Meeting On Set
It had only taken three weeks. That was all it had taken for your heart to be taken by the tall, older yet decidedly goofy man that you happened to be working with. When your agent had called with the great news that you would be working on Supernatural, you had immediately become nervous, knowing you were not only taking on a new job, but also a new lifestyle. If the Supernatural fans liked you, and your character, you would have a family forever.
Things had started out great. The crew and cast had welcomed you with open arms. Your character had a recurring role, at least four or five episodes, hopefully more. An Angel that was friends with Castiel, helping out on a hard hunt. The main actors had been distant but kind, giving you the chance to get used to a friendly and welcoming set, so much different than the ones you had been on before. You had heard of Jared and Jensen before, how they were professional but goofy, and they certainly lived up to it. Often times you found yourself standing off to the side, laughing at their antics as they tried to make Misha or Mark mess up their lines.
It was about a week in when Jared caught up to you as you were walking back to your small, little trailer, surprising you. "Hey, Y/N!" He said breathlessly as he matched his long legged strides to your much smaller ones.
"Hi Jared." You said shyly, tucking a stray hair behind your ear. Truth be known you had started to find yourself falling for the tall man even though he hardly even glanced your way. But as you stayed in the background you had slowly seen the kind of man he was, the kind of man you wished you could find for yourself. You weren't even sure if he was ready for a relationship, seeing as how his divorce wasn't even a year old, and he had two small boys that they were still struggling with custody. The rumor was that it had ended amicably, but that could have just been for show. So, you stayed silent in the corner, watching and wishing, unable to be brave enough to make a move.
"Can I talk to you for a moment?" He asked, grasping your elbow gently and pulling you to the nearly empty food tent. Sitting down on one side, you waited for him to speak. During that time you took the opportunity to look over his features. He truly was a handsome man, with his hazel eyes, the dimples that always seemed to show up because he was smiling and laughing so much. The mahogany hair he often kept hidden underneath those silly beanies of his. What drew you to him more than anything was the kindness shining underneath that good looking exterior. It was easy to see he had a kind heart, a big heart that he probably gave out more than was healthy for him. And that's what drew you to him more than anything.
"Y/N?" He asked, and you blushed, realizing he had started talking but you had been too distracted by his good looks.
"Sorry, lost in thought." You apologized, ducking your head to hide your red face.
"It's alright." He appeased you. "I was just apologizing for not doing this sooner."
"Doing what?" You asked, tucking your annoying hair back as it kept falling in front of your face.
You watched as he chewed on his bottom lip before speaking. "Talking to you, getting to know you. You've been so quiet, staying off to the side I wanted to make sure we weren't scaring you off."
"No, I'm sorry you would think that. I've just enjoyed watching you guys. How you work, how you can have fun and then go right back to being professional. Teasing and torturing your fellow actors. I'm just glad you haven't picked on me yet."
A huge smile broke out on his face, making him seem like the boy next door, even though he was at least ten years older than you. You, you were a couple of years out of high school, new to acting and living an adult life. But right now, the age difference didn't seem so daunting. "We were afraid to, afraid you would pack up and leave us. And you're such a good actress we didn't want that to happen!"
"I was afraid you didn't like me, and that's why you left me alone." You admitted, finding it easy to open up to this man.
"You have to let me make this up to you." He pleaded. "Let me take you out to dinner."
That was not what you had been expecting. While in a way it was what you wanted, you had been sure he wouldn't feel the same. "Are you sure?" You blurted out, no filter on your mouth.
He nodded, his hair falling over his forehead, into his face, and he hurriedly brushed it back. "I am sure. I've actually been wanting to ask you for a while, but I wasn't sure you would be okay with it."
Silently, you held back the little squeal you wanted to let out, elated that Jared was asking you out for dinner. It was so much more than you had expected, and you were beyond excited. "I am more than okay with it."
Soon after he had to go back to set, while you made your way to your small trailer, changing out of your characters clothing and slipping into your own simple outfit of fitted jeans and a sweatshirt. Something comfortable, even though you would be heading back to your apartment quickly to get changed for the upcoming date.
The drive was short, and you had plenty of time to shower and change before he was scheduled to pick you up. Rushing through your shower, you stood with your hair in a towel as you glanced through your closet, finally settling on a simple, deep plum swing dress. Pairing it with a pair of black flats, you blow dried your hair, adding some light make up just as your door bell rang.
"Hi." You answered breathlessly, grabbing your purse and a light coat from beside the door.
"Wow, you look amazing." He answered, taking in your outfit. Holding his arm out, you took hold, letting him walk you to his car.
During the short trip to the restaurant the two of you stayed quiet, Jared concentrating on the light traffic while you silently studied him. He had changed, probably in his work trailer, into a pair of black jeans, along with a nice button down. His hair was brushed back, once more in his style, a little bit more carefree than Sam's look. Pulling up in front of a nice steak restaurant, he let the Valet take the car while he placed his hand gently on your waist.
His name was already on the waiting list, and you were quickly ushered in to the to a booth towards the back. Sitting down you watched as Jared went straight for the wine list, and you could have almost sworn his hands were shaking slightly. He kept his attention on the wine list, while you picked up the menu. Studying him more than the menu, you watched as he chewed on his lip.
"What type of wine do you prefer?" He asked you, and you had to hide a smile.
"Jared, look at me." You ordered, and he did so. "Do you know how old I am?"
He shook his head slightly, his hair moving with the movement. "I'm twenty. And while I might be old enough to drink up here, in America it's frowned on. So I'm not the best judge of wine."
You watched as his mouth opened up in shock, opening and closing multiple times before he finally spoke. "Twenty? I knew you were younger than me, but I never that's quite a difference in age."
Before you could answer, let him know that you had no problem with dating an older man, the waitress came to take your order. After letting Jared pick the wine, you ordered a steak. As soon as she was gone, you turned back to Jared. "It doesn't bother me, I hope you know that."
"It's just, here I am, finally throwing myself back in the dating game after my divorce, and the first girl that I've really felt something for is over ten years younger than me!" He babbled, and you could tell he was really shocked.
Reaching over, you grasped his hand in yours. "Please, don't freak out over this. Let's just enjoy dinner, okay? It's nice actually getting to know some of my costars."
He nodded, taking a drink of the wine that had just been placed on the table. "Okay. We can do that."
"So, I've heard that you have a couple of kids." You started, trying to turn the attention away from your age, and something he might be more comfortable to talk about. And you were right. Right away his face lit up, the mention of his kids bringing the somewhat awkward conversation into something much more relaxed.
"Yeah, I have two boys. Tom and Shep. Don't get to see them too much, but I love them dearly." He beamed with pride as he opened up his phone and showed you a picture.
"They're adorable!" You answered. "Why don't you get to see them that much?" You hadn't heard much about his divorce, and you were wondering if there was a custody battle going on.
"It's not Gen's fault. We ended things nicely, hell we're probably even closer now that we're just friends. But she's still in Texas, and I'm up here. Their lives are in Texas, and I can't pull them away from that even though I want to spend time with them."
It was easy to see how hurt he was over not seeing his kids, how big of a heart he truly had. "I bet your kids know how much you love them." You consoled him.
He smiled up at you, and you could sense at that moment, something about your date had changed. It was no longer the awkward, freaking out about your age type of date. Instead, you could see that your age was no longer starting to bother him as much, but you could see how much he desired you.
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