Chapter Three
Let's see if this satisfies you, my lovely readers......
Chapter Three: Oh...My...Olympus...
Point of view: Third Person
Blackjack nudges the stilling body of his best and only friend. Percy still breathes weakly, but Blackjack knows his brother is about to die. He whinnies louder than before when the demigods parted for him, 'Perseus Jackson is dead!' And Reyna comes running. She falls to her knees and demigods rush into the clearing as they watch Percy take his last breath in this world. Reyna hugs Blackjack and they grieve together for their dead friend.
A bright flash of pink and Venus herself stands there with tears falling thickly from her eyes. She picks up Percy and places a hand on Blackjack and the three of them disappear.
In Aphrodite's shrine
Blackjack watches helplessly while Aphrodite lays his best friend's paling body on a red velvet bed. She places her hands on his chest and glows a bright pink and white. Percy's chest starts moving and he draws ragged breaths.
'What are you doing?! I promised him I would help him die!' Blackjack whinnies angrily at her.
"And you did brave pegasus. Now I am bringing him back from the brink. I will not let someone so loyal and precious die because all he loves was taken away. I will help him heal." The love goddess smiles sadly at Blackjack.
"Blackjack?" Percy asks.
Percy pov
"Blackjack?" I rasp out.
'You were dead boss and the love goddess brought you back. I'm sorry, she is holding me back with her powers. I'm sorry.' My best friend enters my head.
'Don't be. If I died then you didn't do anything wrong. It's not your fault.' I tell him gratefully and then speak aloud in my broken voice, "Why am I alive?" I ask.
"I am not letting you die on me hero. You must live. I have already informed Terminus that I have taken your body someplace sacred to where only the most noble heroes may rest in peace. Your cape and badge as a twice praetor hang in a place of honor in the halls of the Senate House. They can never be taken down and I have erected a statue of you on your pegasus, depicting you proudly fighting your enemies for all time. Relax now, and know that when you wake up, I will help you heal all the love you have lost." Aphrodite kisses my forehead much like a mother would. Blackjack comes over and lays next to the bed. I entwine my fingers weakly in his mane and fall asleep.
Third person pov
Aphrodite bangs open the throne room doors and they come off their hinges at her rage and the red aura around her melts them with her radiating natural beauty. The council gasps and looks at her in shock. Aphrodite walks through the two demigod encampments calmly as they part for her, but you can tell she is beyond pissed off.
"Perseus Jackson, the only hero to live up to the title and the greatest and most loyal man to ever live, is dead! May he forever be known as the Hero and Savior of Olympus! No soul but Reyna, praetor of the Twelfth Legion Fulminata, Nico di Angelo, Thalia Grace, and myself will be allowed to visit his final resting place! He lies in the most sacred place and is the only person to ever be permitted to rest there and the only one ever deserving!" Aphrodite announces and everyone looks at her in surprise.
Aphrodite whirls on Annabeth. "For being so unfaithful to the purest and loyal man to love anyone, I curse you to never find love until the one you were unfaithful to has forgiven you, Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena!"
Then Aphrodite turns to Poseidon and snaps at him. She summons her spear and her battle armor appears, people look on in amazement. "And you!" She spits at the sea god. "I curse you forever to never have anymore children so long as you shall live, I curse your marriage to fall apart until your own son and wife disown you and divorce you and then to never find another woman to be with, until Perseus Jackson forgives your dishonorable actions!" She hisses at the fearful god.
Aphrodite turns to Zeus and levels her spear at his chest. "You will fulfill every last request Perseus Jackson has ever asked you to make. Especially the ones you swore on the River Styx you would fulfill. Every last one, or you will die by my hands!" She screeches as tears flood down her exquisite face. "You can reform in Tartarus and then I'll kill anyone who tries to avenge your sorry ass!" She screams and everybody flinches.
"What is wrong daughter?" Zeus asks.
"I am your adopted daughter. Don't forget that I am the eldest Olympian. My powers may not be as fancy as yours, but I have more power flowing through my veins than you do. I was born from the blood of the Primordial Ouranos mixing with the waters of the deity Pontus! I am deadly with a spear and I can will you to fall upon it! Now do what you were supposed to long ago before I rip you apart!" She says coldly.
