Lessons- Sam [XXXX]
Let's just say Sam returned back to the university after a few hunts with Dean. You bumped into Sam at the college Gym and realized you were both hunters after you seen his tattoo. You both got talking and soon started dating. Your sex life has always been amazing to say the least. But today Sam has to some kinks to Confess.
Warning this is basically BDSM and my attempt at it if you are uncomfortable with this subject don't read.
[Dom!Sam, Sub!reader, Daddy kink! Use of sex toys, oral receiving/giving, Spankings, Bondage. inappropriate images,gifs]
Lesson 1: Submission
Your pov:
"Mmfuck baby." I moaned as he kissed my neck. He growled and I giggled.
He's always been so wild and animalistic during intercourse. I fucking love it though!
"Shit babe before we go further I need to tell you something," Sam said.
"What's wrong?" I asked. "Babe I'm on birth control remember?"
"It's not that, I know I went with you to the appointment."
"Then what is it? Are you having those visions again? I think we should call your brother."
"No it's not the visions, its just I've been holding back on you. I'm very... kinky..as I kinky I mean dominant."
"So like BDSM?"
"In a sense yea, You don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with though. We can stop whenever you want. Just tell me."
"So how does this work?"
"You have to sign a contract."
"Baby I want you now."
"But do you want I want?"
"Then you have to sign a contract, it ensures that you have an understanding of what you're getting into."
I groan Sam gets off of me and we sit up.
"I do understand spanking, whipping, rough sex it's simple!"
"No, it's not just about that it's more than that."
"So where do we get one of these contracts."
"I have to type one up"
"So we don't have to discuss this over dinner like they do in Fifty shades of grey?" I joke.
"We could, but the sooner we get this out of the way the better wouldn't you say?"
"I guess so."
"I'll be back."
"Where are you going?"
"To the library to type up the contract."
"Ok, see you soon."
He gets up and leaves me hot and bothered.
I couldn't help it. I ached for him. I let myself bask in the thoughts of him. My hand slips into my underwear and I begin to slowly rub my clit in circles. As my arousal builds up I find myself picking up the pace and moaning uncontrollably.
When I hear the door close.
I jumped and looked up to see Sam with a new look in his eyes. It was if lust but a new kind.
"Sam I didn't think you'd be back so soon."
"I had a contract I made a while back on file- Were you just touching yourself while I wasn't here?"
"Maaaybe," I say blushing.
He walked over to me his stride screaming predator. He leaned over and got eye level with me.
"We haven't even started and you've already broken one of my rules.." I feel him rub me through the cloth of my jeans I gasped and let out a small whimper as I long for more of him.
"But I'll let you off considering you haven't even read the contract I'll forget about this little incident."
He pulls away leaving me frustrated once again. He places a neatly stapled stack of papers on the table in front of a seat and sits in the seat on the other side of the table.
"Come sit," he says.
I sit in the chair with the contract in front of me.
"Read through it and alert me of any concerns."
"Ok?" I say.
This whole dominant thing completely changed Sam's demeanor in a matter of seconds.
I skim through a couple of paragraphs. Then I signed it. I slid the contract across the table to him.
"You couldn't have read it that fast."
"I didn't I skimmed through it."
"Are you sure that was a good idea you never know what things may come up."
" I'm sure."
"Good, so you do understand what you're agreeing to?"
"Good now I need you to strip and sit on the edge of the bed and wait for further instructions. " He said striding towards the bathroom. Just watching him and not knowing what he had in store for me excited me more.
I quickly relieved myself of my clothing and folded it neatly then placed it somewhere safe.
Then sat on the bed.
Then Sam came out of the bathroom shirtless.
"Stand up." He said.
I did so. I watched as he circled me.
"Look straight ahead," he ordered again.
I obeyed.
"Here are my rules...simple and self-explanatory.
Rule number one: You no longer call me Sam or Sammy. It's Sir, Mr.Winchester or Daddy. Understood? Nod."
I nod my head yes.
"Rule number two: You do nothing without my say so.That includes moaning. Understood?"
I nod again.
"Rule number three: You do not do anything without asking for permission first. Agreed?"
I nod again.
"Final rule. Rule number four: a very important rule... You will not touch yourself at any time unless I give you permission to do so. This..." He inserted two of his fingers into my wet core. "Is all mine and the only mine understood baby girl? Speak."
"Yes, Sir." I whimper
"Mmmm very good girl." he licks his fingers off making me even wetter.
"Your Safeword is Firetruck, your non-verbal safe word is to snap? Agreed?Speak."
