I don't wanna feel anything anymore- Sam Winchester
Title: I don't wanna feel anything anymore- Sam
(Supernaturally Dead Crossover)
noun: empath; plural noun: empaths
a person with the paranormal ability to apprehend the mental or emotional state of another individual.
Your pov:
You know how people ask you if you had one power what would it be?
Most people respond.
Mind reading.
Laser vision
When i was 23 i was cursed with the power to feel what other people are feeling.
If you're sad...so am i.
If you're angry as hell...so am i.
You're happy..... so am i.
I feel it all if you're within seeing distance i can feel your emotions the closer you are the stronger your emotions are to me.
Sadly when i was a child my Parents who were also Empaths were killed by vampires luckily a hunter had saved me.
So i had nobody to tell me i had powers and nobody to teach me how to control them.
Once i did research and found out what was wrong with me i isolated myself from society.
I learned how to take care of myself without the help of technology.
I built a cabin in the middle of no where. Started learning how to hunt, track, garden and finding other ways to keep myself occupied. Which i find myself with my head in books. Sometimes cuddling with my only friend..
Stein he's a German Sheppard and a police dog. He only knew german i was lucky to have taken classes in high school and during college before i dropped out to fly off the grid.
I've been out here alone for so long i don't even know what year it is i stopped caring after a while.
Why try to keep up when all your days blend and you got nothing better to do with your life?
So this is how it is now I don't bother society and Society don't bother me.
Everybody wins and everyone lives.
The only emotions i deal with are my own and i couldn't be happier and more at peace like i am right now cuddling with my buddy ol pal Stein reading a book near the fire. That was until i felt a sudden emotion grow in my heart....
I knew this this emotion could not be one of my own because what do I have to worry about?
So I knew somebody was near.
But i felt more emotions.... worry, fear , dread , tiredness.
That's when I quickly realized that it was not one person but it was many after all not one person to Harbor all those feelings except me.
"Stein!" I said in a commanding voice.
His head popped up from my lap.
"auf der Hut!"
(On guard)
He jumped out of my lap and i got my blade and gun and walk outside with Stein at my ready to pounce at any given time.
The feelings got stronger.....
A tear slipped down my face i quickly wiped it away.
I seen people running towards me Stein growled.
He was ready for a fight at moments notice and it made me smile.
I can almost feel his fierceness.
Luckily i can only feel human emotions otherwise there'd be a problem when i hunted.
They came close enough to see me.
I pointed my gun at the group of maybe 7-10.
"Stay back!" I say.
They all pointed their guns at us.
Stein growled.
"Might wanna put that down."
"He's a smart dog he's taken men with guns down before."
"K9 unit?" The man in the front asked i guess he was the leader.
I nodded.
"You and yor stupid mut can't do nothin'." A man with a raspy rough southern accent husked. He held a crossbow.
Stein growled.
"You shoot anything our way he pounces. He's a time bomb im a trigger. So just put the guns down and we can talk."
The man in front sighed. "Lower your weapons."
Everyone put their weapons down.
"Stein!An der Mühelosigkeit..." I (at ease.) command. He gets out of pouncing mode.
I pet him."guter Junge." (Good boy.)
"What do you want." Say trying not to show all the emotions searing over me.
"What everbody else wants safety a place to sleep and eat." The leader says.
"Isn't that what house if for what are you doing in the middle of no where?" I asked.
The feelings getting stronger my empath senses we getting back into swing. The longer they stayed the more they kicked in.
The man chuckled. "You're funny."
"Do i look giddy to you?" I asked.
"You don't know what's going on out there?" He asked pointing behind him and getting close. I backed up and Stein growled.
"Stay back!" I said.
The man backed up.
"What do you mean by ' what's going on out there?'."
"How long you been out here girl?" He asked.
"Since i was twenty three."
"How old would you say you are now?"
"I don't know 30-40 something i lost count after year 2."
"The Apocalypse has been here for well a very long time. It all started in atlanta and we need somewhere to stay for the winter. Could we stay here just for a while until winter please?"
"I'm sorry, t-that isn't w-wise." I say letting tears slip.
The emotions were getting stronger.
"Please i have a baby."
I justed started bursting out into tears.
"Why Glenn?!" I started crying i fell to my knees.
"What do you mean!?" A woman stood out of the group she had brown hair and with child.
"Y-you m-must be h-his wife." I stuttered.
"It hurts so much i'm scared how will i make it without him how will we make it without him?!- ahh!Step back p-please it's getting to strong the grief you're all feeling is unbearable!!" I said crying.
The leader pointed a gun at my head.
Stein growled and barked.
"Unten!!" (Down!) I command Stein he whimpers and nuzzles me.
"I'm-m an e-em-path i have power to feel w-what you f-feel p-please i know it sounds crazy b-but leave!" I said crying and backing up against the door.
Upon me was struck the emotions of paranoia and fear.
"Aaaahhh! Fear the living kill the dead. Fear the living kill the dead!" I kept rambling that phrase over and over.
And then regret...
"Sofia i'm sorry! I failed you i was supposed to protect you i wasn't strong enough. I'm sorry my beautiful little girl." I whimper.
"Son of a bitch they were right. Michonne get those boys." The leader said.
Then i felt confusion.
"The hell is wrong with her!? This crazy bitch!! I should put an arrow through her skull and end her suffering."
They all turned to the man with the crossbow.
"By all means please do it consider it a mercy killing!!!" I yelled. This was my voice.
"K-kill me take the c-cabin how i survived this long is in a journal on a shelf. Find it and live!!" I yelled crying.
Then i was struck with the only good emotion. Excitement.
