Chapter Three: The Burrow
JULY 31, 1996 – The Burrow
On Harry's sixteenth birthday, everyone gathered at the Burrow for his party, hosted by Molly and Arthur Weasley. Harry was, at first, worried that Sirius would complain, but was assured by his godfather that he didn't mind. At the party, Harry was pleased to see a now-retired Dumbledore, Headmistress McGonagall and Deputy Headmaster Snape, plus Hagrid all in attendance. In addition to those members of the Hogwarts staff were Sirius and Gwenog (who were now dating publicly), Remus and Tonks (who were now officially a couple), Molly and Arthur, Bill and Fleur, Charlie, Fred and George, Ron and Hermione, Ginny and Draco (who had asked for protection against the Death Eaters, now under Snape's guardianship and in a relationship with Ginny), Dean and Seamus, and Neville and Luna (who were celebrating three months as a couple) were all there as well. It was with a chorus of Happy Birthday and a great swarm of hugs that Harry was greeted to, and he found that he couldn't be happier.
"Deputy Headmaster," Harry said at last, when all the other party guests got distracted by various conversations or Fred and George's latest inventions, "I was hoping that I may have a word, if you please."
Severus gave Harry a small smile. "You needn't be so formal during the summer, Harry. Severus is just fine, if you're comfortable with it."
Harry beamed up at the man. "Thank you, sir—erm, Severus," he said, correcting himself quickly with a laugh, and was relieved that he and the man had officially gotten back on the correct foot, as the months had gone by. "Have you seen the orchard?" he asked awkwardly. "I know that the Dirigible Plums are coming in very nicely."
Severus smiled more broadly that time. "No, I'm afraid I've not have the pleasure, Harry. I would very much like to see them, however."
Harry nodded his head, venturing across the yard, which had been decorated immaculately by Molly, Ginny, Hermione, and Fleur, and around the bend, past Arthur's shed, and towards the orchard, which was thick with the aforementioned plums, apples, pears, and oranges. Turning to face the man, he said, "I mentioned to you that I was becoming an Animagus with Sirius's guidance, didn't I?"
Severus smirked, although there was no unkindness within the expression. "Yes, I believe we discussed it an abundance of times, Harry."
"Well, I finally know how to transform and back without getting stuck in the middle," he explained, his tone somewhat breathless.
Severus nodded his head. "That is wonderful news, Harry."
"Well," Harry said, kicking slightly at the ground, "you see, Sirius hasn't seen it yet. I wanted to keep it a surprise, but I wanted to show you my form, if you're all right with that."
Sirius raised his eyebrows. "Are you quite certain, Harry? Surely, you would wish to show your godfather, or Remus, or even Ron and Hermione first..."
Harry shook his head. "I want it to be you. It has to be you... Please?"
Severus looked uncomfortable, although the moment was so fleeting that Harry believed he had missed the proper look entirely. "Very well, Harry. If and only if this is something you're truly comfortable with."
Harry nodded. "It is."
Severus inclined his head. "All right, then. Whenever you're ready."
Harry concentrated, his body automatically lowering to the ground and covering itself completely in a coat of impressive black fur, while his feet and hands elongated into strong, fur-covered arms, with large paws and claws on each foot. His ears regulated themselves to the top of his head and pointed upwards in a triangle shape, while his face elongated to form a wet nose and a mouth filled with large fangs. Looking up at his deputy headmaster, Harry knew that the only things which had remained the same, were his green eyes and the white zig-zag upon his forehead, symbolizing the moment where Voldemort had marked him as his equal.
Severus's dark eyes were wide, and he quickly looked over his shoulder, as if worrying someone would see them and looked deeply uncomfortable. "A...marvelous creature, indeed," he somehow managed to get out. "Perhaps you'd better get back to human form, now, Harry," he continued awkwardly.
Harry did as he was told, brushing himself off after the transformation as he got to his feet. "You don't think it's odd, do you? That I'm a black wolf, I mean."
