Chapter Twelve: The Burrow
DECEMBER 19, 1997 – The Burrow
Harry had taken Severus up on his suggestion to present their relationship to James and Lily with Sirius and Remus there for backup. The first time it was mentioned, James nearly had a conniption, but Lily was far more understanding and talked her husband down. It was especially helpful that Sirius and Remus were on board, which made James really consider his son's happiness in the long-run. In the end, both Potters gave their blessing for Harry and Severus to be together as a couple.
James and Lily were very surprised and delighted that Harry was already finished with his Hogwarts education, and that he had made an O in each of his NEWTs. They were pleased that Remus was married and expecting a child, and met Dora with every bit of enthusiasm as they would have done if still alive. They were quite amused to learn that Sirius had settled down with a former pro-Quidditch player, and equally surprised when Sirius and Gwen revealed that they had officially begun trying for a baby. The next shocker was that Sirius had adopted Harry, which brought tears to James and Lily's eyes, which were equal to the anger that Harry had initially been placed in Vernon and Petunia's custody initially, as well as the abuse Harry had suffered at their hands.
Intermingled with various conversations with his parents, Harry also attended Order meetings, did some traveling with Severus to find rare potion ingredients, and spent nights at Prince Hall as well. They also made time to go to all of his inherited properties for a week at a time, and Severus was delighted to harvest local and fresh potions ingredients there. Harry was always patient with his lover and life partner, and as summer bled into fall, followed by winter, his heart grew ever more fonder with the man.
Harry was very happy when Severus revealed to him that he had received an invitation from Arthur and Molly for the annual Christmas gathering at the Burrow that year, and that he had accepted the invitation. Harry got gifts for everyone that night, but left off giving out his gifts to Sirius, Gwen, and Severus, knowing that he would see them closer to Christmas. Harry got new clothes for the occasion and showed up at the Weasley home on time, the gifts tucked underneath his arm, and stepped inside.
"Oh, Harry, dear!" Molly cried, bustling forward and embracing her surrogate son. "Supper's in half an hour. Why don't you come in and have some hot pumpkin cider? Everyone's waiting in the living room, love."
Harry grinned at her. "Thank you, Molly," he replied, accepting her kiss on the cheek as he went to the living room, and she returned to the kitchen. "Happy Christmas, Arthur," he said to the Weasley patriarch, as he stepped over to him.
"Harry!" Arthur said, beaming as he clapped him on the back. "Molly mention the pumpkin cider to you yet?"
"She did, yeah," Harry responded, following the man deeper into the room, and nodding in gratitude when he was given leave to deposit the gifts beneath the large and festive-looking Christmas tree. Turning, he was ambushed by Hermione, who got to him first, her curls tickling his cheeks as she flew over, throwing her arms around him. "Hey, 'Mione," he said, chuckling a bit as the wind was knocked out of him.
"Those books you gave me from your vaults have been brilliant!" she gushed, pulling back and beaming at him, her cheeks flushed with happiness. "They've really helped me with my research projects on the law and magical creatures."
Harry raised his eyebrows. "You've picked a direction, then?"
"Yes," Hermione replied eagerly. "I want to improve the rights of werewolves and have them classified as only beings and not beasts. Remus is a perfect candidate for a werewolf who takes his Wolfsbane regularly and has a stable job, income, and family life." Hermione turned a little and smiled, seeing Remus sitting on the couch with Dora, one ear to her swollen belly, and whispering things to their child excitedly, while Dora combed her fingers through his hair and looked down at him with love.
"Share him, won't you, 'Mione?" Ron chuckled, stepping closer, and Hermione kissed Ron on the cheek.
"Sorry, love," she said, stepping away. "I'll just go and see if Molly needs any help in the kitchen, shall I?" she asked, and slipped off.
"She's braver than I am," Ron said ruefully, before hugging Harry as well. "How have you been doing, then, mate?"
Harry grinned. "Great," he said, trying not to think about the notion that Severus's cock had been all but buried down his throat the evening before. "Catching up with Mum and Dad has been interesting, to say the least..." He scratched the back of his neck. "Especially because Dad gets weird about me calling Sirius that as well..."
"You'll figure it out, mate," Ron assured him.
