Breaking reality- Sam Pt.1
Your pov:
I am just another Supernatural fan. Preparing to watch The First ever episode of season twelve.
Needless to say.....I am more than hyped! I'm ecstatic.
And more than anything I wanted to know what happened to sam!
I know he's not dead m! He just can't be!!
Ok yes, I confess I'm a team sam girl!
So here it comes I sit down on the couch and then the screen comes on.
A few minutes into episode...
They just got done with the commercial break and the camera panels.
And I see sm strapped to a chair.
I gasp in shock."Sammy!!!!!!!!!!" i shriek.
Then I see that British bitch from the season 11 finale!
"Oh, little crumpet eating tea sipping! Chode sucking cum rag cunt!" I yell in anger.
As the show goes on and that little winch continued to torture him but when her little henchwoman tried to burn Sam's foot...welll let's just say I lost my shit completely and there is a reason I said tried:
"Oh, that's it! you little skank I wanna kill you! I wanna kill you! I wanna slit your throat! I want to shoot you in the head! I just want you dead!!" I yell.
Then Baam!
I was there like in the room with sam and the British hunters.
With a gun in my hand?!
"Who the hell are you?!" the blonde asked.
"Fuck you!" I shot the henchwoman and then shot the blonde. With effortless aim! I looked at my hands.
What the absolute hell?!
Sam looked at me.
"Who are you?" he questions.
I looked up at him." no time for questions we must go!"
I dig into the now dead blondes pockets. I gag a bit at the thought that I just touched a dead person.
I get the key and undo his chains.
Right then two guards bust inside. I watch as Sam single-handedly took them both out by himself. Soo smooth.
God that's even hotter in person.
"What?!" he questioned.
"Huh? What happened?" I say.
"You said something about hotter in person."
"Fuck I said that out loud!"
"Hold on who are you?"
"For now let's just call me the girl who saved your ass eh?" I remember being in my pajamas I looked down I was wearing a t-shirt with an unbuttoned flannel over it with jeans and black boots. I always knew id be the female version of sam (ignore the Dean Winchester)..:
"Well, it beats pajamas," I mutter to myself. Then toss him the gun." you're better with it than me."
"How did you even get here there are no doors other than that one and no ways of entry or exit I checked a million times over how are you here are you a demon?"
"No I'm not any sorta demon or monster for that fact and don't know where I came from I was in my living room comfortable watching Supernatural then all the sudden- oh my god wait... I'm in the supernatural world holy balls!"
"You're not making any sense right now."
"I just saved your life do me at least one favor and stop asking me questions I don't have the answer to. if you asked me what my sign I was I could answer that." I snicker. "Stupid pick-up lines. Anyways we gotta get out of here and get you to the bunker and me back home," I say.
"How can I trust you?"
"Ok, I just aimlessly killed those women I gagged while digging into a dead woman's pocket and I cant fight I'm harmless. If I try to fight you can knock me out in a heartbeat. Now come on you're the one with the skills to pay the bills as well as a chance of developing hypothermia."
He follows me and high jacks a car and I drive.
He clutched onto the gun tightly.
"If it makes you feel more comfortable feel free to keep the gun at my head." I joke.
No answer.
"Fine then be a stubborn passenger." I turn on the radio to the indie pop station.
I'm takin back the crown! I'm all dressed up but naked! I see whats mine and take it!!
"Nothing a little Panic! at The Disco cant fix."
Sam looks at me funny.
"Remember Sam driver picks the music and passenger shuts his cakehole. You're doing a great job so far." I joke."I'm doing good so far.Surprised I'm not hyperventilating over the situation."
"Seriously who are you?"
"Ugh fine my name is (y/n) (l/n) that's all I'm gonna tell you."
"What are you?"
"Human full blood human I swear I'm just as confused as you are."
Somehow I end up at the bunker.
Sam leads me inside.
"Oh my god sam!" I heard dean say. They hugged.
"So there's dean but where's-"
I felt a barrel against the back of my head and heard a clicking noise.
"Mary." I finish my sentence and put my hands up in surrender
"Who are you?" she asked.
"Mom?" Sam said.
"Uh, yea family reunion so cute be even cuter if I didn't have a gun against my head."
"Um uh mom shes with me." sam says
Mary puts the gun down and hugs Sam.
"Now who are you?" dean yells.
"(Y/n) (L/n) and I just saved your brother's life your welcome."
"Dean I need to talk to your for a moment," Sam says.
I knew that meant no good for me.
Sam's pov:
"I was kidnapped by some British blonde I was being tortured when all the sudden that girl comes in out of nowhere and shoots them both," I tell him.
He looks at me with wide eyes and turns around pointing the gun at (y/n) she shrieks and puts her hands up in surrender.
"What are you?!" dean yelled.
Suddenly she started breathing heavily and muttering gibberish then fell to the ground.
Your pov:
I woke up strapped to a chair.
I looked around me I was in the middle of a demon's trap.
"Oh come on fuck me sideways and call me aunt fanny!" I groan.
"She's awake." I hear Sam call. They come in.
"You guys haven't tested me yet, have you?Go ahead get it out of the way," I said wincing.
"What are you talking about?" Sam asked.
"Test me y'know slice my arm with a silver blade to see if I'm a shapeshifter splash me with holy water to see if I'm a demon. Get it out of the way I'm ready." I say.
"How do you know all this?!" dean yelled.
"I've watched supernatural long enough to know that the way you test people."
"Watch supernatural?what have you been watching us?" Sam asked.
"Not in that way! I swear I have no idea whats going on I was in my living room searching supernatural I saw Sam being tortured and went on a rampage yelling at the screen that I wanted to kill the blonde brit then I was there that's all I know!!" I ramble. "Wait a minute I've seen something like this happen before...Season 6 episode 15 the french mistake sam and dean end up in an alternate universe where their lives are a tv show the rolls just reversed I ended up in their world.Oh my gosh how did I not think of this before!" I say.
"What are you talking about?"
"Ok so um I'm from another universe. I never thought that the Dc multi-universe theory would ever apply but it does. Anyways in my universe, you two are in a show called supernatural it's about your lives- I'm sorry but can you please take these chains off please I feel very uncomfortable."
"How can we trust you?" dean asked.
"You cant you have trust issues."
"Touche." dean unlocks the chains.
"Thank god. Ok, those things are tighter than they look! Anywho in my universe, your life is a tv show. In my universe which I guess is still today for you. Amara just brought your mother back to life as some sort o token of gratitude for reuniting her and god sam got kidnapped by some sort of British hunter who was questioning sam they were trying torture methods stupid ones might I add come on a cold shower? I take one of those every morning."
"On with the story."
"Ok so they started using more painful methods or at least they almost tried to take a blow torch and burn sam's foot I didn't want to see him in pain so I started screaming and saying how I wanted to kill her then that's when all the rest of that stuff happened- wait a minute I just killed....holy shit I killed someone their blood on my hands!" I start to panic.
"Hey calm down!" Sam says.
"How can I calm down when I killed someone without second thought or remorse?!I don't kill I read books I play guitar I am a proud owner of 9 fan pages I am a 29-year-old nerdy fangirling introvert I don't kill! Holy shit!" i was breathing heavily. Then everything went black.
Sam's pov:
Dean sighed." she cant go half an hour without fainting."
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