"Yes, Sir."
"You've been a very good girl for me so far so I'll reward you. I need you to lay down on the bed. Speak."
"Yes, Sir." I lay out on the bed.
I feel a dip in the bed and soon Sam is towering over me.
He kisses me softly and moans.
He runs his fingers discreetly through my folds then begins to rub my clit at a moderate pace. I bit my lip trying to hold back my moans but I couldn't.
I let one slip. Sam immediately stopped and I whimpered.
"What's rule number two? Speak."
"I do nothing without your say so including moaning."
"This is your first time. So I'll let you off with a simple love tap." he swats my ass once. I whimper and jump. "Consider it a courtesy, But next time I won't be as forgiving for breaking Daddy's rules understood? Speak"
"Yes, Daddy."
"Good girl." He begins trailing down his hands down between my thighs teasing me going over my womanhood each time.
"Want me to touch you more baby girl? Or do you want me to use my tongue?Speak."
Both options were amazing, to say the least, how could I pick?! I quickly just spouted out an answer. "Please use your tongue Daddy."
"Mmmm anything for my good girl."
He teased my lip making me anxious and aroused more than before.Then he finally slips in his tongue. I breathe heavily grasping the covers. He works his way through ever fold to my clit groaning and growling like a hungry animal.
"Moan for me baby." He ordered.
I let out every moan I held back grasping at the covers.Then that all too familiar growing feeling. I couldn't feel my legs.I was trying my hardest not to release soon the feeling became unbearable.
"Oh, daddy may I p-please cum?" I beg.
"You wanna cum?"
"Yes, Sir!" I whimper
He leaned over and got close to my ear "It's gonna take a lot more than that baby beg."
"Please let me cum sir!"
"How bad do you want it?Tell me" he said pumping his fingers in furiously.
I moaned louder.
He growled and slapped my kitty and continued fingering me. I yelped.
"Use your big girl words."
"Oh, I wanna cum so bad daddy! please let me cum! I wanna cum all over your fingers!"
"Good girl, cum for me baby."
On command, I released harder than I ever have.
"Look at that," Sam growled. "Taste yourself, baby." I opened my mouth and he put his fingers in my mouth. I sucked on them.
"Mmmm you've been such a good girl for me." He kissed me. I kissed him back willingly. "Alright that was fun I got to go I promised the guys I'd meet them at their dorm to chill."
"Ok," I said.
"Get some rest baby girl cause this was just a warm-up." He said winking before leaving.
Oh God, this man is gonna kill me!
Death by Winchester doesn't sound so bad.
Lesson 2: Obedience and Punishments.
Today Sam and I were going on a double date with his friend Zach and his new girlfriend Amberose.
"You look very beautiful tonight." Sam complimented.
I was wearing a dress Sam had bought me.
"Thank you Sam." I said blushing "I still don't have the slightest idea why you bought me this dress. It looks pretty damn expensive."
"Don't worry about the price just enjoy the dress."
I smiled.
"Are you ready to head out?"
We drove to the nice restaurant we were having the double date at. Greetings and small talk were engaged soon I feel Sam rubbing my thigh getting closer to my core.
I push his hand away. I saw him furrow his eyebrows slightly in response.
Sam yawned. "God, I'm tired."
"Pulled another all nighter?" Zach asked him.
Sam sighed. "Yea."
"That's the Sam we all know, this man does not know the meaning of the word rest," Zach said.
"I have a test tomorrow I think I can't remember right now," Sam said.
I was confused he was just fine now he's super tired? What's he playing at?
"Well (Y/n), you should take my guy home get him to bed," Zach said.
"Of course, come on Sam."
"I'm so sorry to have cut this short." Sam apologized.
"It's fine, go rest up man," Zach said.
"Thank you for understanding man." Sam yawned.
"It's getting worst let's get you out of here," I say.
We walk to the car and Sam pinned me against the car.
"What the hell was that back there?!" he growled.
"What are you talking about?"
"You know exactly what I'm talking about you broke a rule!"
"Which rule?!"
"See you didn't the whole contract like I told you to. now you have to punish you. When you get in the car take off your underwear. Understood?" he commanded.
"Sam of all places-"
"Are you giving me back talk? That calls for an even worse punishment. If you don't want me to bring out the flogger when we get home I suggest that you watch your little attitude and do as your told. Understood? Speak."
"Yes, Sir."
"That's more like it." He said with a crooked smile.
I got in on the passenger side and took off my underwear and looked straight ahead. I remember that much of the contract. Never to make eye contact with the dominant. Unless told to.
