Satisfied- Sam
Your pov:
I had been friends with the Winchesters since all three of us were in diapers. It was safe to say that we were siblings not by blood but by bond. It was also safe to say that I had helplessly grown attached to the younger Winchester in more than a Sibling like way. Even though we rarely talk due to the fact that life grants doesn't us enough time in a day yet alone time in a year to sit down and talk. When we do catch-up It's as if time never slipped away. But I always felt that Sam and I understood each other in a way that nobody else could. Despite the fact that we both lived two totally different lives. Mine being Routine and boring, HIs being Dangerous and (in my eyes) exciting. We understood each other better than our own family members did. Back in high-school, we would meet in an abandoned tree-house just to talk about our lives. That was until Sam would have to pick up and go hunting with his Father and brother. I had always felt that maybe he felt the same way for me. I thought that until I received a wedding invitation from one Sam Winchester.
Samuel Winchester and Becky Rosen
On July 26,20XX
As well as a letter.
Dearest, (y/n)
I hope that this letter finds you in good health. I apologize for the lack of communication and I am sincerely sorry that I contact you out of the blue with such short-notice and out of the blue news. But (y/n) it happened just like you it would...I have fallen in love. I never thought I could love anybody or that anybody could love me. That nobody would ever understand me like you did but I did. Becky Rosen it happened all of the sudden we got talking and suddenly I knew she was the one for me. She knows I hunt she doesn't mind she understands my history. She is the love of my life and I would never have thought that was possible without your encouraging words so I wanted you to come to the wedding though there won't be many people there. But I would love your support. Also, I talked to Becky and she wants you to be the maid of honor!!!! It's amazing Right?! You have always been there for me at my darkest days and I would love it if you came to see me at one of my brightest to witness my newfound happiness. I hope to see you there (y/n) and thank-you so much for being my friend and sister that I never had. I don't know where I would be without you sister
Sincerely with brotherly love,
Samuel Winchester
Just like my heart, I collapsed to the ground as the tears freely flowed down my face. I didn't sob or scream tears just flowed down my face freely like water from a waterfall. Suddenly I smiled and laughed though my heart bled from its new-found fatal wound. I got my pen and paper and wrote.
"Congratulations Sammy, you're finally happy." I recited the words as I wrote them.
you have had your fair share of pain and the world is finally rewarding you for your contributions to the world-
I started to write my speech knowing that Sam would make me get up there and do a speech for his wedding like I promised I would when we were kids.
Sam was right the number of people here for the occasion left much to be desired. I counted around 9 maybe less. I didn't know any of these people the only familiar face I spotted was Dean when I walked in the door who also recognized me and smiled.I gave him a weak smile back as he excused himself from the conversation he was partaking in to greet me before he made his way over to me.
He hugged me tightly. "Come with me we need to talk." He told me.
He took my hand and lead me into the hallway that wasn't "crowded" with people.
"I would love to smile and catch up but something's wrong with Sam. He's not Himself."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean he- this isn't right. I know Sam would not marry a girl he hasn't even talked to for a month. He wouldn't consider dating after what happened to Jessica."
My heart stung once again.
Another past lover...hah so much for loving me uh?
Dean looked at me with a sudden apologetic look in his eyes once he realized what had slipped out. "I'm sorry (y/n) I know that you love him, This must be hard to see him-"
"If she makes him happy that's all that matters to me. Don't worry about my petty little feelings Dean," I used my pointer fingers to try and force his mouth into a smile only to fail. "Smile, your brother is finally having something good happen to him for once. He deserves this. We both know that. He needs our support on a day like this. You should be happy for your brother."
"Sweetheart, I would be happy if I knew that this was real it's not."
I frowned. " What do you mean Dean?"
"I mean somethings don't add up Sam never liked Becky. He found her to be some weird fan-girl now all of the sudden he's planning to marry her after only talking to her for a week? Doesn't that sound fishy to you?"
"Love works in mysterious ways Dean and it is something that you can't time," I say subtly before walking away with my head down.
"But I also know there is no way he would fall in love with Becky because he is so in love with you."
Those words stopped me dead in my tracks. I turned back around and looked at Dean.
