Attention- Castiel
Request by: cheycheylynn101
Your pov:
I walked into the bathroom to get ready for the day ahead. When I turned on the lights I saw the cap off the toothpaste off the tube. This can only be the work of one.
My boyfriend Castiel.
"Cas!" I called.
He came into the bathroom.
"Yes (y/n)?"
"Cas how many times have I had to tell you to put the toothpaste cap back on the tube when you're done?"
He rolled his eyes. "Many times."
"It's not like I'm asking you to save the world again. Just a simple task put the lid back on the tube. You don't need toothpaste anyways it's not like you're human." I said.
"Are you saying that just because I'm an angel that I don't have needs?" he asked offended.
"No, I'm just saying that you don't have the same needs as me I don't see why you need to brush your teeth in the first place."
"Actually I do believe it or not I have to take care of my vessel my vessel has humane needs, not me! I'm not as fragile and weak like you."
"Well, at least I'm not a stuck up emotionless angel like you!"
"I am not emotionless!!!!" he yelled.
I jumped and turned away from him.
He knows it scares me when he yells. I hate when people yell period.
"I don't understand you anymore what changed?" he asked.
tears started streaming down my face I didn't realize it until I wiped my face.
"You tell me you love me with every fiber of your being vessel, feathers, wings and all then the minute I want you alone so that you prove that love the Winchesters come in or Zechariah is back and you hit the ground running. When I want something it's right after this case' or 'right after this trip to heaven.' I don't even matter as much to you do I? What more can I do to get your attention then start petty fights it seems like the only way I can get you alone? So tell me what can I do to get you to myself for once? Throw even bigger tantrums. Go, rogue? Start being reckless and going out on hunts because I can't be civil to get your attention I've tried the romantic dinner dates, the in bed date nights, the passion-filled ones nothing else I do works so tell me what more can I do?" I say crying.
"Telling me would be a start."
"You could have slapped me to get my attention for all I care. I never mean to make you feel like you don't matter to me you really do. I really do love you. I promise I'm gonna start paying more attention to you. In fact today we can stay in and watch a movie." he said giving me a small smile giving me his irresistible puppy dog eyes.
I smile back. "No interruptions?"
"None I promise and tomorrow morning I will cook you breakfast in bed and we can go to (your favorite place to hang out)"
I smile. "I'm sorry for what I said earlier I know you're not an emotionless stuck up angel.."
"It's ok." he brung me into a hug. "I deserved it."
"No, you don't."
"I don't want to argue with you about what I don't and do deserve let's watch (favorite tv show and not spn) even if I don't understand a single bit of the plot."
I smile and give him a kiss.
We stayed in our room cuddling and watching tv all day.
I'm glad he left the cap off the toothpaste today
I don't know how I feel about this.
I hope you enjoyed cheycheylynn101
Thanks for requesting! (present note: to this day I still don't know how I feel about this one..)
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