*11* •Truth Escapes•
"Yeah, it was crazy last night!"
It was in the afternoon the next day. Alexis was face timing Rayne and Madi about the "Little Incident" last night at the fair.
Rayne wrinkled her nose.
Madi just laughed.
"How did he react?"
Aleixs pressed her lips together, trying not to laugh.
"He started screaming while the ride was going, So your the one who ate my Reeses!'"
Alexis burst into laughter, along with Madi and Rayne.
It was a great and halirious night. Then, Alexis finally stopped laughing.
"Okay, okay, I have to use the bathroom."
Madi and Rayne nodded. Rayne smiled.
"It's okay, just leave your phone here. Well put ourselves on mute."
They all agreed and Alexis got up from the sofa and walked into the bathroom.
Rayne and Madi talked on the other side, well technically screaming, because of the mute.
They giggled.
Then they heard the main door open then clothes.
They couldn't see anything, Alexis put the the phone down, so the camera only saw the table.
But, they could still hear.
And they recognized who they were.
Joel and Moriah.
Rayne hushed Madi, and they listened to their conversation.
"Joel, we don't have much time!"
"Moriah, please, calm down-"
"Joel, don't tell me to calm down! How can I calm down knowing that any day now, we might never wake up to be a complete family!?"
Rayne and Madi listened to the rest of the conversation. Their faces were in horror at every word.
Moriah began to cry, and they knew she was crying into Joel's chest.
They talked more.
And finally, Madi could not stand it. She snatched the phone away from Rayne, and turned off the mute.
She yelled into the phone's mic.
"Mr and Mrs. Smallbone!"
Moriah and Joel stopped and looked around to see who was there.
Rayne and Madi yelled harder and faster.
"Mr and Mrs. Smallbone! Mr and Mrs. Smallbone!"
Moriah covered her mouth as she realized who's voices they were.
"Is that..."
Joel picked up the phone that was on the table.
He flushed pale.
"Rayne and Madison."
Rayne and Madi looked at them, with horror on their faces.
Moriah and Joel were pale.
Finally, Rayne spoke.
"Is, what you said, true?"
Joel pressed his lips together. Moriah looked down, crying silently.
Joel whispered, tears filling his eyes.
Rayne covered her mouth. Madi shook her head in disbelief.
"But, she looks fine."
Joel looked at Moriah, she had tears rolling down her cheeks. He looked back at Madi and Rayne.
"Not for long."
Madi covered her mouth in horror. Rayne began to cry.
Madi hugged her, she just couldn't let her cry like that.
Finally, Rayne and Moriah stopped crying.
Moriah and Joel looked at each other and nodded.
Joel quickly said, "You must not tell anyone! Especially Alexis!"
Rayne and Madi nodded. Rayne asked.
"Why can't we tell Alexis?"
Moriah and Joel looked at each other.
"We don't want her to think the days are counted."
Madi and Rayne nodded.
Joel quickly said again.
"You must not tell anyone! No one can know about this."
"Know about what?"
Moriah, Joel, Rayne, and Madi turned to the door way.
Luke and Courtney stood there, waiting for a response.
Moriah, Joel, Madi, and Rayne flushed pale, too scared to move or speak.
Luke and Courtney walked up to Moriah and Joel.
Luke spoke in a low and firm voice to Joel.
"What is going on?"
Moriah and Joel looked at each other and then at Rayne and Madi.
They all nodded and looked at Luke and Courtney.
"You can't tell anyone! Not even Alexis!"
Luke and Courtney nodded, afraid to hear the rest.
Moriah told them half, she broke into tears and Joel had to finish for her.
Courtney tried comforting Moriah, and so did Joel. But, they failed, she kept crying.
Luke looked at Joel, Moriah, Courtney, Rayne, and Madi, with no expressions.
Joel finished, and Luke just stayed the same, no reaction.
Joel whispered to him.
"Please, don't tell Alexis. I don't want her to think the days are counted."
Luke didn't respond, he just stood there. Joel looked at everyone then back at Luke.
Luke got up, slammed his fists on the table. It made Courtney, Joel, Moriah, Rayne, and Madi jump. They have never seen him like this.
Luke didn't speak or make any eye contact. He simply walked out, not saying anything.
He stepped outside, and everyone inside heard a Bang. Luke was kicking the side of the bus.
Every hit made Courtney and Moriah jump.
Rayne and Madi just sat in the other tour bus, that was two buses away from For KING & COUNTRY's bus. And they could hear the kicks.
Joel looked down, pressing his lips. He has never seen Luke act like this.
After about twenty kicks, Luke came back in, no expression.
He sat down, and didn't show any signs. Courtney looked at him, she wanted to ask why he did that, but she just couldn't.
After several moments of silence, luke finally said something.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
Joel looked down, Moriah answered.
"Because we didn't want anyone to worry or react like you did."
Luke shook his head.
"Why can't Alexis know?"
Joel rubbed his wrists.
"We don't want her to worry. We don't want to ruin her happiness."
That triggered Luke. He slammed once again the table with his fists. Everyone jumped, except Joel.
"Joel! She needs to know the truth!"
Joel shook his head.
"No, Alexis will not know-"
"Joel! It will hurt her even more when she finds out herself!"
"No! I'm not telling her! And neither are you!"
"Then when? When will she find out?!"
"I don't know! But I know I won't tell her now!"
"Joel! You're so stubborn! Why won't you tell her?!"
"I just can't tell her! How can I tell her that her-"
Moriah stood up, crying and screamed at both Joel and Luke.
"Stop! Just stop! I can't take this anymore!"
Courtney went to Luke and touched his hand. She spoke in a calm, soothing voice.
"Luke, please. Don't. I can't take it as well."
Luke looked at Courtney in the eyes.
He was furious, but when he looked at Courtney's eyes, he just calmed down.
Courtney embraced him, breathing in his scent.
They parted and looked at Joel and Moriah.
Moriah had tear stains on her face and was sniffing. Her head was against Joel's shoulder.
Joel looked at Luke.
"Luke, listen to me. I'll tell her, when it's time."
Luke nodded, Courtney at his arm.
"Alright, Joel. I will keep this from her."
They all agreed, and Alexis stepped out the bathroom.
Rayne and Madi continued their conversation with Alexis. Like nothing ever happened.
Luke, Courtney, Joel, and Moriah would exchange worried looks, but they wouldn't speak.
The truth had escaped, but not to Alexis. And that's what kept it safe.
Hey Craverz!
Sorry I didn't say much last chapter! I was in a hurry, but at least I updated!
So, some people are asking me "What's going on?"
Well, since the conversations don't say names or say what's happening, it's a secret.
At the end of the book, I will explain everything that is happening.
In the meantime, I'm just leaving ya'll in suspense! 😂
Well, Byez Craverz!
Almost done with the book!!
Just four more chapters!!!😃
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