Moved on?- Daryl (Prt.2)
Your pov:
"I know this kind of seems like horrible timing considering that I'm going on the run tomorrow but-"
"Yes," I said.
"I figured...Wait yes?"
"Yes!" I said smiling." I will be your wife."
"Oh my god!!" He picked me up and spun me around. Something I automatically remembered Daryl used to do to me when he came back from a hunt back in the prison.
Let go of him...You have Braden...
I let the memory fade and kissed Braden with everything in me.
"You have made me the happiest man in this dead planet," he said smiling.
"I love you."
I said it...
He kissed me again and slid the ring on my finger.
Move on...Daryl said it himself he doesn't love you! Never has! He obviously isn't jealous of you and Braden.Move on!
"Can we get married like right here.Right now." I joke.
"We gotta tell people first." He said laughing.
"Lets just get Gabriel real quick so we can recite our vowels and get to the honeymoon."
"Who said we have to wait till the honeymoon?"
I giggled and we packed up the picnic and He carried me all the way to the house.
Daryl's Pov:
"What's going on between you and (Y/n)?" Jill asked.
"What're you talkin 'bout?"
"You told me Y'all used to be in a group together and you were avoiding eye contact with her."
"Ain't nothing going on between me and that woman."
"Stay away from her. She makes my cousin happy and she's happy with my cousin...In fact, he told me he was gonna propose to her today and I know that she said yes."
I was shocked...They only been together two damn months and he plans on marryin' her?!
(Y/n) wouldn't do that...She wouldn't move into a relationship that fast.....Would she?
"I told you, Jill, I ain't after that woman!!" I yelled.
"You better not be.."
Later on after a bit more yelling and arguing we made up and went to bed.
I couldn't sleep...I realized I just made the biggest mistake in my life. Of letting the woman I love go...
I just heard you found the one you been lookin you've been looking for. Wish I would've known that wasn't me...
I miss her I'm jealous Braden gets to wake up next to her in the morning and hold her at night.
I miss
her smile...
her eyes...
Her hair.
Waking up to seeing her in the morning...
Holding her...
Making love to her...
Kissing her...
I can't do that anymore and it pisses me off...But she deserved better and she found better.
I can't say the same for myself...
Even after all this time I still wonder why I can't move on just the way you did so easily...
I got Jill but she ain't (Y/n)...
and it sickens me to my stomach to think I'm not the one with her holding her...I don't even wanna think about her.
Don't wanna know What kind of dress you're wearing tonight
If he's holding onto you so tight
The way I did before
I overdosed
Should've known your love was a game
Now I can't get you out of my brain
Oh, it's such a shame
I've lost the only person who understood me and it's nobody's fault but mine...
Your pov:
He wrapped his arms around me tightly and protectively...Just the way Daryl used to...I know that I shouldn't be thinking about another man while I'm engaged to another. But I can't help but wonder how I got here. Daryl has been all I know we've been there for each other since the world gone to shit and suddenly he tells me that everything we ever had was fake a coping method...It hurts.
And then seeing him with Jill...
Makes it worse. She's...Everything I can't ever be. But I just hope even though I want to pull her away from him when I see them together...I just hope that she loving him the way I did even better than I did...Because if he's gone I must have sucked at my job in loving him.
I just hope you're lying next to somebody
Who knows how to love you like me
There must be a good reason that you're gone...
There were and still are times when I still wonder if I should show up and see if there is a chance that we could go back and see where we went wrong and fix it..See if we still have a fighting chance so we can be together...But I'm afraid I know the answer to that wish.
Every now and then I think you might want me to
Come show up at your door
But I'm just too afraid that I'll be wrong...
I'm jealous that she gets to look into his beautiful eyes...
I'm jealous that she gets to be in his arms.
I'm jealous that she gets to hear his voice...
Gets to see him smile...
I'm jealous that she has him...The man who will forever have my heart.
Don't wanna If you're looking into her eyes
If she's holdin' onto you so tight
The way I did before
I overdosed
Should've known your love was a game
Now I can't get you out of my brain
Oh, it's such a shame
Looking at Braden now I see what I love in him...I love everything he gives me that Daryl did.
He holds me tight like he's afraid to lose me. Just like Daryl did.
He kisses me Daryl would when we were alone.
He treats me like I am the only woman in the world...Like Daryl did.
Every little thing he did just reminds me of Him and it kills me on the inside it makes me feel like a monster for using Braden just to get some sort of relief like a damn addict strung out on meth trying to find so sort of substitute for the real thing!
I'm sickened with myself for this!
I hear Braden shift...
He's up...
I close my eyes and pretend to be asleep.
I felt him shift and kiss my shoulder all the way up to my cheek.
"Morning sunshine." He said massaging my arm.
"5 more minutes.." I groan.
"I have to go today."
"Can you promise you'll still have that dinner and a bath waiting for me." He said.
"Yea i can."
"Thank you, Mrs.Wilder." He said moving my hair behind my ear.
"Wilder? That's the last name you were so nervous to tell me?" I said laughing.
"It makes me sound like a douchebag."
"No, it doesn't it makes you sound like a more upgraded version of Indiana Jones."
We laughed. "Mrs.(Y/n) Wilder.I like it." I say.
"I love it...It has a good ring to it."
"Well, Mr.Wilder...You better get ready to head out...Or else that bath you've been wanting won't ever happen."
"And we wouldn't want that would we?" He said.
"No, we wouldn't."
He gave me a quick kiss and went to go take a shower.