"Dean if Sam loves me then why is he getting married in less than 20 minutes?"
"That's what we need to find out, (y/n) you have to trust me on this one. Sam would talk about you every single day. He would always want to contact you but he was scared that maybe contacting you would put you in danger of what we do. So he didn't I tried to tell him to man up and just call you but he was scared for your safety."
"Well, it seems times have changed Dean and he's moved on. He isn't so concerned about my safety anymore. Now Dean if you can excuse me I have to go find Sam."I say leaving. Coincidentally Sam was walking in my direction and we he saw me his face lit up. I smiled as well.
"(y/n)!!' He engulfed me in a spinning hug before putting me down on the ground. " I'm so glad you made it."
"I wouldn't miss it for the world."
"I can't wait for you to meet Becky, (y/n) you'll love her very much."
"I can't wait to meet her either," I said with a smile.
+++The reception+++
Every had grabbed their food all except me I couldn't bring myself to eat. But I got a glass of Champagne since it was not an option for me really they just gave it to me.
Some managed to already be drunk off their asses. Prime example: Dean he wasn't wasted nor drunk just a little buzzed.
"Alright, Alright that's what I'm talking about!" Dean said. "Now everyone give it up." He said before turning to me seeing the sadness in my eyes and taking pity."For the maid of honor...(Y/n) (L/n)!!"
Everyone cheered I stood up and smiled.
"Congratulations Sammy, you're finally happy you have had your fair share of pain and the world is finally repaying you for your contributions to the world. Your bride is beautiful and your future is bright. My heart goes out to the both of you I wish you a happy and loving marriage. Not only filled with love. But pain so you both help each other at your darkest times. Not only laughter but tears so can be each other's shoulder to cry on when times get depressing. I guess what I'm getting at is. I hope you both make many memories together...As well as grow with each and build each other up so I propose a toast to the Groom." I say raising my glass. "To the bride, from your sister who is always by your side. to your union and the hope that you provide may you always be satisfied." I say smiling before letting a tear slip. Everyone clapped and toasted.
I walked off stage to hug Sam and Becky.
I hugged Sam first.
"That was amazing (y/n) thank you for coming," Sam said.
"Congratulations you make a lovely couple," I say to the both of them smiling while tear slip. I took Becky's hands in the most sincere manner and smiled."Keep him happy for me will you?" I asked.
She looked at me as if I were god and she committed the greatest sin ever before nodding. " i will."
With that I drove home. What first started out as a quiet ride slowly became a ride full of tears.
A whole week had passed since the wedding. I went through the day with a smile on my face and tears in my eyes at night....
Sam's Pov:
"You have to call her...send her another letter...something is better than letting her go her whole life thinking you are married." Dean told me.
"It's probably for the greater good. She needs to stay away from me. From what we do.."
"Sam....she went to your "wedding" with no intention to wreck anything, With a smile on her face and a heavy heart. She smiled through all the pain because all she focused on was the fact that you were happy. She's been there for you when you needed her. I think it's time to repay the favor."
"She'll get over me Dean."
"How will she get over the one person she had feelings for ever since she discovered what feelings were? I'm the last person to talk to about love I know but she loves you and you love her. In a way beyond my understanding. You got special brother and I'd hate to see you throw it away. Go to her man." He said tossing me the keys.
I got up and drove.
Your pov:
Another day another fake smile....
I thought as I got up for work.
I carried out my mundane daily routine before grabbing a granola bar and getting ready to head out of the door. When I came face to face with somebody's chest. I knew who it was automatically. I looked up to see.
"Sam?" I questioned.
The the second we made eye contact he did something I never thought he'd do.
He cupped my cheeks and kissed me. Like his life depended on it.
"I love you too." he said.
"W-what? What about beck-" I questioned.
"She had some witch cast a love spell on me. Did you really think I would marry a girl who I haven't known for a good month?" He chuckled.
"Love makes you do crazy things." I say shrugging.
"I can't argue with that." He said kissing me again. "I'll say it again...I love you."
I giggled "I love you too."
A/n: currently working on one of my infamous book long one-shots thought I could publish this until I get done with it 😊
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