"What did you say?" You asked him, cocking your head to one side, sure you didn't hear him correctly. There was no way he had just asked you to move in with him. After all, the two of you hadn't been together very long, even long enough to officially call this a relationship. On top of that there was his kids, his ex wife, and the fandom who didn't seem to like the fact that the two of you were together.
"I asked you to move in with me." He repeated like it was the easiest concept in the world. He was staring at you, a lock of his hair covering his eye. If you did know better, you would have thought he was at easy, like this was a normal every day conversation. But you could see the subtle differences. The way his eyes had narrowed, or the way he kept chewing on his lip. His long, lean leg was bouncing next to you, even more energy than he usually had.
"Jared, that's nice of you to offer, but..." You started arguing, even though you weren't sure why. It actually made sense, and you knew you were easily falling for him.
Grabbing your hands, he turned on your small couch to face you, his large body dwarfing your small piece of furniture. "Don't say no yet. Just please think about it. It will be perfect. We can ride in to work together, leave together. It will give us chance to see each other more, since our job doesn't leave much time for dates or what not. You don't even have to move in to my room, you can have your own room and everything."
With your head and your heart fighting, you weren't sure what to do. A part of you really wanted to get out of this tiny hole in the wall, move in with him and see where things went. But the more logical part of you wanted to take things slow, especially since things had started off so rocky.
Standing up suddenly, you took both of your empty plates into the kitchen, nervously nibbling on your lip as you thought hard. Rinsing off the plates, you felt Jared come up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you tight to his sold body. "Please. I want you with me."
"Okay." You answered, surprising yourself. "But it has to still be kind of slow. I want my own room, at least at first. I like my own space, and moving in with you is a big step. I've never lived with anyone besides my parents, so this will be new to me. Can we keep it quiet too? With maybe only Jensen and Cliff knowing? I know Jim said he liked the publicity, but I don't want those type of negative, hurtful things being thrown my way."
As soon as you said okay, Jared had you picked up in his arms, swinging your through the small kitchen, and you were afraid he was going to hit the counter or something. "You won't regret this, I promise. When can you move in? Tonight?" He asked, as excited as a little puppy.
"Tonight?" You repeated. "But Jared, my place is a mess!"
He looked around, shrugging his shoulders. "You don't have to take everything. Just what you need for a couple days, then we can pack this weekend, get you fully moved in."
Knowing he wouldn't take no for an answer, you nodded. Leaning down, he pecked your lips before gesturing to the main part of your apartment. "You go back, I'll clean up the kitchen."
"I bought dessert." You argued, but he was already pushing you out of the room.
"We can have it at my place. And pack a swimsuit, I've got a hot tub." He ordered, before turning the sink on, getting ready to do dishes. Shaking your head at how quickly things had turned around, you went into your bedroom, glancing around, trying to figure out exactly what you should pack. Reaching into your closet to pull out your suitcase, you noticed your hands were shaking. You were nervous, and excited, and it was a little too much.
Taking a deep breath, you began shoving clothes into the suitcase, not paying much attention, just wanting to get it over with and head over to his place. Heading into the bathroom, you gathered items in there, your arms full as you went back into your room. Shoving everything into the suitcase, you pulled it into the living room.
Jared was almost done with the dishes, giving you a couple more minutes to grab other items that you might need. As you turned around once again, double checking for what seemed like the fifth time, Jared came into the room, wiping his hands on his pants. "All ready?"
Nodding, you grabbed your coat, before heading into the kitchen, pulling the cheesecake out of the fridge. Heading back into the main room, you saw Jared standing there, his keys in his hand, your suitcase in his hand. Reaching for it, he pulled it out of your reach. "Nope, I've got it."
The ride was quiet, both of you listening to the softly playing radio. Your thoughts were churning a mile a second. Wondering if you were doing the right thing, knowing this was probably too big a move, too fast. Hoping that the cast wouldn't think too poorly of you for moving in with him.
It wasn't much later that Jared was pulling into his garage, grabbing your suitcase before you were even out of your seat. Holding the door open for you, Jared went straight into his kitchen, pulling out a bottle of whiskey. Setting the cheesecake down, you took the offered drink, sipping at the smooth liquid. "Thought you might need this. It was such a quiet ride, I was worried you might be getting cold feet."
"No, I'm not. I don't think so." You babbled. "I just hope this isn't the wrong step."
Reaching over, he wrapped his hand around your hip, pulling you tight to him. Reaching up, he brushed your hair back from your face. "I know for a fact this isn't. After Gen, I wasn't sure if I would ever feel like getting into a relationship again. But then I met you, and the age difference be damned. I can't help these feelings for you, and I don't want to. I want you here, with me. Even if it starts with you in a different bedroom, I need you here. It will all work out."
Standing on your tiptoes, you pressed your lips softly to his before cupping his cheek. "You are such an amazing person. How did I ever get so lucky?"
"You and me both babe" He answered, before grabbing your hand and leading you up the stairs. Letting yourself be led, you waited to see what he would do. Stopping in front of a door, he pushed it open, showing a beautiful, light yellow room with a four poster bed in the middle. "Does this work for you? It's next to my room in case you need me. But it's also your own personal space."
"It's great." You answered, stepping inside. A large window on the far wall overlooked his backyard, and it's own personal bathroom was off to the side. "Thank you for understanding. It's not that I don't want to share your bed. But I..."
"Shh, you don't have to explain." He said. "Now, let's head back down and enjoy that cheesecake of yours."
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