"She has powers? This is cooler than the comics!!!" I said.
Then all the emotions at once it was almost paralyzing.
"Please make it go away!!!"
What felt like an eternity later i felt two new emotions.
"I swear when it was the end of the world my hands being tied behind my back was gonna be the least of my problems." I said chuckling to myself.
"What the hell did she just say?!" A voice called.
"Dean why does it matter?" A familiar voice says.
"We should just take this time to untie ourselves and run!!!" I say seriously. I look up to see...
"Sam?!" I questioned.
"(Y/n)?!" He said looking at me.
"You boys said you deal with the supernatural this girl says can feel other people's emotions-"
"An empath." Sam said.
Suddenly that's when the wave hit all emotion's at once but three times harder.
I started crying and begging.
"Please make it stop!!!" I pleaded.
Sam's pov:
(Y/n) was my best friend in Stanford until one day she just up and left without a trace and now i know why.
Her powers were getting stronger and she didn't know how to control them.
I didn't even know she was an empath and seeing her like this it hurt.
"Please make it stop! It all hurts so bad!" She cried.
"Dean we have to get back into the bunker!"
"We can't go back there Sam the place has zombies blocking the entrance it's a miracle we got out." Dean said.
"Dean that's my best friend from college i can't stand here and watch her suffer like this. We gotta do something you would do it for me in a heart beat. You and i both know that."
"But it's not you Sam."
"It's a friend you have to understand that."
He sighed. "Y'know all this would be a lot easier if our hand were not tied!" Dean said.
"Let'em loose." Rick said.
Once i was cut loose i ran to her side but her dog growled.
"Unten!" She yelled and the dog whimpered before nuzzling her and laying beside her.
"We're gonna help you ok. But your screaming is gonna attract the zombies so here are your options we knock you out or put a cloth in your mouth. I know it sound horrible-"
"Knock me out pl-please anything to make it stop even for a little while."
"Dean." I called him over.
"I hate to do this to ya kid." He knocked her out cold.
We quickly made a plan and put it into action and miraculously made it into the bunker. I carried her to my old room and the dog followed and sat beside the bed as an active guard.
I grabbed a flashlight and looked for a book on empaths I ended up finding a book:
Book of Supernatural powers obtainable by humans.
That was easy-ish to find.
I opened it and went through it quickly before i found Empath.
But there was nothing on how to maintain and control the ability. Only what is does, what it can evolve to and what families possess it... I looked through the list and these peo0le could literally be anywhere so trying to find these people would be worthless.
I put the book back and found a pamphlet?
Empath's guide to control by.
Benjamen (L/n)
Official men of letters.
Oh shit......
"Uhhh Dean," i say.
I show him the pamphlet title.
"Son of a bitch..."
"A men of letters like us..."
"They said we were the only ones alive."
"But then the crumpet eaters showed up so the possibility of another men of letters being alive is possible."
I shook my head. "We need to focus i opened up the pamphlet which was many small pages and long entries.
What's an empath...
Where do empaths come from...
What can an empath do....
What is the full extent of a Empath's powers....
Guide to control....
I scanned through it. But turns out there was more to it then meets the eye and there was no way i could scan through it. I closed it then i heard a squeal and barking.
I charged toward the room to see a zombie crawling from underneath the bed.
I grabbed the machete on my hip and sliced into its head.
(Y/n) began hyperventilating and crying. The rest of the group came rushing in.
"That was h-horrible." She said through sobs.
I hugged her close to my chest.
"It h-hurts S-sam m-my h-head!"
The dog hopped up onto the bed and laid their head into her lap whimpering. I guess it's sensing her pain.
I remembered something in the pamphlet about focus.
"Shhh, ok ok i know it hurts but look at me." I grabbed her face gently and looked her in her eyes. "Focus on me, my voice and my eyes." I say.
She continued trying but kept crying.
"I can't it hurts s-so bad!"
"I know take your mind off of pain and focus on me try to remember a time before you got your powers remember when um we first met. Do you remember? what class did we meet in?"
She tried so hard i could see it in her eyes. "W-we, " she swallowed the lump in her throat. "We met b-before c-college we..we were working at the same animal shelter for..community hours on our résumés. But we were going to different high schools at the time."
I smiled. "That's right what else?"
"You always used to tease me because i always showed favortism to the German Sheppard at the back of the kennel." She giggled."I got that German Sheppard. "
I looked at the dog.
"Stein?" The dog raised his head and looked at me.
"I knew you would go back for him." I say.
She laughed. "S-sam, their gone all the emotions are gone my head isn't hurting anymore!" She hugged me
"Thank you!" She said.
Soon we made it back to her cabin where she somehow managed toake space for all of us to fit.
We were talking about building a fence around the area to make more cabins.
Soon we all retired to our sleeping quarters for tonight. Well everyome except me and (Y/n) we stayed in her room to make sure we didn't disturb anyone.
"So you really lived out here without any knowledge of zombies or as they call them 'walkers'."
"No, i had no idea."
"Well just so you know where to strike always aim-"
"For the skull?" She questioned.
"Yea,Oh also i have something to show you." I gave her the pamphlet.
"Men of letters?"
"It's basically a higher archy of hunters My great grandfather was one and it seems so was yours."
"So what is this supposed to mean to me?"
"If times were good you could've been living with Dean and i at the bunker. But the bunker is no good now."
"I could've figured all of this out earlier if only i'd known you were a hunter."
"I wish i could've told you sooner."
"I'm glad i know now oh and um..thanks for helping me with my powers." She said bashfully.
"I couldn't watch you writhe in pain."
She smiled and hugged me.
To be continued...
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