Chapter Seven- Three Months Later
Rebecca's POV
"Merry Christmas, Becki!!!" I woke up to Jude bouncing on my bed, squealing at the top of his lungs.
"Merry Christmas, Jude. Are mum and dad up yet?" He nodded, pulling me downstairs.
"Come on!! Mama said we can't open presents until you eat breakfast! Hurry!!" I laughed, allowing him to pull me downstairs, and then he literally pushed me down into a seat, handing me a fork.
"Mama made pancakes, Becki! Hurry and eat!" Dad came in, laughing at my little brother.
"Slow down, little man. If she eats too fast, she might get sick, and then you'd have to wait another couple days to open your presents." He nodded, crawling into my lap. I went ahead and ate a little faster than usual, but still too slow for Jude's liking. When I finished, he grabbed my plate, fork, knife, and glass, taking them and putting them in the sink. Then, he came back, pulling me into the living room.
"Mama! Dada! She's done!! Come on!" Dad and mum came in, but too slowly for Jude's liking, so he pulled them in as well. After they had sat down, he promptly plopped himself on my lap, where I started gently played with his hair. Dad sat beside the tree, where he could hand everyone their gifts.
"Okay.....Jude, who should open the first present?" He looked around.
"Hmm....Mama!" Luke chuckled, and handed a box to her. It was an olive green shirt, with white lettering on it, and it said Growing My Tribe, and it had a white arrow on it. There were also two black and white t-shirts with Our Tribe Is Growing, and Big Brother on them. There was also one like the two, only it said Big Sister. She laughed, and I looked up, slightly curious.
"Well.....I guess that now would be a good time. This is actually accurate." My eyes widened, and my mouth dropped open.
"So.....I'm going to be a big sister again?" She nodded, smiling.
"Yes. He or she is due in mid July." I grinned widely, and Jude bounced up and down.
"I hope it's a girl. I love these two, but I would like a sister." I said, and mum laughed.
"That would be nice. You and I are slightly outnumbered." Dad rolled his eyes playfully, and then pulled a larger gift out. It had a strange shape, and it was really large. He handed it to me, a smile on his face.
"Careful. It's slightly fragile." I pulled off the paper, and then opened the smooth black case. Inside, there sat a beautiful, brand new Taylor acoustic guitar. It was tan, with a small design around the hole, and had a brown pick guard. I gently lifted it out of the case, and saw it already had a strap on it.
"'s beautiful. Thank you." I looked up, the biggest grin in the world on my face, and saw them both smiling.
"You should also thank Joel and Moriah. They helped with getting it, and Moriah suggested we should get it for you, since you've borrowed hers so much." I chuckled, taking out my phone. I quickly pulled up my tuning app, and adjusted the strings as necessary, strumming a few chords. I just played a few chords, testing out how it sounded. I gently put it back in the case, looking up at my parents again.
"Thank you so much." Mum and dad smiled, and Jude looked up at me.
"Can I open one now?" We all laughed, and Dad gave him one. We finished opening our gifts right before Joel and Moriah arrived, and they had a couple more. We were going to have our big family celebration tomorrow, since a couple people had to drive in. That night, I sat on our back porch with my guitar. I started playing and quietly singing I Am Yours by Lauren Daigle when Dad came out.
"Hey, princess. How's it work for you?" I smiled, pausing.
"It works really well. Thank you so much." He smiled at me.
"So......Mark asked for a couple days off.....which means we don't have a guitarist for the next performance. Wanna fill in on guitar, and maybe do some vocals?" I stared at him, shocked.
"Me? Really?" He laughed.
"Yes, really. So, what do you say? Will you do it, love?" I laughed, gently setting the guitar aside and wrapping my arms around his neck.
"Yes! Yes, yes, yes!" He chuckled, hugging me back.
"I'm excited about hearing this, because you do have a beautiful voice. Anyone says otherwise, they might be slightly tone-deaf or just ignoring a fact." I laughed, letting go and leaning up against him. Life was finally back to normal. I also willingly helped with the I Am Priceless video for the band, which was a collaboration of people saying that what the world said about them didn't matter. We are Priceless.
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