Mama's day out- Daryl
Summary: Daryl Dixon has been through it all. He's seen and done things that most of us don't ever see ourselves doing. He can conquer anything or anyone he faces but today he has finally met his match....his own kids.
Daryl's Pov:
Today (y/n) is gonna be out all day. For some kind of mother's day event, Deanna had planned it was gonna be all day. So, of course, I was gonna be with the kids while (y/n) was gone. It'd be a dick move on my behalf as a father to hand them over to Carl or Carol. Plus I think I could use more time with our kids. Considering I'm always outside the walls with Aaron. A five-year-old, a 2-year-old, and a 13-month-old. I know how to change diapers. I think I remember (y/n) teaching me how to make a bottle.
How hard can it be?
It's just a couple of hours.
Your pov:
Today was the most nerve-wracking day for any mother. Leaving their children with their father alone for more than two minutes!
Don't get me wrong Daryl is a wonderful loving husband and Father.
But most of the time he's out recruiting people with Aaron so he barely sees the kids. I take care of them most of the time. Ok, I take care of them all the time. The only time Daryl holds our youngest of our beautiful bunch of 3 is when I have to make him a bottle or I have to get something really quickly.Daryl. A whole 2-4 hours. Alone. With our three kids. I mean I really do want to go to this mother's day event that Deanna set up for us. I could use the break. But I'm nervous.
So here it is early in the morning the kids have yet to get up. But Daryl and I are up. Getting ready for the day ahead. He walked me to the door.
"Ok so I already made a bottle its in the fridge Angus is still sleep and he's teething so his teething ring is in the fridge as well the cold eases the pain on his gummies. I mean his gums the baby talk is really growing on me. Oh, and Natasha and Erick get worn out around 1 ish at noon so make sure you have them down by then or else they get really out of hand. Oh and no sweets before breakfast or lunch." I rambled.
"Ok," Daryl said.
"You remember where the diapers are right?"
"Yes in Angus's room."
"Where specifically in his room?"
"I know where it is and if I forget I will find'em. I got this sunshine." Daryl said hurrying me out the door.
I turn around. "You remember where the Walkie talkie is?"
"I thought you said ya got rid of them thangs. We don't need'em"
"Yes we do I need to keep in contact with you guys it's just to keep my mind at ease and just in case you have a question about something you never know oh and the baby monitor make sure to carry it with you everywhere around the house lately Angus's sleeping patterns have been irregular-"
"I got it." He said giving me a small smile
"I know I'm sorry it's my first time being away from this long."
"You deserve some time off, don't worry I got this." He gave me a quick peck on the lips.
"Ok give the kids hugs and kisses from me when they wake up."
"I will sunshine."
I smile at him and walked towards Deanna's house where she told us to meet. There was still a part of me worrying as I heard Daryl close the door behind me. I continued walking and started forcing myself to think positive.
Relax, It's not like Daryl is a horrible father. He's an excellent father and a very smart man. If he doesn't know how to do something he'll figure it out.
Yea, he's got this. He's been through tougher things than dealing with 3 kids alone.
I smile at my new found confidence and continue on to Deanna's house.
Giving myself a pep talk on how everything would run smoothly.
Daryl's Pov:
Our oldest Natasha came walking in the kitchen holding her teddy bear I got for her on a trip a while back. I give her a little smile as she rubs the sleep out of her eyes.
"Mornin kiddo," I say.
"Daddy? Where's momma?"
"She went out for a bit, She'll be back but while she's out you guys will be wi'I sound good?"
"So what do you want for breakfast kiddo?"
Uh.oh, I don't know how to make those.
"Um want cereal?"
Natasha frowned. "Mama fixes us pancakes every other day."
"Daddy doesn't know how to fix pancakes darlin' maybe tomorrow momma can fix'em."
Her lip began to quiver. I knew where this was headed.
"Oh god don't do that please," I muttered.
Her little (e/c) got watery and soon she burst into tears.
"Oh no, don't cry. Look I'm gonna try to cook some pancakes." I started going through cabinets trying to find the ingredients. God why did she have to get up so early to cook I could've watched to at least know what to use.
In came in Erick then the baby monitor went off.