Harry grimaced. "I hope so," he said, shrugging his shoulders. "How's the academy going, then?" he asked, wanting to change the subject.
"I have my final exam on Monday," Ron explained. "A written one, and then they're going to put me in a room at the Ministry and have me do simulated field work."
Harry raised his eyebrows. "Merlin, that's amazing, Ron!"
Ron grinned. "Moody and Kingsley are overseeing me personally," he said, blushing a bit at the notion that two high-ranking Aurors were taking an interest in him. "Dora actually talked them into it, saying they wouldn't be sorry, and I don't think they are yet, so that's good."
Harry nodded. "Really good," he told him, looking up as a mane of red hair came dashing out of the kitchen, and Ginny hurried forward. "Hey, Gin— Whoa!" he cried, throwing his arms around Ginny as she let out a giggle, putting herself into his arms, and Harry struggled a bit to keep his footing, and Ron laughed.
"Sorry, Harry," Ginny said quickly, letting him go and straightening out her jumper. "Hermione said you were here, and she mercifully took over for me so I could come and say hello to you. I hope your holiday preparations haven't been too tiring," she said.
Harry smiled. "You're back from the castle early."
Ginny grinned. "The headmistress was a bit generous with me and Draco, because we finished our half-term exams early," she explained. "Plus, she knew how much we wanted to be here for the Christmas gathering tonight."
Harry blinked, looking around. "Where is Draco?"
Ginny rolled her eyes. "Held up a bit at Prince Hall," she replied, crossing her arms. "He and Severus should be here before supper, however."
Harry turned and regarded Ron, but noticed that his friend had wandered over to where Fred and George were sitting, presumably discussing new Wheezes products. "Did he say why they were running a bit behind?" he asked.
Ginny shrugged. "Not entirely, no. I can always tell when he's holding something back," she told him, and Harry nodded; it was the same with him and Severus. "All I know is, it has something to do with a potion that Severus is brewing. That's all he would tell me."
Harry smiled; Severus frequently got engrossed in his work, but never so much that he would forget or disregard previous appointments. "I'm sure they'll be along," he assured Ginny, as he surveyed the other attendees that evening.
Arthur was sitting near the tree with Bill, and they were each drinking some of the pumpkin cider, which appeared to have cinnamon swirled within the mix. Alicia, Angelina, and Fleur looked to be in deep conversation about something. Remus and Dora were still absorbed in Dora's swollen belly, and Ron was still speaking to Fred and George. Harry could hear a slight hum coming from the kitchen, which he knew to be Hermione and Molly, likely discussing supper preparations.
"No Sirius and Gwen tonight?" Ginny wanted to know.
Harry turned back and looked at Ginny, shaking his head. "No, they politely declined. Previous engagement at the Jones house in Wales."
Ginny grinned. "Wanting to get on Gwen's parents good side before Sirius takes the plunge and gets her pregnant, then?"
Harry huffed. "Really didn't need that mental image, Gin," he said.
Ginny laughed aloud. "Well, thankfully Draco and I aren't trying yet," she said, and Harry was relieved to hear that. "He's going to be apprenticing for Madam Pomfrey after he graduates; he wants to be a healer for St. Mungo's."
Harry raised his eyebrows. "Merlin, that's brilliant!" he said, grinning at her, and knowing entirely well he would have to congratulate Draco for having a plan. "Have you thought of what you want to do, Gin?"
Ginny blushed. "Gwen came to see me fly this past term," she replied. "Headmistress McGonagall made me Gryffindor's Quidditch captain this term, and Gwen says, if I continue doing this well, she'll write me a recommendation for a try-out with the Harpies once I get my NEWTs and graduate."
"Well, we all knew you were the best player in the family," Harry whispered, and Ginny glowed under his praise. "If anyone can play Quidditch professionally, it's you."
Ginny smiled, standing on her toes and kissing Harry on the cheek. "I knew I made the right decision when I decided you were better off as my big brother," she told him.
Harry grinned at her. "Well, I have always wanted a little sister," he replied, turning as the front door opened, and Severus, followed by Draco, stepped inside. Harry and Ginny promptly hurried over to their significant others, and Harry was promptly caught up into Severus's arms, while Draco took ahold of Ginny by the waist and swung her around. Standing on his toes, Harry pressed his mouth to Severus's, his arms wound around his neck, feeling the cold air emanating from his partner.