Zeus snaps his fingers in shock and fear. All the imprisoned peaceful Titanesses, deities, and nymphs appear, then disappear as Aphrodite transports them to her shrine in a different room from Percy. Every other wish Percy has ever uttered is now fulfilled and the minor gods all send out bright lights over Olympus in honor of the fallen hero, their fallen hero.
Aphrodite pulls out of her fighting stance and Artemis comes down off her throne to stand before the love goddess. "You seem different." Artemis starts slowly.
"Child, I have never been what you see. You merely saw my front that my loving husband agreed to. You should have come to me for sparring against a spear user, not Athena. My children use daggers because you think them weak. If you put a spear in their hands, they'd be deadlier than children of Ares." Aphrodite says proudly and Artemis just stares at her.
Hephaestus comes down off his throne and encircles his arm around his wife's waist and she kisses him passionately. Everybody stares and Artemis is slack jawed. They pull away and Hephaestus flashes to his forges.
"But...why act like that for so long?" Artemis asks her in confusion.
"Sweetie, have you seen our family? I acted like it because if I didn't act stupid and non-powerful, Zeus would have imprisoned me long ago. I'm tired of pretending and Perseus Jackson was the final straw. The man died heartbroken and it effects me greatly. I am truly sorry about your past huntresses, please forgive me." Aphrodite bows her head to Artemis, then lifts it back up and snaps her fingers.
Blackjack appears beside Aphrodite and he looks at her expectantly. "Speak your mind young stallion and know that I will protect you from their wrath for your loyalty to the hero." Aphrodite sweeps her hand over the throne room. "Poseidon, give him the ability to speak to all of their minds until I deem it over." Aphrodite growls at Poseidon.
He snaps his fingers and Blackjack glows sea green.
Blackjack turns around in a circle until he faces the demigods. 'Is it working? Can everyone hear me?' He asks them and they all nod. 'Good. Now shut up and listen, every single last person in this room, I don't care how high and mighty you think your ugly asses are, except Lady Artemis and Lady Aphrodite of course. You will listen to what I have to say and you are going to do what I say or I'll kill you no matter what it takes.' Blackjack whinnies and it bounces across the room.
He turns to Poseidon and his ears flatten in anger as he slowly stalks toward the sea god and his wings are extended to their full length. 'You are the most despicable prick in the entire universe. That boy loved you with all his heart, even if you only claimed him at a time of need and rarely visited him. That bitch who gave birth to him can rot in Tartarus for eternity for all I care. She doesn't deserve to live after tossing my best friend out on the streets to fend for himself. I watched as my brother in all but species withered away to nothing and I felt it as he died. He remained tied to the sea even after you disowned him because the sea knew better and still cared for the true master of their tides. He did his best to prove himself to an arrogant, selfish, petty, and fool of a dumbass who has no right to call himself King of the Depths and God of the Sea. It was all in vain because all you wanted was glory and attention. You should not have the honor to be an Olympian, to sit where he should be sitting. I declare that my ties to you as my lord and father are null and void. I disown you as my lifeblood and retie myself to the soul of my best friend and brother. I am going to kill you if you try to speak to him ever again. I hope Triton and Amphitrite see you for themonster that you truly are and leave you as soon as you return to Atlantis.' Blackjack says coldly.
Then he turns to Annabeth and the demigods. 'You girl, if you try to talk to him, consider yourself dead on your feet. As my brother Telios dies in his stables and draws his final breath as of this moment at the camp, as the last of the noble breed of pegasi, I curse all children of Athena and especially you, but not the goddess herself, to forever walk alone except for their own brothers and sisters. May they never find friends in anyone but themselves nor may they find mates except in the purest of heart like my best friend was. And may the curse only be lifted when my best friend forgives Annabeth Chase directly.'
He stands proudly. 'I want my best friend and brother to be honored like the hero he was and still is. I want him to be remembered for all time until the end of time itself. You will never speak badly of him or face the wrath of the Last of the Pegasi, the Steed of the Hero, and the Friend of the Golden Hearted Warrior. Perseus Jackson is the only person who has ever and who will ever be, worthy of the title Hero. Demigods will no longer be referred to as heroes. In my eyes, none of you are deserving but him. The three human friends he had left are the only ones I will let near me once I leave this place other than my best friend himself.'
