[Narrator's POV]
Marinette swings her shopping bag as she strolls through the street.
"I've just picked up the materials you asked for," She says into her phone. "Mhm, sure thing. I'll have it ready by Tuesday! Have a good day, sir."
As Marinette ends her call, a familiar bell rings out. She gasps sharply and clutches her head.
"I'm gonna be late!!" Marinette exclaims.
Tikki giggles. "Marinette, you don't go to school anymore."
Marinette stops to look at her old high school, which she had been passing by. "Oh, right. Heh heh..."
It's been a year since Marinette graduated. She wears a pink skirt now to show off her legs because she takes great pride in finally growing taller than she has been since seventh grade, even though she is still at least a head shorter than everyone else. Her hair has grown too. Instead of two tiny tufts, it is pulled up into one big bun atop her head.
"Look, look!" A passing girl whispers to her friend. "He's so handsome. He looks like a model!"
"You're right," Her friend replies. "His style is totally fresh."
Marinette looks over to the guy standing in front of her family's bakery-- a clean and cool looking, fashionable guy wearing a blazer with a blue scarf. His hair has grown a little too but he styles it up with gel.
Marinette's face lights up with a beaming grin, her skirt flowing in the breeze as she dashes towards him. "Adrien!"
A broad smile stretches across Adrien's face as he opens up his arms and Marinette throws herself into his chest to hug him.
Adrien wraps his arms around Marinette tightly and twirls her around. "My gorgeous girlfriend, where have you been?"
"Just out buying fabric," Marinette says. "But what are you doing here on a Friday morning? Don't you have any classes?"
"My lecture got cancelled suddenly so I get a three day weekend with my princess." Adrien replies.
Marinette pulls away to look up at her boyfriend and gives a pouty frown.
"What is it?" Adrien asks.
"I don't like the way your fancy shamcy college makes you dress up, Mr Slick." Marinette hops up and down on her feet to reach an attack on Adrien's head. "Give me back my fluffy kitten!"
"Hey!" Adrien laughs as Marinette ruffles his hair up. "Stop, I've got expensive products in there! Do you know how much time this took me?"
Adrien takes hold of Marinette's wrists to stop her but his hairstyle is already long gone. Still stiff with products, his hair sticks up everywhere in different directions as if he's been zapped with static shock.
Marinette laughs. "Chatton, you have a lion's mane!"
Adrien raises his hands and snarls, "Garrl!"
"Gar? Is that your mighty roar? You sound more like a pirate than a big cat." Marinette teases.
Adrien crosses his arms. "Let's hear yours then."
"Rar!" Marinette shouts.
"That's just you saying the word roar!" Adrien says.
Marinette swipes her hands through the air. "So it's more of a roar than your gaarrgle."
Adrien scoffs. "And what are you doing now? Pumping herself up for a cat fight?"
"Purrcisely!" Marinette pounces at Adrien and latches onto him by wrapping her legs round his waist and her arms round his neck. "Nya!"
Adrien bursts into a fit of laughter. "N-Nya? Did you seriously just say nya? Are you attacking me with cuteness?"
Marinette bites down on the crook of Adrien's neck, causing him to wince and shudder.
"Ah! Ah, ah, ah, why? Why are you biting?" Adrien hollers.
"Grrr!" Marinette growls. "I can be feisty too!"
"You want to be feisty?" Adrien nips Marinette's ear and then whispers into it, "Save it for the bedroom."
Marinette inhales a sharp breath and falls to the ground, having let go of Adrien to clasp her burning cheeks. And there she stays, sitting on her butt with her legs sprawled out, her eyes staring down and her face growing redder by the second.
Adrien smirks. "You don't look so feisty now bugaboo."
Marinette lets out a small peep as she quickly covers her face. "D-D-Don't look! Don't s-say-- I mean, why would you say-- You--"
Adrien laughs and pulls Marinette back up to her feet. "Did I embarrass you, princess? Even though you got so excited that you attacked me in public?"
Marinette screws her eyes shut and flails her hands about blindly to whack Adrien. "Shut up!"
Despite getting hit repeatedly, Adrien smiles and sighs wistfully. "You're so adorable when you're flustered."
Marinette huffs and turns away. "Stay out here like the stray cat you are."
Marinette begins to march off but Adrien wraps his arms around her and pulls her back, cuddling her from behind.