Severus promptly shook his head. "No," he replied, clearing his throat ineptly, still looking around, almost as if he was afraid someone would come upon them.
"My Patronus has changed as well," Harry admitted, and Severus's eyes snapped back to stare at Harry, clearly shocked.
"You've not performed it outside of school, have you?" the older man asked.
Harry immediately shook his head at him, wondering why the man appeared to be so discomforted in his presence—it hadn't been that way in months... "No, of course not," he assured him anyway. "I found out on the last day of term. We met for a farewell meeting of Dumbledore's Army, and, this time, we got some Slytherins to join."
Severus's eyes widened. "Did you?"
"Yeah," Harry told him, positively beaming. "In addition to Draco, the Greengrass sisters came, plus Blaise Zabini," he said breathlessly.
Severus inclined his head. "Draco no doubt due to Miss Weasley."
"And Blaise and Daphne are betrothed, plus Astoria was taken under Ginny's wing," Harry went on, and Severus nodded his head. "Blaise has asked Mr. Greengrass for protection, and is fully on our side now as well."
"He and Draco are my best potions students in Slytherin," Severus remarked. "Plus, they are both extremely competent wizards."
"They can both produce the charm," Harry said happily, and Severus looked dumbfounded. "I mean, it took them some time, but they did it. It's very advanced magic, you know. And Ginny has her own, plus Daphne, and Astoria finally managed to do it on the last day of term. I was helping her, and did a demonstration, and that's when I found out mine had changed."
"So, no more stag, then?" Severus asked.
"Prongs is no more," Harry confirmed.
"What are their forms, then?" Severus wanted to know.
"Draco wanted to tell you himself, but Blaise, Daphne, and Astoria don't mind people knowing about it," Harry told him. "Blaise is a Pyrenean Chamois, Daphne is a Yellow-Throated Marten, and Astoria is a Dhole," he informed his deputy headmaster.
Severus nodded. "All fine animals," he praised, obviously very pleased that four of his Slytherins had joined the side of the Light, and had produced Patronus Charms.
"I said so, too," Harry affirmed, beaming. "We're not sure if we need to meet next year or not, but we're leaning towards not, because Remus will be there."
"We may have not seen eye to eye as children, but Remus is quite competent in the field which he has chosen," Severus replied. "He is certainly a vast improvement from the bitch of a toad last year, the Death Eater imposter the year before, the self-centered twit your second year, and the unassertive bloke your first year..."
Harry smiled, trying not to laugh. "Bitch of a toad?" he asked.
Severus suddenly appeared mortified that he had spoken such language in front of Harry. "Yes, well... Anyone who uses a Blood Quill against you is a bitch in my book..."
Harry tentatively stepped forward. "Really?" he asked, realizing belatedly that he was encroaching into Severus's personal space, but found he couldn't help it.
"Of course," Severus replied. "Naturally, I would feel the same about any student subjected to that treatment. You, are..."
"Different?" Harry whispered, staring up at the man without blinking.
Severus looked pained. "You've always been different, Harry," he whispered back. Looking around again, and urgently appearing as if he wanted desperately to put further space between the two of them, he said clumsily, "Yes, well... Perhaps it would be best if we get back to your birthday celebrations—"
"Wait, Severus," Harry said, reaching out and gently grabbing ahold of his wrist, stopping the man from leaving the orchard, yet not imprisoning him there. "I..."
Severus turned and looked over his shoulder. "Yes, Harry?"
Harry swallowed, not wanting the man to go just yet. "I... I just wanted to let you know that I think I've done all I can when it comes to Occlumency."
Severus raised his eyebrows, again looking a bit fearful . "It is your birthday, Harry. Are you quite sure that you want me to enter your mind? Besides, I believe I've kept you occupied and away from your friends and family long enough..."
