End of the Convention
To say you were relieved that photos went well would be an understatement. Each fan, or group of fans were nice and courteous, even when asking for awkward, and sometimes the weirdest poses you had ever heard of.
Soon, you were once again in the green room, Jared and Jensen at your side as you took a little break before the two men went onto the stage for their panel. Relaxing against Jared's chest, you watched as Jensen strummed his guitar. "You're really good at that." You told Jensen, feeling Jared stiffen a little behind you. "What? He is."
"I know he is. But I just realized you've never heard him play before." Jared explained before moving up and over to the snack tables, leaving you behind with Jensen.
"What was that?" You asked Jensen, hoping Jared's best friend would have a clue.
Sighing, Jensen put the guitar down. "I shouldn't tell you this. But Jared's been studying the guitar, and I think he wanted to surprise you with it. He doesn't feel like he's ever been good enough at singing to join the saturday concert, but he wants to impress you with it."
"Doesn't he realize I'm already impressed with everything he does? He doesn't need to sing or play an instrument to make me love him anymore." You insisted, but Jensen just shrugged.
As he stood up, he glanced over at Jared once more before turning back to you. "You know that, I know that. But Jared's already lost one woman he loved, he's going to try to work hard to make sure he doesn't lose you too."
With that, he headed towards the stage entrance, just as the crowd started cheering. Standing up, you went to Jared who was about ready to head up with Jensen. Grabbing the collar of his shirt, you pulled him down to your height. "Go get em tiger." You told him, before pressing your lips firmly to his. "Get this show on the road so we can have some fun tonight."
"Sounds good to me." He answered, just as his name was called and he was pulled on stage by Jensen. As the crowd screamed with excitement, you decided to make your way around to the side of the ballroom, where you could watch without being seen.
Standing there, you couldn't help but smile as both Jared and Jensen did a huge jump. Taking their seats, they started taking questions. At first they were mainly about the series, along with multiple questions about pranks on set. Wondering if you were going to be the only one getting razzed about your relationship, you were surprised when a girl timidly stepped up to the microphone. "Jared, I was just wondering if you would talk about your relationship with Y/N. I know there's been a lot of discussion and hate towards the two of you because of it. But I am all for it."
"Thank you for bringing that up. I was planning on talking about it." Jared said, his mood serious. "I know that some of you aren't happy that I'm together with Y/N. That she's too young, or I'm too old. That I should still be with Gen. But I just want to set the record straight, once and for all."
Waiting to see how he would handle it, you didn't miss the hushed whispers in the audience. "First of all, Gen and I are done. We are friends, that is it. We remain on good terms, which helps in the raising of our sons. Sure Y/N is a lot younger than I am, but to me age is just a number. I don't care that she's younger, and she doesn't seem to mind that I'm older."
"Yeah, Y/N doesn't care that you're getting gray hair and creaking joints." Jensen piped in, earning a chuckle from the audience.
"So what I'm trying to say is this. If we don't mind, why can't you be happy for us? We care for each other, deeply, and I know that no matter how much you try to break us up, it won't work." He ended, and about half of the audience clapped while the others muttered among themselves.
Deciding to leave then, you went back to the green room, sitting down next to Mark Sheppard, who you were still nervous around. Sure, the two of you worked together, but he was gruff, and hard to read. "Hey Y/N, I heard the fans were giving you some fits earlier." He started talking, surprising you.
"It's been tough, you could say that." You answered, taking a sip of water.
"I think it's been more than tough. And I know how you feel. When I first started seeing my wife, we had somewhat of the same problem. She was a little younger, a fan. People thought she was just out to get an actor on the show, not caring which one. But we proved them wrong. It took some time, but soon they saw that we were really happy together. You need to stay strong, and soon they will see."
Sitting back in shock, you couldn't believe that Mark was not only helping you out, but he had talked to you more than you had ever heard before. "Thank you." Was all you could manage to say.
Just then Jared and Jensen came back from the stage, looking happy with themselves. Jared came over to you, pulling you up and into his arms. "Did you hear? I tried to set things straight between the fans and our relationship."
"I heard. You did a great job." You told him before pressing your lips to his.
"Eww, get a room!" Rich exclaimed as he passed by.
"Hey, before you do that a bunch of us are going out for food and drinks. You going to join us?" Rob asked as he came back from the stage, breathing hard.
"I'm in." Jensen said, glancing at the two of you.
"Sure, if you want." You answered, and Jared nodded.
Soon, you were at a large table at a restaurant a couple blocks away from the motel. Surrounded by the rest of the cast that was still at the convention, you were currently going up against Brianna with shots. So far, you were only feeling a slight buzz, but you knew soon enough you would be completely hammered if you kept this up.
"Y/N, you really need to come to more conventions." She slurred, the alcohol kicking into her system faster than yours. "It's nice having another woman to hang out with. Especially one that can hold her liquor."
"Well, don't you live in Vancouver?" You asked her as your next shots arrived. Nodding, she handed you a shot, connecting hers with yours before downing it in one shot. "So we need to get together for lunch or drinks or something up there."
"It's a plan." She said before hiccuping. As you down your shot, Jared came over, wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
"Maybe you should lay off the alcohol." He whispered into your ear. "Don't want you to drunk that you pass out when we get back to the motel room."
Knowing exactly what he was talking about, you looked at your last shot, making a quick decision. "Sorry Brianna, I'm done with alcohol for the night. I want to be conscious to enjoy myself tonight."
"You go for it girl." Brianna high fived you, before wobbling her way down to the other end of the table, leaving you with Jared.
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