Our Place -Carl
You're pov:
I'm wandering around looking for somewhere safe to sleep for the night. Just walking and looking.
Lately, living has no real meaning to it. You're just there another species on this puny little planet. But I keep on living day by day with a secret hope that things will get better. So here I am in a forest walking around haven't eaten in 3 days. Haven't slept in so long I can't remember. I was just about to give up when I saw a large gated building. I walked a little faster with what strength I had to discover it was a prison and there was civilization there I even could see kids from where I stood. I heard something let out an unearthly groan from behind I used my crossbow to take it out.
I took out a couple of walkers from where I stood to get closer. Soon I was close enough for them to see me.
A what seemed like Korean man was guarding the gate. When he saw me his eyes went wide.
"There's a girl at the gate!! Open the gate!!" people scrambled to open the gate. Then they opened I walked in and a suddenly everything began to spin I passed out and everything went dark.
Carl's Pov:
She collapsed. I ran to her side.
My dad yelled at me.
I picked her up and began carrying her into the prison
"She's hurt Dad I'm taking her to Hershel!"
I yelled as I continued running into the prison Glenn held the door opened for me as I carried her inside Hershel's cells.
"What happened?who is she?" He questioned.
"Don't know we let her inside the gate and she collapsed."
He put his fingers to her neck.
"She's still got a pretty good pulse, She looks pretty flushed. I'd say she passed out from exhaustion. Can't forget the heat is a killer. Looks like she hadn't had a good night's rest in about a week. Might not have had a decent meal either.Just give her some time. She'll wake up, give her some food a place to lay her head for a couple of days and she'll be nursed back to health."
Soon my dad came into the cell.
"Carl! What were you thinking."
"She passed out dad what was I supposed to do leave her there?"
"Let me handle that we don't know what she's capable of she could've hurt you."
"What can she do when she's passed out."
"She could've been pretending you never know. Next time you let me handle the newcomers."
I heard Judith crying.
I went to Dad's 'room' to get Judith out of her crib.
I m tired of him treating me like a kid. Gosh, I can protect myself.
You're pov:
3 hours later...
I woke up on a bed or what more seemed like a bunk bed. I still felt light headed. I sat up.
"You're awake." I heard a man say. I jumped and looked around for my crossbow.
"You'll get it back sometime soon once I can trust you."
I nodded understanding his precautionary measures.
I held my legs close to my chest and hid my face in my knees.
"My name is Rick, Rick Grimes. I'm the leader of this group. Before I allow you to join my family I'm gonna have to ask you a few questions."
I nodded once again.
"Did you have a group before you came here."
I shook my head no. Before trying to speak only to go into a coughing fit.
"Hey hey take it easy." He handed me a cup of water.
I drunk it all in one gulp.
"How long have you been out there?"
"Since the beginning."
He looked shocked.
"You ever been in a group?"
I nodded.
"Before things got worse they all died or got lost."
"Was that in the beginning?"
I nodded.
"How many walkers have you killed?"
"How many people have you killed."
My mind flashed back to Lee the man who gave me the strength I do now. Taught me how to use guns. How he got bit and wouldn't stop searching for me even when his time was close to over and in the in 12yr old little me had to put him down.
A tear went down my face. "He was turning I couldn't let him become one of them."
"I understand, Lastly what's your name and how old are you?"
"(Y/n) (L/n), I'm 16."
"My son Carl is 16 too you should talk to him sometime." He said giving me a gentle smile.
"Thank you."
"Hey, Don't worry you're safe in here get some rest I'll have somebody bring some food up here you must be starving."
I nodded.
Rick left me alone I laid down. Soon an old man that looked like Santa except he had one leg.
"Relax I'm the doctor here. Feeling ok?"
I nodded.
"That's good can you recall the last time you ate or slept?"
I shook my head again.
"Not much of a talker huh?"
I shrugged.
"You and Daryl might get along just fine."
He chuckled.
I didn't know who he is but I gave him a small smile.
Soon he left.
Carl's Pov:
I've been wanting to see the new girl since I bought her in. But my dad kept saying she might not be ready to see other people yet.
But I'm the one who carried her here..don't I get to see her?
I was in my cell reading my comics when I heard my dad come out of the cell the new girl was in.
"Daryl!"He called.
"I need your help?"
"New kid."
"What about her?"
"She's been out there by herself all this time. Alone she ain't talking a whole bunch."
"She's been alone?"
"So what can I do?"
"Maybe try to sympathize with her get her to open up."
"She's probably seen some shit it's gonna take more than an honest talk to get her to open up."
"It's a start right?"
Daryl sighed. "I guess I'll try, did she at least give you're name?"
"At least she was compliant."
Getting closer to her is gonna be harder than I thought
2 months later...
It's been a while since she's been here.
She doesn't talk a lot I've tried to talk to her but she is a girl of few words. She does hang out with Daryl though. They go on runs and talk. They even share the same weapon. I'm almost jealous of him. She won't talk to anybody as much as she talks to him and if she's not talking to Daryl. She's just gone nobody can find out where she disappears too. That was until today as I was walking. Upstairs to check on Judith when I saw her going out the back door of the prison. I got curious an followed her. But by the time I opened the door...she was gone. I looked up to see what seemed like a makeshift latter.
The only way she could've gotten away that quickly is if she went up.I went up the ladder and there she was up here on the roof staring into the distance.
"So this is where you go?"
She turned around and looked at me with confusion.
"What are you doing up here?" She asked.
"I followed you up here."
She rolled her eyes. "Stalker much." she joked.
I sat beside her.
"Why did you follow me?"
"Because you disappear a lot I wanted to know where to."
"This is my hiding place. The place I go to be alone. Nobody can bother me. It's quiet. That's what I always loved about climbing trees when I was out there. It was quiet when you were in high places. It's not secret anymore now I guess."
"It can be our secret place I swear I won't tell anyone."
"Pinky promise?" she said holding out her pinky.
I smiled and linked my pinky with hers. "Pinky promise, Were you really out there by yourself all that time?"
She nodded sadly then began to told me of her horror story out there. How in the beginning she met a nice man named Lee. Who took her in after her parents left. Tried to help her find her parent and taught her how to fight. How she had to be the one to put him down in the end. How she lost her whole group and tried to stay away from groups but realized how much harder it was alone.
"I never told anybody all of that."
"Not even Daryl?"
Ahe shook her head.
"We mostly talk about hunting our bows stuff we find on our runs."
You're pov:
And from that day forward my hiding place became our hiding place and almost every day we would meet up there. We grew closer until one day he finally gathered the courage to ask me out and I said yes!
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