Chapter Seventeen
William locked his door on his way out of the house. He shoved his keys into the pocket of his chinos,turned around to head towards the beach,but stopped at the sight the curly hair lady walking beside A guy in wearing the colourful shirt he had come to hate,in his one hour on the island.
It was not the man that really caught his attention,it was the lady beside him. Something about her screamed familiar,but what it was,he didn't really know.
From her small and petite frame to her hair and the way she walked,she reminded him of a particular someone.
Someone he had been trying hard to forget for the last two weeks.
William shook his head at his own train of thought as he too,made his way to the beach. He drowned when he didn't see the lady or man in colour shirt anymore.
Shrugging that it was really none of his business,he stepped down from the stilts and started to make his way to the many chairs but the sight of the setting sun caught his attention.
William stopped to admire the view, feeling quite enchanted with what he was seeing. He retrieved his phone from his pocket to take several shots but somehow,his phone ended up in the sand.
He bent down to retrieve it but was beaten to it. He stood up straight and found himself staring into the bluest eyes he had ever seen in his life.
He knew that blue eyes anywhere any time.
"Lena?" He frowned at her. "What are you doing here?"
Mandalena(not the real one),smiled at William as he took his phone from her hand.
"That's like asking me why am I eating." She rolled her eyes. "I came here for the same reason as you. To relax and enjoy my holiday. It's quite simple. I didn't know that I would run into you."
William nodded. "I apologize for my tone. Welcome to Reethi beach."
"You too."
"Is Mandaline here?" He stretched his neck to scan the crowd that were busy settling down.
"Nah." Maddy waved her hand. "She is back in Philly. I wanted her to come,but you know how she is."
"Okay." He turned once more,to stare at the sun and beach.
"The speech is already starting,I would have love to invite you to join us but my table is already full."
"No,problem. Go on." He didn't even check to see if she was gone or not.
"See you around then." She said before walking away.
William vaguely heard the speech but his gaze remained on the sun,until it disappeared down the beach. The beach lamps,hanging from a string tied from one palm tree to another in a crisscross sign,came on immediately. It casted soft lights over the beach,giving it a serene and peaceful setting.
The sound of clapping caught his attention. He turned to survey the reason,but couldn't see since the stage was really far from where he was.
After the claps died down, Billy ocean's Carribean Queen song filled the many,eliciting many ohh's and Ahh's from the crowd.
William started forward to find a seat but couldn't find any. All the seats were occupied. Cursing himself for getting carried away by the setting sun,He gestured to one of the men in white shirts ,black slacks with bow ties around their neck.
"Sorry,but I can't seem to find a seat,can you get me one?"
The guy,with a name tag John McCrafe, pointed towards the front.
"Towards your left,about seven feet from the stage,there are two ladies sitting alone,and I think I saw two empty chairs at their table."
"Thank you."
William picked his way to the front,all the while skirting around tables and chairs. He ignored the looks several ladies he passed threw his way. He was not really into bedding women just for the fun of it,and he wouldn't want to lead anyone on and end up disappointing them.
Some minutes later,he found the table John told him about. One red haired was sitting across from a dark hair. William's brow furrowed when he realised that it was the lady from earlier.
He saw the red head tell the dark head lady something. He knew that it was about him,judging by the way her back stiffened all of a sudden.
"Good evening ladies, mind if I join you?" He said when he got to their table.
William watch the dark haired lady freeze all of a sudden. A frown made itself known on his face. He wondered what caused the reaction.
Just when he decided that maybe coming here wasn't such a good idea,the dark head turned and he saw the surprise and shock,that must be reflecting on his own face too, on her face.
It was really her!
The person he had forced himself to stop thinking of,but couldn't stop thinking about was really here in flesh. He saw her mouth fall open.
Ella heard Lea clear her throat, only then did she look away from William,her cheeks burning hot when she realised that she was gawking at him like some Loony.
"Raffy." She heard him whisper,but didn't turn around.
"Hot stuff,Are you going to keep standing there gawking at Ella or are you going to sit?" Lea,who seemed to have snapped out of her trance,said.
Ella watch William slid into the seat her,from the corner of her eyes. She sat up a little straighter in her chair, and was not aware that she was checking her face for any sign of sauce until Lea kicked her leg under the table.
