*9* •Bad News•
Alexis fluttered her eyes open and stretched while yawning.
Sunlight flooded into the bus hallway, and she jumped out of bed. She walked into the kitchen where Joel and Moriah were dressed and ready for something.
She opened the fridge and grabbed some milk and opened a cabinet and grabbed some cereal.
"Where are y'all going?"
Joel cleared his throat as he took a bite of his bagel.
"You mean 'Where are we going.'"
Alexis turned around to see Moriah holding some clean clothes for Alexis.
Alexis smiled, grabbed the clothes, and kissed her parnets cheeks for good morning. She walked into the bathroom and changed.
Joel and Moriah began to talk.
Moriah started first.
"Should we tell her?"
"No, I don't want to ruin her happiness."
"But, she'll find out anyways."
Joel sighed.
"No, we can't tell her. She's just too young and... She seems so happy. I don't want her to think the days are counted."
Moriah looked at the ground, Joel was speaking the truth.
"You're right. We won't tell her."
Joel nodded in time, Alexis walked out the bathroom.
Her hair was in a messy bun and she smiled at her parents.
Moriah and Joel smiled back, sadly.
It broke their hearts not telling Alexis the truth.
But, it would break her heart if she did find out about it.
So, they kept it a secret.
"Smallbone Family?"
A lady stood at the door way of the waiting room. She looked around to see if someone heard.
Joel stood up, with Moriah and Alexis. They walked towards her, and she led them into the doctors office.
Dr. Johnson smiled at Alexis and handed her a container of tablets. He smiled at her.
"These are your vitamins. You must take three a day, if you want to be healthy again."
Alexis nodded and sat once again, putting the vitamins in her mother's purse.
Doctor Johnson took a seat, and placed his hands on his desk.
"Mr and Mrs. Smallbone, what I wanted to talk about-"
Moriah quickly interrupted the doctor.
"Alexis, why don't you step outside."
Alexis gave a confused look, "Why?"
Moriah bit her lip, what was she suppose to tell her.
Joel saved her, thankfully.
"Why don't you go make friends with the nurse in the main office?"
Alexis shrugged while smiling, and skipped out the room to make friends with the main office nurse.
Dr. Johnson looked at Joel and Moriah.
"You have not told her?"
Moriah sighed, and played with her wedding ring.
"No. She is just to young and happy, I don't want to ruin that."
Dr. Johnson nodded.
"I understand. I wanted to talk about, the time left that..."
He searched for the right words, "That ya'll will be a complete family."
Joel pressed his lips together and played with his fingers.
"How much time?"
Dr. Johnson was quiet, he looked down and gulped.
He wasn't good at telling the news.
"Not much. It could happen in three to six months. Or, it could happen in a matter of weeks, days. Hours or Minutes."
Moriah let silent tears come, she still looked down.
Joel hugged her, trying to comfort her.
Moriah kept crying, this time she wasn't a quiet. How could she be quiet, knowing that, maybe today was their last day as a complete family?
Dr. Johnson continued, but it was all a blur to Moriah and Joel.
"Hey, where's Alexis?"
Moriah and Joel had finally wrapped up the conversation with Dr. Johnson. They were busy talking about what will happen, that they forgot Alexis.
"I don't know."
Moriah and Joel's eyes grew in fear, and they ran back to the clinic.
Thy bursted into the door, where everyone quickly turned and saw them.
Moriah and Joel flooded in embarrassment as people gave them weird looks.
Alexis was at the counter, talking to the main office nurse.
Alexis giggled and waved at Joel and Moriah.
Moriah and Joel walked over to them, still embarrassed.
Joel cleared his throat.
"Um... Alexis, darling, what are you doing?"
Alexis spoke normally, like nothing happened.
"You told me to make friends. This is Beatrice!"
Alexis turned and pointed at the nurse behind the glass.
She looked like she wanted to pull out her hair.
Beatrice just spoke with an annoyed and depressed voice.
"So, this little girl is yours? How can you live?"
Alexis laughed, Joel and Moriah began understood what Beatrice meant. Alexis didn't. She spoke while laughing.
"Oh, Beatrice! You're so funny!"
Joel chuckled nervously, "Yeah, she is."
Moriah still looked at Alexis like crazy.
Joel looked at his imaginary watch.
"Oh, look at the time! We have to go!"
Alexis lifted up an eyebrow.
"Um, you don't have a watch-"
She didn't finish, because Moriah grabbed her wrist and they all walked out.
Alexis sung in the backseat of the SUV. She was listening and singing to "Drops In The Ocean" by Hawk Nelson.
Joel looked into the mirror, to see Alexis.
She was singing and smiling.
Joel gave a sad smile, she wouldn't be happy for long.
Moriah held his hand, and Joel stopped at a red stop light.
This could be their last moment together.
But, they were going to cherish it.
But, this is just the beginning of bad news.
Hello Craverz!
I updated, like I promise!! It's short, but I want to finish this book, so I can focus on "Missing."
Comment, Vote, and Whatever ya'll do that make me smile!
Byez Craverz!
❤Your Friendly Neighborhood Christian/Craver❤
This is my favorite joriah Picture!!! It's so cute!!!!
Next Update:
May 20, 2016
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