Everyday Heroes- Supernatual
A/n: Trigger warning.. A mention of suicide and rape. Just twice other than that its safe.
Your pov:
Hello! I am (Y/n), I am your ordinary 24 year old college student. I support many hobbies and I have a love for over 10 fandoms but one of my top 3's being Supernatural. Today has to be the best day of my life.
After countless months- of saving up money. I finally have enough money to go to The Supernatural convention!!!! I can finally meet Jared and Jensen and Misha and- oops I'm rambling...point is I am seriously excited to finally be going.
I got up early and I know that just to show how much of a true fangirl I truly am I should wear my supernatural: Join the hunt T-shirt. But I don't wanna feel like just another fan in a sea of of possibly a million other fans...even if I am. So I just wore something simple. I saw no need to be fancy:
After getting dressed I got my camera and made sure it was fully charged so I could take pictures as well as my Supernatural posters that I was gonna giveIJared, Jensen and Misha which I made myself:
After that I got in my car and drove to the convention.
My heart was racing as well as my thoughts. I prayed that I didn't embarrass myself in front of these people. Though yes I know that these are just people and not gods. These are people who got me through tough times and didn't know it. These guys were heroes in a way to me in which people who might not have been in a fandoms before will never understand.
Finally I arrived at the convention and as I estimated there were more people than could be counted.
I got a call....
Mark Fischbach....
My boyfriend...
"Hello?" I answered.
"Hey sweety! Did you make it to the. Convention ok?"
"Hey Markimoo! I just did actually. There are soooo many people here its a bit scary honestly."
"C'mon babe. I took you to vidcon with me and introduced you to my fans it shouldn't be that bad."
"But that was an exception I had you with me. I wish you could have come with me it would make all of this a lot less scary."
"I know but you know how Youtube is for me ..by the way are you in the blue or white civic?"
"What?" I asked confused.
I looked around to see me black haired goofball looking at me smiling with his phone to his ear from a blue civic parked two parking spots away from me.
"Correction, I am the one in the blue civic."
I hopped out of my car and so did he. I ran into his arms and gave him a kiss.
"Oh my god Mark! I thought you said you couldn't come because you had too many videos to make?!"
"C'mon baby you know that you are one of the most important people on my life and as much as I love the fans they understand that I need to spend as much time with you as I can when I can. I knew this was important to you and you would need support. So I made a video telling everyone I'd be gone for the week and I will be back when I could."
I kissed him again. "I love you so much I owe you big time for this."
He pulled me closer by my waist and whispered in my ear. "You can make it up to me later in the hotel room..."
I giggled and kissed him again.
"C'mon let's see about getting you to the head of the because you are the girlfriend of the great, sexy ever so handsome Markiplier." He joked.
"Mark you hate pulling the famous youtuber card." I said.
"For you I'll make an exception." He said kissing my forehead.
"Mark...I refuse to let you do that...no special treatment..speaking of which what if YOUR fans are here too?"
"I'll sign a thing or two and let them down gently as I always do. They'll understand."
"You said that last time but then I ended up sitting alone at Starbucks for almost an hour. As you signed said 'thing or two'.."
"Not this time I promise." He grabbed my hand and we went into the convention center.
"I can't wait to meet these people you talk so much about."
"I can't either."
I fiddled around with my supernatural charm bracelet:
Funny fact the angle wings was given to me by my mom before she died. I was not into supernatural at the time though. I just added onto the bracelet since it seemed to fit the theme.
I looked behind me to see a teenager but she was pregnant...
"Hey." I said.
She looked up at me.
"You can skip ahead of me. Honey the last thing you need are your feet hurting for longer than they need to." I say smiling.
She looked at me with shock as if nobody has ever been kind to her before.
"Th-thank you."
She went ahead of me and I asked another person to let her go ahead and they kindly agreed.
"That was very sweet of you honey."
"She has a story that I don't know...she had pain in her eyes..the least I could do was help take some of that pain away."
"This is why I love you." He said kissing me.