Sam got in and put the key in the ignition then we drove off.
I stared at my hands in my lap waiting for Sam to do or say something it was 5 minutes down the road when he finally spoke.
"Spread your legs and rub your clit slowly," he demanded.
I did as I was told.
"You're not allowed to moan, look at me, or speak at all until further notice understood."
I bit my lip and nodded as my finger worked me closer to arousal. I felt myself becoming wetter.
It was torture soon I was at my peak and ready to release but I know Sam wouldn't let me. I wanted to whine and beg.
Soon we arrived at our dorm.
"Clothes off now and sit in the middle of the bed and wait for instructions today you will call me Mr.Winchester. Understood?"
I nod
I stripped bare and sat on my knees in the center of the bed with my hands in my lap.
"Do you know why you are being punished? Speak."
"Yes, Sir."
"You've broken the rule not one but many rules. Only bag girls break rules and you've been a very bad girl." He sat in a chair and motioned me to come to him. I got off the bed and walked towards him.
"Turn around." I turned around I felt him rubbing my ass trailing down in between my legs reaching my dripping wet core. I ached for his attention but bit my lip to keep from moaning and whimpering.
"Do you know what happens to bad girls who break the rules?Speak."
"Yes, Sir."
"Bad girls get Spanking for disobeying." He turned me around and bent me over his legs.
"You broke 11 rules..that's how many spankings you get.Count them. By time I'm done with you-you're gonna know the rules."
He massaged my ass keeping me in anticipation not knowing when he gonna attack. Soon I felt his hand disappear. I waited and then
I winced at the sudden pain. But it soon turned to a pleasurable sting.
"One." I counted
"Rule 6. Everything in this contract must be read and interpreted in the light of the fundamental purpose and the fundamental terms set out in clauses 2-5 above."
He recited as he rubbed my ass sometimes slipping his finger into my core I whimpered.
I whined and let out a small moan.
"9 Subje ct to that proviso and to clauses 2-5 above the Submissive is to serve and obey the Dominant in all things. Subject to the agreed terms, limitations and safety procedures set out in this contract or agreed additionally under clause 3 above she shall without query or hesitation offer the Dominant such pleasure as he may require and she shall accept without query or hesitation his training, guidance and discipline in whatever form it may take."
Hiss hand came down again harder than before. I whimpered.
His hand came down again and again.
And i continued to count.
" 15.2 The Dominant accepts the Submissive as his, to own, control, dominate and discipline during the Term. The Dominant may use the Submissive's body at any time during the Allotted Times or any agreed additional times in any manner he deems fit, sexually or otherwise."
"15.13 The Submissive accepts the Dominant as her master, with the understanding that she is now the property of the Dominant, to be dealt with as the Dominant pleases during the Term generally but specifically during the Allotted Times and any additional agreed allotted times."
"15.14 The Submissive shall obey the rules ("the Rules") set out in Appendix 1 to this agreement."
"15.15 The Submissive shall serve the Dominant in any way the Dominant sees fit and shall endeavor to please the Dominant at all times to the best of her ability."
"15.20 The Submissive shall submit to any sexual activity demanded by the Dominant and shall do without hesitation or argument."
"The Submissive will obey any instructions given by the Dominant immediately without hesitation or reservation and in an expeditious manner. The Submissive will agree to any sexual activity deemed fit and pleasurable by the Dominant excepting those activities which are outlined in hard limits (Appendix 2). She will do so eagerly and without hesitation."
By the time he was done I was dripping and my ass was aching I was aroused beyond belief. I craved more of his attention.
"Lay on the bed hands against the headboard," he demanded.
I did so. Sam came over and took off his tie and wrapped it around my wrist and before I knew it I was tied down.
"Look at you...so beautiful." he messaged my boobs giving them both equal attention he came down and started sucking and biting on my nips. I let out ragged shakey breaths to keep myself from moaning.
"God baby." he pulled off all his clothes and started stroking himself. I just watching him wanting to feel him in me.
"You want me baby girl? Speak."
"Yes, Mr.Winchester," I say.
He crawled on the bed and started teasing my clit with his member.
I bit my lip and arched my back.
"You want my cock baby?tell me," he asked slapping my lower lips I whimpered and whined.
"Yes Mr.Winchester, I want your cock please," I beg.
"You're not gonna get it that easy rub you little cunt on my cock slowly," he commanded.
"Yes, Sir," I say.
"Don't you dare speed up nice and slow!" he barked.