Then Blackjack turns to face the gods and neighs proudly and rears back in dominance. He slams his hooves down. "My best friend's final wish was to die and die he did. Be warned, if this ever happens again, then by my spirit will I come back to haunt you all. You will name my best friend as the most noble, courageous, loyal, loving, and purest of heart. You will forever call him hero and honor him like he should have been. He died brokenhearted, bleeding out, and filled to the brim with guilt because of your children's words and actions. He lost everythinguntil he couldn't stand to be alive anymore! If it happens again, I will do more than haunt you, I will send you all to the Pit for your idiocy. Lady Aphrodite, bring Chiron here if you would please.' Blackjack turns to her and she snaps her fingers.
Chiron appears in the middle of the throne room and kneels.
'Rise you moron. I am going to give you a piece of my mind before I am unable to make you understand me with words.' Blackjack clatters his hooves and Chiron skitters backwards.
Blackjack advances on him and shows him that he is the most dominant of the two types of steed. 'For killing my best friend. For murdering my brother. For ruining the life of the greatest and only hero to ever live, I will speak my mind to you you filthy piece of trash. You are a disgrace to the world of horses and your own brethren. You and you alone will be the cause of your race's downfall for your damned thoughts. As the Last of the Pegasi, I curse you, Chiron, Teacher of Heroes, to be the last of your kind just like I am the last of mine. Your brethren, both evil and good, shall die by the hundreds every day until you are alone in this world with only your job. You better hope that you are still needed or centaurs will become extinct real fast. Only Perseus Jackson's direct forgiveness to you can save your race and he is dead. I will kill you if you try to talk to him or come near me unless I approach you first. Your students can kiss my pegasus ass. I am never coming to the camps again unless I am trying to find my best friend's last friends. I will enter without fear and I won't be stopped no matter the cost. When there is a time of war, I will only ride to the rescue when mounted by my brother. My kind paid dearly for fighting in the last war. Even the immortal Pegasus is nowhere to be found and I cannot feel him. So I will say it again. I am the Last of the Pegasi and only the Hero may ride me.' Blackjack whinnies.
'My last words to all of you for now will be good ones on my part. I hope all of you forever feel the pain my best friend did before he died. I hope that when you die, your last thoughts will be of him and how you wish you could tell him you're sorry and then realize that unless he tells you himself, you don't deserve to be forgiven. If any of the gods who betrayed him have to reform, I hope you reform painfully and I hope it is more excruciating than anything Tartarus can do to you. I will take my leave now and screw every last one of you assholes.' Blackjack stomps and Aphrodite waves her hand. Poseidon snaps his fingers and then Aphrodite snaps hers, sending Blackjack back to Percy.
Aphrodite turns to Artemis. "Come to me if you ever need anything dear." She lays her hand on Artemis's shoulder and snaps her fingers again. Reyna, Thalia, and Nico disappearing and teleported to her shrine.
"I will Aphrodite. I agree, Perseus was the only decent male in existence and now because of idiocy, the pure man is dead. I will honor him like he deserves." Artemis smiles and hugs Aphrodite, who hugs her back.
"Good. I must prepare him to give him his final rites. Then I shall put him in his grave." Aphrodite says and flashes out.
"I have respect for the woman already." Artemis grins and flashes back to her camp where her Hunters await.
At Aphrodite's shrine
Percy pov
I wake to being shaken and see the love goddess. "Act dead. I will put a spell over you. Don't speak and it won't break. Close your eyes." She orders. I just do as she asks and Blackjack puts his head under my outstretched hand, but I don't let it move.
"Come on in. Ladies, this is the man who got you released. Zeus was being stubborn, or it would have happened much earlier. Especially for you Calypso. Leo Valdez would never have landed if Zeus would have fulfilled Percy's wish. He is truly sorry he never got you out sooner, but as you can see, he can't tell you now. Thalia, Reyna, Nico, you may stay and say your final words after they pay their respects and leave." Aphrodite tells them.
One by one, twenty unfamiliar women tell me thank you and kiss my forehead. Calypso is the last to go and cries on my chest for almost an hour. She whispers her apologies and thanks, kisses my cheeks and forehead, and then leaves.
