'est pourquoi nous sommes venus ici en premier lieu."(yes,but I don't want her to know yet. I mean,I don't want to scare her off,because the last time we kissed we ended up quarrelling,which is why we came here in the first place).
Lea smirked. "I believe that you did so this morning too right?"
William blushed.
" Ahh, maintenant je vois. Mais Ella vous aime des choses chaudes. Elle m'a dit elle-même." (Ahh, now I see. But Ella likes you too hot stuff. She told me herself.)
" vraiment?" William asked,surprise coated his words. (Really?)
" Oui, elle m'a dit elle-même. La plage de Reethi est vraiment un endroit romantique pour être, comment la gagner? Assez simple, il suffit de la surprendre et de faire des choses romantiques avec elle." (Yes,she told me herself. Reethi Beach is really a romantic place to be,how to win her over? Quite simple,just surprise her and do romantic things with her).
"êtes-vous sûr?" (Are you sure).
" Très simplement, faites comme je le dis. Voyez-vous? Quand elle est toute habillée pour vous ce soir. Prenez-la pour faire une promenade sur la plage ou quelque chose comme ça." (Very,when she's all dressed up for you tonight,take her for a walk on the Beach or something."
William grinned and got up from the sun lounger. " d'accord. Merci beaucoup Lea, vous êtes le meilleur." (Okay. Thank you Lea,you are the best.)
Lea winked at him. " Je connais des choses chaudes, mais merci quand même." (I know hot stuff,but thanks anyway.)
"Do you know her room number?."
"Yes,It's 107."
"No way."
Hahahahaha. French shmuench.
I always wanted to use other languages for my book and there you have it. I put the translation on the side for the people who don't understand French.
Oh BTW,that is the wooden lounger and bamboo umbrella above in the picture. And also a beautiful view of the Maldivian sea. Beautiful,isn't it?
Surprise,surprise.... William already know now that they're neighbours,what's he gonna do about that eh?
Reethi beach seem to have a lot of matchmakers,who knows, I might go there to find myself a guy too. Should I? Nah,just kidding.
What do you think about chapter?
Drop your wonderful and nice comments,vote and spread the word babes.
I have been thinking of a name for you guys and I came up with 'Mckadians' do you like it or this one 'Mckadelovers'? Which one do you choose?
If you have any other ship name for you beautiful readers,let me know,okay?
I am ranting aren't I? I know but that's why you love me.
*winks* see you next chapter.
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