Late Night Talks
You had never imagined you would be sitting here, with your boyfriend on one side, his ex-wife sitting across from, laughing at something she said. Your small group had gone out for dinner, and you had been extremely nervous, not exactly knowing what to expect. Sure, you had spent time with Gen before, but it had never been like this, with Jared by your side. Tom sat next to you, talking animatedly away about anything and everything that caught his fancy.
Jared was doing an amazing job of making sure everyone felt included in the conversations and dinner. You knew it couldn't be easy for him, sitting between his new girlfriend and his ex-wife, but he was handling it great, and you knew it was partially because they had ended their relationship by being friends.
"So, Y/N," Gen started, turning your attention from the TV show Tom was talking about to her. With her wine glass in her hand, she waved it around, showing she was slightly tipsy. "Is there any chance you and Jared are going to be adding to our little herd anytime soon?"
Taking a minute to understand what she was meaning, you blushed deeply. You hadn't even been thinking that far into your relationship yet. After all, you were still young, and hadn't planned on having kids for a couple of years at least. "Well, I...uh...Jared and I..." You stuttered, and finally Jared took pity on you.
"Y/N and I aren't ready for that in our relationship just yet." He answered her, squeezing your hand.
"But I want another baby brother or sister!" Tom exclaimed, pouting. "Please!"
"You'll just have to wait." Jared told his son who started pouting. You could tell he was tired, and ready for bedtime.
"I don't know about you guys, but I'm tired." You said, pretending to yawn. In truth, you weren't that tired, you just wanted to miss the tantrum that could happen if he didn't head to bed soon. "How about we call it a night?"
Gen gave you a relieved smile, before taking a sleepy Shep from his chair. As Jared reached down to take Tom, he shook his head. "Want Y/N." He muttered, and Jared raised an eyebrow at you, asking if it would be okay.
Reaching down, you picked up Tom, not minding the heavy weight in your arms. Following Jared out of the restaurant, you all started walking the short distance to the hotel. Somewhere along the sidewalk, Tom fell asleep in your arms, and Jared reached over, taking him before your arms grew tired. "He really likes you." Gen whispered, a sleeping Shep laying over her shoulder.
"Jared? I would hope so. We've gone through enough." You answered, and she shook her head, chuckling softly.
"No, I mean Tom. He hasn't really opened up to too many people, but he loves you. It makes me happy to see that." She answered. "But yeah, I can see that Jared really likes you to. He probably doesn't realize it yet, but he's in love with you. I can tell."
"Well, don't tell him, but I'm pretty sure I'm in love with him too." You whispered quietly enough that Jared couldn't hear.
"Good. He needs you in his life." She answered, before walking into the door Jared held open for you.
"Y/N, I'm going to follow Gen up to her room, help settle these two knuckleheads into bed." Jared explained. Sure, you could have been nervous, having Jared alone with his ex-wife, but you trusted him. And you strangely enough trusted Gen.
"Give them a kiss for me." You told him, before taking the elevator up to your room. Quickly stealing one of Jared's extra t-shirts, you changed into it, lounging on your back. With a sigh, you began scrolling through social media, hoping you wouldn't hate what you ended up seeing. Scrolling through, you saw some pictures taken by talented fans. A couple you reblogged, commenting on how good they were. There was one, of you and Jared before you had left the stage. You were talking animatedly about something, and Jared was sitting there, a loving smile on his face as he watched you. Thanking the person for the wonderful picture, you downloaded it, making it your main screen on your phone.
There was quite a bit of conversation about your panel, and having Gen show up. There were the fans that applauded Gen for taking your side, and other fans who said that it shouldn't have been needed in the first place. There were a couple who apologized for acting the way they had. But then there were still those, who couldn't find anything nice to say. Knowing you should just ignore and move past them, you couldn't help but read a couple.
"Y/N is just an oblivious idiot. Gen and Jared are still meant to be together, and she's just a pit stop along the way." One read. Moving past it, you read another. "I hate Y/N! She's so freaking clueless! I hope they kill off her character so we never have to deal with her again!" That one hurt, but you pushed past it, almost ready to close your phone when you saw one more. "I don't care what anyone says. Y/N is just using Jared. I'm going to kill her"!
This person wasn't talking about your character, they actually wanted you dead. It hurt, more than you had imagined, knowing someone you had never met wanted you dead. And just because they couldn't stand you being with him. Quickly blocking that person, you shut your phone off, turning on the TV.
You weren't going to let the comments bother you, you decided. Even if they hurt, and you wished you could tell the person off for being so rude, you knew it was just a hurtful fan. And if you gave in, that would make them win, and that wasn't okay.
Hearing the door unlock, you smiled up at Jared, who came and sat down next to you. "How's the kids?" You asked him, feeling his large hand lay gently on your lower back where the shirt had ridden up slightly.
"Asleep. They were exhausted." He answered, before standing up to remove his jeans. "And did you steal my shirt?"
Nodding, you sat up, tucking your legs underneath you. "You look better in it anyways."
As soon as he was down to just his boxers, he slid under the covers, pulling you next to him. "Jar, I was reading some comments." You stated to say, watching as he frowned.
"Are you sure that was such a good idea? You know how they've been." He answered, his hand rubbing up and down your back.
"I know. But there were some amazing photos. And some of the fans have gotten better. But why would they want me dead? As in actually saying they were going to kill me?" You asked, feeling him tense up beside you.
"Someone actually said that?" He asked, his tone serious.
"Yeah. I just don't get it. Why do they have to be so mean?" You asked him, but he was already reaching over for his phone.
"I don't know. But we're going to get Cliff in on this. Make sure it's just someone being stupid and not an actual threat." He explained, typing away. Never had it occurred to you that someone might actually follow through with their internet threats, the thought bringing shivers up and down your body.
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