Thalia talks to me forever, then Nico, and they leave. The door closes and Aphrodite talks to Reyna. "You will be the only person I tell other than his pegasus. Perseus is alive, I brought him back just before he made it to Charon. You may move and talk now Percy, open your eyes young man."
I open my eyes and Blackjack helps me sit up. I lean back against him weakly. Reyna tackles me in a hug and Blackjack lets her fall back onto the bed with me. She cries into the crook of my neck like she can't believe it. I wrap my arms around her and hold her loosely, too drained to do much else.
"I can't believe you're alive." She sobs and I hum in response.
"He is still recovering dear." Aphrodite laughs softly and Reyna tries to get off, but I just keep her there and she gives up.
"Why'd you bring him back?" Reyna asks Aphrodite while she crushes me in a death hug.
"He didn't deserve what he got. He is a shining star in my domain and his love knows no bounds. I once told you you would never find love with a demigod. But Percy here will no longer be a demigod and I think he loves you more than you know." Aphrodite answers Reyna.
I hum my agreement and tighten my hold on her ever so slightly. My eyes are closed and Reyna freezes when I respond to Aphrodite's words.
"Do you really feel for me that way Percy?" Reyna whispers in a tear filled voice.
I breathe deeply, "You have no idea." I tell her and go back to steadying my breath.
She hugs me in a vice like grip and I smile. "Will you become my Champion and Guardian Percy? You are the only one befitting the titles. It means immortality and the one you love for life will become immortal with you." Aphrodite speaks to me.
I have to breathe deeply again to answer her, "I will."
I feel a hand touch my shoulder and power rushes through me. I gasp as I feel something I yearn for so badly course through my veins, love. Tears leak from my eyes as the nostalgic feeling makes me filled with joy.
"Percy?! Are you alright?" Reyna frets on top of me.
"Better than I have been in a very long time Reyna. It's nice to feel like this." I tell her in a watery cheerful voice. Blackjack neighs happily. I open my eyes to look at him.
"Aha! And you, as his best friend and steed, I'm making you immortal." Aphrodite turns to Blackjack. She touches his forehead and he glows pink. She turns back to Reyna and I. "Do you know who you want to be with for the rest of your life Percy?" She asks me gently.
"Yes." I nod and she smiles. Reyna stiffens again.
"Who is it?" Aphrodite asks softly.
"Reyna." I breathe as I close my eyes again.
"Reyna, do you want to be with my Guardian for the rest of your life?" Aphrodite asks.
"Yes." Reyna chokes out and I open my eyes to look at her.
"Then by a favor I called in from Hera before I left the throne room, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may consummate your marriage when you are ready and once you do, Reyna will become immortal." Aphrodite says.
"If I'm supposed to be dead, what am I supposed to be called?" I ask quietly and Reyna chuckles as Aphrodite giggles. Blackjack is asleep in the corner.
"Let's about...Kalókardos?" Aphrodite suggests.
I translate the Greek in my head. "Kind Hearted?" I ask.
"I like it." Aphrodite says.
"I love it." Reyna tells me and I smile.
"Then Kalókardos it is." I say and sigh in content.
"He needs to sleep off everything. My spells will heal him. When he wakes, he'll be brand new." Aphrodite says and leaves by flashing herself and Blackjack out.
"Percy, you can let go of me you know." Reyna giggles.
"Says who?" I mumble and she laughs. "I'm guessing you're calling me Percy because we are alone." I say tiredly.
"Yes, now go to sleep." Reyna commands.
"Yes ma'am." I mutter and I close my eyes as I turn onto my side, Reyna facing me and laughing when my hold on her tightens. "I love you, Reyna." I whisper.
It takes her a second but she kisses my cheek and whispers back, "I love you too." She snuggles closer to me and we both end up falling asleep.
~The Next Morning
My eyes flutter open to Reyna staring at me. We both gasp and she virtually attacks me. Her lips are against mine and my hold on her becomes more than vice like. But it loosens when she deepens the kiss and she crawls on top of me. We flip over and I look at her questioningly. She answers with a heated kiss and we attack each other.
Rick Riordan owns PJO/HOO. Whatchya thinkin' about this little chapter? See ya my lovely readers!
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