"Harry, love," Severus told him gently, "it's been less than twenty four hours. I seem to recall waking up to you in my bed this morning."
Harry huffed, but nevertheless let himself down. "Well, I apologize for greeting the man I love with enthusiasm," he said, rolling his eyes. "Besides, dinner is in a quarter of an hour. Forgive me for being a bit worried about you."
"You needn't have worried," Severus assured him, and, looking around, and, after ascertaining that they weren't being watched, pulled Harry out of the living room and down the hallway, where the pair ended up in the drawing room.
Harry giggled. "Fancy a snog before supper?" he asked, burrowing his way back into Severus's arms again.
Severus chuckled. "Perhaps in a moment, Harry."
Harry raised his eyebrows, but stepped away from the man, reading in his body language that he wanted a bit of space. "Is something wrong, Severus?" he wanted to know.
Severus smiled at Harry. "Perhaps, love, for the first time, nothing is wrong, and everything is as it should be," he said softly.
Harry cocked his head. "Does it have anything to do with why you were late?"
Severus nodded. "Yes, it does, Harry," he responded, before rolling up the left sleeve of his holiday dress robes, and revealing a bare left forearm to Harry, who's eyes widened considerably at the sight.
"Merlin, how did you do it?" Harry gasped, reaching out and tentatively touching his lover's arm, and gently running the pads of his fingers along the bare skin.
"A potion, which I invented," Severus said softly. "Phoenix tears, for their healing powers. Sage, for wisdom. Fennel, for strength. Thyme, for courage. Sunflower, for pure thoughts. Yucca, for opportunity. Rosemary, for love. Violet, for forgiveness. Iris, for valor. Dill, for good spirits. Ivy, for fidelity. Elder, for good spirits. Garlic, for healing. Chamomile, for patience. And, lastly, rose, for victory."
"How did you manage it, though?" Harry pressed, clearly impressed.
"Through one of the potions books in the Potter vault that you gave to me," Severus explained, his eyes filling with tears. "It was through your act of selflessness which set me upon this journey, my Harry, to free me from the man who shackled me to him for so long, and create a new life for myself, free of his influence." Severus sighed, almost as if the enormity of what he had done was truly settling over him for the first time. "After I finished the potion, I poured it over my arm, and used Vipera Evanesca, and now it is gone, gone for good..."
Harry shook his head, standing on his toes and throwing his arms around the man's neck. "Dear Merlin, Severus. You're brilliant, you know that, don't you?"
Severus wrapped his arms around Harry, anchoring the younger wizard to him. "With you by my side, how can I not be?"
"I'm just so amazed," Harry whispered, trembling. "Of course, given the fact that you're always doing potions research, I shouldn't be surprised..."
"Actually, it was your father who pointed me in the right direction," Severus said softly, which directly caused Harry to pull backwards and stare up at the man.
"What?" he breathed, completely shocked.
Severus smiled. "I went to go and see your parents, Harry, on my own, with an offer to put them into the same portrait. They accepted, and, in exchange, your father told me where I might find a spell to eliminate my so-called devotion to Riddle."
Harry shook his head. "I don't understand."
"They have finally realized just how much I love you, Harry, and that I have no intention of ever leaving you," Severus informed him patiently. "So, your father told me which book to look at and that he wished us well together."
Harry shook his head, his eyes filling with tears at the notion that his mother and father had finally given their proper blessing for him and Severus to be a couple. Although it was not necessary for them to do so, Harry had really hoped that they would ultimately come around to the notion that he was happier than he had ever been. Grinning up at his chosen partner, Harry threw his arms around the man's neck. "Merlin, I love you," he whispered.
"And I you, Harry," Severus assured him.
Harry chuckled, pulling back and seeing to his face. "All right, then. Molly will be calling us for supper at any moment. We should..."
"Wait, Harry," Severus said, and Harry suddenly realized he was unable to move, and, following Severus's gaze, looking up into the doorway of the parlor.
"Mistletoe," Harry whispered, the awestruck word upon his lips.
Severus bent down, wrapping his arms around Harry's waist and kissing him passionately, the kiss a mere whisper of the new beginnings they would now face together.
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