"Aww please don't pout!" He says, kissing her cheek apologetically.
Marinette giggles and tilts her head back to kiss Adrien on the lips.
"Are we going inside or what? You've been causing a scene out here for like ten whole minutes," Plagg complains. "I'm starving!"
"Alright, alright." Adrien says.
Tom and Sabine smile pleasantly when Marinette walks in with Adrien.
"Adrien, you're here early." Sabine brings a hand to her mouth when she notices his hair. "My, it must be gusty out there."
"Yeah I got hit by the whirlwind named Marinette." Adrien says.
Marinette grins cheekily. "Teehee."
"Will you be helping us out today?" Tom asks.
"Aw Papa, Adrien is always busy with you!" Marinette clings to Adrien's arm. "I'm taking this chance today!"
"We get plenty of time together princess," Adrien says as he pats Marinette's head. "I'll be skipping work tomorrow for your birthday party so I should make up for it today."
"Mmnn...fine." Marinette mumbles grumpily.
Adrien has college classes on weekdays where he studies languages and on the weekends he comes to the Dupain-Cheng bakery to work. It's his and Marinette's favorite time of the week because he gets to stay over since dedicated bakers start early and finish late.
Tikki and Plagg keep Marinette company up in her room as she works with the new fabric she just bought.
"Why are you slaving away as an intern when you already have a bottomless list of brands that want to hire you?" Plagg questions.
"Because I want to work my way up," Marinette answers. "It's not about the destination, it's about the journey."
"Like Chloe, who could easily claim the Mayor's occupation without trying but is instead taking her time to study business and learn how to do the job right." Tikki says.
"Sounds tiresome and boring." Plagg replies.
"Well, is it the feeling you get when you eat cheese or after you're full that you enjoy most? Chewing so much camembert might make your jaw sore but it's worth it to taste what you love most." Marinette explains.
"I don't know about that metaphor..." Tikki says.
Plagg, on the other hand, has teared up with passion. "I totally get it!"
"Adrien will finish work soon." Marinette pushes off her desk to roll her chair out. "I'm gonna take a shower, behave yourselves okay."
Adrien climbs up into Marinette's bedroom to find her sitting on the floor in her pajamas blow-drying her hair. He grins devilishly, creeps up behind her and pinches her sides. Marinette lets out an alarmed squeak.
Adrien giggles. "What kind of defense is that? I could have been a serious attacker you know."
Marinette shuts off her hair dryer and lifts her foot to kick Adrien in the stomach, lightly but enouth to make him topple backwards. "Sorry, I have delayed reflexes."
"Ah, is that so?" Adrien chuckles.
Marinette smiles as she gazes at him. She loves it when he comes up to her room straight after work wearing an apron instead of a blazer with his hair a mess, just having to see her as soon as possible, even before he cleans himself up. They chat away with the occasional kiss and cuddle, then he takes a shower and settles into bed with her all nice and snug after a long day. It feels so natural and...perfect.
"What do you say we lay atop the Eiffel tower tonight and watch the stars until midnight?" Adrien says. "That way, I'll be right there with you the very second your birthday begins."
"You'll be here with me when my birthday begins regardless, we'll just be asleep." Marinette giggles.
"But I'm just too excited to sleep." Adrien says. "Won't you accompany me to lie beneath the sky?'
"Always." Marinette replies with a tender smile.
The Eiffel tower is supposed to be closed off to the public at this time of night but Ladybug and Cat Noir can easily make their own way up. Cat Noir had covered the highest balcony in candles, which alight the scene with a soft orange glow, and supplied a stereo to play music faintly in the background.
"Wow..." Ladybug breathes in awe. "Chat, this is...Did you really do all this just for me?"
"Of course, bugaboo. This is a very special night." Cat Noir says as he intertwines their fingers. "I've even brought champaign to celebrate."
"You brought alcohol just for the sake of it because I'll be legally allowed to drink?" Ladybug chuckles. "Why champaign, isn't that a bit fancy?"
"It's appropriate for the occasion, trust me." Cat Noir says.
"Thank you..." Ladybug leans up to give him a kiss. "This is wonderful."
The two move birds chatter away for a while until their legs grow tired so they sit down to watch the stars. Hours pass by in bliss. Ladybug begins to get sleepy as she cuddles her boyfriend and lets out a long yawn.