Harry flushed deeply, so much so that he could feel it spreading down his cheeks, onto his chest, and towards the back of his neck. "Well, I'd rather it be you attempting to break down my barriers than someone I definitely don't trust," he replied, not mentioning directly that he had a motive now, a motive to keep Severus out of his mind completely, given that he had spent one too many nights waking up drenched in sweat and his pants dripping with come, at thoughts of his Deputy Headmaster pounding him into the mattress, or just kissing him. "Please. I just want to make sure I've done it right..."
Severus nodded as if he understood him. "Very well, Harry," he replied, and lifted his wand and aimed it at him. "Legilimens," he said, and gracefully attempted to bypass the barriers Harry had erected in his mind.
Harry focused on keeping his barriers up, creating thicker and higher stone walls in his mind, and also threw out some convincing false memories as well. As his teacher continued probing further, Harry felt as if he had done it—he had passed the test of mastering Occlumency! Perhaps this would mean that Severus would be very proud of him, and they could—
"Hey, Harry!" Ron called.
Harry could hear Ron's footsteps and lost his concentration, wondering what would happen if Ron caught him alone with Severus, and inadvertently showed Severus a memory of that morning, with his mind full of the knowledge that he would see Severus that day. In the memory, which was very real, he was in the shower, readying himself for the party, when suddenly he became aware of his erect member. Biting down in his lip within the memory, Harry finally gave in to temptation, and gripped ahold of it, using the pressure that he liked, pumping a few times as he tossed his head back in ecstasy as the warm water from the shower sprayed on his face, and moaned, "Oh, fuck, Severus!" as he came through his fingers.
Severus yanked harshly out of his mind once the memory ended, so violently and unexpectedly that Harry stumbled from the impact of it, looking up through his fringe as Ron hurried around the corner, not even noticing when Severus put his wand away.
"There you are, mate!" Ron said, rushing forward. "I did it!"
Harry shook his head, attempting to clear it. "Did what, mate?"
"Asked Hermione out!" he crowed, gripping onto Harry's shoulders and practically dancing with excitement. "She said 'yes'!"
Harry swallowed, peering briefly around Ron for a moment, but could only see that Severus's face was firmly closed off, as it had been before their camaraderie, as he slipped back in the direction of the party.
"Mate!" Ron all but cried out in his face, not noticing Severus at all, and forcing Harry to turn his attention back to him. "Isn't that brilliant?"
Harry sighed, forcing a smile onto his lips. "Bloody brilliant, Ron," he said, nodding his head fiercely at his friend. "Now you can stop pretending that you don't like one another and just be together, yeah?"
"Right, mate!" Ron cheered, throwing his arm around Harry's shoulders and steering him back to the party.
Harry proceeded to look frantically for Severus, but couldn't see the man, and that concerned him deeply. Excusing himself from Ron and making his way over to the snack table, he saw Draco getting himself two drinks of non-alcoholic elderberry cordial, presumably for himself and for Ginny. "Hey, Draco," he said awkwardly.
Draco turned and looked up at Harry, a tentative smile on his face. "All right?" he asked, and seemed apparently taken in by the expression on Harry's face.
"Erm, all right," Harry managed to get out. "You see Sev... Erm, Professor Snape anywhere?" he managed to ask.
"Said he had an urgent appointment that wouldn't keep, and that he's sorry he couldn't stay for the cake and gifts," Draco informed him quickly. "Which is too bad."
Harry swallowed, serving himself some pumpkin juice. "Why?" he asked.
"Because one of the things Mrs. Weasley is serving is shepherd's pie," Draco explained. "It's one of Uncle Severus's favorites."
Harry blinked. "Is it?" he wanted to know.
Draco nodded. "Yeah. But you wouldn't have known that," he assured Harry, not unkindly. "But come on, then. It's your birthday, yeah? Have to smile on your own birthday."
Harry, again, forced a smile to his lips. "Yeah. Happy Birthday to me, right?" he said, knocking his glass with Draco's, but couldn't muster up any kind of happiness or positivity in his tone, fully believing he'd just royally fucked everything up.
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