Chapter 3
Fallon stared into her closet, hoping something would speak to her as a possibility to wear to the party tonight. She already had on her ripped black skinny jeans, but she wasn't completely sold on the idea of pairing it with the sweatshirt that she currently had on, two sizes too big, a stain on the left sleeve of god knows what, and a rip in the hood. But she also wasn't completely sold on going tonight either, especially since Sarah wasn't coming with her.
"Sarah!" She called out hoping she would hear her from the other room.
"What's up?" She called from the hallway, walking towards Fallon's room. "Oh, are you wearing that?"
"No, well not the sweatshirt, the jeans, yes. What else do I wear from this?" She gestured towards the closet.
"Hm," Sarah started flipping through Fallon's clothes. "I'll be honest with you Fal, I don't like any of this."
"Gee thanks Sarah."
"Hang on, I have something you can wear." She left the room and headed to her closet. Fallon followed behind her.
"Please, nothing super sexy, I'm not trying to stand out or be picked up."
"Oh Fallon, that's the whole point of these parties, to get laid."
"There will be no laying."
"Put this on," Sarah handed her a crop top, it was gray and sweater-like, with long sleeves and a small cut out towards the top. Fallon slid it over her head and admired herself in Sarah's full length mirror. She tugged at the bottom of it.
"It's a little more cropped on me than you." Fallon giggled pointing to her breasts.
"Okay, we were not all blessed like you were. But it looks great on you, it's not too short, but do you want a jacket?"
"Do you have one that will go with this?"
"Do I have one, psh I have the perfect one."
Sarah moved a few more articles of clothing in her closet and pulled out a hip length leather jacket. "Oh, that's cute."
"I know." Sarah handed it over to Fallon.
She put it over the crop top and decided that it was what she needed to tone down the sex appeal she felt like she was giving off in the crop top. "You might not get this back."
"It's fine, I know where you live."
"Thank you Sarah."
"Sure thing, have fun, be careful."
"I'll be okay, you have Jeremy coming?"
"Yeah, he should be here soon."
"Don't get pregnant," Fallon stuck her tongue out at Sarah.
"I'll try my best!"
"I'm gonna go before it gets later. I don't know if I'm gonna be back or not, I guess it depends on how much drinking I actually decide to do."
"Oh, well in that case, don't you get pregnant either!"
"I think I'll be okay."
"You're gonna Uber there right? It's late, you're not walking."
"No no, I'm gonna take an Uber, it should be here soon."
"Okay, be careful. I'm gonna lock up. In case you decide to come back, do you have your keys?"
"I got 'em!"
Sarah gave her a thumbs up, "I'll see you tomorrow then."
"I'll see you tomorrow!"
Fallon slipped her phone in her pocket and her wristlet over her hand and headed towards the door. The night air felt good against her skin, her room was too warm, it felt good to take a deep breath of fresh air. She shuffled back and forth as she waited for her ride. She pulled her phone out and sent one text to Trent,
I'm coming down, but solo. I'll be there soon.
And then another to her mom, who she had neglected to call this week and was feeling bad about it, especially since she had sent her the money last week.
Hi Mom! I'm sorry I didn't call you, I've been so busy this week. I promise I'll call you this weekend. I'm on my way to a party at Trent's now. I miss you. Squeeze bubbles for me.
She pressed send as the car pulled up.
"Hi!" She stepped into the backseat and pressed her Uber alert, sending a text to Sarah that she was in the car and on her way to her destination.
The ride was short, only a few minutes which was great compared to walking for ten minutes in the dark. She exited the car, sent an alert to Sarah that she was here safely and headed down the driveway to the back door.
There were three boys standing on the step, one she recognized, the other two she had never seen. She walked up to the steps towards the familiar boy.
"Hey Matt," she reached to hug him. The music was blaring in the basement of the house, she was sure the cops were gonna get called tonight.
"Hey Fallon, haven't seen you around here in awhile."
"Busy ya know?"
"He convinced you to come tonight huh?" Matt smiled, his teeth were ridiculously white for someone who drank so much beer and chain smoked cigarettes.
Fallon rolled her eyes and smiled back, "I hate these stupid parties."
"Then why bother coming?" One of the unfamiliar boys muttered under his breath.
