Warped: a Supernatural Musical- Sam
[A/n]: This...this is just crack....complete and utter crack.
I look up at the time. I couldn't help the deflated sigh as I wondered where the boys were. It was getting late and the boys weren't back yet. I debated on calling Sam..hopefully they didn't get sucked up into a TV show again. That was a mess, that I definitely don't want to go through a mess like that again. Done with the pacing and worrying, I finally calmed myself down and ultimately decided that I would just have a nice hot meal ready for my fiancee and my soon to be brother and law. I fiddled with my ring as I made my way to the kitchen while thinking about what to cook. I stopped in my tracks to run to the door once I heard it open. I stopped in front of Sam and Dean who had come from a hunt. Sam drops his bag and wraps his arms around me and pulled me into a lasting and loving kiss. I couldn't help but smile into the kiss before we pulled away then jumped into Dean's arms and he chuckled as he hugged me back. He was like my brother and I was like the sister he never asked for but he has no choice but to love because I'm with his brother. Dean may not always express it but he did love me too.
"Everything went ok?" I asked nervously, deep down I was hoping they wouldn't have to leave out any time soon. Sometimes they only came to the bunker to get something then leave back out.
Sam nodded. "I mean couple of bumps in the road, but-"
"It wouldn't be a Winchester hunt without a couple of bumps in the road," I say wrapping my arms around his waist.
"Ding ding ding, welcome to the family," Dean said while heading the kitchen to grab a beer....he's not gonna like that I replaced all his beers with non-alcoholic ginger beer because well....I'm worried for his liver. But to make up for it I had pie in the fridge as well, don't get it wrong. Dean is no pie fanatic. If he wants pie he'll get it. But I just know it's his personal preference and it's a good way to his heart...and out of bad situations.
Sam laughed softly then looked down at me. "Did you do any wedding planning?" He asked as he leaned over to kiss me.
i shook my head and kissed back. "Nope, I wanted to wait."
"(Y/N)!!" Dean called out and I winced.
"Uh oh..." I mutter against Sam's lips and he furrowed his eyebrows slightly and pulled away.
"What'd you do?" He asked slightly worried.
"I uh...." I thought about how to explain this but before I would Dean stormed out with the ginger beer in his hand.
"What is this...this freakin ginger beer crap?!" He exclaimed clearly heated.
"Ok ok, so hear me out Dean..." I say apprehensively. "You drink a lot and I was just worried for your health and ginger beer is strong like regular beer. It just doesn't get you drunk and it's healthy- Hey...I made you pie." I added in before he could object. Dean sighed and his need for protests seemed to disappear and he headed to the kitchen and I grinned proudly.
Sam laughed and shook his head. "I've been trying to get Dean to be healthy for years. I don't think you're going to accomplish the goal babe." He said holding my hand and leading me to the room.
"Ha, you just didn't do it right...you just don't tell him he's eating healthy..." I giggled. "Every time I cook it's all been healthy and Dean's not yet to question it.~" I say grinning and Sam went wide-eyed.
"The burgers?" He questioned.
"V e g a n...shhh." I giggle as I walk into the room.
Sam looked surprised and laughed. "You do realize once Dean finds out he's gonna kill you?"
I smirk evilly. "as you as you stay quiet...he'll never know." I kissed him then began getting ready for bed as Sam did the same and surely we fell asleep. I was glad to finally be in the arms of my loving husband and to have my brother back. Everyone was safe for the moment.
I woke up feeling a shiver going down my spine as I feel the cool breeze hit my back. My eyes opened immediately realizing that Sam wasn't there. I groaned and wrapped the covers around my body so I could go back to sleep. I assumed Sam had gotten up to go to the bathroom or to go talk to Dean. I was preparing myself to drift off into the dream world when my thoughts were nagging me about the possibility that Sam was gone because he might have had a nightmare or something got into the bunker which was damn near impossible but as we learned from past experience it was very much possible with the right amount of force.
Much to my dismay I got up and went searching for Sam to put my thoughts at ease. I grabbed my gun just in case as well as my flip knife which I stashed in my push up bra as back up. I walk out of the room. "Sam! Dean!" I called out and looked around. Nobody answered and I already felt my skin crawling and seen goosebumps manifest on my skin. This was not ok, I already had a bad feeling and I haven't even left the halls yet. I walked out into the main way and suddenly I was overtaken by a very bright light. I covered my eyes and when the bright light dissipated I uncovered my eyes. I was somewhere different...It looked like I was in the wings of...a stage? I looked around and seen Sam, Dean, and Castiel and I rush to them. "What are you guys doing here? What are w e doing here?!" I exclaimed.
