Lucifer's cage- Sam Pt.1
Backstory: this is the beginning of season 11 when Sam thinks he's getting these visions from God. That he has to go to Lucifers cage for help to kill the darkness.
Your pov:
"How many times am I gonna say no?!"
I heard dean yell which startled the hell out of me.
I look over to my side sams not there but he left a rose in place of his absence as he always does. I smile at the rose and pick it up then place it in the vase.
I get up and go to the library.
"Why is dean yelling now?" I say.
"Sorry to wake you (y/n)." Sam apologized.
"Its fine why is there yelling in the first place?"
"It's nothing," Sam said quickly.
"No (y/n) sam over here with his crazy talk thinks that God wants him to take a trip to Lucifers cage!"
I looked at Sam who was avoiding eye contact with me. "What the hell? NO! why would God want you to go back down there?!"
"Because its the only way babe."
"No its not! Why in the hell do you think that?!"
Dean looks at sam from across the table. "You didn't tell her?"
"What the hell is he talking about sam?"
"Sam has started praying now and lately he's been having these so claimed 'visions from God!!'"
"What the hell and you were gonna tell me when?!"
"I didn't think it was none of your concern."
I looked at Sam in disbelief. "Excuse me care to run that by your wife again?!"
"Yes, I didn't think its any of your business!"
"Sam we promised no secrets I told you everything and you told me everything and you've been having visions?! Has it ever occurred to you that maybe that is Lucifer trying to reach out to you?!"
"He couldn't reach out to me Cas go rid of him!"
"Well, either way, hell no I'm with Dean on this one you are not gonna visit Lucifer or go anywhere near him! Last time that you visited him you said yes and I lost you! You were dead!"
"You are really gonna bring that up?!"
"Yes! You are not going down there! I don't care what I have to do to keep you from going!"
"Thank you (y/n) I'm glad I have somebody to back me up against Sam's nonsense," Dean said.
"Whatever (y/n) you just need to stay out of this it's my job and my life I decide what I want to d with it." Sam stood up and walked into the room and closed the door behind him.
"Did he just? Then he? Oh hell no!!" I ran into the room. "Ok, look I am your wife dammit I deserve to know when something is out of whack with you rather you are having visions or hallucinating Lucifer! Through all the shit you put me through I stand beside you without question I try my hardest to make sure that through living the hunter life you have something normal to come home to I give you everything you ask for the least you can do is be honest with me !"
" You don't need to know every little detail!"
"But I need to know when there is something wrong with you so I can help you through it! Do you not remember our vows?!"
"Yes, I remember!"
"Then dammit I need to know that stuff!!"
"I'm done!" Sam walks out of the room.
I sigh my face is heated and red I am seriously pissed the fuck off.
I grab a gun and go to the shooting range to blow some steam.
I grab my headphones an play some music as I shoot at the target hitting the center each time.
Soon someone comes up behind me and puts there hand on my shoulder. I look over. It was Sam also looked a bit heated still.
I took my headphones off. "What do you want sam?"
"I knew you'd be down here you like to shoot things when you're angry." He joked.
"Haha very funny what do you want?"
He chuckled and wrapped his hands around my waist. "Dean and I are gonna go out for a possible hunt ill be back."
"And look I'm sorry I didn't tell you-you're right you deserve to know these things I promise no matter how obscure something is I will tell you from here on out I don't want something like this to tear us apart."
I turn back to the shooting range and cross my arms playfully knowing I can't stay mad at him for long. "Promise?"
He wrapped his arms around mine and began kissing my neck. "I promise, and when I come back maybe after dinner when deans asleep." He kisses my neck again. "We can hop into a nice hot bubble bath with candles and we could watch a bit of Netflix and after that have a little fun."
I was melting at the thought. I blush and bite my lip. "That sounds cool," I say nonchalantly.
"You sure it doesn't make you melt a bit inside?" he whispered in my ear.
He chuckled "cmon you know how it makes you feel."
Sammy stop go on the hunt!"
"Alright, I'll see you tonight." He gave me a quick kiss.and left.
I was now hot as I don't know what. I need to fan myself.
And so I did.
========later that night.=============
They should've been back by now sam came back with Roweena I guess he needs her t do some sort of spell I don't care I just can't wait till all this is over so me and Sam can.
Ahem. "Relax"
But they haven't come back and I'm a bit worried tried to call sam he wouldn't answer so I called Dean and he finally answers.
Call dialogue:
D: hello?
Y: hey dean is sam there?
D: no I thought he was in the bunker with you?!
Y: oh god no!
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