The Potion
It's a new year for our Favorite Goldenboy, 5th to be precise and so far it's going Horribly, The Ministry is interfering with Hogwarts, they got a Pink loving, Cat obsessing, Wrench as a DADA teacher, and last but not least of course detention from Professor Snape, could anything get worse then this.
Harry pov
As I was walking to Professor Snape's office I hear noises, thinking nothing of it I opened the door to Find Draco and Pansy snogging each other, I feel tears in my eyes as I gasp, they looked at my direction as I see Draco's eyes widen, he was trying to approach me but every step he took I took another backward, as I see his mouth about to open I run out, heading to the Gryffindor dorms, 'How can I be such an Idiot to think anyone would love me' I Internally scream thinking how stupid I was, I open the door to find the common room empty, I go to a chair and sit there silently crying, when I hear footsteps I see a boy around my age, with dark red wine eyes, Raven hair, and very pale skin, he looks at me with concern and comes over to me, "Um... hello, are you ok" He asks approaching me, I sniff and looked at him "No my boyfriend cheated on me" I say hearing my voice was pretty hoarse, he looks at me then sits next to me putting his arm over my shoalder as he smiles, and hands me what looks like a little dessert, "Hear, I was gonna save it for later but looks like you need it more" I look up at him and give him a shy smile as I take it and bite into it.
I started to feel hot and light-headed, I started getting up and to head to my room stumbling every few steps I took, " H-hey um w-what did you say your name was" I say trying to stay up still when I collapsed onto the ground and saw him go near me , He looks at me and gives me an evil smile "Riddle, Tom Riddle" he says smirking as I pass out.
Dic- Draco Pov
I look at the open door still in shock, I was kissing pansy for some reason then I see Harry come in with tears in his eyes and running, I look over at pansy she is smirking, I feel my blood boil as I took out my wand "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!" I yell, she still smiling looked over at me "I put you under a love Potion dear, you don't need potter when you have me" I growl as I was about to hex her when My godfather came in, he looked confused for a second as he goes back to his stoic face "Leave Draco I am busy" He says while looking at some papers, I nod as I leave, 'How am I going to fix this' I wonder.
La Time Skip (Third Person Pov)
It was the next morning, and in the dining hall you can observe Hermione lecturing Ron on eating so much, Luna and Ginnie sharing notes, Nevile looking for his wand, Draco being his Usual Araggont self but Internally panicking, everything seems in place except there is one person missing Harry Potter, As Hermione finished lecturing Ron she started to notice Harry's disappearance "Hey Ron, do you where Harry is" Ron finished chewing his Sausage as he looked at Hermione, His mouth about to open when they saw the doors to the dining hall open to see Harry cling onto some boy ( He's cling on him kinda like how sakura clings onto Sasuke with her Non-Existing chest, Except Harry has some sort "boob") They looked at them shocked, mostly cause they knew that Draco and Harry were dating.
The Entire dining hall was completely silent as Harry and the boy made their way to the Gryffindor table, as they sat down the volume seemed to Increase again, Ron and Hermione were In shock, but Hermione snapping out of it looked at Harry "Harry, what are you doing" she halfway whispered, Harry looked at her, Hermione Noticed something his eyes, they weren't the Bright Vibrant Green, Instead they were this light tinted pink, Harry was about to open his mouth when the boy he was clinging on lifted his chin and fed him a pumpkin pasty, which Harry gladly accepted, while Harry was being fed, at a certain part of the Slytherin table was an angry Malfoy, 'HOW DARE HE TAKE MY HARRY AWAY FROM ME'.
Draco being angry was an Understatement, He was Furious, at some point when he was getting to lunch, he saw Harry snogging the boy he was sitting with, what blew his top off was while they were kissing he looked at him and smirked, He wanted to grab Harry and Kiss him and kick the other boys arse, But what got his gears turning really was when he saw another couple snogging next to them, the new DADA teacher pulled them apart but when she saw them she just moved on, he was Intrigued, to say the least, He was going to find out who that kid who stole his Harry was and see what makes him so special to have the Ministry let him go easily, he was going to find out even if it was the last thing he did.
Thank you for reading not much else to say Bye
931 words
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