"Mmm yes, sir," I said.
I was coming so close to my climax.
"Mmm look at that pretty little cunt. Nice and wet for me," he said.
I felt my walls clench in arousal as I was wanting more. I wanted to touch him I wanted him to touch me.
I was close and he knew. "Don't you fucking cum," he growled. "Go faster," he demanded.
I went quicker pushing myself closer to my climax. I let out ragged heavy breaths. I whimpered wanting so badly to release.
"You wanna cum?" he asked
"Ohh yes, sir! Yes! Please, sir please let me cum."
"You're gonna have to wait a little while longer!" he said suddenly slipping into my core and pounding into me relentlessly.
I gasped but nothing came out. The bed was creaking like crazy.
"You gonna be a good girl and listen to me?"
"Yes, Mr.Winchester!"
"Yes, Mr.Winchester!!May I please cum!?"
"Cum all over my cock baby," he demanded rubbing my clit hard and fast and I arched my back and let out an ungodly noise as I reached my climax and convulsed harder than I ever have Sam following close behind.
"Ahh fuck that was hot baby," Sam said. Kissing me sweetly.
I fell back exhausted. Sam untied my hands and gathered my tired vessel into his arms and held me close. He kissed me gently.
"Are you okay I wasn't too rough on you?"
I shook my head to tired to use my words.
He kissed my forehead and propped me up against the bed. Then slipped out of bed and came back with a rag and a bottle of water he gave them to me.
I drunk the water and cleaned myself off.
I laid down and Sam cuddled with me.
"I love you beautiful."
"I love you too," I said smiling.
"Am I being too hard on you?"
"No, You're doing perfectly fine."
"I feel like I am."
I turned around and stroked his cheek. "You're not I feel fine I'm tired. I'm a big girl Sam, I've been shot, stabbed, tied down and tortured. I'm a hunter pain comes with the job. Mine as well get used to it."
Sam kissed my forehead. "Promise you'll let me know when you become uncomfortable with all this and I promise we'll stop."
"Don't stop, I like it," I said nuzzling my face into his neck and kissing his neck lightly. "I love it."
I felt Sam smile.
He came down and kissed me and we kissed for a while.
Lesson three: Limits
Sam and I were in our dorm. It was getting heated I was ready to bend at Sam's will but then our phones went off.
"Fuck, Criminal Justice starts in 10 minutes baby." I moan.
"I know," He continued to kiss my neck. "Mmm, Let's have some fun." He said.
"Sam the class."
"Who said we had to have fun in bed?" Sam said getting up. "Stay there." Sam dug into the bedside table and got out a purple thing and some little remote that comes with it.
"Open your legs baby girl."
I do so willingly. He slips it in my underwear between my lower lips.
"What does that-Oh, My God!"
I felt the toy vibrating against my clit.
Sam smirked as he watched me squirm.
"Class is going to be interesting, to say the least." Sam teased. "Get dressed baby girl."
I got up and got dressed:
this was going to be as Sam said interesting and I didn't know what to expect today.
We walked to class Sam had yet to click the button.
This was a new limit to explore and I couldn't wait.
We sat down and I waited.
"You look good wearing my flannel baby girl."
"Thank you, Sir," I whispered.
Sam smiled.
The bell rung and others scurried to their seats. Our row was empty making it even easier for Sam's plans for me and I could see the wheels turning his head.
The professor began to go into the lesson. Sam had the control in his pocket and I couldn't tell when he was going to hit it.
The professor asked a question.
"Raise your hand," Sam whispered.
I did.
I struggled to get the answer out as the toy vibrated against my clit. But I eventually got my answer out.
"Very good, You ok Ms.(L/n)?"
"Yes, I-i'm f-fi-fine," I said.
Sam smirked knowing that he was the one behind all of this.
"Next we will have a simple debate I will select two students and give a courtroom scenario"
Professor announced. "Let's see...aaahh let's have our top two students. Mr.Winchester and Ms.(L/n) care to go toe to toe?"
"I don't know about you Ms.(L/n) but I am up for a little challenge," Sam said.
Suddenly I forgot about the toy somehow even forgot my own arousal and that fiery passion my inner lawyer began to show.
I smirked. "Well, Mr.Winchester I look forward to beating you," I say.
"Well come on down you two, this should be interesting," Professor said.
Everyone knew that our relationship started out in a fiery passion for Justice. When the Semester began we were in a small competition to answer the professor's question. Testing each other's knowledge.
We went down.