"Don't fall asleep yet, this is the last minute left before midnight." Cat Noir says.
"Too late..." Ladybug slurs as her head begins to lull. "I'm fallin."
Cat Noir grabs Ladybug's hands and stands up.
"Ahhh." Ladybug groans as she gets pulled to her feet.
Cat Noir lightly slaps his hands onto Ladybug's cheeks and then stretches them out. "Wake up, bugaboo."
"Don't worry." Ladybug shakes her head. "I won't let myself miss even a second of this amazing night you planned for me!"
Cat Noir flicks his staff open to see that the time is finally at 12am. "Look at that, you made it. We are now both officially adults. Happy birthday, Marinette."
Ladybug throws her arms up into the air in triumph. "Yay!" She then allows them to flop forward onto Cat Noir's shoulder so that she can rest her weight on him. "Thank you, my sweet Adrien. Spending the very first second of my birthday here with you really does feel special."
"Are you ready for your present?" Cat Noir asks with a glimmer of excitement in his eye.
"What is it?" Ladybug responds eagerly.
Cat Noir lingers in close and whispers, "Me~"
Ladybug's heartbeat quickens, her skin growing hot. "H-Huh?"
"Plagg, claws in." Cat Noir comands.
"Huh?!" Ladybug sputters. "W-Wait-- Right n-n-now? R-Right here?"
Adrien smirks devilishly. "That's right, I'm going to ask you to take me right here and now, but you'll have to detransform for this to work."
"Uh...Ok-kay, erm, T-Tikki," Ladybug stammers. "Tikki, spots o-off I guess."
Ladybug screws her eyes shut nervously as the light of her transformation begins to consume her body. She holds her breath in anticipation but the seconds tick away in silence. She isn't being kissed or touched or...anything. Marinette slowly opens one eye only to find Adrien is no longer in front of her.
"A-Adrien? Where--"
Marinette looks down and gasps in surprise. Adrien is knelt before her with one hand on his heart and the other holding a ring. He smiles as he gazes up at her with pure love.
"Marinette Dupain-Cheng, will you marry me?"
"Y-Yes!" Marinette answers immediately, her eyes shimmering. "Yes, yes, yes, a thousand times yes! I will marry you, Adrien Agreste!"
Adrien's heart bursts with joy. Tears begin to trickle from the corners of Marinette's eyes as she laughs happily. Her legs tremble and she falls to the floor.
"M-Mari, are you okay?" Adrien asks, scooting over to her.
"Yes, yes, I've never been better I'm just-- I'm a little weak in the knees." Marinette answers.
Adrien grins brightly and begins peppering Marinette with kisses. "I love you, Marinette, I love you more than anything else in the entire universe. I love you so much. I promise to take care of you for the rest of our lives, I do."
"I love you too." Marinette grabs Adrien and smashes their lips together to give him the best kiss of his life.
"Eewwwy!" Plagg cries.
Tikki is also squealing uncontrollably, though in a more pleased manner.
Marinette and Adrien smile and laugh as they part lips. Then, he slips the ring on her finger and kisses her hand.
"You're my one and only lady," Adrien says. "I am so happy that you're willing to take me as your man."
Marinette puts a hand on her cheek and looks away bashfully as she gives Adrien a light push. "Gosh! So that's what you meant..."
"Hmm? What did you have in mind, m'lady?" Adrien questions cheekily as he pokes Marinette.
This time, Marinette shoves Adrien for real. "You know exactly what I was thinking because you fished it out of me!"
Adrien shrugs. "I have no idea what you're talking about, I'm the innocent one here."
Marinette glares at him with pursed lips. "Oh really?"
"Yes really. Quit undressing me with your eyes, naughty. " Adrien gives Marinette a wink. "You can do it with your hands later~"
When daylight comes on Marinette's birthday, she and Adrien prepare for their friends to visit.
"Braid me, braid me!" Marinette chants.
Adrien chuckles. "Alright, alright."
Whenever Adrien comes over he styles Marinette's long hair into two braids. It's her favorite hairstyle and she just loves feeling Adrien's fingers run through her hair whilst he does it.
"You could easily learn how to do this yourself." Adrien says. "I could teach--"
"Don't want to." Marinette cuts in. "I like it when you do my hair. If I learnt how to do it, it would feel like I'm preparing to not have you some day. I don't want that."