"We don't know we just woke up backstage-" Sam started but was interrupted by rock music and Dean moved between us onto the stage.
"It's astounding....time is fleeting...." He said in a weird voice leaving Sam and I looking at each other completely confused then we looked at Castiel.
"Cas, what is happening do you have any idea?" I asked hurriedly and Castiel put his pointer and middle finger to his temple and closed his eyes.
"I don't know, there's no talk of it in heaven. Though I this is being done by familiar forces-" He fumbled onto the stage. "Madness...takes its toll..." He said in the same tone as Dean and they walked around in a circle as they watched each other.
"What the fuck is happening? Is this some TV show shit? I swear if this is another fucking show that I've been sucked into I'm gonna be pissed off." I say already getting irritated and looked to Sam who grabbed my hand and pulled me on stage and I felt a weird energy surge through my body and I wasn't control of my actions anymore. I willingly followed him onto the stage as he walked backwards onto the stage while holding my hand and I walked with a sway in my hips to the beat.
"But listen closely..." Sam said with an evil smirk as he looked at me then kissed my hand and I feel myself giggle and bite my lip at him.
"Not for very much longer," I say grinning and Sam spun me around and I did a jump leap I was n o t able to do before. I sprinted to the other side of the stage while doing turns and leaps I was not capable of in real life.
"I've got to keep control..." Dean said looking at his arm which had the mark of Kain on it.
"What the fuck is happening...What is this some sort of musical?" I muttered as Sam got back into the wing.
"I have no idea." He panted. "I have no control over what I do. Do you?"
I shook my head. "Only when I get into the wings then it's like some unknown force takes control again," I say getting worried. "Castiel said there is some unknown force at play, a familiar one who do you know who could do this?" I asked panting.
"....Gabriel but he hasn't got all the angel mojo to do it at this big of a scale." Sam said hurriedly.
"I remember doing the time warp! Drinking..those moments when..." Dean said singing and dancing. The Darkness would hit me!" Amara appeared and Dean fell back but Castiel pushed him back up in dancey way before holding his head.
"And the void would be calling!!"
Sam and I slide onto stage and we see like...every person we've ever dealt with on the stage. Adam, Jack, Crowley, Lucifer, Micheal, Gadreel, Anna, Roweena. Everyone was on the stage!
"Let's do the time-warp again!" Everyone sings in unison and dancing. "Let's do the time-warp again!"
Balthazar jumped in the front. "It's just a jump to the left." He said and everyone jumped, including me. It was scaring me how little control I had over my body. I had no control. I couldn't even cry or frown if I wanted to!
"And then a step to the riiiight!!" We all sung in unison.
"You put your hands on your hips!" Balthazar said smiling as he placed his hands on his hips.
We all put out hands on our hips. "And stick your knees in tight! But it's the pelvic thrust! That really drives you insaaaaaane!" We say as we dance. "Let's do the time warp again! Let's do the time warp again!"
Joe makes her way onto the stage and circled Dean who looked shocked to see her while everyone danced and Sam went on the other set of wings on the other side of the stage and I slid into the right wings. Sam and I looked at each other. We both looked shocked at each other. I looked around and I found a pamphlet and read it.
'Warped: the official Supernatural musical'
Made for the supernatural fans by supernatural fans filled with references from the hit book series Supernatural that all fans can enjoy.
I went wide-eyed. "Are your fucking kidding me.." I hissed and looked at the duration time. It was apparently a 3-hour musical. "Is that all we're worth?-" I was trying to remember what song it was I was hearing. I know I've heard this song before! After a minute of thinking. "The time warp," I muttered and looked at the song list.....That was only the beginning song. "Are you kidding me?!" I whispered and held the pamphlet up for Sam to see on the other side and I mouthed to him. "We are in a musical."
He gave me a confused looked and mouthed. "What?"
"We are in a musical." I gestured between the two of use and then pointed at the stage before doing a small dance and imitated singing.
"We're in a musical?" He mouthed to me confused. I lit up and nodded as I tapped my nose then I tap fold up the pamphlet and shove it into my back pocket so I can show him. I didn't know when we were gonna have a moment together so I could explain this to him. Meanwhile, onstage Dean and Joe were having a moment and I felt so bad for Dean.
"It's so dreamy..." Jo said softly and Dean attempted to grab her hand but she quickly maneuvered behind him and Dean looked confused and sad as he turned around to face her. "Oh fantasy free me...." She circling him again. "So you can't see me?" She questioned waving her hand in front of his face then caressing his cheek. "No...not at all..." She sounded defeated but Dean grabbed her hand and spun her. "In another dimension! With voyeuristic intention! Well secluded, I see all," She sang as Dean spun her and they danced across the staged. I could see the pain in his eyes and that was nothing you could act out. That was real....