Oh boy, this is gonna be harder than I expected.
Your pov:
The party was pretty amazing, to say the least. Relaxing kinda still had some worries.
3-hour check in..
I called in through the walkie-talkie to check in on the Dixon bunch.
"Daryl?" I said.
"H-Hey darlin' how the thang?"
"The party is great, how are you and the kids?"
"We're doin' jus'fine."
"It's mighty quiet over there," I say. nothing is good when it's quiet.
"Oh, the kids and I are just playin a game of hide'n seek."
"Aw they do love that game, what about Angus what is he doing?"
"Oh, Angus is um-" *crash!*
"Daryl, what was that?"
"T-that was nothin' jus me I was puttin' up dishes from breakfast."
"I thought y'all were playing hide'n seek?"
"We are it's just that I needed to put the pan and plates away."
I had a bad feeling. "Daryl are you sure you got it under control? Maybe I should come home."
"Oh, no n-no I got it quit'yer worryin', mama, I got'em under control sunshine."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm positive see ya in a few."
"Ok love you guys."
"We love ya' too."
I put the walkie-talkie back in my purse and went to go talk to Maggie and Deanna.
Daryl's pov:
Phew, that was a close call!
I picked up the pan and sat it in the sink. Angus was on the counter covered in batter, Natasha was painting. Wait where Derick?
"Little Dare!" I called.
"Daddy, ghost." I heard his voice. He was in the laundry room. He was covered in a sheet. I sighed in relief.
"God little dare you scared the hell ou'of me," I said picking taking the sheet off of him.
Angus started crying again oh god. I picked Derick up and ran to the kitchen and put Derek on the couch and got Angus.
"Hey, now don' cry ya gonna be jus' fine."
I said bouncing him slightly. I remember (y/n) doing it to calm him down and it worked like a charm. Not for me.
"Daddy look at what I made!!" Natasha said. I went into the living room to see little animal drawings on the wall.
"Oh it's beautiful darlin' But you shouldn've done it on the wall paint s'for paper."
"Are you mad daddy?" she asked.
"No darlin' I'm not upset!"
Her lip began to quiver.
"No, no honey I ain't mad wit'ya don't cry!" I said. Comforting her.I put Angus down for a second to hug Natasha. Angus began crawling away I tried to keep a watchful eye on the other two. Soon Natasha calmed down.
I looked outside it looked like it was about noon she'd be here soon....wait she'd be here soon!
The house is a mess!
Angus is covered in batter and wall is paint.
I hope that's washable!
"Ok, Natasha wanna play a game?" I say
"Whoever can clean the fastest wins two cookies when momma gets home."
"Yea let's start with the kitchen."
And so the cleaning started. Soon the house was clean I gave Angus a bath, after all, was done we all sat on the couch and before I knew it all the kids were asleep. I sighed and looked outside. It was noon. Perfect timing. I felt my eyelids get heavy then found myself slipping into the sweet land of slumber.
Your pov:
The party was over I was so excited to come home and see my wonderful family.
A small part of me was expecting to walk into a madhouse but when I opened the door everything was intact. It was once again it was quiet. I went into the living room to see Daryl sleep holding Angus while Natasha and Derick were fast asleep in his lap.
I smiled I took my camera out of my purse and took a quick picture before attempting to take Angus to his room. But Daryl woke up.
"Relax it's only me,"I whisper. He looked up at me and wiped his eyes.
"Hey," he said.
"Hi," I said smiling. I picked up Angus out of his arms and carried him to his room and put him in his crib.
Daryl carried Natasha while I carried Derick and placed them in their beds.
Laid down in our bed and cuddled.
"So how was your day with the kids?" I asked.
"It was good, Yours?" He shrugged.
"Well mine was pretty good, you had no problems."
"Only problem was making pancakes."
"So I'm assuming you stuck to cereal."
I giggled.
"Sooo the kids are sleep."
"It's been a while since we had some fun...wanna have a little fun before they wake up?" I say in a flirtatious manner.
He rolled over on top of me.
"Think ya' can stay quiet?"
"I guess we don't know until we get into huh?"
"Guess you're right," he said nipping at my neck.
I giggled.
He deserves this. I know he couldn't have had that easy of a day.
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