The next few days at work were extremely awkward for you. Jared was being kind and understanding, even though you were shying away from him a little bit. The rest of the cast each came up, giving you words of encouragement, while the crew gave you kind smiles as they went about their duties. In between your scenes, you spent most of your time in your trailer, nervously chewing on your lip as you tried to decide what to do.
Jim had been right, the publicity, although negative, was still good for the show, and last night's episode had the highest rating of the year. The negative comments had slowly died down, as fans became enthralled with something new. You still knew you were going to stick with Jared, to give the relationship a chance, but you were trying to figure out the best way to go about it. Did you thumb your nose at the fans, making your relationship public and outgoing? Jim would probably like that the best, it would produce the most publicity. Or you could ask Jared to keep your relationship quiet, keeping it off of the social media, and just in private on set.
Truthfully, you had really considered option two. It would be the least hurtful of the two, at least for a while, if you hid it from those who did nothing but scorn. But you didn't want to hide your relationship. Sure, you were years younger than him, and he was coming off a divorce, but you were already feeling things for him you had never felt before. Why did age matter in a relationship if both people didn't care about it?
So here you were, once again hidden away in your trailer as Jared and Jensen finished the last scene of the day. You had planned on heading back to your small apartment earlier, but had lost track of time, just sitting and thinking. Your wardrobe was neatly folded off to the side, and you were dressed in slim back jeans, along with a hoodie. With nothing else to do, you had planned on hitting the store, grabbing some items for a simple meal, catching up on your favorite shows.
Sighing, you finally pushed yourself to stand up, grabbing your keys as you shut the lights off in your trailer. Opening the door, you jumped when you saw the shadow of a man standing on your steps. Taking a step back, you were ready to slam the door shut again, when the shadow spoke, it's familiar voice calming you. "Y/N? Sorry if I scared you."
"Jared, damn it. About gave me a heart attack." You grumbled, stepping back and turning the lights back on. Following you into your trailer, he stood off to the side, his gaze looking you up and down, acting as if you weren't wearing your comfiest clothes.
"Sorry, I just saw your car was still here, thought I could come talk to you." He explained, as you noticed he hadn't even taken the time to change from his Sam Winchester outfit.
"I was just on my way out." You told him.
"Big plans?" He asked, as he glanced around your trailer, taking in the couple of picture frames off to the side, the only personal items in your trailer.
"If you call cooking up a big dinner and watching TV big plans, then yeah sure. You?" You asked as you swung your keys nervously in your hand.
You watched as the tall man moved from foot to foot, looking a little nervous and shy. "I was going to ask you if you wanted to grab dinner or something. It's like I've hardly seen you this week."
Quickly making a decision, you stepped forward, grabbing the lapel of his shirt. Stepping up on your tip toes, you pressed your lips to the side of his. "How about you stop by my house? I can still cook, and I'll pick up a movie or something."
He moved fast, faster than you had expected, pinning you against the wall before crushing his lips to yours. Letting him take control, you wished you could run your fingers through his hair. "Dinner sounds great." He whispered against your lips, before bounding out of your trailer, leaving you standing there shaking your head.
Finally forcing yourself to move, you locked your trailer before climbing into your car. Waving by to the guard at the gate, you headed to the closest grocery store. Planning something simple, you quickly made your way through, picking up an already made pie for dessert. Paying for the items, you turned towards home, unsurprised to see Jared already there, leaning against his car. Rushing over, he grabbed the bags, carrying them up the stairs as you unlocked the door.
Grateful that you had thought to clean last night, you led him into the tiny kitchen. Trying to maneuver in the small place with a person so large, you couldn't help but brush up against him multiple times as you went to put things away. "Why don't you go find a movie to watch? Dinner will be ready soon." You ordered, knowing if you didn't get him out of your way, food would not be finished.
As soon as he was gone, you got busy, quickly starting the water for the pasta as you made the sauce. Hearing music coming from the living room, you glanced out the door to see Jared shaking his hips to something playing on the radio as he thumbed through your movies.
"Really? Dancing without me?" You teased him, as he jumped around, a guilty look on his face.
Holding out a hand, he took a step closer to you. Shaking your head, you backed into the doorway. "Jared no. I need to finish dinner." You argued, but he was not taking no for an answer. Grasping your hand, he pulled you into your miniscule living room. With your hand in his, he placed his other hand on your waist, moving to the music. Going with the flow, you let him take control, giggling as he swirled you around.
"Jared, okay, enough..." You stared, squealing when he dipped you.
Laughing, you danced with him for a couple more minutes before you were finally able to peel yourself away from his arms. "Enough. Dinner's going to burn."
With him chuckling behind you, you stepped back into the kitchen, stirring the bubbling sauce as you added the noodles to the boiling water. As you added seasoning to the sauce, you felt arms wrap around your waist, Jared nuzzling against your neck. "I've missed having you in my arms." He whispered, pressing open mouthed kisses to your neck.
"Jared, it's only been like two days. And it's not like we were hot and heavy before that." You argued, even though you were tilting your neck so he had better access.
"We need to fix that immediately." He told you, nibbling on your earlobe.
"Why don't you get some wine from the fridge, dinner will be ready in a minute." You suggested, aching when his arms left you. Brushing past him, you drained the pasta, before mixing it with the sauce. Placing it on two plates, you handed one to Jared, switching it with the glass of wine he handed you. Settling next to him on the couch, you took a sip of the wine as he pressed play on the remote.
"So, why stay in this little place? You can probably afford a nicer place by now." Jared asked you as the previews started playing.
"I thought about it, but it's just me, and I spend most of my time at the studio anyways." You explained, laughing as he took a huge bite of pasta.
With his mouth full, he mumbled something, but you were unable to understand him. Raising an eyebrow, you waited for him to repeat, shocked with what came out of his mouth. "Well, I've got a huge house. You could always just move in with me. Then you wouldn't be alone, and I wouldn't have to survive on take out. Because if this is any indication, you do a great job cooking!"
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