Love Survives- SPN/TWD
(At the prison)
Your POV:
We couldn't exactly mark when Christmas was. But we knew for sure that it was winter and that Christmas was upon us. So for the past couple of weeks? we had been preparing for Christmas. I was helping out everywhere I could. I helped Daryl hunt down some deer, Went on runs with Sam and Dean to find Decorations and a Christmas tree, Carl and Castiel helped me decorate the tree, I watched after Judith so Rick could help gather goods so we had enough food for everyone, Michonme wanted everybody to have some form of protection so I helped her sharpen knives and gather more ammo for guns (I even found Daryl some more bows), We made sure to take out as many walkers as possible to eliminate the possibility of them knocking down the gates.
While on a run a managed to find some hot chocolate powder. When I got back I stayed up late outside making hot water for it.
By time I was done the sun was in the sky.
I giggled as I shivered in the cold. "Merry Christmas." I say with a smile. I head back in the prison with gallons of boiling hot water. Beth, Maggie, Michonne and Carol were up. Preparing everything, I decided to help them out for a bit. Finally I was done and O went up to my cell to take a nap. Only to five minutes later be woken up again. I went downstairs and helped fixed everyone plates. While everyone ate and had a good time at the table.Sam and I fixed hot chocolate. Finally we were donen Sam helped me carry all the hot chocolate into the canteen where everybody was feasting.
"Guys! I hope you like hot chocolate!" I say excitedly and everybody cheers and claps.
We pass out the hot chocolate and I get my plate and start eating.
"Can I have everyone's attention please?" Rick askedand everyone quieted down and looked at Rick. "We may not have any real sense of time but this is a time of celebration and if I remember correctly one of our very own have a birthday on this special day." Rick said looking at me with a smile.
I gasped. "Holy Shitaki mushrooms I forgot my own birthday." I chuckle
Everybody began to sing happy birthday to me and I cried.
"We planned to keep you busy while we get everything together but you did a great job of doing that yourself." Michonne chuckled.
They gave me three gifts. Once I opened all of them I cried and hugged everyone I could.
"Would you likes to give a speech?" Rick asked.
"We are living in the apocalypse.... Before everything went to hell. That word had no real meaning. It was joke up until it became our lives. Nothing in this world comes easy anymore and survival took on a new form. We have lost a lot along the way and we may lose more. Along the way some of us may even for get why we keep going. Why we move on. We keep going for each other. When I look at talk of you I don't see just allies or friends. I see family. Brothers and Sisters, Nieces and Nephews. After everything we lost I think we can agree one thing has remained has kept us together. Kept us strong and kept us fighting. Love survives when we lose everything we keep each other don't have to say it back but I love you guys!" I say smiling and everyone shouts it back.
Sam, Dean and I stayed up drink some Jack Daniels that Dean manages to find in his cell. Daryl joined us.
"You know (Y/n)," Dean started. "Part of this is there drink talking bit you we're right. Before all this Sam and I hunted Demons,Ghost monsters of that sort....then when the dead started walking....Sam was all I had. We barely made it by ourselves. But then when you and Daryl found was a bit easier knowing that people had our backs. Thanks for that.." Dean said.
"Awwwe, This moment was worth forgetting that you nearly blew my brains out." I say smiling.
"You're good people." Daryl said playfully shoving me.
"You're not too back yourself Dixon." I say.
"Alright guys, we should call it a night. Especially you birthday girl you ran yourself ragged these last couple of weeks." Sam mentions.
I sigh in contentment as I get up. "I'll listen to Mr.Standford law and go to sleep. Thanks so much for everything. Merry Christmas y'all."
A/n: I kind of have this kind of concept story in my head for a very long time where I kind of explained the meaning of title of the book The reason I decided to make Supernatural and The Walking Dead a collaboration book is because through both television shows I realized they both shared a common theme where is everything else goes to hell they still had each other and that is very special. Merry Christmas guys I love you have a Happy New Year
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