Maybe shy? -TWD cast
Andrew's POV:
Today a new cast member was on set. However, she was quiet. She didn't talk to anybody and she seemed nice but she always seemed to keep to herself. She stayed in her trailer or if she was out and about she was isolated and studying her script.
Today we had a scene together. I thought maybe it could open the gateway of friendship between her and the rest of the cast.
"-and action!"
I got into character as I looked at her.
"What's your name?" I asked her.
"Lily Bloom." She said calmly.
"How many people have you killed?"
She suddenly turned away and giggled. I furrowed my eyebrows at her.
"I don't understand what's so funny." I say sternly.
"Negan wouldn't let me my hands dirty..." She said smirking as she stretched out on the couch.
"If you're gonna stay with gotta prove you aren't a threat to my people-"
"I didn't ask to be here. You dragged us here. Thinking you're saving all the girls away from evil man Negan. Yea Negan was a fucked up man but he was MY husband!" She yelled rising out of her chair a little. "He had many 'wives' he only used them to fuck with their little boyfriends...keep them in place. But me?" She said smirking. "I'm his real wife, you killed MY husband. Took away MY happiness. And then bring me here into your little slice of utopia and expect me to cooperate?" She shook her head and wiped her nose. "Not gonna happen. Not like that." She got up from the chair and huffed. "What was the last thing he said before he died?" She asked.
"He said your name...Lily..."
"If that's not proof enough that even though his methods of surviving weren't ideal...he was still a human capable of love. We loved each other! Now Mr.Grimes you look at me like I'm one of those poor brainwashed girls out there that should be grateful for your arrival. But you can't always be the hero. Sometimes you become the villain in someone's mind. Let me just tell you something Mr.High and Mighty. Just like he was the villain of your story. You became the villain of mine....because now I have to live without my other half and my child has to grow up without a father...." She said crying before storming out of the house.
Once the scene was shot everyone started cheering. (Y/n) came back smiling as she noticed that everyone was cheering for her. We clapped as well confused on why. Everyone always did good but no one ever clapped. I wondered what made her special.
You pov:
I went to the bathroom and then grabbed my script from my trailer so I could study some more. While everyone else was setting up for the next scene I was getting my touched up as I rehearse.
One of the make up artist tapped my shoulder.
"Andrew wants you."
I looked up and smiled at Andrew.
Andrew's POV:
"Hi!" She said smiling.
"Hey," I said shocked by how peppy she was. I was expecting her to be shy and timid. "(Y/n) right?" I questioned to make are I got her name right.
She nodded. "Yes, that's me."
"How's everything going? I hope you are enjoying your time onset."
She laughed before shaming her head. "I'm sorry, but I can't hear you. Do you think can slow down. You talk very fast." She giggled.
I looked at her confused.
"I guess nobody except the crew knows." She giggled. "I am deaf." She said smiling.
"What?" I say shocked.
"It may not seem like it be cause of how fluently I speak and how fast I catch on but I am deaf." She said smiling.
"Then how do you understand what I'm saying?"
"I read lips very well and I use sign language."
"Wow, it didn't even seem like it!" I say amazed.
"It surprises a lot of people. Especially sincerely I act. That's why I don't tell anyone until they talk to me." She says smiling. I smiled and understood why it was such a big deal for her to deliver her lines so perfectly and why she didn't tell anyone of her disability. She was right! Upon hearing that she was deaf it shocked me how well she performed! I introduced her to the cast. Once I introduced her everyone waa trying to talk to her all at one time.
"Guys! She can't read everyone's lips at once." I tell them and they look confused.
"I am deaf." She says as she signed it.
Everyone stared at her in awe.
"No way!" Norman yelled. "Think you can teach us some curse words in sign language?"
"Oh definitely!" She said smiling at Norman.
She quickly became part of the family. We realized they she was full of personality and vulgar jokes.
Soon the season was over and the show was nominated for an award and (Y/n) was nominated for actress of the year and she won!
She went up onstage crying. "When I was 5 my mother told me that I would never be able to become an actress. That I would never be able to function in everyday society. That I was a liability. But then in 9th grade career management. My teacher asked us what we wanted to be and I said nothing because I couldn't be anything but dead weight on my parents' ankles.The next day my teacher showed me a list of people who were deaf and blind that made something of themselves and then afterwards she looked at me and said. 'Again (full name) what do you want to be when you get older?' I said an actress and she told me that as of the next day I would be placed in theatre arts. From there I turned my disability into an advantage and it has brought me to this moment the biggest moment in my life. Thank you all so much." She signed as she spoke and crying we helped her off stage
It's funny to look back and think that we thought that this girl was shy. She was just Deaf and one of the greatest people I've ever met.
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