"The infamous case of Tupac Shakur, The suspect being Sug Knight. (Y/n) you will be Sug's lawyer leaving you Mr.Winchester with Tupac Shakur and go."
Sam pressed the button as if to remind me he's still in control here.
"Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen of the court. Today's case is Sug Knight vs. Tupac Shakur. How does the suspect Plea?" The professor asked.
"Not guilty," I said looking up at Sam.
And so the debate began...
30 minutes later...
"Suge Knight was in the car with Shakur when the shooting took place and actually got his head scraped by a bullet in the process." I pressed.
"That doesn't prove anything, Mr.Knight had plenty of motive leading to the death of Mr.Shakur.Mr.Anderson had reported suspicious behavior."
"Your honor Mr.Anderson later corrected his statement the following week."
"Making him even more suspicious, Also while my client was getting beaten Mr.Knight was spotted making a phone call this could have been a possible hitman call."
"You honor my client was-ah!" I moaned.
"You okay Ms.(L/n)," Sam asked smugly.
"Um yes, I just um felt like I was gonna sneeze but it went away." I lied.
"You were saying," Sam said.
"My c-client was uhm calling 911 and the telephone re-records could prove that." I stuttered as Sam continued to turn the vibrator onto higher levels."
"Ms.(L/n) are you sure you're ok?" The professor asked.
I leaned against the chalkboard.
"Yea I'm f-fi-ine," I said smiling and biting my lip.
"This was a close call you both made some pretty good calls but this victory goes to....Ms.(L/n)." My professor said.
I bit my lip too focused on the pleasure to bask in my new found victory.
"Woohoo!" I said. Gripping the chalkboard a bit too hard.
"Congratulations on the victory Ms.(L/n) I look forward to our next battle," Sam said shaking my hand.
"You've been a worthy component M-Mr.Winchester." I said. He delved down to whisper in my ear.
"You'll be screaming that name shortly little girl." He husked.
I gasped in shock as he pressed the button again and the bell rung.
I went up the stairs to get my things Sam came up behind me pushing the toy harder against my clit and pressed the button I moaned quietly. He let got and kept walking.
Oh god, this man is really gonna be the death of me!!
Sam got our stuff and we rushed to our dorm Sam automatically throwing me on the bed and pulling my clothes off the minute the door closed.
"Oh, baby girl you were so good for me," Sam growled he took my pants and underwear off the toy coming out as well. Revealing my dripping core.
"Mmm look at you so wet for me." Sam inserted three fingers into my aching core making me gasp at the sudden insertion. I arched my back as he pumped his fingers in and out at a fast pace hooking his finger prodding at my g-spot.
"Baby you look so hot in there defending. Mmmm I feel you wanna cum. You wanna cum? Speak baby."
"Mmf! Yes, Sir!"
"Mm let me taste you." he bent over and dipped his tongue into my core and growled. "Moan for me and cum all over my tongue."
"Oh, my-Daddy!!!" I moaned.
He continued to attack my core and my clit gliding through my folds I moaned uncontrollably.
"Oh daddy I'm cumming!" I moaned
He growled and moved his tongue faster and soon exaltation washed over me.
"You've been so good for daddy, do you want me to make love to you of fuck you?" He asked kissing my neck.
"Fuck me please daddy?" I beg.
"Anything you want baby." He slammed into me going hard and fast without relent.
"Oh Daddy!"
"Mmm, you want me to slap your ass like a bad girl?" He asked.
"Yes, Sir!"He popped my ass making me yelp.
He hit my g-spot.
"Sir please rub my clit?" I begged.
He stuck his finger in my mouth and I sucked on it and he took it out making a 'pop' sound he reached between our bodies and rubbed my clit in fast circles.
I arched my back Sam slipped his other hand underneath me pulling me close and began to leave hickeys on my neck. I moaned as he continued. Soon I came him following me.
"Fuck." Sam said he wiped some of my fluid from my core" Taste that." he said bringing his finger to my mouth I sucked on his finger he pulled his finger out of my mouth. "See how good you taste?"
"Yes, Sir."
He kissed me and then carried me to the bathroom. "Let's get you cleaned up for round two later." He told me. I smiled.
in this past week of being Sam"s submissive. I've learned that BDSM was more than taking sex to a new level and making it interesting. It's about trust, power, control. Giving up control even. Giving in. It's about pushing yourself to limits you didn't know you had. It's about learning things about yourself and your dominant. There were more things to be explored and I couldn't wait to see what this new world that had been opened up to me could bring.
And then last thing I learned...
Sometimes there is freedom in submission.
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