"So,Hot stuff,what's your name?" Lea leaned back in her chair,amusement dancing in her eyes at the discomfort between the two.
"William Mckade,not hot stuff." He replied in a small voice,prompting Ella to steal another glance at him.
She smiled internally at the way he was fidgeting in his chair. Who would have thought that a man like William Mckade would be nervous because of a little chit like her?
"Yeah,right." Lea giggled. "I am Alejandra Mendoza by the way. I prefer to be called Lea. I would introduce the both of you but judging by your body language, I think that you already met."
"Yes,we have." Again,William spoke up.
"It's amazing how you went from scrafing down that burger to mute in less than five minute." She told Ella who threw her a dirty look. "So,hot stuff,what would you like to eat or drink?"
"Juice and Spaghetti is fine."
"Coming right up."
Lea was gone before Ella could even protest,leaving the two of them in awkward silence. Ella was not sure how many minutes went by,but when I became unbearable, she decided to address the tiny elephant on the beach.
Taking a deep breath,she turned to face him.
"Mr Mckade."
"Miss Milestone."
They both said simultaneously and fell silent too. They stared at each other for a long time and suddenly,they started laughing,which attracted few attentions to them, but they both choose to ignore them.
"Okay,that was awkward." Ella said when they had their laughter under control.
"I couldn't agree less." He smiled at her. "I guess that it is my fault. I apologize."
"I apologize too."
Ella watched him scratch his stubble,and her mind began to form dirty things about his head between her legs and his stubble scratching her legs while his mouth...
"Sorry?" She said,when she realised that he said something which she didn't hear.
"I said that we should start afresh. Or what do you think?"
"I think that would be better." She held her hand to him. "Hi,I'm Rafaella Milestone. What's your name?"
He took her hand in his. "William Mckade,Signora Milestone."
Ella giggled to cover the effect his hand was having on her. "Oh,please I feel so old with you calling me that. Ella is fine."
"I prefer Raffy,if you don't mind. Call me Will too." He grinned at her.
Ella felt as if the sun just smiled at her. Her insides turned into mush and her belly felt funny.
"Only if you let me call you Liam."
"No problem."
Ella had no idea how long they stared at each other with silly grins on their faces while holding hands. The moment was shattered when Lea returned to their table wearing a knowing smile on her face.
"What did I miss?"
They released each other hands and faced Lea with a smile on their faces.
"I couldn't get what you requested for,and didn't want to ask them to bring just anything for you."
"Okay. I would be right back."
Ella watched him until she couldn't see his back anymore. When she faced Lea,she saw the girl eyeing her knowingly.
"I want to know everything."
Ella shook her head and got up too.
"I feel a bit sleepy. And I need to organize something,so I am bailing early."
"Ah,or you Want to go after lover boy?" Lea wiggled her brows suggestively.
Ella flipped her the bird,while Lea stuck her tongue out in mockery.
"See you tomorrow, Lea."
Without waiting for her reply,Ella hurried after William with the hopes of catching him. She didn't see him,so she went to bed that night with disappointment written all over her.
As he settled into bed,William felt happy and a little bit sad.
Happy because he got to speak with Ella and even joked around with her. And sad because he didn't even get to ask her the number of the Villa where she was staying.
But then he smiled,knowing fully well that if he wanted to know where she was staying,all he needed to do was go to the reception.
In fact,that's what he would do first thing tomorrow.
With that in mind,he closed his eyes and let sleep claim him.
That night he dreamed of a certain lady with curly dark hair and black eyes that smiled.
Meanwhile,in a Villa not to far from theirs, another person was plotting on how to keep the two of them away from each other.
*drum roll*
Q: who do you trust among these three,on a scale of one to ten.
Mandalena(the fake one who is Mandaline?
Fun facts+: I never wanted to let them meet each other that soon,but then my sister told me that it was useless dragging it out,so I listened to her.
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Was trying to be funny,did it work?
Ah! Bet it did. I can see you frowning that what is she going on about. Then you are smiling and are going to click on that button just because you don't know what you are doing.
And then you realise that you have been hypnotized.
Hahahahahahaha. Got ya.
See you later.
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