"I think I pick it up from you." I giggle.
"Maybe but I think you were born with it. You are such an angel."
"So are you."
"When is the panel?"
"At 4:00 why?"
"It's 3:30, by time we get to the first guy(Jensen) he'll only have time for his pen to be 1 centimeter. Away from the paper." Mark said sadly.
"...we got the whole week right?"
"(Y/n), you've worked too hard for this. You'll be saying that constantly throughout the week and get nothing signed. C'mon let me use the pass just once!"
"Fine.." he pouted like a big bubble blowing baby. But it was cute as always so I kissed his cheek. I appreciate his efforts to make me happy but when it comes to things like these I prefer to work for them on my own. He wanted to pay for my way to the convention but I wouldn't let him.
Finally we were a couple of people away I was so excited. But as Mark predicted we couldn't get to him in time so we went to the panel. I fortunately got front row seats. It was very funny as expected Jared and Jensen were so much like actual brothers it was unbelievable. They were also very funny.
It got to the question and answer part of the panel.
I saw the teenager I let go in front of me get in line for a question.
Once she got up there what she said had shocked me.
"Hello," Jared said.
"H-hi." She answered shyly.
"What's your name and question?"
"My name is Shayleen and ummm I-I have more of a...request..."
"And what would that request be."
"Um....I first of all want to thank you soo much for..being there for me a while ago I was in an abusive relationship and my boyfriend...he um...." She began to tear up."He r-raped me and I was going to kill myself when I found out I was pregnant with his child but Jared your words..stopped me." Everyone awed and clapped. I wanted to run up there and hug her but I resisted the urge...but I cried...I'm pretty sure I seen Jared and Jensen on the verge of tears. "But I wanted...you guys to sign something for a lady who- when she saw me didn't look at me with one ounce of judgment and helped me get through the line faster. It was the first bit of kindness I had gotten in a very long time and she didn't get a chance to get anything signed."
"Who is she?" Jared asked.
"She's the first lady in the front row with a white T-shirt and red flannel."
I froze up as I quickly became the center of attention.
Everyone began clapping for me.
"Come on up here!" Jensen said to me. Mark grabbed my hands and pulled me up.
I went up onto the stage with my posters.
"I didn't plan on doing this in front of an audience but um-" I chuckled.
"I made a poster for each of you guys." I said giving it to them.
Jensen unraveled the poster.
"Whoa! Wait a minute you made these?" Jensen asked amazed.
"Yep by hand.."
"Didn't you want to get something signed?" Jensen asked.
"No not originally I just wanted to give you guys the posters and enjoy the rest of the week. You guys have done so much for us and I just wanted to do whatever I could for you guys even if you guys have almost everything in life." I said.
"Hold on, " Jared said. He got up from his chair and got a mic from an extra stand and gave it to me.
"Say that again into the mic." Jensen said.
"Um, I-I just wanted to give you guys the posters and enjoy the rest of the week. You guys have done so much for us and I just wanted to do whatever I could for you guys even if you guys have almost everything in life."
"What's your name?"
"(Y/n)." I said.
"(Y/n)?" Jensen repeated again. Just to make sure he heard right.
I nodded to assure him he heard right.
"(Y/n)...you...are part of the reason we get up at 6am in the morning to get to a 7hour flight just to be here to meet fans like you." Jensen said and people clapped.
"We will be getting something to sign for you before the day ends that's a promise." Jensen says.
"I seen that guy pull you up. Is he your boyfriend?" Jared asked.
Mark smiled at me and I nodded. "Yea."
Jared looked at Mark. "Let me just tell you something right now dude...I'm married but if you don't marry her soon...I will." Jared joked.
But people wooed and laughed.
I blushed.
"She just displayed amazing character within two actions. She is a woman of good character. You're lucky to have her." Jared said.
I blushed again and people clapped.
Jared and Jensen stood up and I hugged them both before returning back to my seat before sitting down I went up and hugged the Shayleen and gave her my number so she could contact me anytime.