"I do love braiding your hair," Adrien says with a smile. "But even if all your hair fell out one day you could still count on me to be there with you."
"I know." Marinette grins and extends her hand to admire her engagement ring. "That's what this is for!" Marinette suddenly gasps. "We haven't even told our parents yet, I forgot!"
"Well, actually...W-When I asked your parents if I could work here last year, I kind of went a little over board and
..." Adrien trails off sheepishly.
"He asked for their permission to marry you and take over your families bakery and spend the rest of his life here making a bunch of little baker babies." Plagg says.
"I did not!" Adrien snaps. "A-At least not entirely..."
Marinette laughs. "For real?"
Adrien's cheeks turn red from embarrassment. "I still meant every word I said. I just maybe should have saved them for our wedding vows because they were a bit heavy for a conversation between a high school student and his girlfriend's parents."
Tikki giggles. "You two were always oddly passionate."
"You think our love is odd?" Marinette says sensitively.
"You don't?" Plagg replies bluntly.
"Anyways," Adrien clears his throat. "Tom and Sabine didn't really take me seriously back then but at least it made them less shocked the second time round. I asked them again before proposing and honestly most of their attention was immediately stolen by planning the catering. I've told Dad too. He said he's fine with it if you are."
Marinette's eyes sparkle. "I can't wait to design my wedding dress!"
Just as Adrien finishes braiding Marinette's hair, Alya kicks the door open.
Nino stumbles in after her. "I got the mus--ACK!"
Chloe suddenly shoves them both aside. "I told you I would be the first to wish Marinette a happy birthday! I am her best friend and the Queen of throwing parties!" She yaps agressively before turning to Marinette with the sweetest of smiles. "Happy birthday Marikins~"
"Excuse me, sorry..." Nathaniel says shakily as he waks in carrying a hefty stack of presents. "Chloe, where can I put these down?"
Chloe guides Nathaniel over to a safe place to put her load of presents for Marinette.
"Phew," He sighs once he is free of this weight. "Sorry, Marinette, I didn't greet you before coming in. Happy birthday!"
Nino clears his throat. "As I was saying, I've picked up some wicked tricks at my new DJ gig that I wonna show you dudes."
Nino's been taking up any jobs he can find as a DJ whilst studying film. He has probably changed the least out of everyone, aside from the fact that he now towers over them all. Alya has cut her hair into a cute, poofy bob. She still runs her own blog but she also works as an intern at a magazine publisher. Less concerned with looking cool nowadays, Chloe has let her hair down and started wearing casual clothes. Nathaniel is quite tall, though not inhumanly so like Nino, and his hair is now long enough to tie up. He is studying art, of course.
Marinette smiles at her friends. "Thank yo--"
A loud, high-pitched whistle erupts abruptly, ringing in everyone's ears. Lila is standing in the doorway with said whistle, plastic and bright orange.
"You're under arrest!" She bellows before giving another sharp blow into her whistle.
Chloe covers her ears. "Oh my god stop that, it's even more painful than your voice!"
"Sorry," Sabrina says as she enters. "I got that cheap whistle for free at a training camp and Lila seemed to like it so I gave it to her."
"Geheheheh!" Lila snickers, looking drunk with power.
Lila has changed the least out of the entire group. She doesn't study nor does she have any plans or ambitions, but she does work as a waitress at her favorite crepe place now. Sabrina, on the other hand, is like a completely different person. Training to be a police officer has toned her muscles as well as strengthened her personality. She ties her hair back in a small, messy ponytail and wears contact lenses for convenience. Most shockingly of all is that she now wears plain jeans and T-shirts without checkers on them.
Lila holds up a plastic bag with a grin. "I stole a bunch of food from work for us but mainly me to eat!"
"And I bought some more food to share." Sabrina says. "Honestly, what's the point in working if you're still not going to pay for anything?"
Lila crosses her arms. "I pay rent."
"Oh right, you two are the first of us to move out." Alya says. "How's it going?"
"Living with Lila is actually less problematic than I thought it would be. I do the cleaning, she does the cooking," Sabrina replies. "And she's surprisingly good at it. Like, she hasn't burnt the apartment down. Though it is quite frightening watching her handle knives..."
