Part 4
Mark kept staring ahead until he grew curious. He needed Jack to sit down and close his door. Cautiously turning his head, Mark was planning to tell Jack how uncomfortably close he was... when Jack's lips found his. Mark jerked back against his door trying to escape Jack's kiss... but Jack moved to fill the gap. Jack tenderly placed a hand on Mark's neck just under his jaw, before molding his lips back against Mark's. Mark raised a hand, pressing it firmly to Jack's chest. He could easily shove Jack away, but he didn't want to hurt him. Jack didn't know what he was doing. He was drugged. He just had to go along with this enough to get him to the hospital. Slightly pushing Jack away enough to pry his lips off his, Mark nervously whispered to him gently. "Jack. Please sit down and close my door"? Jack smiled devilishly and before Mark could ask, Jack turned off the car and yanked the keys from the ignition! On the bright side, he sat down and closed the door.
Sighing loudly, Mark extended his hand out asking Jack a bit sternly. "Jack, give me my keys". Jack shook his head like a guilty child with the grin to match. Stashing the keys behind his back as he pressed back against his wet door. Mark shifted closer, his voice raising a bit in volume as he repeated himself. This time Jack shook his head and playfully answered. "No". Mark was beginning to loose his patience, leaning closer to see if he could reach around Jack to grab them. Only Jack kept them just out of his reach. Shifting to get over the stick shift, Mark leaned over to try again more aggressively. Jack however countered this by leaning in close to his lips again and asking lustfully. "Say please". A shiver ran down Mark's spine and he was afraid to move. Mark barely recognized his own voice when he breathlessly replied almost against Jack's soft cold wet lips. "Please"? They both remained so close and so still. Mark heard the jingle of his keys and saw Jack's arm move in his peripheral vison... but his focus was on Jack's eyes. He never really noticed how incredibly blue they were.
Jack draped an arm up around Mark's shoulders, whispering against his dry lips so softly that Mark barely heard him over the pouring rain. "I love you". Mark closed his eyes, feeling himself weaken internally. Those were words he expected to hear from a woman... but from Jack? The funny thing was... coming from Jack those words were stronger. Any defensive guards Mark had up came crumbling down with just though three little words. Was he that desperate not to spend tomorrow alone? Would Jack think less of him for giving in if he snapped out of this? Jack pressed his lips against Mark's and Mark let himself give in. Technically, Jack was coming on to him, right? If Jack snapped out of this, he could always save their friendship with that little fact. Jack's lips tasted so sweet... a result of the champagne? Tasted like... strawberries?
Jack gently pushed him back into his seat, and when Mark noticed his hand drifting toward the seat release, he caught Jack's wrist. Jack whined against his ear, telling him pitifully. "Mark... Please? I just want you to lean back. Get comfortable. Relax". Mark shook his head, telling Jack gently. "No, Jack. What if we get caught"? Jack nuzzled himself against Mark's neck, mumbling against his warm skin. "I'll tell them that the rain makes me frisky. They'll just be glad we pulled over". Mark gently tried to push Jack away, his voice trembling from nervousness as he answered. "No, Jack. I don't think it will happen quite like that. Besides, it wouldn't be comfortable for either of us". Jack shot him a smug grin, and before Mark realized what he had admitted to... Jack leaned into him, swinging his leg over Mark's lap.
Mark grabbed ahold of Jack's hips, trying to stop him from crawling over anymore. Jack didn't seem to care or pay any attention to him, until Mark desperately squeaked out. "Jack, don't! I don't want you to hurt yourself"! Jack looked at him with the softest puppy eyes Mark had ever seen and his fragile voice melted Mark's heart when he asked hesitantly. "I'll be alright. Please"? Mark sighed heavily in defeat, telling Jack in a low reluctantly dry undertone. "At least, let me take you home? I'll feel more at ease there". Jack seemed to ponder the idea for a moment then nodded. Slipping back into his seat, Jack happily handed him the keys. Mark straightened up in his seat, and started the car back up. He wouldn't take Jack back to his hotel room. He'd just take him home. If he had been drugged with something he couldn't leave him alone... but he didn't seem to be in any serious danger... yet. He'd take him home and watch over his condition.
Mark pulled out off the shoulder and back out onto the road heading straight for home. Beside him Jack began to play with the radio, but Mark kept his eyes on the slick roads. Mark's head was swarming with debating thoughts. He tried to push them from his mind, but the more he tried the worse they got. Was he a terrible friend? Would Jack ever forgive him? He was trying to do the right thing... Mark was pulled from his thoughts as a hand slid over his thigh. Jack grinned at him, mumbling out playfully. "Are we there yet? I'm so bored". Mark was about to answer, when Jack's fingers started unzipping his jeans. Mark quickly reached down to stop Jack's hand, telling him sharply. "Jack, don't. I'm driving". Jack chuckled, brushing Mark's hand away and answering back a little sarcastically. "I can see that. I just want to play with your stick shift". Mark felt Jack's nimble fingers twist their way into his pants and lightly stroke up his underwear... right along his shaft. Mark gasped sharply and removed his foot from the gas pedal. Forcing Jack's hand away, Mark told him sternly. "Jack, I'm serious! Now is not the time"!
Jack slumped in his seat, taking hold of Mark's wrist tenderly as he whined out in agony. "Well, how close are we? I'm dying here"! Mark shot him a concerned look, only to feel what Jack hand meant. Jack had unzipped his own pants and had guided Mark's hand to feel his raging boner that was straining against his soft underwear. To Be Continued...
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