"Hey!" Matt snapped at him, "you're new here, you don't know who she is, and if you wanna be around to find out, you'll shut up." The boy recoiled to the bottom of the steps, clearly unaware that a part of getting into this fraternity, meant knowing who Fallon was. "Go ahead Fal." Matt opened the door for her.
"A new pledge?" Fallon asked on her way in.
"God, they get worse every year."
Fallon laughed, "thank you. Good luck with that one."
She entered the kitchen, which for once, was empty. Everyone must have congregated in the basement. Trent hadn't texted her back, so she had to make her way around the house to hunt him down. The stairs were steep and already slippery as she carefully stepped down, one by one into the humid basement. There weren't that many people here yet, but it was still considered "early" for party time. She weeded her way to the back of the basement and found Trent on the beer pong table. She waved at him from the opposite end of the table.
"Hey!" He yelled over the music, gesturing for her to come over to him.
"Hi, I texted you, but I'm assuming you don't have service down here."
"Sorry, you're right I probably don't." He tossed the ping pong ball across the table, sinking his second to last cup.
"Here," he handed the ball to her, "get the last one."
"You sure? You know I'm terrible at this."
"Give it a shot." He took a long sip out of the cup in his hand.
She threw the ball and watched it bounce off the table and onto the sticky basement floor, "shit."
Trent laughed, "no big deal, next one. Here," he handed her the cup. "Start drinking." He smiled at her as the ball came back to him.
She tipped the cup to her mouth expecting a cheap beer from the bottom of the keg. Instead she was met with a mouth full of something bitter that stung all the way down.
She coughed after she swallowed, "what is this."
Trent laughed, "Lagavulin." He threw the ball into the last cup and shook hands with the guy across the table. "Do you wanna play?"
"Not really."
"Fair enough, come on."
He grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the bar. Brian was behind it pouring beer into Solo cups from the keg, "hello beautiful!" He placed another cup on the bar.
"Hi Brian! Do you have anything stashed back there that's not...that." She pointed to the off yellow beer.
"Hm, let me see." He disappeared into the small closet behind the bar. When he appeared he had a small bottle of Jack Daniels in his hands. "This okay? Hasn't been cracked open yet."
"That'll work!"
He handed her the bottle, "all yours."
"No Brian, I don't need the whole bottle."
"Oh yes sweetheart you will, Trent's been drunk for the last...what time is it?"
"Jesus already? Yeah he's been drinking since about 8:00. So you'll either need to catch up with him, or you'll need it to deal with him."
"Gee thanks." She cracked the seal on the bottle.
"You want a cup?" Brian asked, taking a new one from the package rather than from the stack on the bar.
"Nope," she took a swig from the bottle, "I'm all good."
"My girl. Be safe out there." Brian winked at her.
He went back to pouring beer and collecting money as Trent reappeared behind her. "Sorry, I'm back."
"All good."
"Brian treat you well?"
She held up the bottle of Jack Daniels, "he takes care of me."
"Good, they all should."
Fallon smiled and took another drink from the bottle.
"Come on, let's go up so I can actually hear you when you talk."
Trent started up the stairs and stumbled up the third step, "literally, number one rule is not to fall down the stairs." Fallon said, her voice slightly elevated so she could be heard over the music.
"I'm good, I'm good."
Fallon followed behind him up into the kitchen, which was now filled with people and smoke. "Ugh I hate that." She fanned the air.
"Come on, we'll go to my room."
They started up the second set of stairs. All the boys' rooms were up there, so it was off limits to those who showed up with no connection to anyone who lived in the house. They walked past Steve's room who had his door open.
"Hey Steve!" Fallon waved in the door frame.
He quickly turned around from the game he was playing, "Hey Fallon!" And immediately turned back around.
A little further down the hall, DJ's bedroom door swung open and he stepped out in front of Fallon and Trent, a cloud of smoke trickling out behind him.
"Fallon, nice to see you around here again. How are you?" He asked as he closed his door and locked it behind him.
"I'm okay, how are you? How are you doing with that book from class?"
An English major himself, DJ was in a good portion of Fallon's classes up to this point. He was quiet and kept to himself, so it always surprised her that he had joined a fraternity like this one.
"Not my favorite thing we've done so far, but roughing it out. Are you into it?"
"Not at all," they both let out a slight laugh.
"Well I've got risk duty tonight, gonna hope we can dodge the cops with this one. Have fun guys!"
He headed towards the stairway down.