"And we will be getting this poster as an official design because this is awesome!" Jared said holding up the poster.
I giggled and Mark kissed my cheek after I sat down.
"I'm proud of you baby."
"Aren't you glad you didn't use your youtuber pass?"
"Yes I am."
I giggled and we watched the rest of the panel. As Mark and I were leaving with everyone else Jared approached me. "Hey we said we were going to get you something signed we decided to do better and squeeze you in to a co-up photo session."
"A-are you serious?" I asked about to cry.
"Yea you and your boyfriend." Jared said smiling.
I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. I started covered my mouth and started crying. "Thank you soo much.." Jared hugged me.
"It's not a problem."
"This is more than I asked for this is just the best day ever." I said letting go. "Just thank you so very much."
"Your session starts a bit late if you don't mind."
"No we don't mind at all this is her dream and it would mean so much to us both of us if she could get atleast one picture." Mark said.
"You are good people." Jared said. "We're going to do some more meet and greet maybe after the session we can all go out to dinner. It's on us unless you guys have a date or something then we can move dinner to another time this week."
"Oh my god that's too much I simply couldn't allow-" I said.
"That would be awesome! We don't have anything planned came here by surprise." Mark said smiling.
"Great Misha and Robert's Panel is in a bit you can waste sometime there by time the panel is over we'll be done for the day."
"Thank you soo much this is just...wow...I just came here....to watch a couple of panels and go home...I-I didn't expect all this." I said giggling.
"Well you are a good person and you deserve more than you asked for. That was a good thing you did for Shayleen it was very selfless. A lot of people would die for a spot in line for the meet and greet and you let someone in front of you but not only that but you convinced others to do the same. I saw you do that but I wanted to see what you would do after that. You did nothing. Didn't ask for recognition didn't get in anybody's face for it. You have a big heart (Y/n)."
"That means so much coming from you thank you so much."
"Jared let's get going." Jensen called.
"Better go, see you guys later." Jared said taking of.
"There goes the BFGM." I said laughing.
"What's that stand for?" Mark asked.
"Big Friendly Giant Moose." I said.
Mark chuckled and wrapped his arm around me before kissing my forehead.
We went to Misha and Robert's Panel. Apparently word had got around fast about me. It kind of felt weird to keep getting attention from random strangers.
"That's how it was at first when I went to my very first panel." Mark told me.
"Aw I can imagine whittle Markiplier with his short black hair." I teased.
Soon we had the photo session.
"Oh hush you." He mumbled.
Soon we did the shoot which was fun!
We did a pose where Jensen, Mark and I (in that order) were leaning over and Jared was trying to keep us from "falling"
And a couple of other funny poses.
After that we all went to eat at (Place of choice) then to end if the perfect night they signed my phonecase and we went to the hotel and had a little fun before going to bed.
The next day was almost the same. Except Mark was acting a bit weird....
I figured it out after we got to another panel where Mark. Got up to ask a question which is weird considering He doesn't really watch the show like I do.
I watch as he was the person to give there question even Jared and Jensen were confused.
"Hey Mark..." Jensen said
"Hey J2, Ok that sound way cooler in my head." He walked back to the seat with the mic in his hand." anyways my question isn't exactly for you guys it's for. My girlfriend (Y/n) and my question is.." He got down on one knee with a ring in his hand..
"Will you marry me?"
Tears fell from my eyes. "Yes!"
He got up and I hugged him and gave him a kiss as everyone applauded.
"Now yesterday I didn't think he would take it to heart when I said if you don't marry her I will." Jared joked. "All jokes aside congratulations you two."
Mark nodded at them both with that same lovable, goofy smile I have come to love dearly.
Later that night Mark and I walked to the hotel we unfortunately had to make our way through a dark alleyway.
"God this is the worst." I muttered.
"What is?" Mark asked.
"This shady alleyway it would so cliché if something horrible happened."
"You mean like this?" Mark pinned me against the wall and when I looked at him..........
He had black eyes.....
To Be Continued....
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