Chapter Twenty-Eight.
"Andy Candy." Aliyah smirked at the blonde lady who was standing on the Victorian style house porch,with a China tea cup in hand.
Andy flashed her pearly whites as she watch her friend bound up the steps leading to the porch,with her helmet under her armpit and hair,slightly windblown.
They met accidentally when one of Aliyah's twin daughter's, Tina,got lost in the large mall in town. Andy was the one who saw the little cute girl and helped her to locate her already worried mother and the other twin. They hit off ever since and became best of friends,especially when they got to know that they only live five blocks away from each other.
Andy loved Aliyah and her girls but she disliked Aliyah's husband. Something about that man just sets her off. What it is? She didn't know,nor does she want to find out.
"Hey,yourself Alien." Andy shot back and giggled when Aliyah threw her arms around her. "You act as if I was your long lost love."
Aliyah pulled back with a silly grin on her face. "Maybe you are."
The door flew open and two little girls,not more than three years of age,ran out of the house screaming 'mom',Aliyah braced herself for their little body weights as they launch their selves against her.
"My cute babies." Aliyah squatted down to their height before gathering them into her arms and kissing them on their cheeks. "I missed you,did you miss me too?"
"Yet." Tina,the youngest of the twin,spoke up.
"It is yes,Tina." Aggy,the older twin,corrected her sister with a little pout.
Tina stuck her tongue out at her sister,then buried her head against her mother's body. Aliyah smiled when Aggy took her helmet and ran back inside with it; Tina frowned before going after her sister.
"Those girls are something else." Andy said,her eyes shinning with love and affection for the twins. "But I love them."
"Me too." Aliyah dragged a hand through her hair. "Something strange happened to me today."
"You can tell me about it inside." Andy turned to go in. "I have to start lunch,or those little she-devils would bleed out our ears in thirty minutes time."
Aliyah followed her friend inside without a word. Andy Jensen,short for Andromeda, was the best friend one could ever pray to have. When she met Andy last year,Aliyah instantly felt drawn to the other woman. Why? She didn't know,but she liked Andy a whole lot.
When Aliyah learned of what Andy's ex fiancé, Damon,did to her,She was really mad and wished that she met Andy before now,so she could teach her cheating bastard ex-fiance a great lesson. Damon lost a great woman if he didn't know. He would never find another like Andy,ever again.
Aliyah met Andy's best friend,McKenna Milestone Peterson,and her husband,Andrew Peterson and their five year old daughter,Amelia Peterson,when they came to visit Andy last Christmas. It was fun filled.
Just like Kenna wished,Aliyah also wished that Andy would also finds someone who would love her for who she was and stick by her.
Andy dropped her empty cup into the sink,before moving to the freezer to take out eggs. She decided to make scrambled eggs and toast for the four of them.
"So,what happened today?"
Aliyah plopped onto one of them many stools in the kitchen. "On my way back from the track,I saw a lady by the road side,her car was fault and I decided to help her with it. But then the funniest thing happened."
Andy rinsed the fry pan before placing it on the lit cooker. "She kissed you?"
"No way." She laughed as she crossed her legs. "It's far from that. She threw her arms around me and called me Ella."
"Are you serious?"
"I am Andy. Imagine her telling me that I went missing three years ago and that I loved someone named hot stuff. And also that I have a best friend named Cassie and someone named Ansela."
Andy who was about to pour the eggs into the sizzling oil,paused and threw Aliyah a frown over her shoulders.
"Why would any one say that? I mean,you are clearly married and you have two kids,you can't possibly be Ella." Andy poured the eggs and reached for a flat steel spoon. "Must be that you look like someone she once knew."
"Thought so too."
"Forget about that. Your husband must not know that you went to the tracks,so I suggest that you change your outfit." She gestured to the leather pants and jacket Aliyah was wearing. "You look like a badass dressed like that."
"What ever." Aliyah slid off the stool,sauntered to the door but paused with a worried frown on her face. "Andy,"she waited until her friend turned to face her. "What if Lea,the lady I met today,is right about me being Ella?"
"Do you feel as if you are Ella?"
"Then it's settled."
Shrugging Aliyah walked out of the kitchen,determined to throw today's episode behind her.
Three days later.
William kept fidgeting as they all walked towards the baggage area to claim their bags. The airport was a bit hot with all of the people bustling in and out of it.
He couldn't stop thinking of what he would say when he saw Ella. What would she look like? Would she accept them? Would she remember that night?
Questions filled his mind,but there were no answers for them. He couldn't wait to see her,to hold her,to--
"Quit acting like some race horse eager to be let out of it's gate." Kaden clamped a hand on his shoulder, startling him and making him jump.
"Jesus Christ! You scared me."
Maddy was by his side in the blink of an eye. "Are you okay,Will? You seem a little off."
"I am good." He almost snapped at her. Almost.
He saw her shrug before walking forward to join Ansela and Cassie who were talking to them selves in hushed whispers.
William was glad that,they left Bellamy,Anastasia and their three year old son,Shane with their grandparents,because no one knew what they should expect when Ella saw them.
"I know that you are worried about Ella,but don't worry,okay?" Kaden told him as he reached for his own box,just as the ladies did. "We would have our answers when we see her. She would be surprised that you are getting married. You,after all,told her that you loved only,my wife."
William grimaced inwardly. Kaden still haven't forgotten his outburst three years ago. He would even be more mad if he were to find out that he and Ella,had sex three years ago. Which was why,he didn't bother mentioning it to anyone of them.
It was a secret that he and Ella shared.
"Lea is here." Cassie said as she and the others fell into step beside him. "And she looks a bit worried."
Lea who saw them from afar,strode forward and met them halfway,with a worried look of her own. William called her to inform her that they would be arriving today,which was why she came to the airport to meet them.
After quick hugs and Hello's,they got down to business,even though Lea kept eye balling Maddy who also did the same.
"How does she look like now?"
"Is she fine?"
"What did she say?"
"Is she okay?"
Lea blinked at the questions that was fired at her. A frown line appeared between her eye brows.
"One at a time,okay?" She told them. "For starters,let's all go to the parking lot."
Even though William wanted to know about Ella immediately, he and the others knew that creating a scene in the airport was not good at all.
When they got to the parking lot,he wasted no time in asking the question that was bugging him.
"If you saw Ella,why isn't she here with you?"
Lea licked her lower lip. "There seems to be a tiny problem,though."
"And that is?" It was Ansela who asked this time around.
"She has changed. Her hair,face,dressing, everything about her." Lea rubbed her hands up and down her arm. "For starters,she is a mechanic."
They all shared a surprised look.
"A what?" Cassie looked shocked.
"Mechanic." Maddy repeated,earning a glare from Lea.
"There's more, isn't there?" William stepped forward,making Lea step back.
"Yes. "Lea met every inquisitive gaze with her own worried gaze. "She has two kids." She took a deep breath. "She is also married..."
"And?" Kaden lifted and eyebrow.
"She does not remember me or anyone else for that matter."
Surprise,surprise. I love surprises.
Guess you weren't expecting Andy from 'THE BABY CONTRACT' to show up in this book,were you?
I decided to sneak her into this chapter.
Hope you like it?
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