They walked to the end of the hall and Trent unlocked the door to his room. It was actually a decent size, and mostly clean. He had a small desk in the corner, stacked high with his science books. The walls were lined with music posters and one of Fallon's paintings she had done during an art class elective that she desperately wanted to trash and Trent wouldn't let her. There was a dresser with a TV on top, a small nightstand, covered in half finished water bottles next to the queen sized bed. And one window that Trent kept open no matter what the temperature was because no matter what, this house was always hot.
Trent closed the door behind them and put his cup on the nightstand. He flopped haphazardly on the bed and rubbed his eyes with his palms. He let out a small groan and squeezed his eyes shut.
Fallon sat down next to him on the bed, "when did you start drinking?" A bit of concern in her voice.
"Uhh, what time is it?"
"God I don't even know. The bottle is on the desk, how much is left?"
Fallon turned around, scanning the desk for the bottle of scotch. "It's a little over half gone."
"That is the amount I have drank so far."
Fallon shook her head and took another drink from the Jack Daniel's bottle. "You're pounding a hundred dollar bottle, you have a death wish?"
"I'll be fine."
He was probably right, Trent could hold his liquor better than anyone Fallon knew. "Well I would die." Again, she took a long sip of the whiskey, shaking her head after she swallowed hard. "This is awful."
Trent laughed, "that's because I've shown you what whiskey is supposed to taste like." He reached for the bottle which Fallon hesitantly handed over. "How come Sarah didn't come?" He took a drink and handed it back to her. "Gross, I can't tell you the last time I drank Jack Daniel's."
"She's got her boyfriend coming and she also hates these parties."
"Plot twist, so do we, but it helps pay the rent," Trent shrugged. "You look really nice, those aren't yours," he pointed to the top half of her.
"No these are Sarah's, she made the point that I couldn't wear my comfy sweatshirt."
"The ripped one?"
"Yeah that one."
"You could have. You have no one to impress here."
"Sarah feels different."
Suddenly Trent sat up, "why, is someone hitting on you?"
Fallon shook her head, "no, she's just always under the impression that the best way to solve any issue is to get laid."
Trent got up and moved towards the desk to grab his cup. He dumped whatever remained into his mouth and unscrewed the top from the bottle.
"You never told me about that date you mentioned the other day."
Fallon took the cup from Trents hand, took a sip bigger than she should have and coughed from the burn, "God, this is so bad." She handed the cup back to him. "It's nothing really, it's with this kid Dan from my English class. We've been in a bunch of classes together over the last few years, he's like my class buddy. Ya know, the person you call when you need the homework or you decide to skip class and you need the notes..."
"Yeah I get it," Trent interrupted.
"Well we're reading this dumb book, which I haven't started, cause I just can't get into the idea of it and he's read it a bunch. So I asked if he would sit down with me and kinda go over it, and I guess it's gonna be lunch and studying. That's a date right?"
"I guess." Trent stifled his laughter.
"It's a nerdy date if it's a date at all."
"Whatever, maybe I'll wear Sarah's sexy crop top outfit and make it more interesting." Trent shot her an intense look. "So how are things going with Ava?"
Trent took a long drink from his cup. Fallon took another sip of Jack Daniel's. "She broke it off, finally got her to call me."
"She give a reason?"
"Sh-cheating." His words were starting to slur.
Fallon's eyes widened, "you're kidding me."
"Nope." Trent finished off his cup and laid back in his bed with his arm over his eyes. "It's just stupid really, I never should have pursued it once she left, it just sucks, I thought I was gonna marry her."
Fallon scooched herself from the bottom of the bed to the top and propped herself up on her elbow, "I'm sorry she turned out to be a bitch."
Trent let out a heavy sigh, "yeah, I guess so. Can you hand me the rest of that bottle?"
Fallon walked to the desk and grabbed the now mostly empty bottle, "You're gonna be sick." She handed it to him.
Trent took a sip straight from the glass, "whatever, maybe if I throw up enough, my feelings will come out with it." His words were elongated and getting harder to understand.
"God, it's so fucking stupid."
"Let's go downstairs, you can't sit here and pity yourself just because she decided to ruin a good thing." She got up from the bed and gently tugged on his hand. "Come on."
He rose slowly off the bed and stumbled, trying to get his footing, "stairs will be fun."
"Is that why you're drinking like this? Because of her?"
Trent lifted the bottle to his lips one last time as that last bit of scotch disappeared. "Her, other things, and nothing."
