Being back in Vancouver, back at Jared's house, was even better than you had expected. It felt like home, and as soon as your bags were in your room, you were back down stairs, sprawled onto the couch with Jared, a movie playing in the background. He was busy strolling through his phone, his other hand laying sprawled over your shoulder as you laid against him.
"Your kids and Gen make it home okay?" You asked him, and he nodded.
"Yeah, about an hour before us." He answered, his mind seeming far away.
"That's good. I hope they come up for a visit soon. I love your kids." You stated, but he just mumbled some response.
"Everything okay Jared?" You asked him, and he finally looked at you, a slight frown on his face.
"Yeah, sure. Why wouldn't it be?" He asked you, and you turned to face him.
"Because you're a million miles away. There's also this." You answered, running your hand along the frown.
"Just tired I guess." He answered, but you weren't sure that was it. A little hurt that he wouldn't open up to you, you stood up.
"Me too. Think I'm going to call it a night." You told him, waiting a minute for him to come with you, but he didn't move.
"See you in the morning?" You asked, wondering what had him acting like this. You had hoped he would come up with you, or at least ask you to sleep in his room with him. But nothing, and the thought had you worried.
"Of course." He answered, finally standing up and giving you a peck on the cheek. "Sleep well."
Watching as he made his way to the kitchen, you went up to your room, no longer feeling happy and carefree as you did earlier. Changing into pajama's, you slid into bed, wondering if you had said, or done something that might have upset him. Sure, you knew he had boughts of depression, but you weren't sure if this was it.
Telling yourself you would keep an eye on him, you fell asleep, wishing you had his arms wrapped around you.
Waking up the next morning, you were saddened to realize that he had never come into your room last night. Wishing that you had forced the issue of sharing a room, you stood up, wrapping a robe around you before making your way down to the kitchen.
Coffee had already been brewed, but Jared was nowhere in sight. A note sat on the counter, and as soon as you poured yourself a cup of coffee, you reached for it. "Left for the studio early today. Needed to talk to the producer."
It wasn't the worst of omens, but you were still feeling a little left out and unsure, especially after he had done so much over the weekend making sure your relationship was more rock solid than before. With a sigh, you reached for your phone, dialing Gen's number. She still knew him probably better than anyone, save Jensen, and maybe she could help.
"Hey Y/N!" She exclaimed, and you could hear the boys giggling in the background. "What's up?"
"Is this a bad time?" You asked her, and you could hear her say something to the boys before she came back online.
"Of course not. We're just eating breakfast. Is everything okay? You seem kind of down." She asked, and you were amazed at how well she could read you, even though you hadn't known each other very long.
"I didn't know who else to ask." You started. "But when we had dinner, things seemed like they were going well, didn't they?"
"Of course. Especially after Jared and I laid down the law. Why are you asking?"
"I don't know. He was fine on the plane ride home. But as soon as our luggage was put away, he pulled away. Seeming distant, and he kept frowning. This morning he left with just a note. It just doesn't feel right." You explained, nervously picking at the toast you had just made.
"That doesn't seem right." She agreed quietly. "And he didn't say anything? At all?"
"No. I asked, but he just waved it off. Do you think it's his depression? Was this weekend too hard on him?" You worried out loud.
"I don't know." She admitted. "It could be. Just keep an eye on him, and text me anytime."
"Thanks Gen. I'm sorry to bug you. I just didn't know who else to talk to." You thanked her, before hanging up. Sighing, you tossed what was left of your toast in the trash, not even close to being hungry. Knowing you were needed at the studio in an hour, you went back upstairs, planning on getting ready and seeing if Jared was still being detached towards you.
Waving at the guard as you passed through the gate, you parked in your normal spot, right next to your trailer. Sure, your trailer was nowhere near as big as Jared or Jensen's, but you had made it your own. Glancing between it and Jared's, you made your way to Jared's, knocking on it. Almost immediately, the door opened, and Jared stood there, staring down at you.
Searching his face nervously, you were disappointed to see his face carefully schooled into a mask that hid any of his emotions. With no idea how he was feeling, or what he was thinking, you smiled up at him. "You left early this morning." You started awkwardly, wondering if he was even going to let you into his trailer.
"I left you a note." Was his answer, as he stepped back, waving you into his personal space.
"I saw it. But is everything okay?" You asked him, wrapping your arms around yourself when he didn't make a move to kiss you, or hug you.
"Y/N." He sighed, and your heart froze at the tone behind his words. It was like your worst nightmare coming true, and you had no idea why anything was happening. "I think we need to talk."
. Sr
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