"Wouldn't I make such a cute little wife?" Lila pinches Sabrina's cheek. "When Sabby-wabby comes home after a big day, I cook her a meal made with love! Then we make good use of her new handcuffs~"
Lila blows in Sabrina's ear, causing her to inhale sharply with a shiver. Sabrina turns a bright red and shoves Lila away. "Q-Quit telling such suggestive lies!"
"It doesn't have to be a lie." Lila winks flirtatiously.
"You're always teasing me like this..." Sabrina grumbles.
"Being such a talented con-artist is as much of a curse as it is a gift," Lila heaves a sigh. "No one believes what I say anymore...not even my most loyal pet."
"Maybe you should stop calling her your pet..." Alya says dully.
"Speaking of pets, did you bring Bunny?" Nino asks Lila excitedly.
"Duh, I bring him everywhere." Lila answers. "He's in my purse."
Nathaniel raises a brow. "You don't bring him to work do you?"
"Why wouldn't I?" Lila says.
"You work in a kitchen!" Nathaniel replies. "Do you know what hygiene is?"
Nino reaches into Lila's purse eagerly, takes out a big fat rabbit and cuddles it. "Bunny!"
"Bunny was always a stupid name but I find it even more ridiculous now that thing has grown larger than a dog." Chloe says. "Does it eat carrots or children?"
"Don't body shame my beautiful boy!" Nino replies.
"Alright I've had enough of standing around. We can finally all drink together," Alya cracks open a can of beer. "I brought plenty of boos. Let's celebrate our little Mari becoming an adult!"
"Easy Alya, we've already shared a bottle of champagne." Adrien says, putting and arm round Marinette's waist. "I won't let you get my princess drunk."
"Champagne?" Lila repeats in distaste.
"Before anyone starts partying, Marinette has to open her presents!" Chloe says. "I, of course, got her the best ones so I want you all to be sober enough to appreciate it."
"Sorry Chlo but I think Adrien's present trumps them all." Marinette smiles bashfully as she holds up her hand to display her ring.
Everyone gapes in shock.
Nathaniel points a trembling finger, his eyes wide. "You're...You're engaged?"
"Ohmygodohmygodohmygod!" Chloe squeals. "Eeeeeee! Adrikins, you cutie you! Why didn't you tell me?"
"Wait," Sabrina says. "A-Aren't you jumping the gun a little?"
"Yeah girl," Alya agrees. "Don't you want to get ahead in your career first?"
"It's cool if it's Adrien and Marinette." Nino chuckles. "I'd expect nothing less."
Lila shrugs. "It's their choice. What's the difference between doing it now or later?"
"Obviously we're not getting married right away," Marinette says. "It'll take a lot of time and money."
"But then, why...?" Nathaniel replies unsurely.
"Because Marinette is the love of my life and this is what I want, I'm sure of it. In fact, I have never been more certain of anything." Adrien says. "I'm not scared. I've been ready for this for a long time."
Nathaniel and Chloe subconsciously look to each other. When their eyes meet, they both flare up and quickly look away again.
"You better take care of my lil sis, bro." Nino says.
Adrien smiles. "I will!"
Lila blows her whistle as she sticks her hand in the air. "Dibs on vow master!"
"Oo, oo, I'm maid of honor!" Chloe yells.
"No you're not." Alya says shortly.
"I hope you'll all be there with us to play a part!" Marinette says happily.
"Duh, we're always with you." Chloe replies. "And I am totally throwing you the bachelorette party of the century!"
"Can I go to the bachelor party instead?" Lila questions.
"I can throw you a mad party at one of the clubs I work at." Nino says to Adrien.
"Thanks man, that sounds awesome," Adrien replies. "As long as you don't invite any strippers..."
"Nevermind." Lila responds.
Sabrina tisks. "I'm living with a pervert, lucky I learn self defense at the academy."
Lila smirks and slings an arm round Sabrina. "If you're feeling jealous, you could always throw me a personal part--eeEOW!"
Sabrina had grabbed Lila by the arm and flipped her, slamming her down onto the ground. Still, Lila smiles brightly as she looks up at Sabrina.
"You're so beautiful..." She says. "You know I can't resist a challenge."
"Reminds me of the days when you would beat me up for flirting with you, m'lady." Adrien whispers to Marinette.
Marinette giggles. "We sure have come a long way."
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