"It's after eleven, you guys should be kicking people out soon right?"
"Uh, yup, we should probably go find Brian."
Fallon nodded and took Trent by the hand to lead him down the stairs. "Careful going down." She placed his hand on the railing.
"Oh this isn't my first rodeo."
They headed down the stairs from the second floor and into the kitchen, Trent taking each step carefully, Fallon following close behind. Then to the second set of stairs to the basement. The music had stopped and the lights had been turned on, Brian was filing people out of the hatchway door.
"Thank you, we love you, get out of my house." He was waving his arms towards the door. "Hello my dear, will you be staying or going?" He directed his attention to Fallon. Trent had diverted towards the beer pong table and from her peripheral vision she could see him rummaging behind the bar.
"I'll be staying," she said as she crossed her arms and watched the herd of people begin to clear out of the basement.
"Keep it moving, keep it moving." Brian was waving people towards the door again. "How much have we drank tonight?" He gestured to Trent, who had a bottle of vodka in his hand now.
"Too much, he's gonna be so sick."
"He must be really hurting. He start yelling and screaming yet?"
"No, I'm trying to avoid that stage if possible."
Brian nodded, "yeah I think we would all like to avoid that."
The last few groups finally left the basement and two boys Fallon didn't recognize closed the hatch. "They're new." She said, pointing to them.
Brian turned towards them, "Ah yes, new ones, sophomores, haven't decided how I feel about those two yet."
Fallon smiled, Trent reappeared beside her. "Thank god, 'sats over," he managed to get out between shots off the vodka bottle.
Fallon reached for it, "hey, I think you should relax for the rest of the night."
Trent pulled back, smiling cunningly, "why? You afraid I'm gonna die?"
Fallon rolled her eyes, "no, cause I'll probably kill you first." She lunged towards him playfully. He took a step back and lost his footing, falling onto the cold cement floor. "Oh shit! I'm sorry!" She reached out her hand to pull him up, he accepted, couldn't find his footing, and again fell to the ground.
"Bro, come on, you're embarrassing yourself." Brian reached out and pulled him up and steadied him. "Managed to not drop the vodka bottle though." He patted Trent on the back. "Good luck with him tonight, Fal. I need a cigarette." Brian headed towards the stairs.
Fallon shook her head and followed as Trent walked towards the beer pong table. "Let's swap out that bottle for a beer huh?" She took the vodka from his hand and walked to the side of the bar. Matt had moved from his post at the door to behind the bar.
"Oh hey, you're still here," he said leaning over the wooden door.
"Still here." She rolled her eyes, "could you give me a beer and put this vodka literally anywhere except Trent's hand?"
Matt let out a small laugh, "sure thing," he took the bottle from her and returned with a red solo cup. "You all good?"
Fallon nodded, "yeah, I need to stop, I'm already too far into a bottle of Jack."
Matt nodded, "well enjoy yourself, it's quiet tonight," Fallon took notice of the fact that the music had been turned down to a reasonable level and she recognized the few faces that remained in the basement, "seems like everyone either went to bed or is out."
"I'll try my hardest."
She found her way back to the beer pong table and handed Trent the cup.
"Thank you." As he took a sip it seemed like he had swallowed the whole thing at once.
"How're you still drinking?" Fallon walked to the end of the beer pong table opposite Trent and began shooting her first ball.
"Pure talent... and depression." He raised the cup towards her and took another sip.
Finally, around 1:00am, the crowd left in the basement began to dwindle. Trent was sitting in the corner of the basement, by the stairs, dozing in and out. Fallon was finishing a conversation with DJ, who had taken a moment to introduce her to the new boys who were in the middle of pledging the fraternity. One adorned a set of bunny ears, the other made to attend all basement parties with no shoes on.
"Anyway, that's who these four are and why they're not going to question you at the door anymore." DJ finished, "I think you need to go take care of your boy over there though." He gestured with his chin towards Trent. Fallon walked over with an exasperated look.
"Hey, it's time for bed," she said, pulling him up off the stool he was on. He groaned incomprehensibly. "Come on, up the stairs." She began guiding him step by step, slowly to the first floor, and then the second.
The doors that were open upstairs when she got there had since been closed, the boys behind them had gone to bed or decided they'd had enough socializing. When they stopped at Trent's door and dug in his pocket for the key, but couldn't get it to meet the lock in the correct position.