"With a bit of a mind flip...." He sung and flipped her and spun her around in his arm bridal style then tossed her up in the air and she twirled.
" You're into the time slip." She said once she landed in his arms.
"And nothing can ever be the same...." He cupped her cheek about to kiss her then some guy dressed like a hell hound pulled Jo away.
"You're spaced out on sensation!" She sang and reached out to him but Sam went on stage and pulled Dean away to the other side of the stage.
Dean went with him but you could see it in him that he didn't want to go. Losing Jo hurt the most. "Like your under sedation!" Dean sang as Sam dragged him away.
Everyone began dancing. "Let's do the time warp again! Let's do the time warp again!!" Everyone sung.
I strutted out as I looked out in the audience with a smile. "Well I was sittin in the bunker just a havin a think." I say putting my pointer finger to my cheek. I felt someone behind me and I didn't like who it was. I got a bad feeling about who it was. "When a snake of a guy gave me an evil wink!" Lucifer held me by my waist as we looked at each other and I knew this was no good. "He shook-a me up! He took me by surprise!" Lucifer grabbed my hand as I tried to 'get away' He spun me around then back into his arms and it wasn't Lucifer it was Sam but I knew this was still Lucifer. "He had Sammy's skin and the devil's eyes!" He smirked at me and turned me around face him as he winked at me. I placed my hand on his chest. "He stared at me and I felt a change!" He dipped me and he kissed me before I pulled away with a grin and looked at the audience. "Time meant nothing, never would again!" He grabbed my hand and we enthusiastically ran to the other side of the stage with Sam.
"You said during that when Lucifer had me you didn't buy the act at all and you stayed away from me!" Sam exclaimed.
"Sorry, ok listen! I bought it at first because it was you! He looked like you and I loved you I didn't realize until after Dean told me that Lucifer was walking around wearing you like a meat suit we don't have time to talk about this look at this!" I exclaimed as I pulled out the pamphlet and gave it to him. He quickly looked through it.
"This is 3 hours long?!" He bellowed.
"That doesn't matter we need to find out who is doing this, this is opening night and I believe whoever is running this show has to be somewhere. on the stage or in the audience." Sam grabbed my hand and we slid out then so did Jo and Dean.
"Let's do the time warp again! Let's do the time warp again!!" We all sung and dance.
Lucifer ran onto the stage stopping on a dime on foot in his running motion. "It's just a jump to the left." He said matter o' factly and we all jumped to the left.
"And then a step to the riiight!" We all sang and stuck out our foot.
Lucifer smiled. "With your hands on your hips." He placed his hands on his hips.
"You bring your knees in tight! But it's the pelvic thrust! That really drives you insane! Let's do the Time Warp again! Let's do the Time Warp again! Let's do the Time Warp again! Let's do the Time Warp Again!"
"It's just a jump to the left." I giggled as I continued dancing.
"And then a step to the right!"
"With your hands on your hips!" I exclaimed.
"You bring your knees in tight! But it's the pelvic thrust!! That really drives you insane!"
"Let's do the Time Warp again! Let's do the Time Warp again!"
The music began to slow down and we all fell to the floor. We then endured 3 more hours of constant singing dancing. I was pushing body limits I didn't know I had! Some I never had! But it all ended when finally it all came to a close and the lights went out and we see God or 'Chuck' grinning and clapping alongside Gabriel.
"That! That was a show! A show recap in style!" Chuck said smiling.
Gabriel nodded. "For once in 1 million millennia I actually I agree with you father." Gabriel said smiling.
"What's the meaning of all this?!" Dean bellowed.
"Well...we thought now would be a great time to pull the ultimate prank and thought it would be fun....and a great way to bring everyone together." Chuck said grinning.
I panted. "Are you fucking kidding me?!" I exclaimed. "We danced....and sang to our limits for your sick entertainment meanwhile we're out here fighting the creatures you created?!" I screamed. "No wonder Dean hates you!!" I yell fuming and Sam held me close.
"Sorry about her, can you just- get us back please?" Sam asked and with another flash of bright light. We were back in bed.
I looked up at the ceiling. "....This is equivalent to a night with you in bed...everything hurts and I don't feel like moving." I groaned and curled up into Sam.
Sam grunted as he attempted to get up but went straight back down. "Yea..we're not going hunting tomorrow." He groaned and panting.
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