Not your soldier- Rick
Your POV:
I'm am understanding person.
I always have been.. I've always tried to see the perspective of things. However... Rick was uncompromising with me. It's no secret nor surprise that Rick is the leader and of course with being a leader holds a hell of a lot of responsibility. I get that. I get that it's stressing and it takes a toll on him. That's why as his wife ITRY to help him when I can. But Rick has this very bad habit where he treats me his family (Carl,Judith and I) like we are everyone else. Like we are here for the sole purpose of being given an assignment and falling in line with the rest of them. I try to talk to him about him about it but it's always the same answers:
'I'm tired we'll talk about it tomorrow.'
'I'm busy tell me when I get home.'
'Not right now in a second.'
And the main one that pisses me off....
'Don't you have something to do? We'll talk later.'
I keep it all to myself at how irritated I am with his behavior. Leading everyone to think he's some great husband. When I can't even get a proper "I love you" in the morning.
I've gotten used to his constant absence in the house. Leaving me with Judith to take care of while everyone else goes about their duties. He's missing major milestones in her life. He's playing more drill sargent than he is playing his role as my husband and a father. It's even effecting Carl a bit though not as much because he proudly follows his footsteps in a way.
But this morning for some reason was not the best morning. Judith woke up earlier than expected and when little Judith was moody so was momma. I threw on my robe and went to the fussy toddler's room and grabbed her.
"Hey hey hey, I'm right here honey bun." I said trying to remain lighthearted through my tiredness. I brought her downstairs and fixed her some animal cracker while she sat on my hip crying uncontrollably. Once I fixed her snack I put her in her high chair and put the bowl of animal crackers in front of her. Only to have the bowl thrown at me.
I groaned as I hurriedly picked up the crackers off the floor and tried to scurry through the kitchen to find something she would like. Once I had discovered she just wanted captain crunch. I snuck upstairs to change out of my sexy little night gown. Mid-dressing session Judith finished and got really fussy again. I did the pants dance as I went down the stairs in a rush to my little girl's aid. Only to slip on my jeans and fall down the steps.
"GAH FUCK!" I groan as pain writhes through my body. Especially my head and spine. But of course nobody was around to help. It seemed like I was the forgotten file because nobody ever came to me. Or even check up on me. Only when Rick's around. Judith's screaming wasn't helping either. I got up pulling myself together to get to Judith. I take her out of the high chair. Barely being able to hold her. Though I was in pain I couldn't leave Judith alone she had mommy-withdrawal aka separation anxiety. She wouldn't even go to Daryl anymore and she loved him to pieces at one point. If she's not distracted and I leave she has a very bad fit. I just had to suffer through the day and leave when I put her down for a nap or for bed.
The day only got progressively worse....My pain wouldn't go away and Judith would not stop crying. Only for a couple of seconds.When i distracted her with toys. During lunch time I fixed her favorite which was peaches and mango purée which I made myself. Today she felt like throwing food. I had to change twice. Finally it was bed time and she was fighting bed time with all her might. But I finally managed to her to bed. I sat down on the couch and waited for my boys to get hoping that seeing them will turn my night around.
The door opens and I see Carl. His face lights up when he sees me and he runs over to me and hugs me.
"Hey mom!" He said happily.
"Hey Carl." I sigh.
"What's wrong?" He asked concerned.
"Judith was a little fussy today I'm a bit tired don't worry about it. You've been putting up a fight all day. Go take a shower and get dinner out of the fridge before you call it a night." I said giving him a small smile.
"Thanks mom take care of yourself." He kissed my forehead.
I smiled and nodded. I watched him go upstairs to his room. 30 minutes later Rick finally walks in. I strain but I pull myself up and try to catch up with his fast strides.
"Hey Rick-"
"(Y/n) I'm tired OK? I just got back from a run...we'll talk about it tom-" Rick started.
"Rick I really need to talk to you right now I-" I start quietly.
"Whatever it is you need to tell me. It's waited this long I'd pretty sure it came wait another couple of hours-"
"NO DAMMIT WE ARE GONNA TALK ABOUT THIS RIGHT NOW!!" I yelled as I slam my hand on the dining table.
"What's wrong with me?!" I finished his sentence. "I'll tell you what the hell is wrong!! I've been very patient with you Rick! I've been understanding and patient! I know you got a lot on your plate!I get that!! But I'm your wife Rick!! That means the same love,affection and care I show you?! I expect to get that back!! I'm not your soldier Rick! I'm your wife and your wife has been struggling for the past couple of weeks! Since you apparently haven't noticed!!" I burst before sighing. "Earlier today...I slipped off the steps and I've been in pain all day-"
"Why didn't you come tell me?" Rick asked worried.
"You think it haven't been trying to radio you all damn day?" I questioned. "Also Judith maybe teething so we need teething rings to soothe her gums." I say quietly.
"Why didn't-"
"Oh I don't know Rick....maybe it's because of the fact that you don't want to listen to me?" I emphasized. "Please just watch out for Judith while I go to the doctor."
"You shouldn't go alone-"
"Oh I'm fine I've waited a couple of hours alone I'm pretty sure I can handle it now. Y'know considering I've been taking care of everything alone anyway." I add on before I hobble to the doctor's office. It was discovered that I had a mild concussion and a bad bruise on my back.
I hobbled back home angrily. Once I got back in front of the door I took a deep breath. Rick was at the diner table.
"Save it Rick I'm pissed right now. I'm exhausted and I feel a bit lightheaded. I'm laying down. Good Night Mr.Grimes...." I sigh before going up to the room and sighing.
The next morning I woke up Rick was not there as expected. But in his place was a single rose. I picked it up and in came Rick with a plate.
I was shocked.
He smiled at me and gave me a kiss. "Mornin baby, hope you like banana pancakes and bacon. Carol made the pancakes outta banana." He said handing me the plate.
"...thanks- where's Judith?"
"She's downstairs with Carl. She's fine. She said Dada today." He said smiling proudly.
"She's said that way before you noticed she can say alot. 'Bink' for her pacifier 'stink' for a dirty diaper. 'Peach' for food. Mah is what she calls me. There is a lot of words she's spoken...each day I try to tell you...but your constantly brush me off."
Rick looked down in shame. "I sorry darlin...I've been so caught up in my own work. I didn't take a moment to appreciate what I was working did you put up with it? God you should've left me."
"I love you and those kids too much. We both knew our marriage was a little too happy and unrealistic eventually we would start hitting bumps somewhere honey. I'm not gonna leave you like that. Not that easily." I say smiling.
"Doc says that you are on bed rest for about a week. Minimal light so we will be blacking out the windows. Sleep often and will be working from home today. Carl and I will keep an eye on Judith. You deserve a break." He said before kissing me.
The whole day was filled with TLC and from them on Rick made time for his family. Of course he had his moments. But we managed. I had gotten my husband back and I couldn't be happier.
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