"Shit," he whispered under his breath.
"Here, let me." Once the door's lock clicked, Fallon pushed it open and flicked the light switch on.
"Too bright," Trent said, covering his eyes with his hand.
"Oh stop," she closed the door behind them as they entered, turning the lock before walking away from it.
Trent had already found his way to his bed. "Can you throw me a water bottle from the desk?" Fallon reached for one of the many half-started bottles sitting on Trent's desk and lightly tossed it onto the bed rather than into his hand. "Thank you." He chugged what was left in the bottle.
"Maybe don't do that."
"I'm good, not gonna puke."
"You say that now."
Trent rolled over and pointed to the bottom drawer of the dresser. "If you want sweatpants and a t-shirt."
"Don't mind if I do." She shuffled through the folded sets of pants and shirts until she found ones she would be content with. "I'm going to the bathroom to change and take this makeup off, don't get up."
Trent waved her off, "not moving," he was practically face down on the pillow.
Fallon grabbed a face towel off the stack on the small shelf next to the door, "I'm taking this."
"Take whatever you want," Trent mumbled into the pillow.
She headed down the hall towards the stairs and into the bathroom, which, to her surprise, was not as dirty as she anticipated. She slid out of the outfit Sarah had graciously lent her, and into the sweats she had taken from Trent's drawer. She felt the relief rush over her as the fabric hung loosely around her, a welcomed change from what she had on before. She tied her hair back into a high ponytail and wet the small towel she had taken and started to rub at the makeup on her face, which streaked black from her eyes down her cheeks.
"Great," she mumbled to herself, rubbing her skin more aggressively than before until finally all the black had disappeared. She tossed some warm water onto her face and dried it with the dry end of the towel. Satisfied, she left the bathroom and headed back up the hallway to Trent's room.
As she opened the door she could already hear him snoring. She glanced at the clock, 1:45am. Figuring it would be a long night with little success of trying to wiggle her way into Trent's bed and have enough room for herself, she decided to head back down to the kitchen, hoping that maybe one of these boys drank tea and there were tea bags stashed somewhere in the cabinets.
She stashed her clothes and shoes in the corner of Trent's room, careful to place them where they wouldn't be tripped over if he got up during the night. Turning the light off, she slowly opened the door to the hallway and quietly closed it behind her. The house had gone from constant noise and movement to being completely still and quiet. She took the stairs one by one, trying to avoid making too much noise with the creaking that came with every step. Once she finally ended up in the kitchen, she started opening cabinets and shuffling their contents in hopes she would find at least one tea bag she could use.
Once she opened the third cabinet, she found the cups, which seemed to be clean, but no success in finding anything from tea to coffee to hot chocolate. She sighed, slightly defeated and closed the cabinet door, carefully placing the mug she had taken out back up on the shelf where she had found it.
"Are you looking for something?"
The voice made her jump, not expecting anyone to have been there. She turned around to find Matt in the connecting doorway between the kitchen and the living room.
"Jesus, you scared the shit out of me."
He laughed slightly, "sorry, I tend to do that to people. What are you looking for?"
She rolled her eyes, "tea, which apparently none of you drink."
Matt's overly white smile came across his face again, "no one actually keeps their stuff out here in the cabinets, we all hoard it in our rooms."
"Probably a smart idea." She walked into the next room, sitting on the coffee table across from Matt, rubbing her face with her palms.
"Stay here," Matt got up from his place on the couch and she watched him disappear into the kitchen, then heard hurried footsteps up the stairs and within a few seconds, back down again. "Here you go." He handed over a tea bag.
Fallon smiled, clearly delighted, "thank you," she said as she took it from his hand. "Now what are the odds you have a teapot?" She giggled a little.
Matt's smile was back, "Got that good ol' microwave and a sink for that."
Fallon got up and found her way back into the kitchen, warming her water in the microwave, desperate times called for desperate measures. After heating up the water and letting the tea bag float down to the bottom of her cup, she rejoined Matt.
"How come you're still up?" She asked.
He shrugged slightly, "I don't sleep much, party nights make it worse. I've got anxiety, which is probably why I don't ever sleep." He paused, "and probably why I smoke so many cigarettes."
Fallon let out a small laugh. "Do you have bourbon in your tea?" She peaked into his mug.
"Nope, just regular tea, I have some though if you want it in yours."
