Chapter Ten- Coming Home
Luke's POV
We were finally able to take Becki home today, for which we were all grateful. She had been working so hard to be able to be released early, and it had paid off. We had been told that the list of things that she can't do anymore would be short, but the list of thing she would have to learn to do differently was long. She sat in the front seat beside me, messing with the radio. Then, she found a station that was playing one of her favorite songs. Beloved, by Tenth Avenue North. I smiled, listening to her sing.
Love of my life, look deep in my eyes
There you will find what you need
Give me your life, the lust and the lies
The past you're afraid I might see
You've been running away from me
You're my beloved
Lover, I'm yours
Death shall not part us
It's you I died for
For better or worse
Forever will be
My love, it unites us
And it binds you to me
It's a mystery
Love of my life, look deep in my eyes
There you will find what you need
I'm the giver of life, I'll clothe you in white
My immaculate bride you will be
Oh, come running home to me, yeah
You're my beloved
Lover, I'm yours
Death shall not part us
It's you I died for
For better or worse
Forever will be
My love it unites us
And it binds you to me
You've been a mistress, my wife
You're chasing lovers that won't satisfy
Won't you let me make you my bride
You will drink of my lips
And you will taste new life
You're my beloved
Lover, I'm yours
Death shall not part us
It's you I died for
For better or worse
Forever will be
Our love it unites us
And it binds you to me
It's a mystery
She finished the song, and it went into the people talking again, and she just stared off into the distance, out the window, silent. She was hurting more than she was willing to admit.
"Your mum said that she's fine with you coming with us when we go on tour again in a few weeks. The rest of the guys will be really glad to see you. They keep texting me about you." I said, smiling slightly. She nodded slowly, still staring out the window. It was quiet for a few more minutes, and then she spoke up.
"What's going to happen with the boys? I don't want them to be scared of it. And I.....Why would this happen? Why would God want me to be missing an arm?" I reached over, taking her good hand, and I gently squeezed it.
"It's going to be alright, Rebecca. I promise. God helped us when Chrissie got sick, and he's going to help us now. We're going to be alright. They shouldn't be scared of you. It's still you. You just look a little different." She smiled weakly, and took a deep breath.
"Chrissie.....She was the girl you adopted before me, right?" I smiled weakly.
"Yes. She....She was four when we got her, and she was almost eleven when she died. She was diagnosed with cancer when Jude was a little over a year old, and the doctors said there was nothing else they could do. She never stopped smiling, though. She would've loved you. Always smiling, always happy.....You two would've gotten along beautifully." Rebecca smiled, and then she caught her breath. A horse and rider had come up alongside us, and the rider was waving. It was Libby. Rebecca laughed, rolling down the window as I slowed down.
"Hello, strangers!" Libby called, grinning. She acted like a little kid sometimes, but she was always the first to help Rebecca with anything related to the lymes.
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