My heart stung as I let a tear slip from my eye... This is what I get for letting myself slip deeply into my thoughts and emotions.
Soon we were both dressed and we met at the gate where Daryl and Jill were as well.
Daryl's Pov:
I and Jill were at the gate getting ready for this run. When I heard Braden and (Y/n) coming towards the gate.
"Were you a veterinarian?" I heard Braden ask.
"Far from it." I heard (Y/n) answer.
She wouldn't tell anybody what she did before the Apocalypse... I'm the only one she told.
"A Doctor?"
He continued.
"I'm sorry do I look like I graduated from Harvard?" She asked.
She scoffed. "Keep guessing but you'll never get it."
You won't buddy you really won't.
"Promise me you'll come back one piece."
She said.
That's what she used to say to me.
"A whole cake not a slice missing a promise." I shifted so I could see a them. He kissed her forehead.
Just like I did.
She don't love you no more...She moved on.
Like you wanted her to..
Right then i see the sun bring attention to something shiny on her left hand...and not just any finger.The ring finger.
"I knew it. I knew it!" Jill said excitedly. She ran over to them and hugged them both.
"Congratulations cous!" Jill said.
"Thank you, Jill." (Y/n) answered.
"Daryl come here congratulate the newlyweds," Jill said.
You have to face her now...
I turned around and walked toward them and gave pretty boy a small nod.
"Congratulations," I say simply.
"Alright, we're ready," Spencer said.
"I love you," Braden said.
She didn't respond.
Your pov:
I couldn't say it. Not in front of Daryl...
"Please be safe," I say letting the tears fall once again.
"I will." He kissed me one good time.
The gates opened and for the first time when I looked over at Daryl he looked right back at me but it wasn't any look he's given me before.
I looked away quickly and like that they were gone Braden, Jill, and Daryl.
Hours had passed...
I fixed the dinner and the bath. I even lit candles.
Daryl's Pov:
We just back in the gates it was kind of a successful run. Some lost their lives.
"Who's gonna tell her she's not gonna take the news well," Aaron said.
"I'll tell her," I say.
"Are you sure?"Glenn asked
"It wasn't a suggestion," I say leaving.
Your pov:
I knew Braden was coming since I heard yelling outside.
Something in me for the first time was happy about Braden. Nothing about Daryl came to mind and I was happy about it. Then it hit me I'm getting married to this man this amazing man and I couldn't wait to see him again.
I heard footsteps and the door opened and lunged toward the figure with knowledge that this was the man I loved. But once I got into the arms of who I thought was Braden's. I quickly realized it wasn't when I took in the scent the familiar scent the one missed, felt the muscles I longed to feel. I looked up and pulled myself put of his arms.
"What are you doing here ?" I asked, "where's Braden and Jill?"
"(Y/n)...I'm sorry they.They fought he fought and-"
"No," I say.
"I'm sorry."
"No, No! You don't get to be sorry! You don't get to be sorry!! You don't get to come back into my life right when I'm finally about get over you!!Right when I'm finally harboring just a small bit of happiness!You did this didn't you? Can you not stand to see me happy anymore?!" I said crying.
"I left you for you to be happy!!"
"That's a lie. That's a fucking lie!!! Loving you and you loving me was all I needed to be happy!!! All I needed and you know that!!"I started punching his chest out of anger and frustration.
"I hope you're fucking happy Daryl Dixon!? Not only did you break my heart. After all, we've been through after I've trusted you gave loving you my all. You've also managed to take the only person when distracted me from my pain." I said falling to the ground I collapsed into his arms.
"I'm sorry, I tried to save'em for ya."
Daryl's Pov:
"You are gonna be the death of me Dixon." She said moving away from me.
I didn't want her to.
"I thought you weren't happy wit'me."
"Are you kidding me, Daryl I was a fool for you. A lovesick puppy Dammit even Carl could see it. No matter where we are, when it is I loved you in Atlanta at the camp. On the farm, at the prison, in terminus at the church. Dammit I still love you...Even when I'm supposed to be mourning over my Fiancee and you're supposed to be mourning your girlfriend."
"I guess we're both horrible people."
I say.
"Daryl...Please just leave."
I did just that.
Two months later...
Your pov:
it's been a few weeks since Braden died. Lately I've been at Daryl's house a lot more and we've been getting closer. Needles to say.
I spend the night... Hell, sometimes I'd spend the whole week.
Now we were just laying on the couch cuddling.
This is what it's been like for the past month. Outside of the house, we didn't even make contact but inside it's all handsy. We hug and kiss and one time and that one time only did it go farther.
"When can we officially put a label on what is going on between us? " I asked.
"When do you want to?"
"As soon as possible."
"Are you sure about that? "
"Yes, we've talked this out and I understand that you broke up with me because you thought I wouldn't be happy with you ..but I am..i really am. If there was a bigger word to express how I feel besides love I would use it. I don't care about your scars I think you're handsome scars and all."
"You said that when I first showed ya. "
"But did I tell you why? "
"Because I accepted you? "
"Well, that and Your scars tell a story... Of how you survived and for that you're strong. I admire you and I love you."
"So you're willing to take me even after what happened."
"Yes, I want you to call me yours again. I want to move in. I want to be the one to sleep in your arms. I want to be the one to ride the back of your bike. I want what happened last week to happen almost every single night like it used to be"
He smirked.
"Anything for you sunshine ."
I kissed him.
"I love you," I say
"I love you too."
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