"Oh god, no, I already drank too much. No drinks for you tonight?"
"I'm working Risk. We can't drink."
"Oh right, you were the one at the door, duh"
Fallon was familiar with the "Risk" job, it meant guarding the door, taking money when people want to come in, picking and choosing who got through the door, and talking down the cops if they show up. Trent had done it a couple times, but she tried not to come on those nights since he was stuck in one spot.
"And what keeps you here this evening?"
Fallon sighed, "Trent has some things going on, he fell asleep and I don't have it in me to wake him. There's just not a ton of room for me up there in that bed too, so here I am."
"I feel like you spend a lot of your time taking care of him." Matt took a sip from his mug, "maybe that's me over stepping, I don't really know you well enough I guess."
"No, it's okay. I do put the time in to make sure he's okay, but he does the same for me. He's looked out for me for a long time, I return the favor if and when I can."
Matt nodded, "so are you guys like a thing now that he's done with that other girl?"
Fallon took a sip of her tea and shook her quickly, "no, no, it's not really like that between us, we've been friends a long time."
"You sure he feels that way too?"
"Well, I mean, I guess?"
"You ever ask him?"
"Ask him what?"
"How he feels about you?"
"No, never really felt the need to, he's always had a girlfriend or I had a boyfriend. I don't think it occurred to either of us to date each other." Fallon shifted her positioning, suddenly uncomfortable on the coffee table. "Can I sit there?" She pointed to the empty cushion next to Matt.
She switched her spot and sank into the worn couch cushions, "and what about you? You got girlfriend issues to think on too these days?"
Matt laughed, "no, girlfriends aren't my thing."
"Oh you're gay?" Fallon smiled.
"What?" Matt let out a hardy laugh, "no! No I don't like girlfriends, I just like the company of girls," he smirked.
"Such a player."
"Not when I find the right one, I know she'll come and make me change my player ways, it'll get too complicated for me."
Fallon gave him a light shove on the shoulder, "those are Bryson Tiller lyrics, stupid."
"You're right, but it's true, they say it takes one girl and then boom your whole life is different."
"I don't think that's true. I think it goes both ways."
"You wanna give it a shot?"
"Give what a shot?"
"Do you wanna go out with me sometime?"
Fallon paused before she answered. She never really considered going out with Matt because, like all the other boys, they were so brotherly to her, it seemed weird. But she was having a nice conversation. "Sure," she took the last sip of her tea, "on one condition."
"What's that?"
"You find me somewhere to sleep tonight."
"Well ya see, we have this trusty old couch, and I have been told I have very comfortable shoulders."
"Oh yeah?" She reached out and squeezed his right shoulder, "hm, a little rough."
He slipped his hand behind her head and pulled her face gently towards his, "I can take you upstairs, there's plenty of space in my room." His breath smelled of cigarettes and chamomile that made her nose wrinkle. Maybe she had too much to drink, maybe she was over tired, but she found herself nodding anyway. "Come on." He grabbed her hand and pulled her carefully up the stairs.
Matt's room was the first door at the top of the staircase. He unlocked it and let her step in first. It was different from Trent's. More put together, the queen bed in the corner was made, there were bins stacked inside the small closet, the books were all on shelves.
"Wow, it's...clean in here."
Matt closed the door behind them, "did you expect me to be dirty?"
"No, I don't think so, just most boys are a little disorganized? I guess that's the word."
"I'm not most boys," Matt walked over to the bed sliding his shirt over his head and tossing it into the laundry basket on the ground. "You don't have to stand in the doorway."
Fallon looked around, now that she was here, she felt a little awkward, like she wasn't meant to be in any of the other boys' rooms except Trent's. She shook the thoughts from her head and met Matt's eyes on hers. He was back in front of her.
"Sorry, I don't know why I'm so nervous all of the sudden."
"Hey, it's okay, there's no expectations here. You asked for somewhere to sleep, that's all." He took a step back from her, "you take the bed, I'll sleep on the floor, it's all good."
"No, Matt, you don't have to sleep on the floor. I'm inconveniencing you, I'll sleep on the floor."
"Absolutely not. Pretty girls don't sleep on the floor. Dumb boys do." He made his way towards the closet and pulled down a blanket from the top shelf. "As long as you can spare a pillow, I'll be fine." He smiled at her as he got close again, "really, it's fine. No expectations, just a date on Saturday, that's all.
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